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As many of you are aware, this ministry has been preaching for some time now that the ONE WORLD CHURCH of the Roman Beast was going to figure out a way to get ALL churches to go along with her Satanic agenda. I have shared numerous facts proving the prophecy of the Lord is 100% certain in every respect. For those of you seeking a review of these particular facts, see these Newsletters in the Truth Provided Newsletter archives. You can access it in the "Current" section of the website menu.
For many years the elect have known of this satanic agenda. That's one of the main reasons the Devil hates the "Remnant of her seed" in Revelation 12:17 so much. We UNDERSTAND PROPHECY and we are not quite about it. That is also why this small gathering of faithful have become the target of Rome. The Vatican will use everything from propaganda that states the only true Church of Jesus Christ on Earth is a cult, to out and out death threats against those of us that do preach this truth. You can review some of the facts I refer to in these newsletters. (Some of the Newsletters have been escalated to actual web pages due to increased activity)
The Vatican in Rome has been solely responsible for allowing Satan to direct it's every move in the last day agenda we see unfolding right before our very eyes. Everywhere you turn you see evidence of Rome "suggesting" to the Christian world its definition of Christian doctrine. Even if it means to deny Biblical jurisprudence! They do this subliminally now! Whenever you see a disaster reported on the News media you see the cameraman making special care to zoom in on those people making the Roman sign of the cross of Baal upon their bodies. Priests appear on sitcom after sitcom as the norm for "Christian" suggestions in times of sadness as well as joy. TV ministers have Catholic priests on the platform as they preach. Pagan Catholic rituals are honored by almost every person alive in church as well as home, work and play. The media as well as every Catholic and non-Catholic alike use the term "Holy father" when speaking of the Pope regardless of the fact that it is a blasphemous title. Jesus Himself used that term FOR HIS HEAVENLY FATHER in John chapter 17. Christmas, Lent, Easter. Halloween as well as numerous other pagan high days are openly embraced WITHOUT SHAME mind you by almost every Christian alive as the norm in celebration. Rome has literally taken over! They have wooed the Christian churches with their "convenient" and Pagan ways the world over, and as is always the case, when it is gradually brought upon the church, it become acceptable simply because if sheer repartition, and at the same time those that are fighting against it simply give up because they feel the battle can never be won. Fact
is folks, this satanic agenda was manufactured for the end result
we have all been awaiting as true Christians. It is no longer considered
un-Christ like when a so called Protestant embraces the teachings
of the Vatican as true Christian doctrine. Everything from the so
called immortal soul doctrines to the lie about a secret rapture
and a seven year trib is accepted by all. Why is this? Slowly but
surely the Whore of Babylon has been chipping away at the hearts
of all Christendom. We have all been so used to doing things our
parents taught us, and their parents taught them, that many of us
just trust that it's safe Christian activities, practices,
or doctrines. However, it is still
possible to open a Bible and find the truth, and in so doing many
do leave the errors of Rome. Yet again, we see the Roman Beast has
been trying to cover that possibility as well. The Vatican has been
instrumental in re-writing the Word of God to such an extent that
we actually see history repeating itself in regards to the arrival
of Messiah. We see the believers of this world looking to the return
of Christ in the very same error filled manner the believers of
2000 years ago did. What am I talking about? Many
of you that receive my newsletters or listen to my broadcasts are
aware of my "Bogus
page. In it you will see two major Bible versions exposed as altered
by Roman Theologin's. There are many more than just "two"
versions altered of course. I just chose to expose the NIV
and NASB on that page simply because of their popularity. All the
people that read and trust these altered Bibles are allowing Satan
to do to them that he did to the Pharisee's 2000 years ago. Back
then, the Pharisee's misunderstood the prophecies of our Lord's
arrival as Messiah. They thought Messiah was to arrive and take
over the Roman Government and bring peace to the Jewish nation and
rule on Earth from Jerusalem. This is the main reason Herod had
all the babies killed that were born around the time Christ was
born. I
like the way Ellen White describes what went down that day. She
says, Soldiers
were at once sent to Bethlehem, with orders to put to death all
the children of two years and under. The quiet homes of the city
of David witnessed those scenes of horror that, six hundred years
before, had been opened to the prophet. "In Ramah was there
a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel
weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they
are not." This
calamity the Jews had brought upon themselves. If they had been
walking in faithfulness and humility before God, He would in a signal
manner have made the wrath of the king harmless to them. But they
had separated themselves from God by their sins, and had rejected
the Holy Spirit, which was their only shield. They had not studied
the Scriptures with a desire to conform to the will of God. They
had searched for prophecies which could be interpreted to exalt
themselves, and to show how God despised all other nations. It was
their proud boast that the Messiah was to come as a king, conquering
His enemies, and treading down the heathen in His wrath. Thus they
had excited the hatred of their rulers. Through their misrepresentation
of Christ's mission, Satan had purposed to compass the destruction
of the Saviour; but instead of this, it returned upon their own
heads. -Desire of Ages 65,66 Herod
believed that this one he called "King of the Jews" was
a threat to his rule. So, he used his powers to try and prevent
today's world you have a large amount of people claiming to be Christians
preaching that when Jesus arrives HE WILL REIGN ON EARTH 1000 YEARS
this easy to expose lie? Because they are holding a bogus bible
in their hands THINKING it is the Word of God. And at the same time
they are listening to their Roman taught preachers twisting the
Truth so as to tickle their ears. On my "1000
page I share the Biblical FACTS about where we will be before, during,
and after the 1000 years prophecy speaks of. But if you look at
that page with an NIV, NASB, or RSV Bible, you will find numerous
verses appear to be either missing or re-written. I use the KJV
Bible for a reason folks. Not only is it the only Bible that matches
up with the Dead Sea Scrolls, it is also the Bible Rome hates with
a passion. In fact I have a copy of the original preface of the
King James bible on my site in the Warnings section of the website.
It speaks of the Popes of Rome in a way that no doubt angers them.
Is it any wonder the new versions of the KJV Bible never carry that
preface? The
agenda of Satan is easily known my friends if you just look at his
past actions. Two thousand years ago he needed to get the government
in such a place that would allow him to attack Jesus Christ personally.
Even the Jews were used by Satan in a major way to get the government
involved. And now we see this happening today. It appears everyone
is believing now that when Jesus comes He will take over the governments
of this world and put an end to their evil rule, and then reign
on Earth 1000 years. And regardless of the fact that this is a false
prophetic utterance, the government doesn't like that idea at all!
You see, the government can't decipher prophecy either! The
error filled preachers and teachers are doing the exact same thing
the Pharisee's did. They are getting the men in power to look upon
this second coming of Christ as a major threat to them. And in their
rage filled fervor of activity, they are making plans to STOP any
and all preaching's, teachings, and conversations of same. Since
the devil has been so successful in getting ALL the religions into
a massive group hug by using the Pope of today, he can now use this
ecumenical movement to his advantage. In the first newsletter I
mentioned earlier entitle "United State Church of America,"
you will find that the Vatican has been VERY busy behind closed
doors making sure "certain laws" were being lobbied and
passed that would directly effect every single Christian the world
over. I
received an article quite a while back that will no doubt shock
many of you to the core! Hopefully this will also awaken many of
you out of a spiritual slumber. This article proves beyond a shadow
of a doubt that we are indeed on the very threshold of the enforcement
"The Trumpet Vol 9, Issue 6 Nov/Dec 2001" publication
it is stated, "The most prominent and successful certified
public accountant firm in the nation today, that specializes in
keeping churches out of trouble with the Internal Revenue Service,
is now boldly saying to the pastors of America that they not only
have to be "ordained by God, but
also the IRS." That's
right, the UNITED STATES CHURCH OF AMERICA seems to have officially
opened for business! In this article by Dr Greg J. Dixon it is reported
that in order to be able to keep your 501C3 tax free status as a
church. You not only have to AGREE that all other churches INCLUDING
NON-CHRISTIAN CHURCHES are equal to yours in every way. But you
must also agree to teach and embrace the SACRAMENTS OF THE ROMAN
CATHOLIC VATICAN as Christian requirements in order to receive tax
free status. Before
getting to the article, let me say this. In it you will see just
how the Roman Catholic Church has not only infiltrated, but has
taken complete control of the IRS. This has been done for the
sole purpose of stopping the mouths of those churches that will
not go along with the Vatican in Rome. The government of the USA
is showing the birth pangs of Herodian theology here. They are running
scared "thinking" those twisted sermons and misunderstood
prophecies of all those bogus Bible preachers are true. They think
Jesus is coming to "reign on Earth" and take away their
ability to bilk billions out of your pockets on a weekly basis.
So, they are making plans just like Herod in his day to ensure their
reign goes undisturbed. And we owe it all to those preachers, pastors,
priests, ministers, and lay people grasping the bogus Bibles of
the Roman Catholic printing presses. Our own religious leaders
have given Satan a major opportunity to seal the fates of billions
by their UNinspired sermons. I honestly believe this is one major
method the beast in Rome will use to enforce its mark in the very
near future. Many churches will no doubt fall for this ploy of Rome
and go along with the Roman IRS and sign away their religious freedoms
so as to "stay in the business" of making money. That's
what happens when preachers look at their ministerial duties as
a CAREER, instead of a CALLING! However, there ARE those that will
not go along. The article is a detailed description of one small
church that did just that. As
for those that do go along with the Vatican sanctioned IRS requirements.
Are you wondering how these so called Christian preachers see no
wrong in yoking with unbelievers? Well it has to do with some major
religious leaders that have been recorded declaring JESUS IS NO
LONGER NECESSARY to gain Heaven. I did a radio broadcast about that
back on February
29, 2004.
For the documented facts, read the next three newsletters I wrote
some time back...
you can just go to my "Rome says Jesus not needed" page
in the RCC Exposed section of the website. I cover all of it there.
the way, please pray
for those church leaders that have started churches and have gone
the unbiblical route of incorporating their churches as a business
to receive the "TAX FREE" status of the 501C3. Those churches
will soon be attacked by the IRS and forced into signing away their
religious freedoms so as to go along with ROME. And those that don't,
will have their tax free status removed immediately, which by the
way will be retroactive as well. That means if they were a church
20 years with tax free status, then they owe those back taxes PLUS
PENALTIES AND INTEREST! That amounts to MILLIONS and that will effectively
shut them down as well as put the Pastors and board members in financial
disaster status immediately. And you don't have to be a huge church
for it to mushroom. We all know how the IRS compounds interest and
how they multiply their penalties in massive amounts. 20 years worth
of penalties. Interest, and back taxes, not to mention the special
excise taxes for getting "caught" as the IRS will put
it, even small churches will be hit with such a sum that will effectively
wipe them out. Please, I implore you to read the ENTIRE article! There are many twists and turns within it! You WILL be shocked! THE
TRUMPET vol. IX - Issue 6 NOV/DEC 2001 Internal
Revenue Service: PASTORS MUST BE ORDAINED BY THE IRS The most prominent and successful
certified public accountant firm in the nation today, that specializes
in keeping churches out of trouble with the Internal Revenue
Service, is now boldly saying to the pastors of America that
they not only have to be "ordained
by God, but also the IRS." Sounds
like a nice guy eh? Please understand the Government must have a
bold and intimidating character at the forefront of a department
such as this. So expect this kind of boisterous talk. Like the huge
Roman columns in Washington, this is done to intimidate. Nothing
more, nothing less. Besides giving the pastor his
job description, which is based on the Roman Catholic model
of worship and polity, the IRS is demanding many other things
that are clearly designed to make the IRS Commissioner the new
head of the churches in America. Some of these demands are as
The job description for pastors
is a list of nine specific sacerdotal
duties which again is a Roman
Catholic definition meaning sacred. Understand,
the IRS is the one using these Roman Catholic terms in their definitions
of job description duties of pastors. This word, "sacerdotal"
alone should cause a red flag to spring up in true Christian preachers
the world over. But seeing how Rome has been busy infiltrating their
churches, as well as educational institutions that graduate thousands
of student ministers annually, they simply don't see the tell tale
signs of the Roman church. The Catholic church teaches that
these sacraments, when administered by a priest, are essential
to ones salvation. This is totally opposite to the Bible definition
which states that baptism and communion are memorials of the
death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and
that they follow salvation. The nine duties (that
the IRS imposes) are: 1. Baptisms 2.
Weddings 3.
the Eucharist (the Catholic sacrament of communion) 4.
Teaching 5.
counseling 6.
Christenings 7.
dedications 8.
of church affairs 9.
conducting of worship services. Before
moving on. Again the IRS is using Latin, or Roman Catholic terminology
here. The word "Eucharist" is native to Roman Catholic
Baal worship. It's the title that preaches a solar disk shaped piece
of bread is truly the body and blood of Jesus Christ. That theology
started first in Babylon when they would make small wafers shaped
like the Sun to be eaten as food and considered truly to be Baal
incarnate. Even the etching of the Sun on one side, and the initials
IHS (for Isis, Horus, and Seb) on the Pagan wafer are also seen
on the Roman Catholic wafer! The
article continues. If the pastor does a substantial
number of these things, he will receive very lucrative tax breaks.
This is in clear violation of the scriptures concerning the
doctrine of the Nicolaitanes which the Lord Jesus said that
He hates (Rev. 2:6, 2:15). It is the setting up of a privileged
class of clergy with benefits from the state that lay members
do not receive. Others who minister to the church in the area
of music, youth, children, education and other areas of responsibility
don't qualify. This is consistent with what
officials of the IRS told Attorney David Gibbs of the Christian
Law Association (CLA) in 1984 when they said that their definition
of church is "once per week adult worship." They said
that they did not consider such ministries as Sunday school,
Christian school, busses, youth camp, vacation Bible school,
nursing home, etc., to fall within their definition of the word
"church". This Gibbs/IRS meeting took place in Washington,
DC at the time that the so called champion of Christian liberty
was hammering out a compromise with the Dole Committee (Sen.
Bob Dole-R-Kansas) in the US Senate to bring the churches into
compliance with the FICA tax (social security) laws. This was
the deal that would eventually cause the raid and seizure of
the Baptist Temple 17 years later. It's too bad that Gibbs didn't
sound the alarm at that time and call the Bible believing pastors
together for a summit meeting to map out a strategy that could
have possibly saved our churches and ministries. The unregistered
church pastors tried, but unfortunately our words fell on deaf
ears. The so called "big" preachers were too busy
receiving their tax deductible gifts and building their empires
to be concerned over the future of God's work. Now the enemies
of Christ have sprung the trap and it is too late. And I don't expect they will soon either. Just like they clammed up when Roe -vs- Wade was pushing their agenda. They clammed up when the Homosexuals in Canada decided to seek laws to have preachers jailed for using Bibles to help warn them. They clammed up when Rome was caught molesting thousands of their own children! They clammed up when laws were passed allowing thousands of pedophiles to be released into the community as regular citizens! And they're even clamming up now when Rome's homosexual agenda is being enacted in California! So don't expect the so called Religious leaders to do thing one people! Look at them on the TV and see how they love their Armani suits, their Gucci shoes, their Rolex watches, their Mercedes Benz, and their million dollar mansions. Do you actually think they will say STOP PERSECUTING THOSE CHRISTIANS to the IRS? If they do ALL their tax rewards will not only disappear, they will also have to deal with the back taxes and penalties to boot! Truth is folks! THEY ARE HIRELINGS! They don't love the flock! They run off at the first sign of danger! The benevolent requirements for churches are beyond atrocious. They are five in number:
The church cannot help with transportation
or auto repairs and a myriad of other things that churches have
historically done on a regular basis. The church cannot make
loans to the pastor, members, or others which churches have
always done. Obviously, they want to make sure that the money
lenders get their profits even from the poor. Can you imagine
the government of the US limiting a church as to its duties
in regarding charitable activity? There is no subject in the
Bible that is nearer to the heart of God than charity. According
to the apostle James, it is the test of pure religion (James
1:27). Paul the Apostle declares that charity is of higher value
even than preaching and sacrifice (I Cor. 13:1-3). For the churches
to debase such a high and noble service to Christ by submitting
its administration to the wicked IRS is beyond belief. How will
the preachers of America give an account of caving into this
coercion by an abusive Bush administration who is continuing
with the policies of those before him? How will church leaders
face the Lord Jesus at the Judgment Seat of Christ when He asks
them why they violated His clear commands concerning alms giving?
He said, "Take heed that ye do not your alms before men,
to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father
which is in heaven. Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do
not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the
synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men,
Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when thou
doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth
in secret himself shall reward thee openly." But now the
churches are required to get the permission of the IRS before
helping someone other than in the manner and purpose that they
approve. Then records will have to be kept for the IRS so that
the publicans can make sure that the church is in fact following
their guidelines. And, of course, they expect church leaders
to report this alms giving to the IRS so that they can even
gouge the poor for more tribute. And all of this so the churches
can keep their tax exemption and the people can get their precious
tax deductions for their tithes and gifts. As James Dobson's
organization said when challenged, "It's just good stewardship."
Thievery, good stewardship? How sad. It may be that the churches have
now gone too far. When they begin building their dynasties on
the backs of the poor our Lord, no doubt, will be swift in His
removal of their candlestick. He said to the church at Ephesus,
"Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent,
and do the first works: or else I will come unto thee quickly,
and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou
repent" (Rev. 2:5). Now
for the real strange stuff! What your about to learn now is very
graphic, so be ready for it. If this doesn't prove to you the Vatican
has 100% over this situation, nothing will! Only a willfully blind
person will miss these facts. All Churches Now Required to
Join IRS Super Church Again,
I implore you to check out my February
29, 2004 Radio broadcast
entitled, "Pope and others declare Jesus not needed!"
I share documented statements that Billy Graham, Robert Shuller,
Pope John Paul, and Cardinal Francis Arinze make concerning Jesus
and salvation. And by the way, Cardinal Arinze is slated as the
possible next Pope. He is the one spear heading the ecumenical charge
for Rome. In that tax exemption is government
subsidy, according to the Supreme Court in the Bob Jones University
case, it is now clear that the US government will not support
any religion that clings to the narrow minded belief that salvation
is in Jesus Christ alone. Remember? "Come Shekels, Come
Shackles." The world church isn't coming; it is already
here, and the preachers don't have a clue as they go merrily
along hand in hand with the Great Harlot to the wedding with
the anti-Christ. (Rev. 17). For
more evidence regarding the One World church that officially started
on June 26, 2000 and is headed up by none other then John Paul II,
see my July 04, 2000 Newsletter entitled, The
One World Church Officially Started.
will be shocked as to what's next! US Government Through the IRS
Outlaws Preaching on Second Coming of Christ It's like I said earlier. The government doesn't believe Jesus is coming back, but they do believe we believe it. And they also believe Christians are crazy enough to hasten His coming by attacking them. How insane is that? True Christians already know the prophecies WILL fulfill whether we try to get involved or not. The Lord is not a liar! With that said, were you aware that the Vatican itself doesn't believe in the second coming? Not to long ago they too put out articles in the Italian press telling the people not to worry that the end was not near!
Truth is.
So is it any wonder the Roman Catholic controlled IRS would have the same belief structure? Many have asked if we can actually
show them this in the law. Our answer is no, we can't because
you won't find a specific law that says that you can't preach
on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in America today. That's
because they don't have to write a law to gain the same effect.
All Congress has to do is to give an outlaw agency like the
IRS a carte blanche privilege of making up their own so-called
laws as they go along. The churches agreed to this when they
signed their tax-exempt contract. They said that they would
obey all laws, federal, state and local, presently and in the
future. But they apparently didn't read the fine print. The
new churches filing for tax exemption must agree to the following:
"The Corporation or organization shall have no power to
take any action that would be required for a tax exemption under
Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) and related regulations,
rulings, and procedures." It is now the "procedure"
of the IRS to refuse tax exempt status to those churches that
will not agree that all religions are equal and who refuse to
join through tax exemption, the world church. Also, preaching
on Christ's coming is taboo.