Christian POWER

Many Christians are unaware of an actual and legitimate power we have been given by our Heavenly Father that defeats Satan each and every time we use it! And I must say, we are all going to need this power to stand firm in the long-prophesied perilous times to come.

Back on the Sabbath of August 10th of this year (2024) I was moved to share something the Lord gave me the night before that I believed would bless the church family as we gathered for our weekly online worship. Well, just the other day I was moved once again to share what I was given; but this time to my subscribers to the blog. I pray all are blessed by this as I know I was when the Lord first revealed this to me.

However, I feel I must apologize in advance as I don’t have any notes on this. Reason being is, I never had time to write anything down. I know how most that subscribe to the blog prefer to read instead or listen to an audio, but I pray you take the time to hear what the Lord gave me when I was in prayer that Sabbath eve a few weeks ago.

If you have the book “Steps to Christ” please go to page 48 as this is where I found something many of us have been doing all along, but may have never realized the Lord gave us this power in unison with the Holy Spirit to actually wield against the enemy of all souls in a way that makes him FLEE!

The Presents of God ministry