picture for ZOOM
A controversial new
Scientology center that opened two weeks ago in one of
Berlin's upscale neighborhoods won't be
open on Sundays like Christian churches in the German capital – the government
considers the group a business rather than a church and, as such, it falls under
the country's rigid Sunday closing laws. Read the latest now on WND.com. http://wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=53974
A History Of Sunday
What Makes Sundays So Special? Charles Osgood Takes An In-Depth Look Feb.
1, 2009
(CBS) Whether you're planning your Sunday brunch, taking a Sunday drive, or watching Sunday Morning, chances are you have your own Sunday ritual. It's the first day of the week, and for many, it's their favorite day.
"I don't think Sunday will ever be like every other day of the
week. It's a special day. And it will remain a special day," says
author Stephen Miller.
For Miller, the best thing about Sunday is that it is a day of
rest. "That it's a day when you don't have to do things, when you can
just lie around, see people if you want, or not see people."
And seeing people is a Sunday activity that Americans enjoy.
According to a recent survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 40
percent of us socialize on Sundays, but twice as many - eight out of
ten - sit back and watch TV, an average of four hours. And then there's
church: one in four attends religious services. And about that same
number goes shopping.
But when Sunday Morning first went on the air in 1979, in many
parts of the country it was impossible to shop on Sundays: Stores were
required to be closed, says Stephen Miller, who's written a book on the
subject: "The Peculiar Life of Sundays" (Harvard University Press).
Americans once had a very narrow choice of permissible Sunday
activities: "There were so many arguments in the United States,
especially in the 19th century," Miller said. "Sunday legislation was
the second-most debated subject after slavery, because there were
different opinions about what you could or couldn't do on Sunday."
Those opinions began with the Puritans, who settled in New England
in the 1630s. They called it "Strict Sunday Observance." Sunday was a
day for church-going, and "Blue Laws" made almost everything else
"There were Connecticut blue laws in the 18th century, which said
that you could not kiss your baby. You could not tell a joke. There was
absolutely no frivolity on Sunday. And you could not play an
instrument," Miller says.
Church organs and hymns aside, music was taboo on Sundays. "There
was a French soldier stationed in Boston, and during the Revolutionary
War he started playing the flute. He was arrested. No flute-playing on
the Sabbath!" Miller laughed.
Some blue laws still exist today, mostly to regulate alcohol sales.
But Miller says Americans have come a long way from the age of "strict
"Gradually, in the 20th century, all the things that we associate
with Sunday now started. So, there's the Sunday drive, the Sunday
dinner, Sunday sports. And the Sunday paper," Miller says. "The Sunday
paper with the comics and the crosswords became a major American
"We continue to relax in front of the Sunday newspaper. One hundred
and fifteen million people in America still read a Sunday newspaper. In
fact, readership was up last year from the year before," says Janice
Kaplan, the editor of Parade Magazine.
For almost 70 years, it's been a Sunday institution, now appearing
in more than 450 Sunday newspapers across the country, with a parade of
covers to show for it. Parade, says Kaplan, would not be Parade on any
other day of the week.
"The Sunday paper is so invested with tradition. It's got all of
those different sections in it. Everybody in the family has a section
they want to read. And everybody pulls the one that means something to
them. And then maybe they pass it around the Sunday table," Kaplan
One favorite section is Sunday Sports - two words that for millions
of Americans have become synonymous with each other. Sports, like the
newspapers that cover them, are now a firmly-established Sunday
"It was no small thing for Super Bowl to become an adjective for
Sunday," says historian Craig Harline, who has written about how
professional football became a weekly ritual in America, in =http: www.randomhouse.com="" catalog="" display.pperl?isbn="978038551039">"Sunday: A History of the First Day from Babylonia to the Super Bowl" (Random House).
"Now you look at the Super Bowl, and it's this odd combination of
religion, strip tease show, and, you know, who knows what else. But
certainly it's bigger than football. It's about an American civil
Which makes sense, says Harline, because football would not have
been accepted on Sundays had it not first assumed a religious
significance starting in the late 19th century. "Most Americans
considered themselves Christians. And so they had to find a way to
reconcile that. And the way they did that was, you know, this is a
different day. Sunday is a special day. Most civilizations celebrate
their holiest days with sports. Why wouldn't that be true in America as
well?" Harline explains.
And so Sunday became a day for games and celebrations. But not for everyone.
There was nothing festive about the song "Gloomy Sunday," recorded
by Billie Holiday in 1941. Stephen Miller says it reflects a larger
theme in popular music: Sunday as a dark day:
"Gloomy is Sunday,
With shadows I spend it all.
My heart and I
Have decided to end it all.
Soon there'll be candles
And prayers that are said, I know,
But let them not weep,
Let them know that I'm glad to go.
Death is no dream
For in death I'm caressing you.
With the last breath of my soul
I'll be blessing you." "In fact, it was banned by the BBC during the war because it was too depressing," Miller says.
"You're talking about bein' alone on a Saturday night, that's sad,
you know?" says music journalist Fred Goodman. "Bein' alone on a Sunday
morning, that's tragic."
Goodman says some songs about Sunday sadness focus on failed expectations for our day off.
"One of the great examples is Kris Kristofferson's song, 'Sunday
Morning Coming Down.' It's about a guy who's down on his luck, you
know, and really has nothing. And he's talking about Sunday morning.
What do most people do on Sunday morning? You know, they're with their
family, they're going to church, whatever. This guy's, like, you know,
sleepin' off a drunk on the sidewalk. You know, he's got nothing."
Therapists have been listening to the real-life Sunday blues for
years. In fact, Sunday actually has a psychiatric disorder named after
"There's a famous diagnosis in the early 20th century, [when] the
discipline and practice of psychology emerged: Sunday neurosis,"
historian Harline explains. "The person who couldn't bear the coming of
Sunday, because it threw them out of their routine. Sunday is timeless
and it's open. There isn't that schedule that you have the rest of the
week. And some people can't bear that."
Not writer Judith Shulevitz. In her upcoming book "The Sabbath
World," she argues just the opposite: She wants to keep Sundays
timeless. In a world of 24/7 commerce, she's pushing for a return to
laws that would shut down businesses one day a week.
"If everybody has to stop working, then they have to, sort of, pay
attention to their family, to themselves, to their community," she
"So in this campaign, where do you even start?" Charles Osgood asks.
"I don't pretend to have the answer in terms of legislation. I just
start by trying to point out the benefits and to just say 'Let's
remember the Sabbath. Let's remember what it did for us in the past.
And let's think about what it could do for us in the future,'"
Shulevitz explains.
"It's fast becoming like other days, because of the
commercialization of Sunday," says Miller. "We're losing a day of rest.
We're sort of 'on' all the time now. What effect does this have on our
psyche? So I think we are losing something."
Which brings us back to the Puritans of the 1630s: their measures
may now seem extreme, but what if they were actually onto something?
© MMIX, CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Bishops Back Proposed E.U. Law on Sunday Rest
Belgium, Feb 16, 2009 (CNA).- The secretariat of the Commission of the
Bishops' Conferences of the European Community has welcomed a proposed
EU law that would safeguard Sunday as a day of rest from work. According
to L’Osservatore Romano, the secretariat issued a statement praising
the measure proposed by five EU parliamentarians to recognize the value
of “Sunday rest as part of the ‘cultural patrimony’ and ‘European
social model’.” “The current
economic and financial crisis has made it even more evident that not
every aspect of human life can be subject to the laws of the market,”
the bishops stressed. “In
fact, consumerism is not a model either for a sustainable economy or
for healthy human development.” Sunday work, they continued, “puts
those who work on Sunday into a socially disadvantageous position,
affecting everything from family life to their own personal health.” The
proposed measure, which would need 394 votes to pass in the EU
parliament, would call on member states and EU institutions to “protect
Sunday as the weekly day of rest” in order “to improve the protection
of workers’ health and the balancing of work and family life.” -17-February-2009
-- Catholic News Agency
Sunday Shopping? France Says Non
French President Nicolas Sarkozy at a grocery store
In policy terms, December, 2008 is not turning out to be a keeper for French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Less than 24 hours after his government was forced to delay much touted education reforms
in the face of protests by high school students, Sarkozy was forced to
make big concessions to plans to legalize Sunday trading in France. Far
from the sweeping liberalization Sarkozy had called for as part of his
plan to let French employees "work more to earn more", the compromise
bill will modestly augment the number of exceptional Sundays shops are
already permitted to open.
Parliament is scheduled to begin debating the bill today, more than
a week later than intended. The reform would have overturned a 1906 law
that sets aside Sunday for rest and allowed shops in France's largest
cities to open as they wished. But it faced fierce opposition from both
the left and right. Socialist legislators have already filed over 4,000
amendments to the draft law, while members of Sarkozy's own ruling
conservative majority have used a mix of religious and familial
concerns to oppose it. With the number of right-wing dissenters growing
ever larger, Sarkozy was forced to cave and save what he could of his
Sunday legislation. (Read Tony Blair's view of Sarkozy, a runner-up for TIME's Person of the Year.)
"We're no longer talking about a generalization of Sunday opening
hours," crowed Marc Le Fur, a member of Sarkozy's conservative Union
for a Popular Majority (UMP). "France and the French people remain fond
of Sunday as a rest day. This text will conserve Sundays as a day of
Opinion polls in France show that slightly more than half the
population want shops to have the freedom to open on Sundays. But a
powerful range of opponents combined against the idea. Leftist
politicians and unions, for example, denounced the plan as introducing
a seven-day work week. That, they say, would allow bosses to force
workers to work Sundays — despite measures in the original bill that
stipulated Sunday hours were both optional, and higher-paid.
Conservatives, meantime, brushed off Sarkozy's assurances that the
extra day of activity would boost France's economy, and focused on the
fact that Sunday trading would deprive families, associations, and
church groups the one day of free time people build their week around. (See pictures of Sarkozy and his wife in London.)
Realizing he would not win this battle, Sarkozy amended the proposal.
It now calls for doubling the number of exceptions to Sunday closing
rules per year from the current five to 10, not counting the period
prior to Christmas. Even then, however, city councils must approve
local extension of Sunday openings, a green light that may prove hard
to obtain after the nation-wide romp the Socialists enjoyed in
municipal elections last spring. "Don't bother voting this text,
because it won't be applied,"
warned Socialist Party leader and mayor of Lille Martine Aubry. "We'll be as ferocious in battling this project as we were the initial one."
Perhaps. But the government still appoints regional prefects, and they
wield veto power over how municipalities apply new laws. Sarkozy and
Sunday-minded shop owners could yet have the last laugh yet.
2 SDA Women seek to abolish Sabbath!
God's true calendar not a 7-day cycle? Some Christians challenging system,
say Sabbath 'floats' month to
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted:
August 22, 2008 10:35 pm Eastern By Joe Kovacs (c) 2008
Is it possible the entire world is just plain wrong
when it comes to the current method of counting of days, weeks and
At least two Christian women on the Pacific Coast think so, as
they claim God's original calendar set into motion at Creation is not
based on a continuous seven-day week.
Their belief is that the "true"
system of counting time is tied to what is called a "lunisolar" calendar,
based upon both the sun and phases of the moon. They contend every new moon
restarts the seven-day cycle, rather than having a continuous seven-day cycle
which currently runs the world.
Laura Lee Vornholt-Jones
could have gone my whole life and such a concept would have never occurred to
me," says Laura Lee Vornholt-Jones, a 39-year-old full-time mother in
Spokane, Wash., who has adjusted her traditional Seventh-Day Adventist
outlook of Saturday observance to this alternate method since learning of it
in late 2006. "It was Earth-shattering to say the
Vornholt-Jones has posted this theory on her
4AngelsPublications website, where she offers her book on the issue, "The
Great Calendar Controversy," for sale and for free viewing online.
told WND she still observes a Sabbath – that is to say, a biblical day of
rest – every seven days; but she says the precise day of the week for that
Sabbath actually floats from month to month when compared to the Gregorian
calendar commonly used today.
The theory suggests whatever day of the
week the new moon occurs on, that particular day becomes "Day One" of the
Then, count seven days from Day One until you reach the
initial Sabbath of the month, which would always be on the eighth calendar
day of the month. The next day of rest would be on the 15th, then the
22nd and 29th.
Vornholt-Jones and her friend, photographer Kerrie
French of Garden Valley, Calif., sought to bring the issue to light after
reading a 2001 WND story in which Jan Marcussen, a fellow Seventh-Day
Adventist from Thompsonville, Ill., was so sure there was no Bible
verse declaring the first day of the week to be the Sabbath, he offered
up to $1 million for clear, Scriptural proof.
French says she became aware of this concept in July of last
"I studied it in depth for three months before making a
complete 'paradigm shift' from a Saturday Sabbath to what I call the
lunisolar Creation Sabbath," French said. "It was at a Hebrew-style wedding.
The bride-to-be mentioned that Saturday was no longer her Sabbath,
but that her Sabbath for that month of July 2007 was actually on
Tuesday. I was shocked!"
The women claim according to this method of
reasoning, every Sabbath in August 2008 actually falls on Sunday, the first
day of the week.
"It's total bunk. These woman don't know anything from
whence they speak," says one WND reader. "The Bible says on the seventh day
God rested and hallowed it. That was from the creation of the world,
I don't know how much clearer you can get. The weekly Sabbath has nothing
to do with the lunar or solar year. It never has, not even until this day.
Jesus followed the same seventh day that Jews and Saturday-observant
Christians follow today."
Vornholt-Jones claims that persecution of both
Jews and Christians became so intense in the 4th century, that knowledge of
the "true" system was actually lost.
As WND has reported, the whole
subject of Sabbath observance is a hotly contested one in Christian circles,
with believers split among Saturday, Sunday, any day of the week or even no
special day of rest of any kind.
When it comes to the origin of
calendars, historians don't always provide concrete, universal
For instance, the Encyclopedia Britannica explains, "The origin
of the Jewish calendar can no longer be accurately traced."
It goes on
to reveal disputes among scholars between the observance of a solar year in
ancient Israel or a lunisolar calendar "similar to that of ancient
The online Jewish Encyclopedia clearly defines the Sabbath as
"The seventh day of the week; the day of rest." But the Universal
Jewish Encyclopedia asserts, "The new moon is still, and the Sabbath
originally was, dependent upon the lunar cycle ... . "
Pastor Robert B.
Scott of Edmonton, Alberta, told WND: "Regardless of what Jews have done or
not done in history, nowhere in God's Word does proof exist that the new
moons are to be regarded as holy Sabbath convocations for corporate worship.
Whatever Jews may have done in history is irrelevant in determining whether
the new moons are Sabbaths. We must obey the Word – not
Most nations of the world today
abide by the Gregorian calendar, a solar-based system with 365 and 1/4 days,
with individual weeks cycling every seven days from Sunday through
It was proclaimed in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII as a reform of
the Julian calendar, which was instituted by Julius Caesar in 46
B.C., though not operating smoothly until A.D. 8.
maintains she's still a Seventh-Day Adventist, but says this concept is not
exclusive to members of her church.
"I have heard of Catholics, I've
talked to people with the Worldwide Church of God, Messianic Jews ... people
in Africa, Australia – so it's not just a localized thing," she
Regarding the ladies' attempt to cash in on the
million-dollar challenge from 2001, WND contacted Marcussen who
"The offer was to anyone who could give one Bible verse showing
that God commands us to keep holy the first day of the week
[Sunday] instead of the seventh day [Saturday]. ...
"So I read the
letter that you received, looking for the required Bible verse. I couldn't
find it. Why not? Because it's not there. ...
"Both ministers and people
have responded, seeking to show the desired change of God's holy Sabbath from
the seventh to the first day of the week. They say many nice things, but
Scripture proof is always lacking."
Regarding the assertion the true
calendar does not have a continuous weekly cycle, Marcussen said, "Any
society that tried to carry on their schools, church or business without 'a
continuous weekly cycle' would be in utter chaos. The poor people would get
so confused that they wouldn't know what to do."
He cited 1
Corinthians 14:33 which states, "God is not the author of confusion."
pointed out that the seventh-day Sabbath being Saturday has so permeated the
cultures of the world for so long that many languages have the exact same
word for both. In Greek, it is sabbaton; Italian, sabato; Spanish, sábado;
Russian, subbota; Polish, sobota; and Hungarian, szómbat. Even the French
"samedi" is from the Latin "Sambata dies," for "day of the
Marcussen added: "The 'challenge' will continue, but society is
now in such a state that I will ask for people to use either the
'Authorized' King James Version of the Bible, or the New King James Version,
lest someone try to get the money by writing a book with the
desired statement in it, and call their book, 'The Bible.'"
When asked
how many people share the lunar Sabbath belief, Vornholt-Jones said there's
no way to be certain.
"No one has ever even tried to find out how many
there are as the focus has always been on the truth itself, rather than how
many adhere to that truth," she said.
But floating the Sabbath day
from month to month does have ramifications. "For me, it has not been
difficult in the least, because I am self-employed, and do not have children
in school," said French. "My husband, however, is not with me in this; but I
see the spirit of [God] working with him as he is studying his Bible as never
as that if what they say is true, and the Sabbath "floats"
from month to month, WHERE in the Bible does it say God told the
Jews about this back when they kept His Sabbath holy for thousands
of years? NOT ONE Bible verse backs this false doctrine in any way
shape or form. It appears they are confusing annual sabbaths with
the weekly Sabbath. In fact, nowhere in the Word of God does God
associate His weekly Sabbath with the Sun or the moon! This is just
another Roman Catholic attack on the Sabbath of the Creator.
The Decline of the Sabbath Less praying, more working and
HEMINGWAY Friday, June 15, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT Wall
Street Journal
For many
Americans, Sunday is unlike any other day of the week. They spend its luxurious
hours curled up in bed with the paper, meeting friends for brunch, working off
hangovers, watching golf, running errands and preparing themselves for the
workweek ahead. But Sunday is also, for many, the Sabbath--a special day for
religious reasons. Not that you would notice.
"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy," we are told in Exodus. Of all
the gifts Jews gave the world, that of a weekly day of rest is certainly one to
be cherished. And yet the Sabbath is now marked more by its neglect than its
keeping. Or so says Christopher Ringwald in his new book "A Day Apart."
Mr. Ringwald notes that in the late 18th century, states banned
entertainment, hunting or unnecessary travel on Sundays. The Second Great
Awakening in the early 1800s spread Sabbath-keeping to the frontiers. Church
membership doubled, Sunday schools proliferated and long sermons dominated the
morning. It was unthinkable that the general store would remain open on the
Sabbath. "Nothing strikes a foreigner on his arrival in America more forcibly
than the regard paid to the Sabbath," Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in 1840. "Not
only have all ceased to work, but they appear to have ceased to exist." The
so-called blue laws that were a part of American culture--closing down bars and
preventing the sale of liquor on Sunday--were commonplace well into the 20th
But the Sabbath today is at odds with commercial culture. To generalize
shamelessly from personal experience: My brother-in-law, who manages a national
retail store in Colorado, works on Sundays, following church. He was shocked
recently to find out he is now required to open the store on Easter Sunday.
Easter used to be the one Sunday each year when retail stores closed. No longer.
Of course, debates over the proper observance of the Sabbath date back to
ancient times. One early conflict between Jesus and his fellow Jews was over
what it meant to keep the Sabbath. Jesus' failure to hew to ever-expanding
rules--he healed the sick on the Sabbath--angered the Pharisees.
Not that Christians later fell into easy agreement about Sabbath conduct. In
another new book, "Sunday: A History of the First Day From Babylonia to the
Super Bowl," Craig Harline shows how all sorts of complicated rules governing
work, travel, sex and leisure grew up around the Sabbath in medieval Europe,
creating a tangle of proscriptions that had overwhelmed the day by the 14th
century. One genre of church mural at the time, known as the "Sunday Christ,"
showed Jesus surrounded by tools of the fishing, carpentry and farming trades.
Each ax, rake and fishing hook inflicted a fresh wound on the crucified Christ.
The message was not lost on worshipers: Work on the Sabbath only added to Jesus'
Reformation leader Martin Luther resisted such Sabbath guilt, saying that the
commandment was kept by daily worship and high regard for God's Word, not strict
rules governing behavior. Discussing the Sabbath, he highlighted Paul's relief
at being free from the demands of Jewish law. And yet from the 16th century to
the modern era, a Sabbath consensus emerged. Christians were to keep Sunday as a
day of rest and worship, and their governments supported this pious notion. The
day of rest did not become secularized until very recently.
What happened? It is hard to say. Both Mr. Ringwald and Mr. Harline note that
our religious practices are more and more isolated from the habits of the
broader culture. Think only of the coarseness of the Internet, gossip rags and
Hollywood fare in a country that claims 45% church attendance every Sunday: We
live now on two tracks, a secular and a religious one, shuttling between them
all too easily.
This Sabbath dissonance was evident even in the 1950s, Mr. Harline notes.
More than 90% of American homes had a television, and some 37% were tuned to
Sunday football.
"Sundays changed when the world changed," he writes. Stopping farming in the
Middle Ages was easy. But to close restaurants, shut up amusement parks or clear
the airwaves when Americans with money were trying to spend it that day was
The flip side to the prosperity we enjoy is that we have lost our day of rest
for another day of consumption. The pace of commerce and technology provide
unheard of options for ignoring family, religion and rest--not just on the
Sabbath but every day of the week.
Ultimately, Mr. Ringwald would like to see the Sabbath restored to one
track--if not a strictly religious one, then one not actively secular. Taking a
day of rest protects us from ourselves, he writes, from "our urge to always be
doing, improving, earning, getting, spending, having, consuming--all the ways we
hurry on toward death."
Ms. Hemingway is a writer in Washington.
Basketball champs refuse to play on Sabbath League winners skip tournament, say 'Experiencing Christ' better than to
'Take state' Posted: February 20, 2008 1:48 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
The mission statement for Campion Academy, a Seventh-day Adventist Church
school in Colorado, is painted on the outside of the gymnasium, "Experiencing
Christ in a Learning Environment." It isn't, "Take State." So there have been
virtually no serious complaints when the school's basketball team, winning the
Northern Front Range League title in Class 2A basketball competition with a 13-1
record this year, again will not be participating in the Colorado High School
Activities Association's state competition. The team, the league champion for
the fourth year, instead, is playing at a tournament for Seventh-day Adventist
schools in Nebraska, according to a report in the Denver Post. The academy's
athletic director and basketball coach, Troy Beans, said he knew starting out
the school was "academic-oriented." "Sports aren't at the top of the list by
any means," he told the newspaper. The 101-year-old academy teaches strict
adherence to the Ten Commandments, including the 4th, which is "Remember the
Sabbath and keep it holy." It defines the Sabbath as the traditional Jewish day
from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. The result? No games on Friday night
or Saturday. The state association had agreed to work with the school, and
allow the Cougars to continue to compete as long as their opponents were
flexible on the scheduling of games. But the members of Campion's faculty
voted against moving forward. Beans disagrees, respectfully, with that
decision, as do some players. "I think it would be a good opportunity for our
team to show who we really are, and be a good ministry for our school and our
religion," starting center Nathan Lorenz told the newspaper. Michael Beans,
the coach's son, is a senior guard and scores 16 points per game. He told the
Post it's "frustrating" that recognition such as a championship is available for
the school, but the team won't have that opportunity. But his opinion
couldn't be described as rebellion. "I love this school, and I love this
atmosphere," he said. Many of the 155 students in grades 9-12 board on campus
and work in various positions at the school, which only joined the state
activities association in 1997. Troy Beans' father and grandfather also
attended, but the three were able to participate only in intramural
athletics. Another Seventh-day Adventist school, Mile High Academy in nearby
Denver, also has sports teams but the school doesn't hold a membership in the
state organization. Principal John Winslow said there's really no reason to
change the school's priorities. "I think of it in this realm: With all we
have here, it's difficult to extend our season … We want to have good seasons,
and then we're going to our local kind of church playoffs … and we're going to
call it good," he told the newspaper. "We're just trying to keep a balance,"
he said.
Pope demands respect for Sundays
Pope Benedict XVI has appealed for renewed respect for
Sundays as he celebrated Mass at St Stephen's cathedral in the heart of Vienna.
He was speaking on the final day of his three-day visit to Austria. In his sermon, the Pope said leisure was a good thing amid the mad rush of
the modern world, but warned of the dangers of it becoming wasted time. Correspondents say the papal visit to Austria comes as the influence of the
Catholic Church is in decline there.
Growing secularisation
"Give the soul its Sunday, give Sunday its soul," the Pope said, quoting a
phrase coined by a German bishop in the 20th Century. "Leisure time is certainly something good and necessary, especially amid the
mad rush of the modern world," he said in his sermon. The Pope added though that if leisure lacked an inner focus, it could easily
become wasted time. The number of Austrians who regularly attend Sunday Mass has diminished to a
tiny proportion of those who call themselves Catholics, according to church
statistics, BBC's David Willey reports from Vienna. The Pope was visiting Austria not only as a pilgrim, but also as a
missionary, according to the local press. His aim during the three-day visit was to help revitalise religious practice
in an increasingly secular Austrian society, our correspondent adds. -EuroNews today Austria
Pope: Sunday Worship a “Necessity” For All
September 17, 2007 | From
theTrumpet.com Pope Benedict XVI says your life
depends upon worshiping on Sunday.
“Sine dominico non possumus!”
“Without Sunday [worship] we cannot live!” Pope Benedict xvi declared
during a mass on September 9 at St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna.
Speaking on the final day of his three-day visit to Austria, the German pope
voiced a strong call for Christians to revive Sunday keeping as an all-important
religious practice.
“Give the soul its Sunday, give Sunday its soul,” he chanted before a rain-soaked crowd of 40,000.
Benedict said that Sunday, which he stated has its origin as
“the day of the dawning of creation,” was “also the church’s weekly feast of
Warning against the evils of allowing Sunday to become just a part of the
weekend, the pope said people needed to have a spiritual focus during the first
day of the week, or else leisure time would just become wasted time.
Sunday worship, he warned,
was not just a “precept” to be casually adhered to, but a “necessity” for all
In the opening greeting, the archbishop of Vienna said a movement in Austria
had been initiated to protect “Sunday from tendencies to empty [it] of its
In Austria, most businesses are restricted from operating on Sunday. However,
some business groups are pressuring the government to be allowed to open, a move
Roman Catholic groups vehemently oppose.
During Benedict’s trip to Austria, he called for Europe to look to its
Christian roots, to trust in God and to defend traditional values.
The pope has been very vocal about Europe’s Christian—or Catholic—roots, and is pushing to have them
included in the European Constitution. Although laws concerning Sunday worship
are currently determined by individual nations, look for the European Union to
eventually gain jurisdiction over the work week—which is one big reason the
Catholic Church is so intimately involved with the evolution of the EU. For more
on the Catholic Church and Europe, read “The Pope
Trumpets Sunday” by the Trumpet’s editor in chief.
12:30 PM Orange church plans 'Law Enforcement Sunday'
Updated 12/25/2007 11:06:04 PM CST
ORANGE - St. Paul Episcopal Church, 1401 W. Park Ave., will
recognize area peace officers during "Law Enforcement Sunday" at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday, Dec. 9.
of your important work, we have the freedom to exercise our rights to worship,
live and raise our families in a free society," said the Rev. Bill Phillips,
pastor. "You deserve the credit for keeping us safe and free. We want to thank
you and everyone who works with you in law enforcement."
Lunch will
follow the service. Phillips said the occasion will become an annual event.
For more information, call the church at 883-2926.
And read to attendees of a
retirees meeting in Calimesa, CA November 6,
Tonight I
spoke personally with an inside source (the co-chairman of the Christian
Coalition) and he confirmed something I heard.
This month, November
14 and 15 there will be a special meeting held at The Pope John Paul Cultural
Center. This meeting is given and paid for by the Vatican .
There will be two speakers; one is a cardinal, and the agenda of this
meeting is to point out the state our world is in, to bring back Israel to
obedience, and to push the 7th Amendment for a national day of
rest. One of the societies that will be present is the SOS, which
stands for “Save our Sundays.” The Christian Coalition will be
looking for support from our Presidential nominees for this
Senators that
will be there include front runner John Moore, Nancy Poloski, John McCain, John
Werner, Gary Brown; also Al Gore to talk about the global warming; Dr. James
Dobson, and Pat Robertson.
It is
important to keep in mind that when Sunday law becomes actually implemented our
time of probation is CLOSED! The time of sealing is over!
Jesus said “He that is holy let him be holy still, and he that is filthy,
let him be filthy still.” It is time to repent and get prepared,
our time is short..
'Never on Sunday,'Scientologists told Group considered business, not a church, in Germany – sales banned on
worship day
Posted: January 27, 2007 7:10 p.m. Eastern © 2007 WorldNetDaily.com
controversial new Scientology center that opened two weeks ago in one of
Berlin's upscale neighborhoods won't be open on Sundays like Christian churches
in the German capital – the government considers the group a business rather
than a church and, as such, it falls under the country's rigid Sunday closing
laws, Der Spiegel reports.
The 43,000-square-foot center, located in the
Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf district, is just the latest effort by the Los
Angeles-based Church of Scientology to make inroads into Germany.
Scientologists have been under surveillance for years by
the domestic intelligence service, the Federal Office for the Protection of the
Constitution, and numerous court challenges to the monitoring have been made.
In 2003, a Berlin court ruled the group could not be
monitored by German states since it was too small to constitute a threat. The
ruling did not restrict the federal
"It is indispensable that Scientology be carefully
observed in every state," Guenther Beckstein, a Bavarian interior minister, was
quoted as saying by the newspaper Berliner Zeitung.
In 1995, the German Federal Labor Court ruled that
Scientology is "neither a religion nor an ideology."
The German federal government categorizes Scientology as
a commercial enterprise that takes advantage of those who are vulnerable.
Scientologists reject the charge, saying they are a
religion and calling surveillance an abuse of their religious freedom.
The center's private opening ceremony was met by
protestors – primarily neighbors who worried their children might be lured into
the building by the agressive offers of sidewalk recruiters offering free
mental-health checkups. Some carried banners reading, "No brainwashing."
A Berlin official, meeting with members of the
Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf this week, said that the city had reviewed existing
laws and determined nothing could be done to limit the center's outreach
"In our view, this is a business activity," Marc Schulte,
the city district's economic advisor, told the Berlin daily Der Tagesspiegel.
Community officials, responding to pressure from the
center's neighbors and armed with the legal opinion that Scientologists seeking
to recruit new members are involved in marketing, have invoked Germany's strict
Sunday closing laws that prohibit business activities on that day.
Officials say they will closely monitor the
Scientologists to make certain they are following the law.
Germany has been repeatedly criticized by the U.S. State
Department in its annual Human
Report for continued monitoring of the group, Associated Press reported, despite
acknowledgments by security officials no evidence of illegal activity has been
The Church of Scientology claims 30,000 adherents in
Germany while the government estimates it has only 5,000-6,000 members.
Sabbath-Sunday Bill Survey Shows Support by Hillel Fendel
(IsraelNN.com) MK Zevulun Orlev (NRP) has announced the findings of a poll
showing 56% support amongst Israelis for his proposed legislation making Sunday
a day of rest and allowing some public transportation and entertainment on the
Orlev's bill would change the official approach to Sabbath as the country's
day of rest. Though businesses and government offices would continue to be
closed, places of entertainment would be permitted to open - and public
transportation, now banned in most cities on the Sabbath, would be available.
The bill stipulates that such transportation and entertainment would be carried
out with maximum sensitivity to the religious public.
A survey commissioned by Orlev finds that 56% of the public support his
initiative, while 30% object. The poll was carried out by Brain Base (Maagar
Mochot) Institute, headed by Prof. Yitzchak Katz.
Orlev's bill, which he proposed last week, also calls for a second day of
rest during the week - Sunday - during which businesses and offices would be
closed. This would enable Sabbath-observant families to spend more time
together, Orlev explains. Work hours lost to Sunday would be made up largely by
increasing the workday on Mondays through Fridays from 8 to 9 hours.
The survey divides the respondents into religious categories, such as
secular, hareidi-religious, etc. However, it lumps together the
religious-Zionist public with those who consider themselves "traditional," i.e.,
minimally observant. The poll finds that 64% of this joint "sector" supports the
new bill.
The two groups were combined in the poll, despite the expectation that the
two would not have similar views of the issue. Other findings of the poll show,
in fact, that support for the bill increases as level of religious observance
decreases. For instance, 64% of the secular public supports the bill, compared
to only 6% of the hareidi-religious public.
Asked to explain, Orlev's spokesman Moshe Inbar told Arutz-7 that the
breakdown was determined by the pollster, "in consultation with me." Inbar said
that lumping the two sectors together is in keeping with the NRP's new policy of
"opening its gates" to the traditional community.
Arutz-7: "But information is missing from the poll, in that we do not know
how many of the mainstream NRP voters - the religious-Zionist public - supports
this bill."
In response, Inbar first suggested that "you can commission your own poll,"
but then added, "You can extrapolate from the other findings..."
Orlev said his bill was formulated with the help of leading
religious-Zionist rabbis, and does not openly permit activities that are
forbidden by the Torah, "but rather does not mention them."
MK Yitzchak Levy of the National Union party said the bill paves the way
for further deterioration in the character of the Sabbath in the State of
Israel. The National Union and the NRP joined forces for the last national
election, merging into one electoral list.
source: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/122554
Return the Church and moral law to their proper place in
Return the Church and moral law to their proper place in society, Pope
Benedict tells Italian lawyers
Vatican City, Dec. 11, 2006 (CNA) - Saturday Pope Benedict XVI received
participants in the 56th national study congress, promoted by the Union of
Italian Catholic Jurists, which is being held in Rome on the theme: "Secularity
and secularities." The Holy Father told the lawyers how the idea of secularity
has been corrupted and challenged them to create a society in which the Church
and the moral law are returned to their rightful place.
The concept of
secularity, said the Holy Father in his address to the group, originally
referred to "the condition of simple faithful Christian, not belonging to the
clergy or the religious state. During the Middle Ages it acquired the meaning of
opposition between civil authorities and ecclesial hierarchies, and in modern
times it has assumed the significance of the exclusion of religion and its
symbols from public life by confining them to the private sphere and the
individual conscience. In this way, the term secularity has acquired an
ideological meaning quite opposite to the one it originally
Secularity today, then, "is understood as a total separation
between State and Church, the latter not having any right to intervene in
questions concerning the life and behavior of citizens. And such secularity even
involves the exclusion of religious symbols from public places."
In accordance with this definition, the Pope continued, "today we hear talk
of secular thought, secular morals, secular science, secular politics. In fact,
at the root of such a concept, is an a-religious view of life, thought and
morals; that is, a view in which there is no place for God, for a Mystery that
transcends pure reason, for a moral law of absolute value that is valid in all
times and situations."
The Holy Father underlined the need "to create a
concept of secularity that, on the one hand, grants God and His moral law,
Christ and His Church, their just place in human life at both an individual and
a social level, and on the other hand affirms and respects the 'legitimate
autonomy of earthly affairs'."
The Church, the Pope reiterated, cannot
intervene in politics, because that would "constitute undue interference."
However, he said, "'healthy secularity' means that the State does not
consider religion merely as an individual sentiment that can be confined to the
private sphere." Rather, it must be "recognized as a ... public presence. This
means that all religious confessions (so long as they do not contrast the moral
order and are not dangerous to public order) are guaranteed free exercise of
their acts of worship."
Hostility against "any form of political or
cultural relevance of religion," and in particular against "any kind of
religious symbol in public institutions" is a degenerated form of secularity,
said the Holy Father, as is "refusing the Christian community, and those who
legitimately represent it, the right to pronounce on the moral problems that
today appeal to the conscience of all human beings, particularly of
" This," he added, "does not constitute undue interference
of the Church in legislative activity, which is the exclusive competence of the
State, but the affirmation and the defense of those great values that give
meaning to people's lives and safeguard their dignity. These values, even before
being Christian, are human, and therefore cannot leave the Church silent and
indifferent, when she has the duty firmly to proclaim the truth about man and
his destiny."
The Pope concluded by highlighting the need "to bring
people to understand that the moral law God gave us - and that expresses itself
in us through the voice of conscience - has the aim not of oppressing us but of
freeing us from evil and of making us happy. We must show that without God man
is lost, and that the exclusion of religion from social life, and in particular
the marginalization of Christianity, undermines the very foundations of human
coexistence. Such foundations, indeed, before being of the social and political
order, belong to the moral order."
An Unwelcome Rest Politicians
come under pressure to tear up France's archaic trading laws after
a flagship Paris fashion store is told it can't open on Sundays
By PETER GUMBEL Vuitton: The Art of
Retail Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006
What does it take to be able to do business
on a Sunday? Ask Louis Vuitton. The luxury retailer's revamped flagship
store on the Champs Elysées has been attracting thousands of visitors
every day since it reopened last October. But last week, a Paris
tribunal ruled that the luxury-goods firm has been breaking the
law by opening its huge, 1,800-sq-m emporium on Sundays, one of
its most heavily trafficked days.
Although much Sunday trading is banned
in France, Louis Vuitton had received an exemption from the Paris
prefect by arguing that the store was a cultural landmark, not just
a commercial one. But the tribunal upheld a complaint brought by
a national federation representing small clothing retailers and
a French Christian labor union. The federation took issue with what
it sees as unfair competition, while the CFTC union — which doesn't
represent any workers at the Louis Vuitton store — insists that
Sunday should be a day of rest. "The little luggage store on
the Champs Elysées is not above the law," crowed a sarcastic
CFTC press release.
Yves Carcelle, Louis Vuitton's president,
slammed the decision as "an unacceptable, Malthusian interpretation
of the law," and said it puts 70 jobs at risk; the firm plans
to appeal. The ruling highlights the variety of highly restrictive
regulations on France's statute books that govern shopping, including
criminal penalties for promotional sales below cost. There are also
gaping contradictions: while Sunday trading as a rule is outlawed,
cinemas, restaurants, cafés and fast-food chains are allowed to
open. In today's Paris, it's one thing to eat a burger and quite
another to indulge in a diet of luxury
Enforces Sunday Rest
In May, French courts
ruled that the Louis Vuitton flagship store must remain closed on
Sundays in accordance with law. The suit was brought against the
famous Paris fashion house by the French Confederation of Christian
Workers. Three facts are revealing:
1) The union that sued has no employees
at the store.
2) All 300 employees of the store
voted in favor of opening on Sundays.
3) An Ipsos telephone survey in April
showed that 75 percent of French citizens polled approve of stores
opening on Sunday.
Those three facts—along with every
fact associated with this case—changed nothing though. Even if every
American citizen approved of it, a community that began driving
50 miles an hour over the speed limit in school zones would still
be violating law. In this case, French law was clearly violated:
Thou shalt rest on Sunday.
But where does a law like that come
from, especially when the citizens of the nation don’t want it?
How can the French government defend that law’s existence?
The popular defense of the law is
that small merchants can’t compete with larger retailers that have
the resources to remain open on Sundays and therefore need government
protection. That is poppycock. The law itself is 100 years old—a
time when said large retailers simply didn’t have that ability.
The National Clothing Federation might be able to make that argument
today, but it has nothing to do with the origins of enforced rest
on Sunday.
Enforced Sunday worship began with
the Roman Empire—specifically Emperor Constantine.
In a letter written after the Nicene
Council of a.d. 325, Constantine specifically addressed Sabbath
worship: “[F]rom this day forward none of your unlawful assemblies
may presume to appear in any public or private place. Let this edict
be made public.”
Worship on any day except Sunday
was illegal, as confirmed at the Council of Laodicea almost 40 years
later, in a.d. 363. At that conference, it was determined, “Christians
must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath [that is, Saturday],
but must work on that day, rather honoring the Lord’s Day. … But
if any shall be found to be Judaizers, let them be anathema [cursed
and excommunicated] from Christ” (emphasis ours throughout).
At the Council of Tours in a.d. 1163,
Pope Alexander iii was even more specific: “Whereas a damnable heresy
[Sabbath worship] has for some time lifted its head in the parts
about Toulouse, and already spread infection through Gascony and
other provinces, concealing itself like a serpent in its folds;
as soon as its followers shall have been discovered, let no man
afford them refuge on his estates; neither let there be any communication
with them in buying and selling: so that, being deprived of the
solace of human conversation, they may be compelled to return from
error to wisdom.” In other words, if you worshiped on some day other
than Sunday, you couldn’t do business.
That is where Sunday labor laws have
their origin. Working on Sunday marks those who do so as pernicious
in the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church, a stance many European
governments have supported throughout the last 1,700 years.
Today, Louis Vuitton is unable to
sell its handbags on the Catholic day of rest. In the future, as
Europe becomes more integrated and the Vatican takes on a greater
leadership role, we know that Sunday observance will be enforced
as an identifying sign of the next incarnation of the Holy Roman
Empire. For more information, please write for your free copy of
Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?
source : http://www.thetrumpet.com/index.php?page=article&id=2452
When Malls Stay Open on Sundays, the Pious Party By Richard
Morin Washington Post Thursday, September 14, 2006; Page A02
Who knew Satan worked at the local mall?
While bars, cheap hotels and similar places of questionable repute may remain
America's favorite spots to sin, two economists say that giving people an extra
day to shop at the mall also contributes significantly to wicked behavior --
particularly among people who are the most religious.
Jonathan Gruber of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Daniel M.
Hungerman of the University of Notre Dame discovered the malevolent Mall Effect
by studying what happened when states and counties repeal "blue laws." Those
statutes prohibit the sale on Sunday of certain nonessential items, such as
appliances, furniture and jewelry, typically sold in shopping malls, as well as
liquor and cigarettes.
Gruber and Hungerman found that when states eliminated blue laws, church
attendance declined while drinking and drug use increased significantly among
young adults. Even more striking, the biggest change in bad behavior mostly
occurred among those who frequently attended religious services, they report in
a working paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, "The
Church vs. the Mall: What Happens When Religion Faces Increased Secular
At one time, all but eight states had blue laws. Today 13 have statewide
Sunday selling bans on some products or leave it up to local jurisdictions to
decide, with mall owners among those leading the fight to get these statutes off
the books.
It turns out those business owners may be doing the devil's work. Before the
shopping ban was lifted, about 37 percent of people in a state on average
attended religious services at least weekly, Hungerman said. "After the laws are
repealed it falls to 32 percent" -- a drop "not driven by declines in
religiosity prior to the law change."
Instead of going to church, many of the faithful apparently were going
astray. Marijuana use increased by 11 percentage points among church attendees,
compared with those who never went to services, after the shopping ban was
lifted. Cocaine use increased by nearly 4 percentage points, and heavy drinking
increased by about 5 1/2 percentage points among churchgoers compared with those
who never went to services, with frequent attendees even more likely to go on
Hmmm. Interesting, but why would the elimination of blue laws suddenly
provoke such an outburst of sinning among the religious? After all, there are
six other days of the week to shop (or drink) until you drop. And it's not legal
to buy cocaine or marijuana on any day of the week.
"That's the million-dollar question," Hungerman said. He suspects that
keeping businesses open on Sunday means that some religious young people have to
work or choose to go shopping, which apparently increases their exposure to
sinners or otherwise weakens their resistance to the dark side.
"Instead of being in church, you're working or shopping in the mall
surrounded by 'party animals,' " he said.
D. James Kennedy says...
"Some claim that we are not observing the true
Sabbath unless we are observing it on Saturday. They ask, 'How did the Sabbath
change from Saturday to Sunday?'...In fact, the day of the Sabbath was changed
by Christ and His apostles." D. James Kennedy, Why The Ten Commandments
Matter, p. 76
"Have you ever heard the old saying, 'As goes the
Sabbath, so goes the nation?' It's true. When the sabbath becomes profaned and
desecreated, a nation sinks deeper and deeper into the mire of sin, and that has
a profound negative impact upon any country....
"Christians need to
understand that keeping the Sabbath really does create a more moral climate in
our culture. It promotes an awareness that God and His ways and His laws are
important to all of us. Without public morality, our secular laws have less
meaning; the result is that lawlessness rises, and our nation sinks into crime,
fear, disorder, and injustice.
"From the witness of the early Church,
from the witness of our disarrayed lives, from the witness of our society as it
teeters on the brink of moral collapse, we can see the need to keep the Sabbath
is truly urgent." D. James Kennedy, Why The Ten Commandments Matter, p.
Pat Robertson says...
"The original Sabbath of the Hebrews of the Bible
was Saturday....As custom developed, the Christian Sabbath, or day of rest and
worship, became Sunday, and this was the day established by law in America.
There was a time not long ago when Sunday was a very special day." Pat
Robertson, The Ten Offenses, p .104
reading, read what a modern day prophet said over 100 years
"Satan will … accuse God's
people as the cause of the fearful convulsions of nature and the strife and
bloodshed among men which are desolating the earth. -Spirit of Prophecy Vol 4
'caused tsunami' Christian
minister calls disaster 'divine visitation' on Lord's Day
February 13, 2005 4:00 p.m. Eastern © 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
 Rev. John
MacLeod (photo: Grampian TV)
Christian minister claims the tsunami of Sunday, Dec. 26, killing at least
160,000 people, was direct result of "pleasure seekers" breaking God's
In the
February issue of his church magazine, Rev. John MacLeod of the Free Presbyterian Church of
Scotland writes: "Possibly ... no event since Noah's flood has caused such
loss of life by drowning as the recent Asian tsunami. That so many of our fellow
creatures should have perished in so short a time, and in so awful a fashion,
was a divine visitation that ought to make men tremble the world over."
continued: "Some of the places most affected by the tsunami attracted
pleasure-seekers from all over the world. It has to be noted that the wave
arrived on the Lord's day, the day God set apart to be observed the world
over as a holy resting from all employments and recreations that are lawful on
other days."
tsunami, a series of tidal waves sparked by a subsea earthquake off Sumatra,
arrived on Sunday morning, the day after Christmas, in countries including
Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand.
said: "To rule out the hand of God in this ... is to forget that He is in
sovereign control of all events. If the sparrow falling to the ground is an
event noted, and ordered, by Him, how much is this the case when the souls of so
many thousands are parted from their bodies?"
74-year-old minister, now living in the London area after spending 35 years in
Stornoway, Scotland, concluded: "Do not worldliness, materialism, hedonism,
uncleanness, and pleasure-seeking characterize our own generation to a great
extent and does not this solemn visitation in providence reminds us that He
remains the same God still? God is no idle spectator of what is happening here
in time and treats men with the sharpness and severity in order that they may
know their vices."
have been news accounts about Muslims who believe the tsunami was divine
retribution for sinning, but they have cited prostitution and heavy drinking
instead of Sabbath observance.
have even gone so far as to claim God signed his name as Allah in the
waves off the Sri Lankan town of Kalutara, as captured by satellite
 Waves off
Kalutara, Sri Lanka, said to resemble name of Allah in Arabic, inset (photo:
clearly spells out the name 'Allah' in Arabic," Mohamed Faizeen, manager of the
Centre for Islamic Studies in Colombo, told Agence France-Presse. "He sent it as
punishment. This comes from ignoring His laws."
first sends small punishments – like loss of business. If we ignore the warning,
He sends bigger ones – loss of life. If we still ignore the warnings, the big
punishments, like earthquakes and tsunamis will come." |
here to see my Newsletter based on this article)
Court rules for librarian fired over Sunday work
Argued her religious beliefs
prevented her from coming in that
day Posted:
May 6, 2006 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2006
A federal district court ruled in favor of a Christian
librarian who was fired after she requested to have Sundays off because of
her religious beliefs. A jury awarded Constance Rehm of Missouri
damages for back pay, according to the Arizona-based Alliance Defense
Fund. "This ruling is very important in making sure that people of faith
are not treated as second-class citizens," said ADF Litigation Counsel
David LaPlante. LaPlante said employers "have a responsibility to
respect the religious beliefs of their employees and to make reasonable
accommodations." "This decision, along with the award of monetary
compensation to the Christian librarian who lost her job, is very
encouraging," he said.
As WorldNetDaily reported, ADF and the Christian
Law Association filed the case against the Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
in August 2004 after Rehmm was fired the previous May. Library
officials claim they made an attempt to accommodate Rehm by allowing a
part-time employee to volunteer to work for her on Sundays, in return for her
working on Saturdays. But her attorneys called it a "smokescreen,"
arguing the library did not allow sufficient time for other employees to
volunteer. The library also stated, the lawyers pointed out, that even if
someone volunteered, the request wouldn't necessarily have been
Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act states an employee's
request for accommodation based upon a sincere religious belief can only be
denied if the employer can demonstrate that the request would cause undue
hardship. The lawsuit claimed the library has not made its case for
denying Rehm's request and went too far in firing her for
insubordination. "Not only did the library fail to make its case for
denying this librarian's request, library officials crossed the line in
firing her for insubordination," said LaPlante. He said the library
"should not require an employee to violate her conscience, effectively
forcing her to choose between her religious beliefs and her job."
February 5, 2006 is declared TEN
COMMANDMENTS DAY! (Later changed to May 6th)
The focal point of this movement is the first annual Ten
Commandments Day that will be held on Sunday February 5, 2006. On this
date we are calling on all religious leaders who are concerned about traditional
Judeo-Christian values to host special celebrations and/or deliver stirring
messages centering on the Ten Commandments. (See Ministry Commitment Form). Many Christian and
Jewish leaders have already pledged their support for Ten Commandments
Day. With the Ten Commandments Day, we will offer a powerful display of
unity as we, with one voice, declare our unwavering support for the bedrock
principles that made our country great-The Ten Commandments.
Some of the many Christian leaders involved with the Ten Commandments
Day include:
- Dr. Paul Crouch, Founder and President of the Trinity Broadcasting Network
- Bishop T.D. Jakes, CEO of The Potter's House of Dallas
- Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice
- Benny Hinn, Founder of Benny Hinn Ministries
- Richard Shakarian of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship
- Bishop George McKinney of Church of God in Christ
- Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty of Tulsa Victory Christian Center
- Ted Haggard, President of the National Association of Evangelicals
- Dr. Mark J. Chironna, Overseer of The Master's Touch International Church
- Richard Roberts, President of Oral Roberts University
- Marilyn Hickey, Founder of Marilyn Hickey Ministries
- Bishop Paul S. Morton, Founder of Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral
- Dr. Charles Phillips, Official Representative to the United Nations as a
Non-Government Official to the Economic Concilias
- Bishop Harold Ray, Pastor of Redemptive Life Fellowship
- Dr. Charles Green, Pastor of Faith Church of New Orleans
- Bishop Eddie L. Long of Bishop Eddie Long Ministries, Inc.
- Jerry Horner, Th.D., Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University
- Floyd Flake, Pastor and former Congressman
- And many more. . . .
Will you join with us?
Please take a stand and join the coalition of thousands of cross cultural
interdenominational community leaders, pastors, rabbis, educators, and heads of
denominations who are committed to bringing the Word of God back to our nation.
Join us for Ten Commandments Day! (MAIN
SITE = http://www.tencommandmentsday.com
New Sunday noise rules don't plug enough holes to keep the peace
Thursday, September 15, 2005
-The Oregonian by Karen W. Sorenson
Let me get this straight. Obnoxious, polluting, loud leaf blowers are allowed on Sundays in bucolic
Lake Oswego, but the noisy hammers, table saws, etc. that go along with just
about any city work permit aren't. My neighbor whose irritatingly loud music blasts into our backyard can crank
up his stereo, but a construction worker cannot rock to his boom box.
Ah, our city leaders are at it again.
Portable CD players have been put on notice and cannot be audible on
construction sites with permits. Our city leaders approved this ban last week.
In August, the city also nixed construction work during what many consider
their day of rest. Any work that requires building, plumbing, mechanical or
electrical permits is now prohibited in residential zones on Sundays and certain
holidays. Lest anyone think I don't feel his or her pain when it comes to construction
disruption: Our house borders the Westlake neighborhood. My family survived dust, trespassers, noise, lumbering trucks and general
lack of privacy for well over two years during the development of that maze of
houses. Construction noise is a problem, but it isn't new to the area. Arbitrarily
shutting down certain forms of work is.
This is a concern.
Who is to say that construction noise is worse than a muscle car without a
muffler being repeatedly revved every Sunday in someone's driveway? If construction is an irritant, then let's go further in our quest for a
quiet day. Why is a neighborhood store that attracts unwanted traffic allowed to open on
Sundays? And what about a college student who wants to knock out a deck for extra cash
on weekends? "For me, during the school year, that only gives me one day a week that I can
work," says Evan Clemson, a junior at Oregon State. Evan comes home to L.O. on weekends because of his construction business.
"If I want to do it legitimately, it doesn't leave me many options," he says.
"One day of work on Saturday isn't worth the drive home." "I can play a boom box at home as loud as I want, but not if I'm working. It
doesn't make sense," he adds. If we're going after noise, how about no boom boxes at all? How about no
lawnmowers or noisy mechanics of any kind? It is a false distinction to base a
noise ordinance only on activity that requires city permits. The consequence of construction infill is that one hears more noise. The city
has promoted and approved this activity.
For a city so concerned about giving people a day of peace, officials show
their extremely heavy-handed way of governing when they go after permitted
workers. And one last question. What about people whose day of rest is Saturday? Karen Wallace Sorenson: ksweekly@aol.com
My local area Newspaper...
Sundays should be sacred, not work
By Tim Walker For the Journal and Courier
I am one of the six Alcoa employees who firmly believe that our religious
rights have been discriminated against. I've read a Journal and Courier
editorial and a letter from a former Alcoa employee. Those two pieces have had
me thinking.
In regard to the Alcoa retiree's letter of last week, no, I did not agree to
work 16 hours when Alcoa hired me. In fact, I was given a religious
accommodation by Alcoa. They knew I was a pastor when they gave me a job, and
the human resource officer and a representative from management gave me Sundays
off so I could do my work as a pastor. This was put in my record (though Alcoa
has not given me copies of this transaction).
I agree that Alcoa, up to this point, has been a very good employer. They
respected my deeply held religious beliefs, and Sunday was never an issue. But
it worked two ways. I went out of my way to do a good job for Alcoa. I have no
records of discipline in my record, have never been talked to about my work
ethic and was always held in high esteem by my supervisors. One of them told me
that I was one of the hardest workers in the mill. And not just me, but the
other five, who have filed religious discrimination complaints against Alcoa,
were model employees as well.
So I'm not biting the hand that fed me. I don't owe Alcoa an apology; I
believe they owe me an explanation of how I could be accommodated for so many
years, and then told my accommodation would no longer be honored.
As for the editorial in the Journal and Courier, I agree with you on some
points. I feel we Christians have become hypocritical in our approach to
Sundays. If we say it's against our Christian conscience to work on Sundays, I
believe it should be against our Christian conscience to require others to work
on Sundays (with the exception of doctors, nurses and such). Hey, the merchants
won't be happy with me, but if we Christians truly began to use Sundays as a day
of worship, rest and family, and quit filling up Ryan's, Golden Corral and the
mall, maybe businesses might return to blue laws of the past.
Others will be watching what happens at Alcoa, because if a large corporation
can change its policy regarding religious accommodations, then others will
follow suit. Soon, a Christian will be torn between God and church and making a
If religious accommodations can be so easily removed, and a group of six
deeply convicted and deeply religious individuals made to toe the Sunday working
line or sent packing, who will be next? Maybe single parents who only get their
kids one weekend a month (the weekend they are to work)? Or maybe heavyweight
people will be discriminated against in the hiring process? The corporations
could simply say, "It's a burden to our insurance premiums." Or could it be that
the older workers would be required to work longer shifts -- shifts that tax
their aging bodies?
I never asked for this fight, I'd just as soon be doing what I did for 10
years: working six days a week at Alcoa, and preaching and serving the Lord at
Colfax Wesleyan on Sundays.
This is how it looks to me: I'm a Christian pastor who is being treated as
though he were a criminal because he won't work Sundays. The truth of the matter
is, I'm already serving on Sundays. Or if you prefer, I'm involved in a labor of
love on Sundays.
Walker is one of six Alcoa workers who last month took a complaint to the
Lafayette Human Relations Commission about working Sundays.
On Importance of Sunday Mass "Not an Imposition, But a Joy"
CITY, JUNE 12, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Here is a translation of the address Benedict XVI delivered today
from the window of his study, before praying the midday Angelus with thousands
gathered in St. Peter's Square.
* * *
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
The Year of the Eucharist continues, called by our beloved Pope John
Paul II, to reawaken ever more, in the consciences of believers, wonder toward
this great Sacrament. In this singular Eucharistic time, one of the recurring
topics is Sunday, the Day of the Lord, a topic that was also at the center of
the recent Italian Eucharistic Congress, held in Bari. During the conclusive
celebration, I also underlined how participation at Sunday Mass must be seen by
a Catholic not as an imposition or a weight, but as a need and joy. To meet with
brothers, to listen to the Word of God and to be nourished of Christ, immolated
for us, is an experience that gives meaning to life, which infuses peace in the
heart. Without Sunday, we Catholics cannot live.
For this reason parents
are called to make their children discover the value and importance of the
response to Christ's invitation, who calls the whole Christian family to Sunday
Mass. In this educational endeavor, a particularly significant stage is the
first Communion, a real celebration for the parish community, which receives for
the first time its smallest children at the Lord's Table.
To underline
the importance of this event for the family and the parish, next October 15, God
willing, I will have in the Vatican a special meeting of catechesis for
children, in particular of Rome and Latium, who during this year have received
their first Communion. This festive gathering will fall almost at the end of the
Year of the Eucharist, while the Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops is
under way, centered on the Eucharistic mystery. It will be an opportune and
beautiful circumstance to confirm the essential role that the sacrament of the
Eucharist has in the formation and spiritual growth of children.
now on I entrust this meeting to the Virgin Mary, that she may teach us to love
Jesus ever more, in constant meditation of his Word and adoration of his
Eucharistic presence, and help us to make young generations discover the
"precious pearl" of the Eucharist, which gives true and full meaning to life.
Pope Recalls Martyrs Who Died for Sunday Mass
Perished Under Emperor Diocletian
BARI, Italy, MAY 29, 2005 (Zenit.org).- In
an age of widespread religious indifference, Benedict XVI offers as models the
martyrs of North Africa who gave their lives for celebrating Mass on a Sunday.
Presiding at today's closing Mass of the 24th Italian National Eucharistic
Congress, the Pope spoke in his homily about the group of Christians who were
killed in 304 during the persecution of the Roman emperor Diocletian.
The theme of the congress was the motto of the martyrs: "We Cannot Live
without Sunday."
The emperor, recounted Benedict XVI, had prohibited Christians, "under
pain of death, to possess the Scriptures, to meet on Sunday to celebrate the
Eucharist and to build premises for their assemblies."
In Abitene, a small village in what today is Tunis, "49 Christians, meeting in
the home of Octavius Felix, were taken by surprise on a Sunday while
celebrating the Eucharist, defying the imperial prohibitions. Arrested, they
were taken to Carthage to be interrogated by the proconsul
Anulinus," said the Holy Father.
"Significant, in particular, was the response given to the proconsul by
Emeritus, after being asked why he had violated the emperor's order," he
"He said: 'We cannot live without meeting on Sunday to celebrate the
Eucharist. We would not have the strength to face the daily difficulties and
not succumb,'" the Pope said. "After atrocious tortures, the 49
martyrs of Abitene were killed.
"Thus they confirmed their faith with the shedding of blood. They died but
they were victorious: We now remember them in the glory of the risen
The Pontiff called Christians of the 21st century to reflect on this
experience, because "it is not easy for us either to live as
Christians" in a world "characterized by rampant consumerism,
religious indifference, and secularism closed to transcendence."
says Christians must witness together, forgive past
Italy (CNS) -- May 25, 2005 -- Divided Christians must get beyond the prejudices
and hurt feelings of the past to fulfill their mission of proclaiming Christ to
the world, said Cardinal Walter Kasper. "Much work remains to be done for the
reconciliation of hearts," said the cardinal, president of the Pontifical
Council for Promoting Christian Unity. The cardinal spoke May 25 at the Italian
eucharistic congress in Bari, the burial place of St. Nicholas, who is venerated
by Catholics and Orthodox. Representatives of Orthodox churches, including
Archbishop Kirill of Yaroslav and Rostov, Russia, were present at the congress
and spoke to the delegates. In his presentation, Cardinal
Kasper focused on how keeping Sunday as the Lord's day unites Christians and
provides a witness to their neighbors.
Honoring the Sabbath
Sunday, April 24, 2005
"I don't know who would track that," he said. "Some downtowns would have
stores that close on Sunday. Typically, in malls and plazas, they would require
specific hours."
Stores that choose to close on Sundays do so most likely for religious
reasons, Scott said.
Along with Hobby Lobby, the Roly Poly Rolled Sandwich shop franchise in
Midland closes. Other well-known stores that close on Sunday are Chick-fil-A --
a fast-food chicken eatery whose closest location is in Rochester -- and
Franklin Covey, which this spring closed its store in Saginaw Township's Fashion
Square Mall location. Typically, independently run Christian bookstores close on
Sunday, although the Bible Factory at Prime Outlets in Birch Run has Sunday
"Most people appreciate that we are closed on Sunday," said Tom Hopper,
manager at Hobby Lobby. "When we're open, we do the best job we can. On Sunday,
(our employees) can go home and spend time with their families. That's what it's
all about, right?
"In this day and age, when things are so demanding ... We're not supposed to
work on Sundays according to the Bible."
The chain, based in Oklahoma City, didn't always have the no-Sunday-work
policy, said Bill Hane, vice president for advertising. President and founder
David Green is a Christian.
"We began closing on Sundays in 1997 in block or regions of stores," he said.
"Our intent was to go companywide with it, and we implemented that incrementally
over 18 months.
"Our bankers were nervous," he said. "Statistically, Sunday was our second
strongest retail day of the week. At that time, to close on Sundays, meant
walking away from $100 million in sales."
The decision was one of principle, he said.
"It was something we chose to do as a way of honoring God," he said. "There
was no guarantee that customers would shift their shopping habits, but it
happened. There was an initial decline in sales."
Since then, response has proved positive. v
While some Saginaw Valley customers expressed surprise after finding the
store closed on Sunday, 99.9 percent of feedback is positive, Hopper said.
For Roly Poly operators, the choice on Sunday hours is left to them, said
Gwendolyn Karl, who owns the Midland franchise with her husband, James.
"Almost 65 percent of Roly Polys are closed on Sunday," Karl said.
The chain is based in Atlanta, and many of its franchise owners are
"My husband and I thought we would leave Sundays for our staff to be with
their families," Karl said. "A lot of restaurants close on Monday. We're more of
a sandwich shop, and Monday is a much bigger business days for us (than
On the flip side, today's busy lifestyle prompted Family Christian Stores to
open on Sundays, spokeswoman Tara Powers said, a move that has proved fruitful.
It was a decision not made lightly.
"We did a lot of research before we did the change," Powers said. "More
people are running errands and doing shopping on Sunday. Our research said over
80 percent would shop on Sunday."
A small minority has express displeasure at the added hours, she said.
"But it hasn't been real vocal," she said.
Then there are the positive stories.
"We've heard of people who have spoken with someone in the morning (at
services), and then have come in to buy a book to give to that person in the
evening," Powers said.
Other independently run Christian-based retailers in the Saginaw Valley, have
chosen to close on Sunday, including Holy Cross Christian Supply, 4654 State in
Saginaw Township's Green Acres Plaza; Andrzejewsk's Marian Church Supplies, 3535
Bay in Saginaw Township; and Sunshine Christian Store, 7212 Gratiot in Thomas
Township. v
Jean Spenner covers business for The Saginaw News. You may reach her at
© 2005 Saginaw News
Without saying so explicitly, the Ten Commandments set the only order that
will bring world peace... The next obligation that a citizen of God's world
order owes is himself. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy," is a command
for a personal benefit of each citizen..." Pat Robertson, The New World Order,
p. 233,236 (NOTE: Pat Robertson is a SUNDAY Sabbath keeper)
Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation respects
their duty to keep Sunday holy –Pope John Paul II Dios Domini p
Revelation 13:11-18…
...The Christian Coalition of America has
launched a new campaign to get America back on a moral path. Michele Combs, CC's
communications director, says the "Let's Take America Back!" campaign has a very simple goal. "We
want to take America back to the moral values, back to the intentions of the
founding fathers, and back to the biblical principles that this country was
founded on," she states. Combs says the Christian Coalition will be holding
meetings all across the nation to help accomplish this goal. [Bill Fancher]
to be used for sunday laws
Pope Relaunches Vatican II's Call to
Justice Reiterates a Theme of "Gaudium et Spes"
VATICAN CITY, MARCH 16, 2005 (Zenit.org).- John Paul II has again proposed to
the Church and to humanity the call to justice launched 40 years ago by the
Second Vatican Council.
"The challenge constantly facing the Church,"
consists in "reminding all believers of the need to interpret social realities
in the light of the Gospel," said the Pope from his room in the Vatican where he
is convalescing from a throat operation.
The Holy Father was echoing one
of the key conclusions of the meeting of the world's bishops, reflected in the
pastoral constitution "Gaudium et Spes," published December, 1965.
took up this legacy in a message sent today for the opening of an international
conference on the theme "The Call to Justice: The Legacy of 'Gaudium et Spes' 40
Years Later." The conference organized by the Pontifical Council for Justice and
Peace is being held in Rome through Friday.
In that 1965 document, the
participants in Vatican II suggested to Pope Paul VI the establishment of what
today is the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. The pontifical council's
mission is "to promote justice and peace in the world in accordance with the
Gospel and the social teaching of the Church," according to the 1988 apostolic
constitution "Pastor Bonus."
John Paul II's message said: "At times, the
enormous progress of science and technology can lead to forget fundamental
questions of justice, despite the common aspiration for greater solidarity among
peoples, and for a more human restructuring of social relations.
sad permanence of conflicts and the repeated manifestations of violence in very
many parts of the world are proof, by contrast, of the inseparable relationship
that exists between justice and peace, according to the fundamental teaching
proposed with courageous clarity in 'Gaudium et Spes.'"
"In this
connection, I wish to reaffirm once again that peace is the work of justice,"
the Pope stated. "Authentic peace on earth entails the firm determination to
respect others, individuals and peoples, in their dignity, and the constant
determination to increase fraternity among the members of the human family."
However, the Church "does not reduce her teaching to this," he said.
Vatican II affirmed "that peace is also the fruit of love, which goes
beyond anything that justice can realize," the Holy Father noted.
added: "The virtue of love, which leads to forgiveness and reconciliation, and
encourages the commitment of Christians in favor of justice," must never be
forgotten. ZE05031605
Many Iraqis Protest Their Day
Associate Saturday
With Jewish Day of Rest
BAGHDAD, Iraq (Feb. 27) - Iraqis are complaining
about their first-ever weekend break, and some high-school students even went to
class Saturday to protest a decision introducing a second weekly day off that
coincides with the Jewish Sabbath.
It's not that the Iraqis do not want time off -
they just want the extra day moved to Thursday.
"We don't want Saturday! It's a Jewish holiday!"
students chanted as they marched in protest last week to the governor's office
in Baqouba, 35 miles northeast of Baghdad.
A high-school student pulled out a hand grenade and
started waving it, and police fired into the air to disperse the crowd. At least
three students reportedly were injured in the ensuing scuffle.
At Baghdad's University of Mustansariyah, a
statement issued by a student union believed to be allied with the radical
Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr described Saturday as "the Zionist holiday" and
said the government order should not be followed.
"We declare a general strike in the University of
Mustansariyah to reject this decision and any decision aimed at depriving Iraqis
of their identity," the statement said.
In predominantly Sunni Muslim Samarra, 60 miles
north of Baghdad, the al-Mutawakal high school opened its doors after insurgents
threatened to kill its teachers if they took the day off.
There is no clear-cut rule for weekends in the
Middle East and other Muslim countries in the region.
In Lebanon, the weekend starts at 11:30 a.m. Friday
and includes Sunday.
In Jordan, the weekend is Friday and Saturday.
Bahrain, Egypt and Kuwait have Thursday and Friday off, while conservative Iran
and Saudi Arabia only give Friday off. In many Baghdad districts, including
Shiite-dominated Sadr City, students and civil servants ignored the decree and
went to school and work. At Sadr City's al-Fazilah secondary girls school, all
400 girls showed up for class.
"Sadr City is a Shiite Islamic city and we reject
Saturday being our holiday because it is related to the Jewish weekend," said
student union leader Safaa Dawoud Mahmoud, 18.
The student body delivered a letter to the school's
administrators demanding that Thursday and Friday be the official weekend
"because both days were blessed in Islam and by Sharia," or Islamic
The students, dressed in long skirts with their
hair covered by dense black veils, vowed to stage sit-ins until the government
reverses its decision and makes Thursday the first day of a two-day
"We will keep going to school with determination
and persistence" on Saturday, sixth-grader Nassen Dawoud said.
"We can't be like Jews. Saturday is a Jewish
holiday and I hope the government listens to us," sixth-grader Nada Alwan,
The influential Sunni Association of Muslim
Scholars, believed to be close to the insurgency, said that by making Saturday a
weekend "the invaders, the occupiers are trying to impose their principles" on
"This decision is dangerous," it said.
In Samarra, one teacher said on condition of
anonymity that he had received death threats from militants warning him not to
take Saturdays off.
In Ramadi, the heart of the insurgency in the
so-called Sunni Triangle, the head of Anbar University decided to change the
weekend on its own.
"The official weekend is Thursday and Friday," the
university announced.
Keeping Sunday
Holy Emphasizing Mass as Center of Christian Life
ROME, FEB. 26, 2005 (Zenit.org).-
Trying to ensure Christians celebrate Sunday as a special day is one of the aims
of the Year of the Eucharist the Church is now observing. In his apostolic
letter on the year, "Mane Nobiscum Domine," John Paul II wrote: "In a particular
way I ask that every effort be made this year to experience Sunday as the day of
the Lord and the day of the Church" (No. 23).
The Pope also called upon
priests during the special year, which continues through October 2005, to pay
more attention to the celebration of Sunday Mass as an event that unites the
entire parish.
During his homily last Oct. 17 at the Mass held to mark
the start of the special year, the Pontiff noted that particularly on a Sunday
the Church lives the mystery of the Eucharist. Moreover, through the Eucharistic
celebration the Christian community is called to a greater brotherhood and
service to others.
The Holy Father's call to reinforce the importance of
Sunday Mass has been followed up in a recent meeting of the Pontifical
Commission for Latin America, held Jan. 18-21. The commission issued a series of
pastoral recommendations on how to maintain the Sunday Mass as a central feature
of Christian life.
When Sunday loses its special meaning, it becomes
absorbed into the generic concept of "weekend," the commission observed.
Christians, instead, need to keep in mind that Sunday Mass should be at the
heart of their religious life. Sunday Mass attendance is also an important means
to ensure the Church maintains its missionary fervor, which is strengthened
through a regular contact with Jesus in the Eucharist.
The commission
insisted on the need for a dignified celebration of the Eucharist. This covers
everything from the ornaments used by the priest, to the music used in the
ceremony, to the way the liturgy is organized. This dignity must be safeguarded
even in circumstances that present special difficulties, such as prisons,
hospitals and nursing homes.
The Lord's Day
recommendation concerns the need for an active participation by everyone in the
celebration. To ensure this, the commission called upon priests and laity alike
to meditate on the meaning of Sunday Mass as the central moment of the Lord's
The commission urged priests to increase their reverence at Mass,
reflecting in their words and acts the great value of the mystery they are
celebrating. The panel also recommended that adequate care be given to the
preparation of the Sunday homily, basing its content on Scripture, the Tradition
of the Church and the magisterium.
For those who participate in some way
in the liturgical celebration as acolytes, readers, Eucharistic ministers, etc.,
the commission asked that they be given a careful preparation in the roles they
carry out.
Another way in which the Christian community can value better
Sunday Mass is through an adequate catechesis. The commission called for an
increased effort in communicating the value of the Mass. Part of this involves a
greater awareness of the connection between the sacraments, for example,
baptism, confirmation and the Eucharist. As well, a more-frequent participation
in the sacrament of reconciliation is suggested in order to ensure worthy
reception of Communion.
The commission also noted the importance of
ensuring that the whole family participates together in the Sunday Eucharist.
Related to this is the need to teach within the family the importance of the
In Australia and Ireland
In recent weeks other
countries have also responded to the Pope's call to reinforce Sunday Mass during
the Year of the Eucharist.
A Jan. 20 press release by the Australian
bishops' conference announced a program prepared by the National Liturgical
Commission. The initiative will get under way during the Sundays of Easter and
is linked with a proposal for a period of Eucharistic devotion from Trinity
Sunday to Corpus Christi.
In the introduction to the program, the
chairman of the episcopate's Committee for Liturgy, Bishop Kevin Manning,
recalled the invitation of John Paul II for Catholics to dedicate the current
year to the Eucharist.
"The Australian bishops have responded to the
Holy Father's invitation and now offer the program, 'Sunday: Sacrament of
Easter,' to the Australian Church as a means of enlivening our celebration of
the Eucharist and to encourage devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament," Bishop
Manning wrote.
In Ireland, meanwhile, the Diocese of Down and Connor
announced last Monday that it will be starting a series of lessons in its
parishes on the meaning of the Eucharist, reported the Irish Independent.
Launching the campaign, Bishop Patrick Walsh warned that Sunday is no
longer a family day, let alone the Lord's Day, for many people. "The purpose of
the Year of the Eucharist is to open the eyes of our faith so that we will come
to recognize Christ more fully in the breaking of the bread, in the Eucharist,
and stay with him in his presence in the Blessed Sacrament," he explained.
Christ's victory
This is not the first time John Paul II has
insisted on the need to ensure that Sunday remains a special day for Catholics.
In his 1998 apostolic letter, "Dies Domini," he noted that the Church has always
given the Lord's Day special attention. On Sunday we recall Christ's
resurrection and celebrate his victory over sin and death. "It is the day which
recalls in grateful adoration the world's first day and looks forward in active
hope to 'the last day', when Christ will come in glory (cf. Acts 1:11; 1
Thessalonians 4:13-17) and all things will be made new (cf. Revelation 21:5)"
(No. 1).
The Pope commented that until recently is was easier to
preserve the special meaning of Sunday, because in most Christian countries it
was practiced by virtually all the population and was also a part of civil
society. Now, however, Sunday is submerged in a series of cultural and sporting
activities that can cause us to lose sight of the day's spiritual meaning.
"The disciples of Christ, however, are asked to avoid any confusion
between the celebration of Sunday, which should truly be a way of keeping the
Lord's Day holy, and the 'weekend,' understood as a time of simple rest and
relaxation," the Pope added (No. 4).
Achieving this requires a greater
spiritual maturity and for Christians to act in accordance with their faith.
Sunday should be a day that is at the heart of the Christian life, the Pope
urged. "Do not be afraid to give your time to Christ! Yes, let us open our time
to Christ, that he may cast light upon it and give it direction" (No. 7).
Moreover, he added: "Time given to Christ is never time lost, but is
rather time gained, so that our relationships and indeed our whole life may
become more profoundly human." A lesson that the Pope hopes many will learn
during this year dedicated to the Eucharist. ZE05022602
Cantalamessa's Call for a Rediscovery of Sunday In Year's 1st Lenten Sermon at Vatican
2005 (Zenit.org).- The Eucharist is a regenerating
communion and expression of love of the risen Christ, explained the preacher of
the Pontifical Household during a Lenten meditation in the Vatican.
Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa also called for a rediscovery of
Sunday, and warned against the "de-personalization" of the sacrament of the
Eucharist, during his meditation today.
His talk was the first in a
series held every Lent, on Fridays, designed to help John Paul II and members of
the Roman Curia prepare for Easter.
The Pope did not attend today as he
is recovering in the Gemelli Polyclinic from a successful tracheotomy operation
Thursday to ease his breathing problems.
Father Cantalamessa's sermon,
in the Redemptoris Mater Chapel in the Apostolic Palace, was a continuation of a
reflection on the Eucharistic hymn "Adore Te Devote," which he began last
The third stanza "takes us to Calvary to" relive "the death of
Christ," he said.
The fourth stanza -- ''I do not see the wounds as
Thomas saw them / but I confess that thou art my God: make me believe in thee
more and more, / that I may hope in thee and love thee" -- the object of today's
meditation -- "takes us to the cenacle for us to encounter the Risen One," said
Father Cantalamessa.
It was in the cenacle where the episode of the
Apostle Thomas took place.
The preacher summarized his sermon for ZENIT.
In the "Adoro Te Devote" the "profound analogy" is made "evident that
exists between Thomas' situation and that of the believer," said Father
Thomas "asks to touch the wounds, but we can also ask him
to touch ours. ... Wounds that are different from his, caused by sin, not by
love," he said. We can ask him "to touch them in order to heal them."
The "insistence on the chronological data of these apparitions shows the
evangelist's intention to present Jesus' encounter with his own in the cenacle
as the prototype of the Church's Sunday assembly," added the preacher.
In those moments "Jesus makes himself present among his disciples in the
Eucharist; he gives them peace and the Holy Spirit; in communion they touch,
more than that, receive his wounded and risen body and, like Thomas, proclaim
their faith in him. Almost all the elements of the Mass are there," he said.
Father Cantalamessa said that the theological truth highlighted in the
fourth stanza "is that in the Eucharist, not only is the Crucified present but
also the Risen One," which is a "memorial both of the passion as well as of the
"In every Mass Jesus is at the same time victim and
priest," he continued. "As victim he makes his death present, as priest he makes
his resurrection present."
And "through the resurrection it is God the
Father who enters as protagonist in the Eucharistic mystery. If in fact the
death of Christ is the work of men, the resurrection is the work of the Father,"
stated Father Cantalamessa.
Rediscovery of Sunday
"The profound
theological link between the Eucharist and the resurrection creates the
liturgical link between the Eucharist and Sunday," the Capuchin said. It is
significant, he said, that the day par excellence "of the Eucharistic
celebration is not that of the death of Christ, Friday, but the day of the
resurrection, Sunday."
"There are urgent pastoral reasons that impel the
rediscovery of Sunday as 'day of the resurrection,'" the priest continued. "We
have gone back to be much closer to the situation of the first centuries than to
that of medieval times, when the most important aspect of Sunday was the precept
of the festive rest.
"There is no longer a civil legislation that
'protects,' so to speak, the day of the Lord. In the present organization of
work, the law of festive rest itself is subject to many limitations and
It is our task "to rediscover what Sunday was in the first
centuries, when it was a special day not because of external supports, but
because of its own internal force," he stated.
Father Cantalamessa said
that "no faithful should return home from Sunday Mass without feeling himself
also in some measure given a 'new birth to a living hope through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.'"
Not much is needed to
achieve this "and to put the whole of the Sunday celebration under the paschal
sign of the resurrection: a few, vibrant words at the moment of the initial
greeting, the choice of an appropriate formula of dismissal at the end, such as
'May the joy of the Lord be our strength: go in peace,' or 'Go and take to all
the joy of the risen Lord,'" he said.
Loving response
From the
memory of Thomas and the words of Christ -- "Blessed are those who have not seen
and have believed" -- a prayerful invocation closes the stanza: "Make me believe
more and more in thee, that I may hope in thee and love thee."
practice, what is being asked is an increase in the theological virtues of
faith, hope and charity," which "cannot but be rekindled when in contact with
the one who is their author and object, Jesus, son of God, and he himself God,"
he said.
The "queen" of these virtues is love; and the "Adoro Te Devote"
"speaks to us of a particular aspect of love: the love of the soul for Jesus" --
"Make me love Thee."
"It is of this loving response that an increase is
requested," said Father Cantalamessa. "A call all the more precious for us
today, in order not to 'de-personalize' the Eucharist, reducing it solely to the
communal and objective dimension. A true communion between two free persons
cannot be realized except in love." ZE05022502
Newly found
faith lands Marine in jail
Friday, December 31, 2004
CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. -- U.S. Marine Cpl. Joel D. Klimkewicz says he's willing
to clear land mines and risk his life for his country.
He's just not willing to pick up a gun.
Because of his new-found religious faith, the Birch Run native is spending
his holidays behind bars as a conscientious objector, convicted by military
superiors who see him as a disobedient soldier.
"I couldn't see Jesus Christ taking human life," said Klimkewicz in a phone
interview from the Camp LeJeune military prison. "In my faith, what I believe is
that we're all citizens of heaven. Citizens of heaven are of all nations, and I
refuse to take a life of a fellow citizen of heaven."
This month, a Marine Corps court sentenced 24-year-old Klimkewicz -- a combat
engineer who is a member of a Seventh-day Adventist Church -- to seven months
behind bars for refusing an order to pick up a weapon for training. He received
a reduction in rank to private and a bad conduct discharge.
Since joining the church a year ago and becoming a conscientious objector to
combat, he has taken some criticism from friends who have questioned his
Seventh-day Adventists support non-combatancy for its members who serve in
the military, but leave such decisions to a member's individual conscience, said
church spokesman Mark A. Kellner.
"There are a lot of people who would view it as unpatriotic," Klimkewicz said
of refusing to pick up a gun. "At first, some of (my friends) were stand-offish,
but later on, some of them saw my sincerity and saw definitely that this was a
choice of my conscience.
"And that I was willing to do everything I could do without disobeying my
He said his primary skeptic has remained the military itself.
"It's unusual that a Marine would claim conscientious objector status after
being in the Marine Corps and knowing that there's a war going on," said Marine
Corps spokeswoman 1st Lt. Kate VandenBossche. "That's what took everyone off
guard at first."
Klimkewicz, a 1999 Birch Run High School graduate, signed a two-year
re-enlistment in 2002. After participating in on-ship Bible studies with a
Seventh-day Adventist chaplain, Klimkewicz started converting to his new faith,
said Seventh-day Adventist attorney, Mitchell A. Tyner.
Klimkewicz formally joined the church in the fall of 2003 and attended
services in Jacksonville, N.C. Klimkewicz, however, did not learn until after he
applied for re-enlistment about the Seventh-day Adventist belief that one should
not become involved in combat, Tyner said.
Klimkewicz told Marine officials that he was willing to serve, but not carry
a weapon or take a life. Marine regulations provide that a Marine whose beliefs
crystallize after enlistment can receive conscientious objector status, Tyner
Tyner is based in denominational headquarters in Silver Spring, Md.
The Marines decided that Klimkewicz was not sincere and that he really just
wanted to avoid serving in Iraq, Tyner said. Klimkewicz initially admitted he
was less than a productive Marine, Tyner said, and was reprimanded twice for
Klimkewicz wasn't jailed because he requested conscientious objector status,
VandenBossche said.
"He was charged with ... disobeying a lawful order from a superior
commissioned officer," she said.
Klimkewicz refused an order to pick up his weapon at an armory and begin
training with it, VandenBossche said. He was charged because he refused the
order twice before stating religious reasons for his objection to it.
To rebut that charge, Klimkewicz volunteered to clear mines in Iraq, because
those who do so do not carry a weapon. Twice, officials rejected his offer,
Tyner said.
"The Marine Corps, in its zeal to prevent others from avoiding combat, has
totally misread this soldier and the result is a serious miscarriage of
justice," Tyner said. "We hope the corps will reconsider the total
disproportional nature of the sentence and reduce it immediately."
Tyner said efforts from his office and congressional offices are now in
motion to appeal the situation.
Klimkewicz's wife, Tomomi Higa, a Japanese citizen, has a temporary residence
permit to live in the United States. They have a 3-year-old daughter. Members of
the Jacksonville Seventh-day Adventists have indicated they will help
Klimkewicz's wife and daughter as needed, Kellner said.
Klimkewicz said he is adjusting to life behind bars, and spends much of his
time reading the Bible. He conducts an informal Bible study for a few fellow
He said he is willing to sacrifice his freedom for his beliefs, if needed.
"All I can say is that the Bible says people who suffer in the name of the
Lord is a blessing to them," he said. "I take God's laws over men's laws."
Once he is released from prison, he said, he plans to pursue either a career
in the ministry or in the health care field, possibly as a nurse
practitioner.Klimkewicz's stepmother, Rose Klimkewicz of St. Charles, said her
family supports him.
"He's a good person," she said. "He's a good son, stepson and brother. He
believes what he's doing is right, and we are behind him."
Klimkewicz joined the Marine s to earn money for college and to travel, said
Rose Klimkewicz, adding that she and her family pray for all the troops.
"No one likes the war and no one likes all this killing," she said. "We are
for Joe with whatever decision he's making. He went in as a young man, and now
he's a little bit older. We hope that everything turns out well for him." v
Darryl Q. Tucker covers courts for The Saginaw News. You may reach him at
776-9686. Scott Davis is a staff writer for The Saginaw News. You may reach him
at 776-9665. The Adventist News Network also was a source for this article.
Pope Calls for Rediscovery of Meaning of
Sunday In 1st Angelus
Address of Advent
VATICAN CITY, NOV. 28, 2004 (Zenit.org).- John Paul II
called for the rediscovery of the meaning of Sunday, as Advent opened in the
year he has dedicated to the Eucharist.
From the window of his study,
the Pope addressed the 30,000 pilgrims gathered today in St. Peter's Square,
before praying the midday Angelus with them.
The Holy Father noted it
was the first Sunday of Advent, the liturgical period of preparation for
During Advent, "we will contemplate with particular fervor
the face of Christ present in the Eucharist," he said.
The Pope
emphasized that "Jesus, Incarnate Word, dead and risen, is the center of
history. The Church adores him and discovers in him the ultimate and unifying
meaning of all the mysteries of faith: the love of God that gives life."
Mentioning the Eucharistic Congress that the Church in Italy is
organizing in Bari from May 21-29, the Holy Father recalled its main theme,
"Without Sunday, We Cannot Live."
The initiative motivated the Pope to encourage the Christian community
"to rediscover with new intensity the meaning of Sunday: its mystery, its
celebration, its significance for Christian and human life."
John Paul
II, who in recent years has given central importance to the rediscovery of the
Eucharist, is concerned about the loss of the meaning of Sunday, as he says in
the 1998 apostolic letter "Dies Domini."
The Holy Father concluded by
praying for the intercession of Mary, whom he
described as "Eucharistic Woman," so that the Christian
community will receive "with joy the Christ who comes" at Christmas, and will
celebrate "worthily the sacramental presence of the Eucharistic mystery."
Evident in St. Peter's Square was the scaffolding, used to build the
Nativity scene, which will be unveiled on Christmas Eve. ZE04112803
United States: Adventist, Fired for Sabbath Observance, Seeks
Reinstatement and Damages
October 19, 2004 Austin, Texas, United States .... [ANN Staff]
employee fired from Dynacon, Inc. of Bryan, Texas, for religious beliefs
protected under federal law is seeking reinstatement to his job. Hector Rivera
wants his welder's job restored, along with back pay and punitive damages,
according to a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of Texas. Representing Rivera is attorney Malcolm Greenstein of Austin.
Rivera joined Dynacon in 1988 as a welder and became a member of the
Seventh-day Adventist Church in May 2002. He asked for, and received,
accommodation for his belief that he should not work on Saturday, the biblical
Sabbath. A new supervisor ended that practice in August 2002; when Rivera
refused to work on a Saturday, he was terminated.
"This is only one of
many examples of illegal discrimination against Sabbath-keepers," said Mitchell
Tyner, an associate counsel for the Seventh-day Adventist Church world
headquarters. "Every year more than 1,000 Adventists [in the United States] are
either denied employment or lose their jobs over their religious beliefs, which
are guaranteed protection under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act."
According to Tyner, the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
reports an 80 percent increase in religious discrimination cases during the past
five years. Seventh-day Adventists, observant Jews, and members of other faith
communities are among those who regularly suffer discrimination for requesting
The Seventh-day Adventist Church, established in America
in 1863, is a mainstream Protestant denomination with 13.5 million baptized
members in 204 countries. More than 25 million people worship at Adventist
congregations each week.
a Sabbath
 LDS golfer forfeits shot at title by not
playing on Sunday
By Mike
Sorensen Deseret
Morning News
Golfer Johnny Miller once said he'd
love to be leading the U.S. Open or a similar tournament going into the final
day and then tell everyone he wasn't going to play on Sunday because of his
Miller never did anything like
that during his successful PGA career, during which he played golf hundreds of
times on Sunday. However, Saturday afternoon, his youngest son, Todd,
made such a stand — forfeiting his chance to play in the Men's State Amateur
finals today at the Jeremy Golf & Country Club because he refuses to play
golf on the Sabbath. Miller had defeated Clay Bingham in Saturday's
semifinals, but by choosing not to play today, Clark Rustand, a 24-year-old BYU
student from Tucson, Ariz., was declared the State Am winner a day earlier than
usual. Miller, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints who served an LDS mission to Chile, isn't the first athlete to refuse to
compete for religious reasons. One of the most famous examples is
British runner Eric Liddell, who refused to run on the Sabbath during the 1924
Olympics. That story was featured into the Oscar-winning movie "Chariots of
Fire." In 1965, Los Angeles Dodgers' pitcher Sandy Koufax refused to
pitch on the holiest Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur, during the World Series. More
recently, former BYU lineman Eli Herring passed up a large signing bonus and a
likely NFL career because he didn't want to play on Sundays. Miller,
who will be a senior on the BYU golf team next year, said he made the decision
not to play golf on Sundays while he was on his mission. "What I do on
Sunday is way more important than winning a tournament," he said. "I don't look
down upon people who play on the Sabbath. I would just feel like a hypocrite in
my own heart if I did. I made that decision, and I'm going to stick with
Miller's decision was surprising
to everyone from tournament officials to his fellow golfers to the media
covering the event. Most said they respect him for sticking up for his
beliefs, but many were also critical of him for not making the decision earlier
and wiping out the final day of a tournament that has been played for 106
consecutive years, longer than any tournament in the world. "It's
pretty disrespectful to a tournament that's been around 106 years," said
defending champion Tommy Sharp, who lost in the semifinals to Rustand. "He knew
the tournament ended on a Sunday when he entered. It should not be changed
because of one guy." Miller had hoped the finals could be moved to
Monday, and there was talk about making Miller and Rustand co-champions. But
after meeting with each player for a few minutes, the Utah Golf Association
board of directors declared Rustand the winner by forfeit. "I'm
surprised, I'm shocked and I'm disappointed," said UGA executive director Joe
Watts. "Although I fully respect a person and his religious convictions, it's a
matter of what process that kind of religious conviction should have shown
itself. There's lots of considerations a person has to make besides his own
personal religious convictions before he enters into an activity. Volunteers . .
. , golf courses . . . , contestants who have put in their time and effort. . .
. It should have been handled sooner." Miller had known all week that
he wouldn't play Sunday and defended his decision not to tell anyone beforehand.
He said had planned to forfeit his semifinal match and allow that player to go
on to the finals, but when he was matched up against his BYU teammate and friend
Bingham, he knew that Bingham wouldn't accept that idea. Like Miller,
Rustand is LDS and a returned missionary, and he was understanding of Miller's
decision not to play. "I totally respect his decision of not playing on
Sunday," Rustand said. "But I've made the decision to try and compete at the
highest level, and that puts me in a position to play on Sundays. I wish it
wasn't the case and that I could have Sundays to relax and go to church. But at
the same time if I do make it and it becomes my livelihood it will put me in
that predicament even though I honor my commitments to my church."
Miller said he wasn't bitter about the UGA's decision and praised Watts and the
rest of the UGA board who organized and put on the event. "I had a
great time and made a lot of great friends," Miller said. "I appreciate
all the hard work they've done for Jeremy Ranch, giving up their course, and
appreciate the way they handled this. I'm fine with the decision." He
said he isn't planning on being a professional golfer and competing on Sunday
like his father and numerous other LDS athletes do. "I'm going to do
something in the golfing profession, but I hope I won't have to work on Sunday,"
he said. As for next year, Miller isn't sure whether he will enter the
State Amateur and he may not have a chance to anyway, according to Watts.
"We will be considering changes in our entry form for players to declare in
advance if they're not going to play until the end of the tournament," said
Watts. "We don't want them taking other people's places. "We have
people working hard to get in this tournament; they deserve a chance if someone
isn't really here to win it."
This article was published by F18News on: 11 November 2004
TURKMENISTAN: Adventists seek end to Sabbath schooling
threats |
By Felix Corley, Editor, Forum 18 News Service |
Leading Adventist Olga Kholopova was summoned by the secret
police in the capital Ashgabad on 8 November and, two days later, to her local
police station in a bid to force her to send her son to school on Saturdays, the
Adventist day of rest and worship. Protestant sources told Forum 18 News Service
that officers threatened not only to launch a criminal case and take her son
away from her if she failed to comply, but to deprive the Adventist church of
the registration it got back in June after a seven and a half year break. But
Pastor Pavel Fedotov told Forum 18 he believes the threats are a
misunderstanding that can be overcome. "We hope for a good resolution to this
issue and are looking forward to reaching an understanding with the
government." |
Turkmenistan's Adventist leaders are convinced that threats to
their official registration as a religious organisation are a misunderstanding
that can be overcome. "We're worried by the threats to remove our registration
connected with our members' desire for their children not to have to study in
school on Saturdays, our Sabbath," Pastor Pavel Fedotov told Forum 18 News
Service on 9 November. "We hope for a good resolution to this issue and are
looking forward to reaching an understanding with the government."
Protestant sources told Forum 18 that existing concerns were heightened
when a leading Adventist in the capital Ashgabad, Olga Kholopova, was summoned
by the National Security Ministry secret police on 8 November and threatened
that if she continues to refuse to send her 12-year-old son Timur to school on
Saturdays the church's registration will be removed.
"Kholopova was
summoned by the ministry's 6th department, which deals with the struggle against
terrorism," one Protestant told Forum 18. "Although officers were polite, she
was threatened with a criminal case, a fine and the denial of parental rights if
she refuses to send her child to school on Saturdays. They also threatened to
send her son to a special centre for delinquent adolescents supervised by the
police - and to strip the church of its legal status." The Protestant told Forum
18 that officers dismissed Kholopova's attempts to explain the importance to
Adventists of observing the Sabbath.
"This is also a religious freedom
issue for Timur, because he is himself a believer," one Protestant told Forum
Protestant sources stressed to Forum 18 that Timur has had
"excellent reports" in school and has not encountered problems with his study.
They add that the secret police know that Adventists, a small minority in
Turkmenistan, honour Saturday, their Sabbath, as a day of rest and worship. The
Protestant sources point out that although the Turkmen school week runs from
Monday to Saturday, about half the school children in Ashgabad fail to turn up
on Saturdays because they are helping their families at work in markets and
Forum 18 was unable to immediately reach any security
ministry officials to find out why such threats have been made against Kholopova
and against the church. Telephones also went unanswered at the government's
Gengeshi (Council) for Religious Affairs in Ashgabad on 10 November.
Kholopova had already been summoned by her son's school, the local
hyakimlik (administration) and her local police station in a bid to pressure her
to submit. Protestant sources told Forum 18 on 10 November that she was again
summoned to the local police that day, though the police told her they were
surprised that they had been dragged into the issue which they said was not a
police matter.
Given that unregistered religious activity in
Turkmenistan is illegal, Adventists are highly concerned not only by the threats
to Kholopova but the threat to remove registration from the church. On 1 June
the Adventists became one of the few minority religious faiths to regain
registration this year after a seven and a half year period when all their
activity was treated as illegal. Their church in Ashgabad was bulldozed by the
authorities in November 1999. Even now they have regained registration, they
still cannot meet for worship as an entire congregation in Ashgabad (see F18News
4 October 2004 http://www.forum18.org/Archive.php?article_id=424).
Adventist children have faced intermittent problems in school over their
desire not to study on their day of rest. Despite their religious convictions,
one Adventist family in Ashgabad was forced to bow to intense pressure in
September not to keep their child away from school on Saturdays.
autumn, Adventist leaders were warned that check-ups would be carried out in all
Ashgabad schools on Saturdays to make sure all children – including Adventists –
were present. Sources told Forum 18 that one such check-up was carried out in
the capital's schools in October. The authorities also told the Adventists they
would be looking through the church's membership list to help verify that all
the members' children attended school on Saturdays. Pastor Fedotov was warned
that if children were not attending school on Saturdays his church's
registration would be cancelled.
It is unknown if any observant Jews
have encountered similar problems in Turkmenistan over compulsory schooling on
Saturdays. Much of Turkmenistan's small Jewish community emigrated in the decade
after independence and little communal Jewish activity appears to survive.
All Turkmenistan's religious public holidays are Muslim, the traditional
faith of the majority of the population.
For more background, see Forum
18's Turkmenistan religious freedom survey at
A printer-friendly map
of Turkmenistan is available at
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/atlas/index.html?Parent=asia&Rootmap=turkme |
New Law Gives Virginia's Workers a Break, by Accident By
ICHMOND, Va., July 1 - On Saturdays and Sundays, rain or shine,
locals and visitors fill the restaurants, boutiques, bookstores and coffee shops
of Carytown, a popular residential and commercial district here. At night,
restaurants bustle, and the line for the second-run movie theater wraps around
the block. But thanks to an unnoticed clerical error in a new state law, some
here fear that could all change.
Even after the bill's sponsor, Senator Frederick M. Quayle, a Republican from
Chesapeake, said unequivocally that the bill was in error, the mistake has
Virginia's business community reeling back to colonial times, when working on
Sunday was a crime. Under the state's new "day of rest" law, employees in the
private sector can refuse to work on Sunday or their chosen Sabbath, leaving
Virginia employers to wonder how they will continue to do business on weekends.
The ensuing brouhaha has the governor and attorney general at loggerheads as to
who should solve the problem, and how.
Meanwhile, in the midst of vacation season, frenzied Virginia employers are
flooding government offices with phone calls, trying to determine just what
their rights are. No one seems to have answers.
Although large and small businesses have expressed concern, and there is talk
that a group of businesses will challenge the law in Richmond Circuit Court,
small businesses like the ones that line Cary Street, many of them family owned,
could take the brunt of the effects.
"We have 12 employees, and Saturday is our busiest day," said Jack Burke,
president of Leo Burke Furniture, a family-owned store in the heart of Carytown
that sells antiques and fine furniture. "If one of our employees celebrated the
Sabbath on Saturday, it would be a major hardship for us. We don't have the
luxury of hiring another person to take up the slack for one day."
Down the street at Pink, a trendy boutique open seven days a week, Deborah
Boschen, one of the owners, said she was not prepared for the worst-case
scenario. "If it were left to my partner and I to work the floor on a Saturday
or a Sunday, we couldn't do it," she said. "We have a lot of foot traffic on the
Ms. Boschen said she feared that customers who could not get immediate
service would walk out. "What am I going to do?'' she asked. "Put up a sign that
says 'Lack of attention due to blue laws'?"
The new law, which went into effect Thursday, was intended to get rid of the
section of the state's so-called blue laws that restricts business operations on
Sunday. But when it comes to anything 400 years old, Virginians are hard pressed
to make changes. Instead of repealing blue laws, legislators over the years have
layered on legislation overriding the original intent. The code itself does not
change; new legislation just creates exemptions to the old.
In other words, Virginia law still holds that businesses cannot operate on
Sundays. So even though added exemptions - covering retailers, movie theaters,
hotels and other businesses - have made the law virtually obsolete, it is still
on the books.
When the new bill was drafted, the section of exemptions was mistakenly left
out. "Businesses that operate 24/7, 365 days in the private sector run the risk
of substantial disruption," said Hugh Keogh, president and chief executive of
the Virginia Chamber of Commerce.
No one - from the bill's sponsor to the legislators who passed it to the
governor who signed it - noticed that the exemptions were missing. Without the
exemptions, employees have the right to refuse to work on their chosen day of
The mistake came to light when a labor lawyer contacted Mr. Keogh to warn him
of the potential dangers of the new law. After alerting the governor's office,
the Chamber of Commerce sent letters apprising its members of the possible
pitfalls. When the Virginia news media began reporting the story on Wednesday,
the response from local businesses was overwhelming.
"Employers are going crazy," said Tim Murtaugh, the spokesman for Attorney
General Jerry W. Kilgore. Mr. Murtaugh said he had received at least 20 calls on
his personal telephone line before lunchtime on Thursday. "Many dozens more are
calling our main switchboard," he said. "Everyone wants to know what this means
to them."
For now, Mr. Murtaugh said, his office is referring calls to the State
Department of Labor and Industry, which, barring intervention by the governor,
the attorney general or the legislature, is legally bound to live by the law as
Informed of the problem, Gov. Mark R. Warner, a Democrat, asked Mr. Kilgore
to rule on the law's constitutionality, said Ellen Qualls, the governor's
spokeswoman. If the attorney general were to declare the measure
unconstitutional, the governor could direct the labor department not to enforce
it until it could be rectified by next year's General Assembly. But Mr. Kilgore,
a Republican, quickly distanced himself from the issue.
"If the governor has a problem with the law he signed, he should get the
legislature back and fix it," Mr. Murtaugh said. "The governor should know that
the attorney general cannot tell people what laws should or should not be
Pulling legislators back to Richmond for a special session is not likely.
This year's General Assembly met for 115 days, the longest session on record for
the oldest legislative body in the Western Hemisphere, as state lawmakers
wrangled with the budget. In addition, the expense of a special legislative
session could cost the already beleaguered state budget as much as $100,000 a
day, Ms. Qualls said.
Mr. Warner issued a statement late Wednesday saying that he would support
retroactive legislation in the 2005 General Assembly that would essentially
dismantle any investigations into breaches of the erroneous law before next
January, when the General Assembly meets. Unfortunately, the measure would not
preclude the potentially enormous costs of investigations that would be obsolete
as soon as the problem is corrected.
Mr. Keogh of the Chamber of Commerce offered this solution: "I think the
preference would be to muddle through the next six months questioning the
constitutionality issues and using a very reasonable approach to enforceability
knowing that the whole thing will flip-flop back to what it was in
Code: ZE04032620 Date: 2004-03-26
John Paul II's Address to Australian Bishops "Pernicious Ideology of Secularism Has Found Fertile Ground"
VATICAN CITY, MARCH 26, 2004 (Zenit.org).-
Here is the address John Paul II delivered today to the bishops of the
Australian episcopal conference, at the conclusion of their five-yearly visit to
Rome. * * Your Eminence, Dear Brother Bishops,
"Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord" (1
Timothy 1:2). With fraternal affection I warmly welcome you, the Bishops of
Australia. I thank Archbishop Carroll for the good wishes and kind sentiments
expressed on your behalf. I warmly reciprocate them and I assure you of my
prayers for yourselves and those entrusted to your pastoral care. Your first
visit "ad Limina Apostolorum" in this new millennium is an occasion to give
thanks to God for the immense gift of faith in Jesus Christ which has been
welcomed and treasured by the peoples of your country (cf. "Ecclesia in
Oceania," 1). As servants of the Gospel for the hope of the world, your coming
to see Peter (cf. Galatians 1:18) affirms and consolidates that collegiality
which gives rise to unity in diversity and safeguards the integrity of the
tradition handed down by the Apostles (cf. "Pastores Gregis," 57).
Our Lord's call to "come follow me" (Matthew 4:19) is as valid today as it was
on the shores of Lake Galilee more than two thousand years ago. The joy and hope
of Christian discipleship mark the lives of countless Australian priests,
Religious, and faithful men and women who together strive to respond to Christ's
call and bring his truth to bear on the ecclesial and civic life of your nation.
Yet it is also true that the pernicious ideology of secularism has found fertile
ground in Australia. At the root of this disturbing development is the attempt
to promote a vision of humanity without God. It exaggerates individualism,
sunders the essential link between freedom and truth, and corrodes the
relationships of trust which characterize genuine social living. Your own
reports unequivocally describe some of the destructive consequences of this
eclipse of the sense of God: the undermining of family life; a drift away from
the Church; a limited vision of life which fails to awaken in people the sublime
call to "direct their steps towards a truth which transcends them" ("Fides et
Ratio," 5).
In the face of such challenges, when the winds are against
us (cf. Mark 6:48), the Lord himself calls out: "Courage! It is I! Have no fear"
(Mark 6:50). Remaining firm in trust, you too can dispel apprehension and fear.
Especially within a culture of the "here and now," Bishops must stand out as
fearless prophets, witnesses and servants of the hope of Christ (cf. "Pastores
Gregis," 3). In proclaiming this hope, which springs from the Cross, I am
confident that you will lead men and women from the shadows of moral confusion
and ambiguous thinking into the radiance of Christ's truth and love. Indeed, it
is only by understanding humanity's final destination -- eternal life in heaven
-- that the multitude of daily joys and sorrows can be explained, enabling
people to embrace the mystery of their own life with confidence (cf. "Fides et
Ratio," 81).
3. The Church's witness to the hope that she holds (cf. 1
Peter 3:15) is especially powerful when she gathers together for worship. Sunday
Mass, because of its special solemnity, the obligatory presence of the faithful,
and its celebration on the day when Christ conquered death, expresses with great
emphasis the Eucharist's inherent ecclesial dimension: the mystery of the Church
is made present in a most tangible way (cf. "Dies Domini," 34). Consequently
Sunday is the "supreme day of faith," "an indispensable day," "the day of
Christian hope!"
Any weakening in the Sunday observance of Holy Mass
weakens Christian discipleship and dims the light of witness to Christ's
presence in our world. When Sunday loses its fundamental meaning and becomes
subordinate to a secular concept of "weekend" dominated by such things as
entertainment and sport, people stay locked within a horizon so narrow that they
can no longer see the heavens (cf. "Dies Domini," 4). Rather than being truly
satisfied or revitalized, they remain entrapped in a senseless pursuit of the
novel and deprived of the perennial freshness of Christ's "living water" (John
4:11). Though the secularization of the Lord's day understandably causes you
much worry you can, however, draw comfort from the faithfulness of the Lord
himself who continues to beckon his people with a love which challenges and
calls (cf. "Ecclesia in Oceania," 3). In urging the dear faithful of Australia
-- and in a special way the young people -- to remain faithful to the
celebration of Sunday Mass, I make my own the words found in the Letter to the
Hebrews: "hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, ... not
neglecting to meet together ... but encouraging one another" (Hebrews 10:23-25).
To you as Bishops I suggest that as moderators of the liturgy you give
pastoral priority to catechetical programs which instruct the faithful about the
true meaning of Sunday and inspire them to observe it fully. To this end I refer
you to my Apostolic Letter "Dies Domini." It outlines the pilgrim and
eschatological character of the People of God, which can so easily be
overshadowed today by shallow sociological understandings of community. As a
remembrance of a past event and the celebration of the living presence of the
Risen Lord amidst his people, Sunday also looks to the future glory of his
return and the fullness of Christian hope and joy.
4. Intimately linked
to the liturgy is the Church's mission to evangelize. While the liturgical
renewal, ardently desired by the Second Vatican Council, has rightly resulted in
a more active and conscious participation of the faithful in the tasks proper to
them, such involvement must not become an end in itself. The "purpose of being
with Jesus is to go forth from Jesus, in his power and with his grace"
("Ecclesia in Oceania," 3).
It is precisely this dynamic that the Prayer
after Communion and the Concluding Rite of the Mass articulate (cf. "Dies
Domini," 45). Sent by the Lord himself into the vineyard -- the home, the
workplace, schools, civic organizations -- disciples of Christ find no room for
"standing idle in the marketplace" (Matthew 20:3) nor can they be so deeply
immersed in the internal organization of parish life, that they are distracted
from the command to evangelize others actively (cf. "Christifideles Laici," 2).
Renewed by the strength of the Risen Lord and his Spirit, Christ's followers
must return to their "vineyard" burning with a desire to "speak" of Christ and
to "show" him to the world (cf. "Novo Millennio Ineunte," 16).
5. The
"communion" that exists between a Bishop and his priests demands that the
well-being of the presbyterate be close to every Bishop's heart. The 1998
Statement of Conclusions (Interdicasterial Meeting with a representation of the
Australian Bishops) noted, with good reason, the great dedication of the priests
serving the Church in Australia (cf. No. 19). In expressing my own appreciation
of their tireless and unassuming service, I encourage you always to listen to
your priests, as a father would listen to a son. In a secular context such as
yours it is of particular importance that you help your priests to appreciate
that their spiritual identity must consciously shape all their pastoral
activity. The priest is never a manager or mere defender of a particular point
of view. In imitation of the Good Shepherd, he is a disciple seeking to
transcend his own personal limitations and rejoice in a life of intimacy with
Christ. A relationship of deep communion and friendship with Jesus, in which the
priest habitually talks "heart to heart with the Lord" (Instruction "The Priest,
Pastor and Leader of the Parish Community," 27), will nurture his quest for
holiness, enriching not only himself but the entire community he serves.
It is in embracing the universal call to holiness (cf. 1 Thessalonians
4:3) that the particular vocation to which God summons every individual is
found. In this regard I am sure that your initiatives to promote a culture of
vocation and to treasure the various states of ecclesial life, which exist so
that "the world may believe" (John 17:21), will bear fruit. As for the young men
who generously respond to God's call to the priesthood, I again affirm that they
must receive your every assistance as they strive for a life of simplicity,
chastity and humble service, in imitation of Christ, the Eternal High Priest, of
whom they are to become living icons (cf. "Pastores Dabo Vobis," 33).
The contribution of consecrated men and women to the mission of the Church and
the building up of civil society has been of immeasurable worth to your nation.
Innumerable Australians have benefited from the selfless commitment of Religious
to pastoral ministry and spiritual guidance as well as to education, social and
medical work, and care of the elderly. Your reports attest to your admiration of
these men and women, whose "gift of self for love of the Lord Jesus and, in him,
of every member of the human family" ("Vita Consecrata," 3) so enriches the life
of your Dioceses.
This deep appreciation of consecrated life is rightly
accompanied by your concern for the decline in Religious vocations in your
country. A renewed clarity is needed to articulate the particular contribution
of Religious to the life of the Church: a mission to make the love of Christ
present in the midst of humanity (cf. Instruction "Starting Afresh From Christ:
A Renewed Commitment to Consecrated Life in the Third Millennium," 5). Such
clarity will give rise to a new kairos, with Religious confidently reaffirming
their calling and, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, proposing afresh to
young people the ideal of consecration and mission. The evangelical counsels of
chastity, poverty and obedience, embraced for the love of God, splendidly
illuminate the fidelity, self-possession and authentic freedom necessary to live
the fullness of life to which all men and women are called. With these
sentiments I again assure Religious Priests, Brothers and Sisters of the vital
witness they provide by radically walking in the footsteps of Christ.
Dear Brothers, I am pleased to acknowledge your steadfast efforts to uphold the
uniqueness of marriage as a life-long covenant based on generous mutual giving
and unconditional love. The Church's teaching on marriage and stable family life
offers saving truth to individuals and a sure foundation upon which the
aspirations of your nation can be anchored. Incisive and faithful explanation of
Christian doctrine regarding marriage and the family is of utmost importance in
order to counter the secular, pragmatic and individualistic outlook which has
gained ground in the area of legislation and even a certain acceptance in the
realm of public opinion (cf. "Ecclesia in Oceania," 45). Of particular concern
is the growing trend to equate marriage with other forms of cohabitation. This
obfuscates the very nature of marriage and violates its sacred purpose in God's
plan for humanity (cf. "Familiaris Consortio," 3).
Raising families
according to the splendor of Christ's truth is a sharing in God's work of
creation. It lies at the heart of the call to promote a civilization of love.
The deep-seated love of mothers and fathers for their children is also the
Church's, as is the pain experienced by parents when their children fall victim
to forces and trends which draw them away from the path of truth, leaving them
disorientated and confused. Bishops must continue to support parents who,
despite the often bewildering social difficulties of today's world, are in a
position to exercise great influence and offer broader horizons of hope (cf.
"Pastores Gregis," 51). It is the Bishop's particular task to ensure that within
civil society -- including the media and entertainment industry sectors -- the
values of marriage and family life are supported and defended (cf. ibid., 52).
8. Finally I wish to acknowledge the noble contribution the Church in
Australia makes to the attainment of social justice and solidarity. Your
leadership in the defense of the fundamental rights of refugees, migrants and
asylum seekers, and the developmental support offered to indigenous Australians,
are shining examples of the "commitment to practical and concrete love for every
human being" ("Novo Millennio Ineunte," 49) to which I have called the whole
Church. Australia's growing role as a leader in the Pacific region presents an
opportunity for you to respond to the pressing need for a careful discernment of
the phenomenon of globalization. Vigilant concern for the poor, the abandoned
and the mistreated, and promotion of a globalization of charity will do much to
indicate a path of genuine development which overcomes social marginalization
and favors economic benefit for all (cf. "Pastores Gregis," 69).
9. Dear
Brothers, with affection and fraternal gratitude I offer these reflections to
you and assure you of my prayers as you seek to shepherd the flocks entrusted to
you. United in your proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ, go forward
now in hope! With these sentiments I commend you to the protection of Mary,
Mother of the Church, and to the intercession and guidance of Blessed Mary
MacKillop. To you and to the priests, deacons, Religious and lay faithful of
your Dioceses, I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing.
[Original text:
Vatican, Mar. 26 (CWNews.com) - In a March 26 meeting
with the bishops of Australia, who are making their ad limina visit, Pope John
Paul II underlined the importance of Sunday Mass. The Holy Father spoke to the
bishops about their responsibility to confront the secularizing trends of their
culture. "The pernicious ideology of secularization has found fertile soil in
Australia," he said. He encouraged the bishops to be "fearless prophets,
witnesses and servants of hope in Christ," thus directly combating that
The single most powerful way to confront secularization, the Pope continued,
is to highlight the obligation for all Catholics to attend Sunday Mass. He
observed that the understanding of the Sabbath has been lost in modern society,
so that Sunday becomes "subordinated to the secular concept of the 'weekend,'
dominated by relaxation and sports." The result, the Pontiff said, is that
people develop "a horizon so restricted that they can no longer see the
Pope John Paul remarked that the reports he had received from the Australian
bishops show "the destructive consequences of the loss of a sense of God: the
undermining of family life and a drift away from the Church." He praised the
bishops for their efforts to support family life and restore a proper
understanding of marriage. And he urged them to continue that struggle, working
within civil society to defend marriage and family. -26-March-2004 -- Catholic World News Brief
businesses, including gasoline stations and restaurants, should
close ever Sunday... by force of legislative fiat through
the duly elected offcials of the people." -Harold Lindsell,
Editor of Christianity Today -May 7, 1976
"It seems to be plain that by these laws, the states compel
one, under the sanction of law, to refrain from work or recreation
on Sunday because of the majority's views on that day. The state
by law makes Sunday a symbol of respect or adherence." -
OF THE UNITED STATES 366 U.S. 420 May 29, 1961, Decided (
http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&navby=case&vol=366&invol=420 &
In the News
Consider the dispatch from
London's Sunday Telegraph: Europe's new emperor? With European 'federalism'
on the agenda of both Western and Eastern governments, speculations are abroad
as to who may become the political leader of the united European Community. A
profile in the 'Sunday Comment' of The Sunday Telegraph on John Paul II is
suggesting that he is the best choice in the new Holy European Empire. The
article speaks of the increasing role of the Roman Catholic political power
since the fall of Napoleon and even since the counter Reformation. The moral
authority of the papacy becomes the apparent winner of the day. 'If European
federalism triumphs, the EC will indeed be an empire. It will lack an emperor;
but it will have the Pope. It is difficult not to think that Wojtyla realizes
Current Sunday Laws
Sunday laws are ubiquitous in America. They do not generally create a major
burden on non-Sunday worshipers as they are currently enforced. Nevertheless,
their continued existence, along with case-law upholding their
constitutionality, establishes the principle that the majority can impose its
day of worship on religious minorities. Such a principle is antithetical to
religious freedom. While public sentiment may not currently support the
enforcement or expansion of Sunday laws, it is clear that such sentiment can
change rapidly. In the face of such a change the legal stage is set for the
enforcement and expansion of Sunday laws. These laws, therefore, are not merely
historical oddities, but dangerous precedents that pose a real threat to our
future religious liberty. ....God help us if the present amnesia on
constitutional and freedom principles is not just bad memory but of a deeper and
more Alzheimic nature. -Liberty, November/December 2003
"Political corruption is destroying love of justice and regard for truth;
and even in free America, rulers and legislators, in order to secure public
favor, will yield to the popular demand for a law enforcing Sunday observance.
Liberty of conscience, which has cost so great a sacrifice, will no longer be
respected." The Great Controversy,
p. 592
Sudan: Crisis Deepens As Adventist Churches Are Destroyed
Seventh-day Adventist churches in the Abu Garajil and Juruf districts
the Darfur region of western Sudan have been destroyed during the escalating
humanitarian and security crisis unfolding there, church leaders
say. "Our members have been displaced. They are without food, clothing
or shelter to sleep under," reports the district leader for the Adventist
Church in the area. In spite of their difficulties and constant threat
to personal security, the members are eagerly gathering for worship
services. Since the forest there is not thick, they find it difficult even to
shelter under the trees for services. Instead they prefer to worship in the
evening when the sun goes down because during the day you cannot bear the hot
sun. The Brussels-based International Crisis Group, in their May 23,
2004 report, they state, "A month after the international community solemnly
marked the tenth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide in April 2004 with
promises of 'never again,' it faces a man-made humanitarian catastrophe in
western Sudan [Darfur] that can easily become nearly as deadly." The
Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), the humanitarian arm of the
Adventist Church, sent a crisis assessment team to the region April 24
through 30 this year. Observations published in their May bulletin are
equally grim: "In general, all internally displaced people are living in
miserable conditions, having lost all their belongings and all their
livestock except for one or two starved donkeys. Crops and houses have been
burned down and agricultural land is inaccessible due to
insecurity." ADRA's initial response will be centered on the area of
water and sanitation with the overall goal of improving the health of the
people. Adventist News Network, June 1, 2004
Zagreb, Sep. 10 (CWNews.com) - Labor laws in Croatia are being used to
exploit tens of thousands of citizens, Catholic leaders have charged.
Archbishop Ivan Prendja, president of the Croatian Catholic charity Caritas
and Bozo Vuleta , director of the Institute for the Culture of Peace, made the
charge in a letter delivered to Prime Minister Ivica Racan this week. The letter
accompanied a petition of calling for a ban on the Sunday opening of shops.
According to Croatiaa??s labor law, Sunday is a holiday, and therefore shops
should not open. However in 2001 the Ministry of the Economy issued new rules,
allowing local government bodies to make their own decisions on shop opening
times. This new policy, the Catholic leaders claim, has led to violations of the
spirit of the legislation.
The Croatian government is not in favor of the Sunday shop openings, but
would prefer a strategy of discouragement and disincentives, rather than an
outright ban. However, the prime minister himself admits that more needs to be
Support for the idea of a total ban is considerable. The 300,000 signatures
on the petition represent 1 out of every 15 inhabitants of Croatia. Moreover,
according to Caritas and the Institute for the Culture of Peace, their campaign
against Sunday opening has the support of-- among other powerful groups-- the
trade unions, the Chamber of Crafts, the Merchant Guild, members of parliament
and, the Ministry of Crafts and the Ministry of Tourism. The case for a total
ban is due to be discussed by the Croatian parliament later this month.
Need a rest? Take a sabbatical at least one day a week
they consider SUNday the Sabbath in this article)
Overworked? Stressed out? Exhausted?
Take a sabbatical.
Give your mind, body and soul a day each week — or even a few hours — to
renew itself.
Sabbath is from the Hebrew word shabbat, which means, ''rest.'' And think
about it — even God rested on the seventh day from all the work he had done.
But do we? Not according to research. About one-quarter of U.S. workers toil
50 or more hours a week. A United Nations report found that U.S. workers put in
more hours on the job than workers in any other industrialized nation. And
surveys have found there is a price for overworked employees: mistakes on the
job, work and family conflict, negative health effects, sleep loss.
With our frenetic lives, we all need a day of rest.
That's why Amy and Mark Mitchell of Franklin decided to honor the Sabbath on
''It got to be so crazy on Sunday. We were scrambling to do everything. We
were running around doing housework, yard work, errands. Some nights we were
still doing stuff at 10:30 p.m.,'' Amy Mitchell said.
Now on Sundays, the Mitchells and their two young children focus on family
time. They play games and enjoy the outdoors. ''It starts the week off right, in
a calm way,'' Amy said.
Indeed. Those who observe a day of rest say it nourishes and revitalizes
them. And there is research to back these claims. University of Arizona studies
show the biological need for rest every seventh day. According to the
researcher, Juan-Cardos Lerman, failing to rest after six days of steady work
will lead to insomnia or sleepiness, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, irritability,
organ stress and other increasingly serious physical and mental symptoms.
So how can you keep or create your own Sabbath? It varies. Some people follow
the traditions of their faith and observe Sabbath on a certain day of the week.
Others pick a day in the week that works best for them.
To Rabbi Kenneth Kanter of Congregation Micah in Brentwood, the Sabbath is
the day set apart from the rest of the days. ''There is to be no work, no
commerce; it is a time for family worship and spiritual reconnection to God,''
said Kanter, adding, ''In the Jewish faith, Sabbath is a home-based tradition.
Ideally, you celebrate it together.''
For some, Sabbath time isn't a day of the week but a few hours a day. That's
what works for Julie Robertson, a Franklin mother of three small children.
''I get up at 4:30 a.m. and that's my time. I'll make my pot of coffee, read,
exercise, take time for myself before the kids get up at 7 a.m.,'' she said.
Kanter also recommends finding time on the Sabbath for yourself.
''Even if that means taking a block of time on the Sabbath to read a book or
sit out on your porch and enjoy the surroundings,'' Kanter said.
Germans Get Four More Shopping Hours Saturday as Government Eases
Rules By David McHugh The Associated
Press Published: Jun 6, 2003
Germany (AP) - The Saturday shopping sprint is a time-honored German tradition:
a frantic push through long lines for last-minute groceries as the clock ticks
toward the mandatory 4 p.m. closing time.
But that tradition ends Saturday, when a new law takes effect
allowing stores to stay open four more hours - until 8 p.m. - as they do every
other day except Sunday, when shops are closed
The battle for the extension, which met fierce resistance from
unionized store workers and some shopkeepers, highlighted the difficulty of
reforming Europe's largest economy, even as it teeters on the brink of
Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's government hopes the longer hours
will pump more money into suffering retailers' tills in a country where the
economy is in its third year of stagnation - and shrank by 0.2 percent in the
first three months of this year.
"I hope that as many businesses as possible will use the new
chance, and I hope that consumers will now be able to fulfill their wishes
without time pressure," economics and labor minister Wolfgang Clement said
Friday. "That would be a boost for the economy, it will revitalize our downtowns
and so help other businesses."
However, stores are not likely to open Sunday anytime soon: The
German constitution calls the day one for "spiritual elevation."
Alfred and Tamara Steinbrecher, strolling past the shops on
Frankfurt's Schillerstrasse, said the change was overdue.
"The longer, the better, as in England or America," said Alfred
Steinbrecher, a retired businessman pulling a shopping cart.
"You simply can't get it all done on Saturday," said Tamara
Steinbrecher, a doctor. "You spend one whole hour just standing in line."
Shopping time used to be even shorter - as late as 1996, the law
mandated a 2 p.m. close on Saturday and 6:30 p.m. during the week. Germany's
powerful labor unions have fought against the latest change, mobilizing some
20,000 people for a March protest in Berlin.
That opposition is reflected in the employee councils, which
under German law must agree to new hours. But the collective bargaining
agreement does not specify how much workers should get for four additional
hours, so stores must cut individual deals.
Berlin's giant KaDeWe department store, for instance, has been
able to persuade its workers to agree to work only until 6 p.m and is taking the
issue to arbitration.
"We hope to be open until 8 p.m. by Christmas time," spokeswoman
Dagmar Flade said.
Furniture chain Ikea, on the other hand, was able to get
employees at its 30 stores in Germany to work until 8 p.m. The firm already pays
workers a 20 percent hourly wage premium on Saturdays, and they will get the
same deal for the extra hours.
The German Retail Federation said it found in a survey that only
42 percent of its members intend to stay open past 4 p.m.
Many among Germany's legions of small, family-owned stores still
keep to the old 2 p.m. Saturday close - and do not plan to change.
"I would have to hire more people and pay more in costs - it
wouldn't pay," said Hans-Joachim Knapp, who runs the flower shop his father
founded in 1956 on a quiet Frankfurt side street.
The problem isn't the hours - it's the economy, he said: "People
are holding back, they have less money."
approves national day of prayer and fasting
Thursday, March 27, 2003
(03-27) 11:12 PST WASHINGTON (AP) --
The House passed a resolution Thursday calling for a national day of
humility, prayer and fasting in a time of war and terrorism.
The resolution, passed 346-49, says Americans should use the day of prayer
"to seek guidance from God to achieve a greater understanding of our own
failings and to learn how we can do better in our everyday activities, and to
gain resolve in meeting the challenges that confront our nation."
Under the resolution, President Bush would issue a proclamation designating a
specific day as a day of "humility, prayer and fasting."
White House spokeswoman Claire Buchan said officials there had not looked at
the resolution but "the president believes that faith and prayer are important
and frequently references the importance of praying for American troops and for
freedom around the world."
A similar resolution approved on March 17 said it was the sense of the Senate
that that day should be a national day of prayer and fasting.
During Wednesday's House debate, some lawmakers expressed concern about the
Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, a presidential hopeful and an
opponent of the war in Iraq, said the resolution "may be seen by some as an
attempt to inject religion into this war at a time when some of America's
enemies abroad are asserting that this indeed is a war about religion." |
Dilemma in U.S.: Sports Vs. Church
By WAYNE PARRY Associated Press Writer November
29, 2003, 12:04 PM EST
SUMMIT, N.J. -- Sports vs. church: It's become
the Sunday morning dilemma in homes across the nation. With weekend sports leagues
growing in popularity, schedules have stretched further into those Sunday morning
hours that were once the exclusive domain of churches.
Now, clergy of many faiths are pushing back,
asking coaches and time-starved parents to keep Sunday morning holy, even if
it means their children's teams have to play some other time.
"I don't want my kids to grow up with great
football memories and no Biblical knowledge," said Rev. Chuck Rush, senior
minister at Christ Church in Summit, a New York City suburb. "You've got
this dramatic pressure between playing sports and going to church, which isn't
The Summit Interfaith Council recently issued
an appeal to public and private sports leagues to refrain from scheduling games
before noon on Sunday.
Rush, who helped write the appeal, sees the church
vs. sports conflict in his own home. His 13-year-old daughter, who plays soccer,
is sometimes torn between religion and her loyalty to her team, where she stood
a good chance of being named most valuable player.
"She was in a tournament recently and she
said, `I could be the MVP, but if I don't play in this Sunday's game, I definitely
won't be the MVP," he recalled.
It all boils down to time, and the precious lack
of it for families. As the growing demands of homework, weekend errands and
sports compete for families' free time, church often loses.
One church in Andover, Mass., recently conducted
a marketing survey to find out when congregants had free time to attend weekend
services. The most common response: Saturday at 5 p.m., because Sunday was all
but booked.
"You run around all week long, commuting
to work and coming home, and run and run all weekend long and by Sunday night,
you're asking, `What the heck just happened?'" Rush said. "Sabbath
means there's some structured rest."
But stacking games on Saturday isn't the answer
for everyone. Those games inconvenience Jewish families, who sympathize with
the churches' problem but would prefer their kids play on Sunday.
"Having games on Saturday morning is a huge
challenge for the Jewish community," said Allyson Gall, New Jersey Director
for the American Jewish Committee in nearby Millburn. "I'd try like crazy
to get the kids to an 8 a.m. game, have them change clothes in the car on the
way back and rush them to synagogue."
At St. Teresa of Avila R.C. Church in Summit,
it's not uncommon to see youngsters in the pews dressed in soccer or football
uniforms, ready to be whisked off to the field as soon as the last organ note
Don Rasweiler, a father of five and a football
coach, must deal with both sides of the debate. He has to be at the field an
hour before the 10:30 a.m. game, which means getting at least some of the kids
up early enough for 7:30 a.m. Mass. There's also a good chance one or two of
his other children will have a game later in the day.
Rasweiler and his wife Kate frequently handle
it by splitting up, attending different Masses with Jack, 12, Henry, 10, or
Abigail, 8, depending on the week's sports schedule.
Rasweiler said his wife isn't pleased with the
"We were discussing it a couple weekends
ago, and she said, `I don't like the effect this is having on us. We should
go to church as a family.' "
Tom Brown, a baseball coach and St. Teresa parishioner,
noted his league worked with the area churches to at least avoid conflicts between
team picture day and the congregations' First Holy Communion days.
"We talked to them, got their dates, and
we moved picture day," he said. "They really appreciated it, and we
got a big thank you from the churches and the parents."
Sunday for prayer helps witness to resurrection, pope says
August 4, 2003 - CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS)
-- By making Sunday a special day of prayer and rest, Christians give weekly
witness to Christ's victory over sin and death, Pope John Paul II said. Sunday,
the day commemorating Christ's resurrection, "is the symbol par excellence
for that which Christianity has and continues to represent in Europe and in
the world," the pope said Aug. 3. Reciting the midday Angelus with visitors
at his summer villa outside of Rome, the pope said observing Sunday as a day
of prayer and rest is "a perennial proclamation of the good news of the
resurrection of Jesus, the celebration of his victory over sin and death and
his commitment to the full liberation of each man and woman."
Pope Asks Support for Families to Overcome Social
Suggests That the Sacredness of Sundays Be
RIJEKA, Croatia, JUNE 8, 2003 (Zenit.org).- John Paul II appealed for
effective support of the family as the indispensable condition to overcome the
social fragmentation typical of contemporary societies.
Celebrating the
Mass of Pentecost before 140,000 people gathered in the central square of
Rijeka, the Pope focused his homily on the central theme of his third visit to
Croatia, "The Family: Path of the Church and of the Nation."
the family, also in Croatia, requires special consideration and concrete
policies aimed at promoting and protecting its essential nature, its development
and its stability," John Paul II said today during the homily, under a burning
"Among other things, I am thinking of the serious problems
associated with housing and employment," he said. Croatia has an unemployment
rate of about 22%.
"It must not be forgotten that
in helping the family we also help to resolve other important problems, such as
providing assistance to the sick and the elderly, halting the spread of crime,
and finding a remedy to drug use," the Holy Father said.
"If this is to
happen, it is essential to show respect for the sacredness of Sunday, which
enables members of the family to recollect themselves and to join in giving due
worship to God," he added.
Political leaders and labor
unions in Croatia are debating a plan to liberalize work on Sundays. Among those
at the Mass were Prime Minister Ivica Racan and President Stipe Mesic.
The Pope gave his support to a program launched a few years ago by the
country's Catholic bishops, entitled "The Croatian Catholic Family Prays Daily
and Celebrates the Eucharist Every Sunday."
When greeting Archbishop
Ivan Devcic of Rijeka, the Pope acknowledged that Croatian families are
experiencing "severe tests of an economic, moral and cultural nature" to which
the authorities should offer solutions.
The Holy Fathe r asked Christian
families to witness with their lives "God's authentic plan for the family as a
community of life founded on marriage."
He emphasized that marriage is
based "on the stable and faithful union of a man and a woman, bound to each
other by a bond which is publicly manifested and recognized."
The Pope
reminded parents that they must "provide for the human and Christian education
of your children, trusting also in the expert assistance of committed and
well-trained educators and catechists."
He added: "You, too, must help
your children to encounter Jesus and to follow him, even amid the temptations to
which young people are continuously exposed, along the path that leads to
authentic joy.
"Society today is tragically fragmented and divided. This
is the reason why it is so desperately unfulfilled. But Christians do not become
resigned to weariness or paralyzed by inertia. May you be people of hope! May
you be a people that prays."
In the afternoon, the Pope received Prime
Minister Racan at the seminary of Rijeka. Later, he was to visit the Shrine of
Our Lady of Trsat, Queen of the Adriatic, where according to tradition the Holy
House of Nazareth was kept from 1291 to 1294, before being transported to
Loreto, Italy.
John Paul II will leave Croatia on Monday from the
airport of Zadar, a city where he will first preside over the celebration of a
Liturgy of the Word.
Iraq, Middle East, & Religious Liberty
No doubt, time will
tell whether or not we are presently witnessing the transformation of
America, as predicted in Revelation 13. There is, however, an interesting
development transpiring that may at some future point help us better judge
the success/failure of the current action.
Last year, shortly after Iraq
became the target of U.S. rhetoric in the aftermath of 9/11, I happened to
meet a close relative of the president of the Middle East Union of the SDA
church. According to this relative, the MEU president told him that our
fellow church members in Iraq were expressing a preference to remain under
the current regime, as it afforded them a degree of religious freedom that
they could not be sure they would have under another.
Today I ran
across several news briefs on the Adventist News Network that may, in fact,
prove their fears to be well founded. The first two suggest that many, if
not most, of the countries around Iraq are not particularly friendly to the
idea of religious liberty, according to recent U.S. State Department
reports. These articles may be found at:
http://www.adventist.org/news/data/2003/01/1044994926/index.html.en .
The third addresses the development of the new constitution for
Afghanistan and raises the concern that religious freedom, particularly with
respect to Christianity, may not find a place in this recently "liberated"
state. This bulletin can be accessed at:
of where the U.S. is currently in prophetic history, I believe we would all
do well to pray that God will be with our Middle Eastern members, guarding
them and the gospel through the rocky path ahead!
Commandments still relevant to laws
I have been watching with much interest and confusion as Justice Roy Moore,
the Chief Justice of Alabama's Supreme Court, has defied federal court orders to
remove the 5,280-pound granite monument from the rotunda of the state judicial
building. In this land of toleration where it has become unpopular to make someone
uncomfortable in his beliefs, I cannot help but wonder if Judge Moore might be
doing the right thing, even if I do not agree with his motives.
Does the granite have a legitimate place in our government buildings or hold
any historical significance for our country's founding? Our nation's first set of laws, the legal code of Virginia drafted in 1610,
contained every one of the Ten Commandments complete with their biblical
references, one right after the other. Subsequently, most of the other colonies
adopted the Ten Commandments as the foundation of their civil codes.
These civil codes became the foundation of our Constitution and other state
laws. Several of the ten are unquestionably accepted by most citizens: do not kill,
do not steal, do not bear false witness, etc. But what about some of the other
more religiously-entrenched commandments? The fourth commandment's influence can be seen in Sunday laws, still valid in
today's culture. In 1950, the Supreme Court of Mississippi stated: "The Sunday
laws have a divine origin...After the six days of creation, the Creator Himself
rested on the Seventh...Thus, the Sabbath was instituted as a day of rest. The
original example was later confirmed as a commandment when the law was handed
down from Mt. Sinai: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'" Additionally, the Constitution gives the President ten days to sign a bill
into law "Sundays excepted." Even our founding fathers recognized the importance
of the fourth commandment. Another example of the Ten Commandments influencing our government can be
seen in the following statement made by the 1955 Washington Supreme Court
regarding adultery: "Adultery, whether promiscuous or not, violates one of the
Ten Commandments and the statutes of this State." The tenth commandment, "Thou shalt not covet," was viewed by John Adams, a
signer of the Bill of Rights and a former President, as being vital to a
successful society: "The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred
as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to
protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If 'Thou shalt not covet' and 'Thou
shalt not steal' were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made inviolable
precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made free." The third commandment had a profound influence on the Continental Army during
the American Revolution. Commander-in-Chief George Washington issued an order
stating: "The General most earnestly requires and expects a due observance of
those articles of war established for the government of the army which forbid
profane cursing, swearing and drunkenness; and...requires and expects of all
officers and soldiers not engaged on actual duty, a punctual attendance on
Divine Service to implore the blessings of Heaven upon the means used for our
safety and defense." Washington believed that God would not bless the Army's efforts if the
soldiers failed to observe the Ten Commandments. If any soldier was heard
dishonoring God's name, he was punished by lashings with a whip. John Witherspoon, a signer of the Declaration of Independence who served on
over 100 committees while in Congress, said: "to promote true religion is the
best and most effectual way of making a virtuous and regular people. Love to God
and love to man is the substance of religion; when these prevail, civil laws
will have little to do." It is obvious that religion and the Ten Commandments played a vital role in
the founding of this nation. In fact, 27 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of
Independence held seminary degrees. To argue that religion did not and should
not influence government goes against the principles upon which this country's
foundations were laid. Justice Moore's monument has now been removed from the public eye. It resides
in a locked storage room off the first floor employee lunch room of the state
judicial building. Aside from any political motives Moore may or may not have, I
believe the Ten Commandments played and should continue to play an important
role in our government and the laws that govern our society. By Justin Partlo Managing Editor ATLANTA September
5, 2003
Some would like to see most Sunday working, shopping
outlawed By David Benson News Journal
Mitchell P. Masilun
A sign on the door at Hobby Lobby in Mansfield informs shoppers
that the store is closed on Sundays. Some area clergy would like to see more
stores take that position.
Jason J. Molyet
Shoppers fill Dick's Sporting Goods in Ontario at its grand
opening on a Sunday in April 2002. Sunday shopping has become an American way of
Society could use a weekly break, pastors say
By David Benson
News Journal
MANSFIELD -- The Rev. Mark Dettmer, senior pastor of First Church of the
Nazarene on Straub Road, and many of the 130 members of his church are among
those conservative Christians who would prefer to see stores closed on Sundays
in deference to the Sabbath.
"For myself and generally as a church, I think we still hold a fairly
conservative view of Sunday and what it means as far as Sabbath rest," he said.
Dettmer, 37, feels society as a whole could benefit from taking one day a
week to rest and reflect rather than run from errand to activity to errand.
"What if our work and our lives weren't so frantic, trying to manipulate our
environment and situations?" he asked. "How would that change our blood
pressure? There's something to be said for that. So that relates to the whole
idea of Sabbath rest."
Dettmer said he understands the economic and social changes that have led to
such things as long store hours, but he does not view them as good things.
"Is the society better for it? I don't think so. Certainly not in an
emotional or psychological context," he said. "Economically, has it made us more
prosperous? Perhaps. But then again, if you truly take the Scriptures, the law
of rest was that God so blessed the land and the time that when people observed
the rest they never realized any loss."
Dettmer said he regrets the increasing secularization he sees even among
people who are nominally Christian.
"The sad thing about it is there has been a redefinition of what the Sabbath
is and what it means to keep it holy... Sunday even for many Christians is just
a normal day except for going to church. I struggle with that," he said.
The Rev. Randy Raynes and the 45 members of his independent Fellowship
Baptist Church on South Main Street take an even more conservative view of
Sunday and how it should be observed.
"I am definitely for the Blue Laws. But then again, the Blue Laws (came
about) because Christians refused to work on Sunday," he said. "That's the whole
reason they had the Blue Laws, because we felt it was the Lord's day and we
would not work because the Bible commands us not to."
But Christians' devotion to that idea faded, and with it, the Blue Laws,
Raynes said.
"Christians pretty much dropped the ball. We're the reason why people now
work on Sunday. We started getting away from the Lord, and a generation came
along that was more money conscious, less spiritual," he said.
Raynes does not see the Blue Laws coming back in his lifetime, but he and his
church are doing what they can to effect change at the personal level.
"The only way to change (Sunday sales) is getting the word out and changing
people one at a time. We're trying to do that," Raynes said.
Meanwhile, both pastors commend businesses such as Hobby Lobby, which closes
on Sundays, and the Blueberry Patch, which is open for just a few hours on
"We'll take anything we can get in terms of balancing work hours with church
hours," Raynes said. |
MANSFIELD -- Being able to go to the grocery store, the discount store or the
mall on Sunday is something most people take for granted.
For those under the age of about 45, most stores always have been open
Sundays. But until the early 1960s, so-called "Blue Laws" prohibited most
retailers from opening Sunday.
Pharmacies were about the only exception.
"I remember when you couldn't go to the store for a loaf of bread, even,"
Mayor Lydia Reid said. "Having everything open now is wonderful."
But even after four decades of Sunday shopping, some fundamental Christians
would like to see Blue Laws brought back for the same reason they were enacted
more than 100 years ago: To protect the Sabbath.
Changes in society, together with increasing competition for consumer
dollars, are largely responsible for retailers being open seven days a week for
longer and longer store hours.
"With so many working couples and single-parent households, shopping during
the evenings and on weekends is a necessity. That has driven retailers to extend
hours, and I am certainly not aware of any trends that would lessen that need,"
said Mansfield-Richland Area Chamber of Commerce president Kevin Nestor. "Demand
drives those decisions."
Ontario is heavily dependent on retail sales for a large part of its revenue,
and Mayor Stevie Regula is well aware of it.
"Sunday sales are very important to the city's economy, and it's also
important to working class people who don't have time to shop during the week,"
she said. "I've never gotten any negative comments (on Sunday sales) from groups
saying it's too commercial or from retailers about the long hours. I don't
expect it to change."
Change won't come through regulation -- either locally or at the state level,
at least in the short term.
"It's pretty much a non-issue in this state," state Rep. Bill Hartnett said.
"There might be some (proposed) piece of legislation aimed at restricting Sunday
sales, but I'm not aware of any."
Some people think Blue Laws shoud return.
"I don't think any (stores) should be open on Sunday," said the Rev. Randy
Raynes, 46, pastor of the Fellowship Baptist Church on South Main Street. "The
Sabbath is for the church and the Lord."
The Rev. Mark Dettmer, senior pastor of the First Church of the Nazarene on
Straub Road, said his family and many other church families refrain from
spending any money on Sunday as a sign of respect for the Sabbath.
He takes a pragmatic theological view of those who do go to stores.
"God understands the way society has gone. He understands we're at the mercy
of big corporations," Dettmer, 37, said.
Other people -- even business owners -- would like to see an end to Sunday
shopping for reasons that have nothing to do with religious beliefs.
Jay Wineland, owner of Dunkin Jewelers in Westfield Shoppingtown Richland, is
one of them.
"(Income from) Sunday shopping is not what it's cracked up to be. We're only
open on Sundays because our lease agreement stipulates it," Wineland, 60, said.
"We'd like to give our employees a break on Sunday if we could, we really
A few area businesses have taken that step.
Hobby Lobby on Park Avenue West is closed on Sundays. Store manager Cliff
Louzader wouldn't have it any other way.
"Being closed on Sunday makes my job a whole lot easier even though it
probably costs us money. Having that day off is very important to our employees.
If we were open that day I would probably lose about half of them," Louzader,
48, said.
Hobby Lobby has 35 employees, most of them older than 40. Louzader said
having the day off is important to them for family reasons more than religious
reasons, and few would work there if Sundays were required.
"They're all adults who want to work, the best kind of employee you can have.
Having Sunday off is the biggest draw I have to attract people like that," he
Louzader recently put an ad in the News Journal for a job opening at the
store, and more than 300 people applied.
"Most of them said they came in because of the Sunday policy," he said.
There are about 300 Hobby Lobby stores nationwide, and all of them are closed
on Sunday as part of the philosophy of franchise owner David Green of Oklahoma
"The stores were open on Sundays at first, but Mr. Green is a religious man
and he decided they would close no matter what effect it had on sales and
profits," Louzader said. "They say business picked up on Saturdays when they
did, so maybe the net effect wasn't too big."
Louzader said he and his staff have taken a fair amount of static from people
who went to the store on a Sunday only to find it closed. But most people, he
said, understand. In any case, the policy won't change and none of the employees
want it to.
"It's been a real pleasure to be closed on Sunday," Louzader said.
Other area retailers say Sunday sales are essential to their business.
"It's probably our second or third largest sales day. Being open on Sunday is
just part of doing business because it's something the consumer demands," said
Rick Geyer, owner of 10 Geyer's supermarkets and two Save-A-Lot stores in
north-central Ohio. "People who go to work in the grocery business know it's a
seven-day-a-week job."
Some businesses try to find a compromise between employee desires and
consumer demands.
The Blueberry Patch Greenhouse and Gift Shoppe on West Hanley Road is open
from noon until 5 p.m. on Sundays.
"For us, as a family business selling perishables, we need to be open on
Sundays. But we open late so our employees have a chance to go to church,"
co-owner Mardy Beilstein said.
"Some people complain that we should open even earlier, but we compromise to
what we feel is best.
"But the mindset of a lot of people is that we should be open around the
clock every day of the week. I blame Wal-Mart and other superstores for
(creating) that (attitude)," she said.
Beilstein said Sunday sales are always strong, even though the store is open
short hours. She has no plans to alter the schedule.
Many feel shopping, working diminishes Sunday
By David Benson
News Journal
MANSFIELD -- Marvin Bowles, 59, isn't strongly opposed to Sunday shopping and
doesn't have strong religious views on the subject.
But he is pretty sure it is not a good thing.
"I think it takes away from families being together because they're out in
the stores and the mall," the Marion resident said. "That keeps them from having
Sunday dinner together, or Sunday lunch or whatever. Family values suffer as a
result of that.
"There's just too many things to do in this world. We need time to just be
together as families."
Bowles said he almost never goes shopping on Sundays and would support any
legislation aimed at re-establishing Blue Laws to limit Sunday activities.
"I think setting aside one day a week for the family or the church would be a
good thing," he said.
Stacy Wolfe of Mansfield said she rarely shops on Sunday because she prefers
to spend time with her family, and she sympathizes with people who have to work
that day.
"If you're in retail, you don't really have an option. You have to work, but
it's hard on the family," the 29-year-old said.
Jessy Hoffman, 16, doesn't do much Sunday shopping, either.
"I go to church and do other things with my family. That's more important to
me," she said.
Hoffman said she, too, would support legislation for Blue Laws.
Wooster resident Dell Vernon, 82, knows Blue Laws firsthand.
"I remember them very well," he said. "You didn't shop, you didn't do much of
anything on Sunday in those days."
Vernon said he feels Sunday shopping diminishes the importance of Sunday as a
special day because it takes away from both family time and church time.
Reinstating Blue Laws would benefit society as a whole, he said.
"Running around to stores and theaters (on Sundays) is tearing apart
families," he said. "And I'm not sure it even does the stores much good."
John Jordan, 67, said he never shops on Sunday.
"I don't do it for religious reasons and because I feel it diminishes family
and church," the Mansfield man said. "I regret that so many people spend their
Sundays in stores, but I accept it as inevitable in our society."
However, Jordan said he would definitely be opposed to any attempt to bring
back Blue Laws.
"I don't think the government should try to legislate people's behavior.
People have certain beliefs and they act on those. Laws don't make a
difference," he said. "Stores are open now, but I don't go to them because
that's what I believe is right. I have my own Blue Laws." |
SUNDAY "The Symbol Par Excellence of All That Christianity Has Stood
CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, AUG. 18, 2003 (Zenit.org).- Here is the
address John Paul II delivered Aug. 3 when praying the Angelus with pilgrims
gathered in the courtyard of the papal summer residence.
* *
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
1. Europe is the continent which, in
the past 2,000 years, has been marked by Christianity more than any other. From
all its regions -- in its abbeys, cathedrals and churches -- ceaseless praise
has been raised to Christ, Lord of time and of history. Baptism and the other
Sacraments have consecrated the seasons of life of countless believers. The
Eucharist, especially on the Lord's Day, has nourished their faith and love; the
Liturgy of the Hours and many other popular forms of prayer have marked the
rhythm of their daily life.
Even if none of these things has been lacking
in our time, a renewed commitment is still indispensable if we are to face the
challenges of secularization, so that believers may make their entire life a
true spiritual worship that is pleasing to God (cf. apostolic exhortation
"Ecclesia in Europa," No. 69).
2. Special attention should be paid to
safeguarding the value of Sunday, "Dies Domini." This day is the symbol par
excellence of all that Christianity has stood for and still stands for, in
Europe and throughout the world: the perennial proclamation of the Good News of
the Resurrection of Jesus, the celebration of his victory over sin and death,
the commitment to the human being's full liberation.
By preserving the
Christian meaning of Sunday a notable contribution is made to Europe for the
preservation of an essential part of its own particular spiritual and cultural
May the Blessed Virgin, to whom so many churches and chapels
are dedicated in the different regions of Europe, make her protection felt over
all the peoples on the Continent.
[Adapted from a translation by
L'Osservatore Romano. After praying the Angelus, the Pope said in
I warmly welcome the English-speaking visitors present at this
Angelus. May Almighty God bless you and your families with joy and
peace. ZE03081820
Press News Brief - July 10, 2003 - ...A
Michigan-based discount store chain has agreed to accommodate its employees'
religious practices. Meijer's stores has settled a lawsuit filed by the U.S.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on behalf of Debra Kerkstra, a member
of the Christian Reformed Church who was fired for refusing to work on Sundays.
Kerkstra, who worked as a cake decorator, said she lined up a replacement but
the store would not allow the switch. She says, "I was forced to choose
between my job and my religion. I chose my religion and lost my job." The
Grand Rapids Press reports that Meijer's has agreed to train its supervisors
to avoid religious discrimination and allow shift swaps. [AP]
Sabbath Sales
Cash-Strapped States Tap Taxes from Sunday
Liquor Buyers By
Bob Jamieson

R K, June 15
— As the first among dozens of customers in line at All-Star
Wine and Spirits in Latham Farms, N.Y., bought a bottle of white wine just after
noon on a recent Sunday, a law and tradition of more than 80 years fell by the
wayside. |
New York became the latest of several states to overturn blue
laws, which in the Empire State had prevented the Sunday sales of liquor since
the start of prohibition.
"It's not just about us as retailers," said Craig Allen, owner
of All-Star Wine and Spirits, near Albany, N.Y. "It was about the consumers
having the right to purchase what they want."
Money-Maker for States
Blue laws, rooted in religion to protect the Christian Sabbath,
are falling away in the face of 21st century economics.
"The reason that they're now being eliminated is quite easily
understood," said William Latham, a professor at the University of Delaware.
"There is a large budget problem in the state of Delaware, as in a number of
other states, and they see this as a way of increasing tax revenues."
For example, when Delaware's liquor stores were closed on
Sunday, it lost liquor sales and tax revenue to neighboring Maryland,
Pennsylvania and New Jersey, where Sunday liquor sales were allowed. So,
Delaware overturned the blue laws, despite opposition from religious groups.
Tiny Delaware projects that Sunday's sales will increase tax
revenue by up to $1.2 million.
In big New York, where the state faces an $11.2 billion deficit,
Sunday sales are expected to produce $26.7 million more in taxes.
Similar arithmetic has led to the end of blue laws in all of the
most populous states except Texas.
"We need to recognize that Sunday is the second largest shopping
day for all other kinds of purchases," Latham said.
To open on Sundays under the revised New York law, liquor stores
must instead pick another day of the week to close. Allen told Albany's Times
Union newspaper in a separate interview that he might close his shop on
Mondays or Tuesdays, when he does his sparsest business — and as a result of the
switch he expects to do an extra $500,000 in business per year.
While All-Star's owner counted his receipts and the state its
additional tax revenue, Kansas, Rhode Island and Washington state were poised to
follow New York's example |
Sunday May Never Be the Same
Should a 5th century monk influence
today’s world? Joan Chittister, an author and former Benedictine
Prioress, addressed Trinity Institute on the essential values of St. Benedict,
among them creative work, holy leisure, humility, and peace. She arrived at her
answer—an emphatic “yes” to each standard—by excoriating
“pseudo-contemplatives,” “pious moles,” and the United States government for
exorbitant defense spending. Her searching evaluation of Benedict’s notion of
holy leisure, delivered on April 29, follows.
In the mind of Benedict, life is not only lived by doing;
leisure is an essential part of spirituality as well as work. The real measure
of holy leisure, Sabbath leisure, contemplative leisure, has more to do with the
quality of life and the depth of our vision than it does with play and vacation.
The Rabbis taught that the purpose of Sabbath was threefold. The
first purpose was to free the poor as well as the rich for at least one day a
week, and that included the animals, too. Nobody had to take an order from
anybody on the Sabbath.
The second purpose was to give people time to evaluate their
work as God evaluated creation to see if their work, too, is really life-giving.
And the third reason for the Sabbath was to give people a space
to contemplate the real meaning of life.
If anything has brought the modern world to the brink of
destruction, it must surely be the loss of Sabbath.
The purpose of holy leisure is to bring this balance of being,
not a balance of time, back in to lives gone askew and to give people time to
live a thoughtful, a contemplative, as well as a productive, life. It’s the
reflectiveness of holy leisure that brings us to ask what it is to follow the
When people sleep in a Metro station, it’s holy reason that
asks, “Why?”
When 200,000 soldiers and another 100,000 civilians, most of
them children, were exterminated in 43 days in the Iraqi war of 1991, and their
land made desolate, and their future, as the U.N. said, was “bombed back in to
the pre-industrial age,” it is holy leisure that asks how could such a thing
possibly be of God if we were truly a Christian and civilized people?
And now 10 years later when a high-ranking official was asked by
the media last week why there were no estimates of the Iraqi dead reported, and
the official’s answer was, “that is a number in which I have no interest
whatsoever,” it is holy leisure that breaks the secular silence and asks the
Sabbath question, “Why don’t you?”
Holy leisure asks how our today became more important than God’s
In other words, holy leisure is the foundation of contemplation,
and contemplation is the ability to see the world as God sees the world.
--Reporting by Nathan Brockman
Posted on Trinity News, April 29, 2003.
as Sabbath?
Designation Sparks
religious and political leaders have been caught up in a heated debate about the
observance of the Sabbath.
European Union has set up the policy that every member-state must have one day
of rest during the week. But the policy explicitly states that the designated
day needs to be Sunday, since for reasons of “religious pluralism” a nation’s
government might choose another day.
Italy, the designation of Sunday as a “day of rest” was
first set in 1993. That policy was changed in 2000, however, when – in order to
grant more flexibility for employers – the nation required only that every
employer provide workers with a 24-hour rest period each week. But by August
2003, under the new European policy, Italy will
again be required to fix a certain “day of rest.”
In an
interview with the daily Corriere della Sera, Bishop Giancario Bregantini
– who heads a committee dealing with social issues for the Italian bishops’
conference – remarked that attitudes on the observance of the Sabbath are
“already bad enough” without a change in national policy. He said that any move
away from the Sunday rest would be “a perverse act.” And Cardinal Pio Laghi,
the former prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, asked
La Repubblica: “How can you overlook the fact
that Sunday is a special day for millions of Europeans?”
Catholic World Report, February 2003
Italian Political Dispute Over Sunday
VATICAN, Dec 19, 02 (CWSNews.com)
-- Italian religious and political leaders have been caught up in a heated
debate about the observance of the Sabbath.
The European Union has set up
the policy that every member-state must have one day of rest during the week.
But the policy explicitly states that the designated day need not be Sunday,
since for reasons of “religious pluralism” a nation’s government might
choose another day.
In italy, the designation of Sunday as a
“day of rest” was first set in 1993. That policy was changed in 2000, however,
when..- in order to grant more flexibility for employers-- the nation required
only that every employer produce workers with a 24-hour rest period each week.
But by August 2003, under the new European
policy, Italy will again be required tu ru a certain “day of
In an interview with the daily Corriere
della Sera, Bishop Giancarlo Bregantini— who heads a committee dealing with
social issues for the Italian bishops’ conference.- remarked that attitudes on
the observance of the Sabbath are “already bad enough” without a change in
national policy. He said that any move away
from the Sutiday rest would be “a perverse act.” And Cardinal Plo Laghi, the former prefect of the Congregation for
Catholic Education, asked La Repubblica. “How can you overlook the fact that
Sunday is a special day for millions of Europeans?”
Agape Press
Commentary and News Briefs
...President Bush has declared Sunday "National Sanctity of Human Life Day."
The president has suggested that people mark the occasion at home or in places
of worship. In making his announcement, Bush pledged to "build a culture that
respects life." While the president stopped short of condemning abortion
outright, he declared that "every child is a priority and a blessing."
Easy, Sunday Has Not Been Abolished
Thu December 19, 2002 10:37 AM ET
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Sunday is still special:
it's official.
The European Commission sought to head off a
holy row on Thursday, denying Italian media reports that it had scrapped the
traditional Christian sabbath as the weekly day of rest.
"I can confirm that the EU has not abolished
Sunday," Commission spokesman Andrew Fielding said to a roar of laughter
at the EU executive's daily news briefing.
He explained that a 1993 directive which set
out working times and conditions for employees in the European Union said that,
in principle, Sunday should be a day of rest.
This was subsequently overturned in court and
an amended directive was issued in 2000 making it clear that member states are
free to choose which day their workers take off.
"There must be a weekly day of rest, but
it doesn't necessarily have to be Sunday," Fielding said.
Sunday work issue hits Meijer 2nd time
Friday, December 27, 2002 By Ed White The Grand Rapids
A suburban Detroit meat cutter fired for refusing to work on Sundays is suing
Meijer Inc. in a case that's similar to a dispute involving a West Michigan cake
decorator who also lost her job at the giant retailer.
Pavle Doroslavac of Macomb County, who describes himself as "very religious
person," belongs to the Old Country Nazarene Church in Detroit. His ministers
said Sunday is not the time for him to be trimming beef.
"Jesus was resurrected on the first day of the week. ... On this day, we do
not work for monetary gain, only for humanitarian need," Joseph Bognar and Todor
Lazic said in a letter accompanying the lawsuit.
Doroslavac, 58, was hired at a Meijer store in Utica in September 1999. He
said he told his boss he could work "day or night" -- any day but Sunday.
He said he had no conflict with management until January 2002 when he was
suspended a day without pay for failing to work a Sunday. Doroslavac was
suspended again in April and subsequently fired.
He said his civil rights were violated. Doroslavac is seeking an unspecified
award of more than $75,000.
"He received favorable assessments, was never late, was rarely sick and
seldom took any days off or vacations," according to the lawsuit, which was
filed earlier this year in federal court in Detroit.
Meanwhile, in a case on this side of the state, the government is suing
Meijer on behalf of a woman who was fired in May 2001 after refusing to work on
a Sunday. Debra Kerkstra of Allegan is a member of the Christian Reformed
Church. Her case is pending in federal court in Kalamazoo.
"The facts are almost identical," Doroslavac's lawyer, Whitney Lemelin, said.
In response, Meijer said it attempted to accommodate Doroslavac's request
that he not work Sundays. But the company said it also told him that he could be
required to work on the Sabbath under rules of the union contract.
Meijer neither admits nor denies Doroslavac's claim that he had lined up
another meat cutter willing to take his shift.
That could become a key point. The U.S. Supreme Court has said an employer
must try to accommodate the religious practices of workers if it does not pose a
hardship to the company.
"The other employee who was willing to work for Mr. Doroslavac would not have
received overtime. It wasn't a burden for Meijer," Lemelin said. "Part-time
butchers were available."
In Kerkstra's case, she, too, said she found a co-worker willing to take her
Sunday bakery shift. She worked at the Plainwell store in Allegan County for a
year before her dismissal.
Kerkstra, 37, admits she worked a Sunday shortly after she was hired, but she
said she is "ashamed and embarrassed" about that decision.
if your wondering why I have this
article in the list. Think about it. If they push enough lawsuits through, eventually
Sunday will be a day off BY LAW!
Dear Friends -
A number of years ago, a farmer sent a letter to the pope,
inquiring about the Bible Sabbath. The letter was sent to Chicago for reply.
Here are both letters:
Thomaston, Georgia - May 22, 1934 Pope Pius
XI - Rome, Italy
Dear Sir: Is the accusation true, that Protestants
accuse you of: They say you changed the Seventh Day Sabbath to the,
so-called, Christian Sunday: identical with the First-Day of the Week. If so
when did you make the change, and by what authority.
Yours very
Truly, (Signed)J.L. Day
Extension Magazine Published by The
Catholic Extension Society of the United States of America 180 North
Wabash Avenue, Chicago
Dear Sir: Regarding the change from the
observance of the Jewish Sabbath to the Christian Sunday, I wish to draw
your attention to the facts: (1) That Protestants, who accept the Bible as
the only rule of faith and religion, should by all means go back to the
observance of the Sabbath. The fact that they do not, but on the contrary
observe the Sunday, stultifies them in the eyes of every thinking
man. (2) We Catholics do not accept the Bible as the only authority of the
Church, as a rule to guide us. We say, this Church instituted by Christ,
to teach and guide man through life, has the right to change the Ceremonial
laws of the Old Testament and hence, we accept the change of the Sabbath to
the Sunday. We frankly say, "Yes, the Church made this change, made this
law, as she made many other laws, for instance, the Friday Abstinence, the
unmarried priesthood, the laws concerning mixed marriages, the regulation of
the Catholic marriages, and a thousand other laws." (3) We also say that
of all Protestants, the Seventh-day Sabbath observers are the only group
that reason correctly and are consistent with their teachings. It is always
somewhat laughable to see the Protestant Churches, in pulpit and
legislature, demand the observance of Sunday, of which there is nothing in
the Bible.
With best wishes, Peter R. Tramer, Editor
Are Losing Their Meaning, Warns Cardinal
Day of Rest Touted as Crucial for Human Dignity
BERLIN, OCT. 27, 2002 (Zenit.org).- Sunday as
a day of rest is a guard against "enslavement by the world of work,"
a cardinal says.
Cardinal Karl Lehmann, president of the German
bishops' conference, confirmed the Church's position on Sunday work. "The
celebration of Sunday is a necessity of human dignity, a protest against the
commercialization of the person, and against enslavement by the world of work,"
he said.
The archbishop of Mainz was speaking at the opening
of the exhibition "The Seventh Day: History of Sunday," an event he
described as an "extraordinary occasion to reflect again on Sunday and
the dangers that threaten it," the SIR agency reported.
"All creatures, especially the human being,
must have the possibility to be free and to rest from the pressures of society
and our world," the cardinal explained. "For human existence, to alternate
work and release from it is as important as its social foundation."
In sketching the history of the existence of
Sunday, Cardinal Lehmann said that the Second Vatican Council recognized in
the day "the foundation and nucleus of the whole liturgical year."
The cardinal pointed out the danger of Sunday
losing its meaning.
"Sunday and feast days could be eliminated
or turned into simple weekends, time to go out and to enjoy sports events,"
he said. "Sunday is not at our free disposal. Among the conditions for
real freedom is the proper celebration of Sunday."
He added: "It is not accidental that the
Jewish sabbath is a most special gift of God to humanity, as Sunday is."
Did you notice he called Sunday
Oct 27, 2002
First Sabbath Flight Arrives on Scotland's Staunchly Religious Isle of Lewis
The Associated Press
STORNOWAY, Scotland (AP) - A 34-seat propeller
plane landed at tiny Stornoway airport Sunday - the first-ever Sabbath-day flight
to the staunchly Presbyterian Isle of Lewis off Scotland's northwest coast.
Religious leaders urged islanders to boycott
the new Sunday flights and preserve a traditional way of life that includes
strict observance of the Sabbath.
"These Sunday flights are a breach of God's
law and will have an adverse effect on the whole community life of this island
as we know it. This is only the start," said Calum Maclean, a local representative
of the Lord's Day Observance Society.
Lewis, a wind-battered island in the Outer Hebrides
with a population of 22,000, is the spiritual home of the evangelical Free Church
of Scotland.
The church - nicknamed the "Wee Frees"
- allows work only of "necessity and mercy" on Sundays. On Lewis,
where most people belong to either the Free Church or other Presbyterian denominations,
almost all business and leisure activity stops for the Sabbath. Even television
viewing is frowned upon.
There is no local bus service, and no ferries
operate to or from the mainland.
But on Sunday Loganair, a local affiliate of
British Airways, began flights between Lewis' main town of Stornoway and the
mainland cities of Edinburgh and Inverness. The airline says it is responding
to demand from islanders.
Another airline, bmi british midland, plans to
start flying between Edinburgh and Stornoway seven days a week beginning Monday,
and some islanders believe Sunday ferries will be next.
They're gearing the people up
to get used to Sunday being a "strict observance of Sabbath."
| Wednesday, October 23,
Sunday hunting stirs
On Nov. 5, voters to
decide whether to continue practice on private land
Virginia’s brief fling with Sunday hunting goes before area voters in two weeks
with a debate that pits religious values against recreational opportunities.
Lori Wolfe/The
No Sunday hunting signs are
posted at Barboursville Community Park in
Barboursville. |
On Nov. 5, voters in five
West Virginia counties -- including Cabell, Kanawha and Putnam -- will vote on
whether to continue to allow Sunday hunting on private land in their county.
Voters in 35 counties
considered the issue in the May primary, and all voted it down.
The West Virginia
Legislature approved Sunday hunting just a few months earlier.
On one side of the issue are
folks who say the Sabbath should be a day of rest.
"The Bible says it should be
a day of rest," said Huntington resident Regena Curtis. "Sunday is the Lord’s
On the other side are
hunters who want to use whatever opportunity they have to pursue the sport they
"People like my dad
sometimes only have one day a week to hunt, and sometimes that is Sunday," said
Justin Love, a Marshall University student.
If the voters in Cabell,
Kanawha, Putnam, Wirt and Hardy counties follow suit and shoot Sunday hunting
down, there will only be 15 counties remaining where the practice will be
Wayne, Lincoln and 13 other
counties have not placed the issue on the ballot for their citizens to vote on
the matter.
The law, as it was written
in 2001, has left some in the dark as to what is legal and what is not, an issue
that at least one organization in favor of hunting believes needs to be remedied
prior to an election.
"Some people voting on this
issue don’t know that it is already legal in the county," said Larry Lawson,
legislative and West Virginia Department of Natural Resources representative for
the West Virginia Bowhunters Association.
"If they would word it
differently on the ballot, it might have passed in more counties," he
Lawson said the ballots
simply ask if Sunday hunting should be allowed and does not say that it is
already legal and has been for more than a year.
The wording of the Sunday
hunting law has been in question since its inception.
The wording and
interpretation of the law resulted in little impact after it was passed, said
Paul Johansen, assistant chief in charge of game management for the
The conflict began when
House Finance Chairman Harold Michael, D-Hardy, proposed an amendment that he
thought would have kept in place the statewide prohibition on Sunday hunting,
except in counties where the issue is approved by voters.
In the end, the law allowed
for hunters with written permission from the landowner to hunt on private land
on Sunday unless it has been outlawed by a vote from the residents of the
The West Virginia Bowhunters
Association has been an avid supporter of allowing hunting on Sundays for many
years, Lawson said.
"Many of the people in our
membership work six-day weeks and have only Sundays available to hunt," he said.
The WVDNR also has been a
supporter of adding an extra day to the hunting week.
A study funded by the WVDNR
in 1997 claimed that by allowing Sunday hunting, the state would garner an
additional $41 million from hunters. The WVDNR was excited when the legislation
passed in 2001 but was quickly quelled when the public outlawed it again in 35
of the state’s 55 counties.
"It was a surprise that it
was defeated in every county that placed it on the ballot," Johansen
The single largest opponent
of Sunday hunting has been the West Virginia Farm Bureau.
"Members of the farm bureau
have opposed the issue for a number of reasons," said Bob Williams, bureau
executive secretary.
Each year, the farm bureau
puts the issue up for a vote among its members, and each year they elect to
oppose Sunday hunting, he said.
"Some have religious
grounds, and for some it is an issue of being able to use land on Sunday without
having to worry about hunters," he said.
The farm bureau, with its
15,700 members, feels as though it is representative of much of the general
"We feel like the general
public thinks much like we do," Williams said.
The decision to continue or
discontinue Sunday hunting in five West Virginia counties will be closely
watched by people on both sides of the argument. Some are not
"I don’t think there will be
a shift in the way people have voted in other counties," Johansen
The Bowhunters Association
thinks much of the same will happen in this round of voting, Lawson
"We are going to enjoy
hunting for at least two more seasons in the counties where Sunday hunting is
legal," he said.
Lincoln County will not
likely put the issue on the ballot anytime soon, said Charles McCann, president
of the Lincoln County Commission.
"The hunters in the county
have approached us and asked us to leave it," he said.
So far, McCann said, there
has only been one opponent speak on the issue during the county commission
Wayne County commissioners
elected not to place the issue on the general election ballot because of the
timing with which the issue was presented to
them. |
Political movements "suggested"
by "Sunday keeping?"
The Conference hallowing Sunday worship in a book it
The General Conference Ministerial Association Urges SDA'S to Keep
Sunday- A fairly recent book, Confessions of a Nomad, published by our
Ministerial Association through Pacific Press, instructs the reader that we,
today, can only find our rest, refreshment, and strength by keeping Sunday
In the early 1980s, Carolyn Shealy Self and William L. Self, a
Southern Baptist couple, wrote a devotional book on how to deepen one s
Christian experience. Because they live in the Atlanta, Georgia, area, they had
their book published in 1983 through a local printing house, Peachtree
Publishers. They dedicated the book to their Atlanta Baptist church. Nearly all
Biblical quotations are from two of the most liberal Non-King James
You might wonder why our Ministerial Association would be publishing
books. Keep in mind that it was this church entity that was in charge of writing
the notorious book, Questions on Doctrine, back in 1957. It was the first
doctrinal book our denomination ever printed and, although declared to be not
"official," was printed by the Review & Herald under the auspices of the
General Conference, so our own people could be indoctrinated and non-Adventist
denominations could learn sda beliefs. Hundreds of thousands of free hardback
copies were sent to non-Adventist denominations, churches, and libraries all
over the world.
Unfortunately, that book contained a number of major theological
errors which undermined sda basic beliefs. The objective was to show the
Protestant world that sda's held many of their beliefs, so they would give the
right arm of fellowship.
But the result only moved sda's closer to a denomination-wide
acceptance of salvation by profession alone, without obedience to the ten
This 1998 reprinting of a Baptist book on the importance of keeping
Sunday holy, by our General Conference Ministerial Association, is astounding.
The assigned work of the Association is to oversee the ministers of the sda
church, worldwide, and give them doctrinal and other forms of guidance. This
book, it felt, fulfilled that mandate. Here is an introduction to what you will
find on the next three pages of this tract.
1 - THE FRONT COVER "Confessions of a Nomad: What We Learned in
Sinai s Shadow."
2 - TITLE PAGE This "Devotional Guide" was published by the
sda Ministerial Association! Since the Association does not print many books
for their own ministers and ABCs, the book had to have been closely examined
prior to publication. An excuse, that this was not done, would point to
incompetence. Surely, that could not be the case.
3 - COPYRIGHT AND DEDICATION PAGES The book, dedicated to an Atlanta,
Georgia, Baptist Church, was originally published in 1983 by a non-Adventist
press and reprinted in 1998 by Pacific Press. Note that the Ministerial
Association not only reprinted the book, but paid to obtain a new copyright
on it; evidently this was done so they could continue to keep it in stock in
4 - CONTENTS The entire book is concerned with what two Baptists
learned from reading what the Old and New Testaments had to say about Mount
Sinai and what was taught there. The Ten Commandments are discussed from a
Southern Baptist perspective. As they see it, the Seventh-day Sabbath may have
been good for the Jews, but not for the Christian. Sunday provides their
resurrection celebration, their rest, their day of worship, their source of
strength, the time when God talks to them, the time when they more fully know
God, their great joy, their time of remembrance, their communion, their
sacrament, their time for Bible study, and the day their souls are rekindled and
rested. Christians are to work on the Sabbath and rest on Sunday. Sunday gives
them the strength to work the next six days. By the latter part of the chapter,
the word, "Sabbath," is being applied to Sunday. It is obvious, from the
following quotations, that much of the book is given over to exalting Sunday
"All busy people yearn for a day of rest. God Himself gave His
permission, a command even, for a day to all the soul and spirit to be
refreshed. This is God s gift to us. He will take care of us physically and
spiritually if we follow His plan. Our systems need the replenishment. Sunday is
a special day for this worship and refreshment." Confessions of a Nomad, page
"Thoreau said, if you want to destroy the Christian faith, first take
away Sunday. He was right; it s a holy day, for those who know Jesus Christ as
Saviour it cannot be a holiday. For those of you who have gathered around the
cross and have been saved and washed clean by His blood, it s a sacrilege to do
anything else on that day except to celebrate what God has done.
[This paragraph is a most powerful argument for Sunday laws!] "If we
abuse Sunday, we re going to destroy something beautiful that God has given. No
Sunday means no church; no church means no worship; no worship means no
religion; no religion means no morality; no morality means no society; no
society means no government; no government means anarchy. That s the choice
before us." Page 120.
"Worship: Real worship is not optional. You do not have to decide
each Sunday morning whether or not you ll worship each Sunday morning; it should
be programmed into your life. Good conduct: It s a time when you should do
things that are holy. If you do a little planning, you don t have to do your
shopping on Sunday. There can be time to do things like that on other days.
Remember that every day is His. We are not to give Him one day and do as we
please the other six." Page 121.
Why the denomination would reprint a Baptist book, so obviously
urging Sunday worship, is inexplicable. Why it would go to the considerable
expense of obtaining the copyright on the book is even more so. Yet there is a
third astounding mystery: Why would sda leaders place "Ministerial Association,
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists" on the title page as the
publisher? How often do you see that title as the publisher of any book sold in
Throughout the 1990s, sda leaders have accelerated their meetings
with other denominations in order to sign joint accords of unity and fellowship.
Could it be that this book was published specifically for the purpose of being
presented to other denominational leaders as an indication that THEY are no
longer opposed to the basic Protestant position, that obedience to the ten
commandments should be downgraded and Sunday worship should be emphasized? It
was their consistent opposition, in years past, to those two points which
aroused so much animosity. To yield on both of them could bring the peace THE
SDA leaders so fervently desire. The reprinting of a Baptist book, with its
strong emphasis on both points and as a "devotional guide" for sda people, would
help bring the acceptance which the 1957 Questions on Doctrine (another
Ministerial Association project) .
Eleventh Hour Worker , R Love
Jul. 10, 2002 Sunday-day-off
bill advances By NINA GILBERT -Jerusalem
Sunday would be a non-working day, in addition to Saturday, according to a
bill that was approved in first reading by the Knesset last night.
The bill, sponsored by National Religious Party MK Nahoum Langental, was
approved in a 16-13 vote.
Under the proposal, Friday would be a short work day, and nine hours would be
the normal work load during the rest of the week. MK Yuli Edelstein (Yisrael
Ba'aliya) has a similar proposal.
The aim of the bill is to reduce religious-secular tensions, since it would
enable all citizens to enjoy a day off for shopping and entertainment, and
reduce the demand for such activities on Shabbat.
The government opposes the legislation. However, before the vote, Langental
announced that Finance Minister Silvan Shalom has expressed interest in
cooperating with the initiative when it is prepared for second and third
Langental said making Sunday a day off would also fit in well with the work
week of the Western world. For example, he said it would resolve the
discrepancies in the financial markets, which do not operate on Sunday
He also said the law would allow families to spend more time together.
Voting in favor of the bill were MKs from United Torah Judaism, Shas, the
National Religious Party, and National Union-Yisrael Beitenu. The two Meimad
representatives in the Labor-Meimad faction, Michael Melchior and Yehuda Gilad,
voted in favor, as did Center MK Nehama Ronen.
Voting against were MKs from Meretz, Shinui, and the Arab factions.
groups are increasingly demanding special action from government and civic
groups to "protect" their weekly religious holiday, Sunday. Pope John Paul will
issue a special letter this week urging his flock of sheep to join in this
Web Posted: July 6, 1998
While most
concerns about the separation of church and state in America focus on
legislation such as school prayer or vouchers, a movement is gaining momentum
throughout the country which may resurrect one of the most divisive and
intrusive issues in the nation's history -- so-called Sunday "blue
laws," legal attempts to enforce mandatory observance of the Sabbath.
In recent weeks, Protestant and Roman Catholic officials have taken aim
at practices such as parades, sporting events and other community activities
which they say "interferes" with religious observance on Sunday. In
Massachusetts, the State Council of Churches contacted its 1,700 congregations
urging them to become more proactive in pressuring civic groups and government
to avoid scheduling public events which compete with religious services. New
York's combative Roman Catholic Cardinal John O'Connor is boycotting Major
League Baseball, protesting the scheduling of games on Christian holidays like
Good Friday.
It's all part of a growing wave of "Sabbatarianism," the use of
legislation to minimize commercial enterprises or other activities on Sunday,
the day embraced by most major denomination's as the "Lord's Day." Sabbatarian
roots run deep in the American experience; the nation's first "blue laws" dates
to 1610 in the old Virginia settlement, where failure to attend church services
on Sunday resulted in deprivation of food, whipping and even death.
Blue laws -- which are said to have received their name from a long list
of prohibited activities in New Haven colony in the mid-seventeenth century
which were printed on blue paper -- began to die out with the American
Revolution. A process of "disestablishment," which obliterated the official
status of certain colonial era religions one was required to join in order to
exercise certain rights, weakened many blue laws. Periodic waves of religious
hysteria, though, often created a climate for support of Sabbatarian
legislation, which sought to prohibit entertainment or commercial enterprise on
Sundays. Such laws frequently morphed into other areas including efforts to
control drinking, smoking and the prostitution ("white slavery.") Indeed,
Sabbatarianism was a key component in fervid efforts by Protestant reformers to
"cleanse" society of what they saw as the ills and abuses caused by
industrialization, growing accumulation of wealth and secular society. Following
the collapse of Prohibition, the "Great Experiment," blue laws were hastily
enacted in many states and counties in an effort to at least control the
consumption and production of alcohol.
Sabbatarianism also expressed its angst about secular culture
in other ways, too. Attacks on evolution and its teaching in public schools were
also part of a fundamentalist and evangelical social agenda during the early
part of this century, as was the effort to protect America from the perceived
threat of German modernistic religious doctrines and theologies. As noted by
James Davison Hunter, author of "Evangelicalism, The Coming Generation"
(Chicago, 1987), it soon resulted in this segment of Christians becoming
"objects of derision for their anti-intellectualism, their bigotry." H.L.
Menchen took lethal aim declaring that these efforts to repress scientific
inquiry, and enforce Biblical morality represented "narrow-minded moralism," and
were the "stupid and anti-social crazes of inferior men."
Another factor fueled the collapse of Sunday blue laws -- economic
reality. Blue laws had been justified by some reform groups as a "day of rest"
for hard-pressed workers in the midst of the industrial revolution. The rapid
ascent of a service-oriented economy, though, along with changes in the
marketplace such as the need for "flex" time, sounded the death knell of 9-5,
five-days-a-week banker's hours. Pundits and cultural gurus from Alvin Toffler
("Future Shock") to John Naisbitt, Faith Popcorn and others have documented the
obliteration of our notion of a standard work week. In the retail field
especially, the move to be open for business on evenings and weekends has been
relentless, and a compelling economic necessity.
The popularity of secular culture, though, especially on Sunday has not
passed unnoticed by religious leaders. Pope John Paul II will be issuing an
Apostolic Letter due out this Tuesday titled "Dies Domini" ("Day of the Lord")
which calls for Roman Catholics to defend the special status of the Sabbath.
According to news sources, the wording of the document has been kept sealed, but
it is reported to be divided into three sections. The first will attempt to
discuss the Sabbath from a Biblical perspective, while the others look at the
status of the "day of rest" today and suggest ways to return it to its once
exalted position.
Sabbatarianism is not unfamiliar territory for either the Pope or his
church. In 1990, John Paul denounced Italian labor unions for their new policy
of "swing" shifts of continual work throughout the work week. That resulted in a
flurry of unexpected and bitter denunciations from labor groups, and even Carlo
Patruno, vice president of Confidustria, a business group, who told the Pontiff
that he should "mind his own business."
And two weeks ago, John Paul declared during his visit to Vienna,
Austria, "Do whatever you can to preserve Sunday. Make it clear that this day
must not be worked (sic) since it must be celebrated as the day of our Lord."
It's not just from religious leaders, though, that the call is going out
to reclaim the Sabbath from the clutches of entertainment or commercial
activity. Today's Dallas Morning News reports in its Religion section,
"Churches, workers trying to restore Sunday as day to relax, experts say." The
piece begins by citing the case of a Ft. Worth, Texas car dealer who says that
he is seeking an injunction to force a competing firm to obey a state law which
bans auto dealers from operating more than six days a week. "We're already open
84 hours a week... I'm open from 7 in the morning until 9 at night. Isn't that
enough?" asks Ken Nichols, who says that his motivation for seeking the
injunction is not based on religious grounds.
The newspaper also cites the case of an unidentified Pizza chain which
has allegedly begun looking into the economic impact for its business of Sunday
closing. But the trend, at least in the marketplace and elsewhere, is clearly
against Sabbatarianism, even when it is justified on nonreligious grounds. The
firm which is the target of Mr. Nichol's injunction, CarMax, says that is
contesting the Texas law "as a way to help stressed-out customers who must work
six days a week," says the News. The head of the company declares that the
weekend is the "convenient time" to shop for automobiles, adding "Our
expectation is Sunday will typically be our second-best volume day -- next to
Saturday." The trend is growing, too, as manifest by companies like United
Parcel Service and Fed Ex step up their delivery schedules to seven days a
A common theme now echoed by religious movements across the spectrum to
justify a "new Sabbatarianism" cites growing time constraints placed on
families, as two income households become the norm and workers supposedly put in
more hours for less or stagnant pay. Economists remain divided over these sorts
of claims, though, citing rising average income, greater hourly productivity
and, in some cases, declining hours of work. And secularists point out that
prohibiting certain economic activity on Sunday (even under the guise of a
nonreligious purpose) discriminates against workers and others who need that day
for shopping or other forms of relaxation and contemplation other than heading
for the nearest church. Even so, one finds a resonance on the "Enough is
enough!" theme voiced by Mr. Nichols even in such religious- conservative
quarters as the Promise Keepers. Issues of "New Man" Magazine (until recently,
the group's official publication) include anecdotal testimony of success-driven
men who worked long hours, earned substantial salaries yet "neglected" wives and
families. Jonathan Wilson, professor in the Religious Studies Department at
Westmont College in California told the News, "I think we are getting a little
worn down as a people and as a culture and we're saying, 'Wouldn't it be nice if
all were off on this day?'" Sheldon Zimmerman of Hebrew Union College agrees,
suggesting "We have become enslaved."
And there is the case of Rev. Tom Plumbley, pastor of Midway Hills
Christian Church in Dallas. He told parishioners, "Whether you're a poor person
being required to bus tables at a restaurant or whether you're an investment
banker, there's this pressure to be working all the time or you're not doing
your job..."
York's Roman Catholic Cardinal John O'Connor displays ignorance of the First
Amendment by asking, "Why is it religion which must always
accommodate?" | Dallas Morning News also
mentioned the case of Cardinal John O'Connor, who has become more outspoken in
his Sabbatarian predilection. The paper said that according to Archdiocese
spokesperson Joe Zwilling, parishioners "were about 3-to-1 in favor of the
Cardinal's position."
"Why is it religion that must always accommodate?" O'Connor asked in a
recent column for the newspaper Catholic New York. "How many altar pastors have
been told by altar servers, 'I can't serve Sunday. I have a little league
game'?" The prelate denounced what he termed "the constant erosion, the constant
secularization of our culture, that I strongly believe to be a serious mistake."
Over the years, Sunday blue laws have generally fared poorly in courts
when challenged. And according to an attorney with the Liberty Legal Institute,
employees who go to court to demand a work-free Sabbath "are losing in the
courts more than they once did," notes the News. That could change, though, if
legislation such as the Religious Liberty Protection Act (a version of the
discredited and unconstitutional Religious Freedom Restoration Act) is enacted.
The law requires governments to use a "compelling interest" standard before
placing any "burden" on religious groups or practice. Public employees, from
cops to teachers, are already in the courts suing for their right to wear
distinctive clothing or express religious preferences in other ways. Would this
spill over to the private sector?, wonder some state-church separationists.
Religious groups, of course, are certainly free to encourage their
membership to observe the Sabbath. Some denominations, such as the Seventh- day
Adventist Church (SDA) hold that the Sabbath is on Saturday, not Sunday. Jews
have a similar belief in when the "holy time" of the week occurs as well. But is
it the prospect of mandated Sabbatarianism in the form of Sunday blue laws, or
indirect pressures -- like "encouraging" civic or government groups to
discriminate in favor of religious exercise in scheduling athletic events,
marathon or other public activities -- which threatens to violate state-church
separation. In the confrontation between secularism and religious belief,
churches may be increasingly tempted to "keep holy the Sabbath" by relying less
on the certainty of faith, and more on the power of government.
blue laws, legislation regulating public and private
conduct, especially laws relating to Sabbath observance. The term was originally
applied to the 17th-century laws of the theocratic New Haven colony; they were
called “blue laws” after the blue paper on which they were printed. New Haven
and other Puritan colonies of New England had rigid laws prohibiting Sabbath
breaking, breaches in family discipline, drunkenness, and excesses in dress.
Although such legislation had its origins in European Sabbatarian and sumptuary laws, the term “blue laws” is
usually applied only to American legislation. With the dissolution of the
Puritan theocracies after the American Revolution, blue laws declined; many of
them lay forgotten in state statute books only to be revived much later. The
growth of the prohibition movement in
the 19th cent. and early 20th cent. brought with it other laws regulating
private conduct. Many states forbade the sale of cigarettes, and laws prohibited
secular amusements as well as all unnecessary work on Sunday; provision was made
for strict local censorship of books, plays, films and other means of
instruction and entertainment. Although much of this legislation has been
softened if not repealed, there are still many areas and communities in the
United States, especially those where religious fundamentalism is strong, that
retain blue laws. The Supreme Court has upheld Sunday closing laws ruling that
such laws do not interfere with the free exercise of religion and do not
constitute the establishment of a state religion.
Blue laws won't fade away
Sunday restrictions have tempered state for almost
320 years
Sunday, February 18, 2001
By John M.R. Bull, Post-Gazette Harrisburg Correspondent HARRISBURG -- Keeping restaurants with liquor licenses closed until 7 a.m. on
Sundays, even when people are gathering to watch concrete stadiums blow up,
isn't the only strange law on the books in Pennsylvania.
Several ghosts of the lamented "blue laws" still haunt the state's criminal
Fishing is legal on Sundays. Hunting is not.
Buying a new or used car from an auto dealer on Sundays is against the law.
Yes, you can test drive or window shop at those weekend car expos, but you can't
legally buy or even negotiate a purchase.
Betting on horse races on Sunday is illegal and can get you fined.
But not all gamblers are bothered by the blues. Buying a state lottery ticket
on Sunday is legal and even actively encouraged by the state.
Blue laws originated to regulate industry, shopping and other behaviors on
Sundays. The restrictions were supposed to be for the good of everyone's morals.
Blue laws were supposed to force the citizenry to observe the Lord's day
quietly, at home.
The first of the blue laws in Pennsylvania was enacted in 1682, back when it
was a colony of the British Empire. The general prohibition was against working
or having fun on Sundays.
"Whoever does or performs any worldly employment or business whatsoever on
the Lord's day, commonly called Sunday, works of necessity and charity only
exempted, or uses or practices any game, hunting, shooting, sport or diversion
whatsoever on the same day not authorized by law" is guilty, the law stated.
It went on the books just a year after William Penn established a government
in what would become Pennsylvania.
The ban carried over when Pennsylvania became a state in 1787. The
Pennsylvania Legislature re-enacted the law almost verbatim in 1939.
It wasn't until 1978 that the state Supreme Court ruled that the blue laws
were unconstitutional, but on rather strange grounds. The Legislature, the court
decided, had the perfect right to pass laws regulating behavior on Sundays,
including the 1935 restriction on showing movies and the 1939 ban on playing
But throughout the years, so many blue laws were enacted, and so many
exceptions made in such a willy-nilly fashion, that they had neither rhyme nor
reason and, therefore, discriminated against some people, the court ruled.
For example, noted one of the justices, what sense was there to allow stores
that sold antique rugs to open on Sundays, but not stores that sold new rugs?
Perhaps a computer could "discover some thread of rationality" in what was
prohibited and what was not, the court suggested. If the Legislature wanted to
rewrite and re-enact blue laws so they made sense, that would be fine, but until
then, they could not be enforced, the justices decided.
In fact, the Legislature did re-enact some of them.
The hubbub was started by a court case that originated in O'Hara when the
township tried to fine a grocery for opening on Sundays.
On Mount Washington 33 years later, another type of Sunday laws created
controversy again.
Liquor-control agents investigated some Mount Washington restaurants for
opening before 7 a.m. last Sunday to let revelers watch the implosion of Three
Rivers Stadium. The view was great. The crowd was happy. The restaurants were in
violation of law passed after Prohibition ended in 1933. Some provisions of
those rules are akin to blue laws.
Only Utah has as strange a collection of liquor rules and regulations as
Pennsylvania owns the liquor stores, and won't open them on Sundays for the
sake of everyone's morals. Sales of alcohol on Sundays is prohibited throughout
the state, as a rule, unless a restaurant has a Sunday permit to sell alcohol.
If so, alcohol can't be sold until 11 a.m.
But restaurant doors can't open until 7 a.m. A warning is in store for the
offending restaurants on Mount Washington.
Technically, the old blue laws remain on the books. They were not repealed.
Lawmakers get credit for enacting laws, not deleting them. And repealing them
could anger conservative constituents, which lawmakers don't want to do if they
don't have to. Because they don't have to repeal the blue laws, they didn't.
The blue laws remain on the books, but are considered unenforceable by court
Throughout the years, various Sunday prohibitions crept back onto the books.
Less than a year after the court ruling, the Legislature felt obliged to
re-enact the 1957 ban on selling new or used cars from auto dealerships on
Sundays. Trailers, too. The kind you hook up to a vehicle, not a double-wide.
The ban remains in place to this day. Dealerships prefer it that way.
"It's the general consensus they don't mind," said Nathan Duhovis, executive
director of the Pennsylvania Independent Auto Dealers Association. "Frankly, if
anyone challenged it, they'd probably win."
Dealership owners like the law because it gives them a day off, he said.
If the law allowed car sales on Sunday, some dealership would open on Sundays
and that would bring pressure on others to open to remain competitive, Duhovis
said. This way, no one is able to sell, so there is no fear of losing customers
to anyone else on Sundays.
Fishing is allowed on Sundays. Hunting is not.
The fishing ban was repealed decades ago, with only one lingering piece of
silliness remaining on the books.
There is a specific law banning fishing on private property without the
owner's consent, and it allows property owners to post "No Fishing on Sunday
Without Permission" signs. It is also illegal to fish -- or do anything else
--on private property on any day of the week without the owner's permission.
The signs are a curio. The state gives them out on request. The Amish and
Mennonites ask for them more than anyone else, on religious grounds.
The war over Sunday hunting continues, now 319 years and running.
Currently, Sunday hunting is prohibited with a few exceptions. Foxes, coyotes
and in some cases crows can be shot on Sundays. Those critters annoy farmers,
who have a lobby with muscle in Harrisburg.
Some hunters want to be allowed to hunt on Sundays. Others do not. They
appear to be about evenly split, said Jerry Feaser, state Fish and Game
Commission spokesman.
And many property owners who participate in a state program to open their
lands for hunting say they would withdraw permission if Sunday hunting were
allowed, Feaser said.
A bill to allow Sunday hunting was introduced last year. Hearings were held.
Outrage was voiced.
"Much of it is founded in pure religious beliefs, that we just shouldn't do
it on Sunday. Sunday should be a day of rest," said state Rep. Dan Surra, R-Elk.
"Pennsylvania is very conservative and very resistant to change."
The bill died but may be resurrected for more discussion.
To peruse the state code in the Internet, try www.pacode.com/about/about.html
ON THE BLUE LAWSFebruary 1, 1977
The repeal of the Sunday Closing or Blue Laws portends a
negative impact on the quality of life in Massachusetts. We, therefore, urge the
preservation of these ancient but valuable restrictions to protect a common day
of rest.
Proponents of repeal argue that an end to the Blue Laws will have
substantial economic benefits, including an increase in sales, profits,
employment, payrolls, consumer convenience, revenues, the state's competitive
advantage in relation to its neighbors, plus a reduction in prices. These
extensive claims invite skepticism, In fact, all of these claims have been
strongly refuted by opponents of repeal, some of whom maintain that exactly the
opposite effects will occur. For example, the claim of increased sales is
offset by the alternative position that only a certain number of dollars for
retail purposes exists and they will be expanded over seven rather than six
days. Moreover, the alleged competitive advantage for Massachusetts will not
materialize, it is argued, because shoppers travel to border states not merely
to take advantage of Sunday openings but to save money on sales taxes.
The issue of economic benefits is immensely complex and strongly
debated. It deserves lengthy and careful study, not exaggerated advocacy on
either side.
Moreover, proponents of repeal argue that the option of opening or
remaining closed will be preserved. Cities or towns can choose to maintain
Sunday and holiday closings; commercial establishments can choose not to open;
and laborers will be free to work or not to work. It seems more likely,
however, that the practical dynamics of competition will force openings. When
one city permits openings, others will follow suit, to maintain competitive
parity. Businesses will do likewise, and workers, receiving income incentives
and fearing reprisals, will feel compelled to work. The likely result will be
generalized commercial openings, making the seventh day nearly indistinguishable
from the other six in terms of consumer and commercial activity.
Whatever conclusions are ultimately reached about the economic gains or
losses from the Sunday closing laws, some fundamental human values could be
lost if these laws are repealed. Society needs a regular period of rest,
relaxation, and renewal, a shift in pace from our pervasive consumerism and
commercialism. A common day of rest makes it more likely that families
and friends can experience this relaxation and renewal together. The present
exceptions in the law mean that many citizens must work on Sunday I but the
repeal of the closing laws probably would magnify that factor many-fold, making
a qualitative change out of a quantitative one. Sunday closing laws are a
device to protect the quality of human life in a complex, intense, and almost
constantly gyrating society. The rest from labor, the relief from the
clamor of perpetual motion, is such a fundamental human need as to be a sacred
duty. To brand these laws as archaic is to pretend that these needs are
The original religious rationale for the Blue Laws is unfair in a
pluralistic society. The sanctity of Sabbath worship, of course, is one of
our commitments, but it cannot be one, in the midst of cultural diversity, for
which we seek the sanctions of civil law. Though the present common day of rest
obviously coincides with the primary day of worship in the churches, it is
unclear that Sunday openings will have any more adverse effects on participation
in Sunday worship than recreational opportunities now have. Our intent,
therefore, in supporting the principle of these laws is not to protect the
Christian Sabbath, but to preserve the benefits for human well-being in a
uniform time for rest and renewal. Until such occasion, if ever, as changes in
cultural patterns and traditions allow for another day, it seems reasonable that
the time of common rest should be Sunday.
The very complexity of our society, of course, requires some exceptions
to Sunday closings. An examination of the laws might reveal, in fact, the need
for further amendments to insure that exceptions are rational rather than
random. All such exceptions, we hope, will be based upon necessity and
equitability, to maintain the day of rest as a time to benefit, not hurt,
We believe that the Sunday closing laws deserve continuation. We
recognize that the effects of these statutes are complex and ambivalent. We,
however, urge citizens and legislators to consider not only the alleged economic
benefits of repeal, which may, in fact, be mythical or minimal, but also the
quality of life in this Commonwealth.
The above statement was signed on February 1, 1977 by six
denominational executives of member-bodies in the Massachusetts Council of
Churches. Representing the viewpoint of the Council, it also was endorsed by
the Massachusetts Commission on Christian Unity. The position was
reaffirmed by the Massachusetts Council of Churches Board of Directors as
official policy in 1982, 1985, and 1990.
14 Beacon Street
Boston, MA. 02108
The Rev. Diane C. Kessler, Executive Director
Alleges Free Parking on Sundays Is Illegal
Litigation: A Newport Beach man says a city policy
exempting meter fees for churchgoers violates the separation of church and state.
A Newport Beach man has filed a federal lawsuit alleging
that the city unconstitutionally violates the separation of church and state
by giving churchgoers special rights to some of the most valued real estate
in town: beach parking.
"I believe that every citizen has a responsibility
to be vigilant to make sure the provisions of the Constitution are not diluted,"
said John Nelson, who describes himself as a developer/contractor and agnostic.
The suit was filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana.
At issue is what practically passes for a sacred space
in some areas of Newport Beach: a parking spot on the peninsula. Normally, the
metered spots require 25 cents per quarter-hour. But in the early 1970s, city
officials passed an ordinance that allowed free Sunday morning parking, 8 a.m.
to 1 p.m., at the metered spots in front of four churches: Our Lady of Mount
Carmel Catholic Church and Christ Church by the Sea, St. James Episcopal Church
of Newport Beach and the Christian Science Church and Reading Room, all of them
on Balboa Peninsula. Nelson lives on Lido Isle, near two of the churches.
Mayor Tod Ridgeway said that lifting the free parking
would create problems for those living near the churches, because churchgoers
would then take the unmetered spots in front of their homes.
"It would be a nightmare," said Ridgeway, who
lives near Our Lady of Mount Carmel. "It would be bedlam on my residential
Msgr. Daniel J. Murray of Our Lady of Mount Carmel said
the dispute doesn't involve the church, but is between the city and Nelson.
But he said Our Lady has been there since 1923, long before parking meters.
The church has 43 parking spaces for services that attract about 300 people.
And he took a stab at why the city decided to allow free
parking nearly three decades ago.
"My guess is the thinking at the time was, 'Why should
we have to pay to go to church?' " said Murray, who added that the First
Amendment warns against the prohibition of free exercise of religion. "If
people don't have quarters, they can't come to church.'
Harry Schwartzbart of the Americans United for Separation
of Church and State said he considers the free Sunday parking to be a trivial
issue, especially when measured against items such as President Bush's faith-based
"I'm sure my organization would not spend one nickel
debating this issue in court," Schwartzbart said. "You're splitting
But Nelson, who said he's spent $6,000 so far in legal
fees, vowed to fight as long as he must to ensure Sunday churchgoers drop their
quarters in the meters. It's not that he's against religion, he said. In fact,
it's just the opposite. He wants to make sure religion is protected from government.
"I know it's not a popular cause, but we need to
stick to the issues," Nelson said. "I'm a lone ranger who believes
in the Constitution of the U.S."
36. The Sunday assembly is the privileged place of unity:
it is the setting for the celebration of the sacramentum unitatis which
profoundly marks the Church as a people gathered "by" and "in" the unity of the
Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
63. ... Christians, called as they are to proclaim the
liberation won by the blood of Christ, felt that they had the authority to
transfer the meaning of the Sabbath to the day of the Resurrection. -Source: Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Dies Domini,
31 May, 1998.
good word spreads about World Sabbath
Day of prayer seen as a balm for terror January 22,
Since that horrible day in September when people drove
planes into buildings in the name of God, the Rev. Rod Reinhart has been looking
for ways that U.S. residents can work to eliminate religious misunderstandings.
His top suggestion this week:
Join others around the globe Saturday in celebrating the
third annual World Sabbath for Religious Reconciliation. It's a holiday that
Reinhart, who works for the Episcopal Diocese of Detroit, founded in 1999.
Since then, the number of celebrants has grown as word
of the World Sabbath spreads. People worldwide have visited www.worldsabbath.com,
the Web site that Reinhart has loaded with a template for anyone to hold a World
Sabbath service, including a suggested opening prayer and a liturgy.
Reinhart's event is one of two this week with interfaith
themes. Mirroring a prayer meeting with world religious leaders planned by Pope
John Paul II in Assisi, Italy, on Thursday, Cardinal Adam Maida of the Detroit
Archdiocese will host an interreligious service at noon in downtown Detroit.
To mark the World Sabbath locally, about 500 people are
expected to gather at 7 p.m. Saturday at Christ Church Cranbrook, 470 Church
Road, Bloomfield Hills. Scheduled speakers include local leaders representing
Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist communities.
"We'll be praying for the victims of Sept. 11, giving
a Christian, Jewish and Muslim response, and focusing on what we're going to
do next to move toward healing," Reinhart said Monday.
The service also will feature a group of Sudanese drummers
from St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Lansing, plus singing by the choirs of Greater
New Mt. Moriah Church in Detroit and All Saints Episcopal Church in Pontiac.
The Thursday interfaith service planned by the Archdiocese
of Detroit also will include representatives of many denominations. The service
is free and open to the public at SS. Peter and Paul Jesuit Church at St. Antoine
and East Jefferson.
In a letter to parishes, Maida said "fervent and
faithful prayer brought down communism" and prayer will help bring world
The celebration of two interfaith services in metro Detroit
in one week doesn't surprise Reinhart. With large and vibrant faith communities,
the area is a natural place for religious tolerance to take root, he said.
"We've made a great start," he said. "Wait
and see. In a few years, the World Sabbath will be as big as Kwanzaa."
For information on the World Sabbath, call Reinhart at
734-459-7319 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or go to www.worldsabbath.com. For information
about the Catholic service, call 313-237-5943 anytime.
Contact EMILIA ASKARI at 313-223-4461 or askari@freepress.com.
Staff writer Jack Kresnak contributed to this report.
Besides all the OBVIOIUS ecumenical malarky. Did you notice
the article declare they flew the planes into the trade center " in
the name of God" Allah is now God?
Last update - 18:31 14/02/2002
Judge: Sabbath labor laws apply to
Saturday only, not Friday
By Zvi Harel <mailto:zvih@haaretz.co.il> , Ha'aretz
A Labor Court judge ruled Thursday that current
state labor laws forbidding Jewish citizens from working on the Sabbath apply
to Saturday only and not Friday.
Acccording to Jewish law, the Sabbath
begins at sundown Friday and ends after sundown Saturday.
Labor Court
Judge Sara Meiri ruled that under the current labor law, work by Jewish
citizens of Israel on Friday evenings does not constitute work on
the Sabbath, and therefore does not violate the labor laws.
particular ruling was part of a decision on a complaint filed by the Ministry
of Labor and Social Welfare against the owner of a Ramat Gan kiosk that
operated at 10 P.M. on Friday. The defendant, Iyoub Yakobian, requested that
he not respond to the complaint, claiming that it was without cause. Justice
Meiri accepted his position and decided to cancel the complaint after the
prosecution finished presenting evidence, before the accused was called to
the witness stand.
The complaint, filed by the Labor and Social Affairs
Ministry in September last year, claimed that the kiosk was caught operating
at 10 P.M. on August 25, 2000, which it said violated labor laws. The judge
ruled in her decision that Yakobian could keep his kiosk open until midnight
on Fridays.
Meiri also ruled that in the absence of a definition, "day"
as included in the law is to be understood as the period from midnight until
the following midnight. Therefore, because the kiosk was open before midnight
on Friday, it was in any case not considered to be the Sabbath.
Zionist Christianity
is American heresy
Egypt-USA, Religion, 5/11/2002
Patriarch of Alexandria and Saint Mark Diocese, Pope Shenouda
III said the term Zionist Christianity is an American heresy and a by-product
of a bizarre environment that has no existence in the Arab world. There
is no such thing as Zionist Christianity in the Arab world, it is an "American
heresy", totally unacceptable and rejected by all genuine Christian sects
around the world, the Pope emphatically told his congregation at his weekly
sermon at St Mark's Cathedral Wednesday night.
"It is a by-product of a bizarre environment in the
U.S. under which any radical group has the right to establish a religious belief,
giving way to unacceptable political ideologies under the cover of religion,"
he added.
"It is from this American environment that Jehovah's
Witnesses and the Adventists emerged, whose doctrines are much closer to Zionist
Judaism than Christianity," he said.
"Christianity in general advocates peace and love
and rejects suppression, occupation, usurping the rights of others or liquidating
the opposition, which are basic principles in world Zionism," he added.
"Eastern Christianity in particular has been committed
to Arab national causes and has together with Islam struggled for the realization
of independence and the protection of the land and honour," he said.
"Among the doctrines of these radical groups is the
sanctification of the Sabbath and the belief that the return of Christ is linked
to the Jewish regrouping in Israel, which are all Zionist beliefs," he
story of a Baptist pastor who turned his congregation into Adventists
"After a sermon on the
Sabbath that Pastor Holmes presented to the congregation, Holmes told the church
he would no longer be keeping Sunday and would change to the original Sabbath,"
said Daryl Stokes, a member of the Waterloo church. - Hans Olson Outlook
Assistent Editor Outlook Cetral Union Conferance October, 2001
Sunday, holy Sunday? Pastor resurrects Sabbath debate with $1 million reward
By Joe
Kovacs © 2001 WorldNetDaily.com
One of the longest running disputes in the history of Christianity – Saturday
vs. Sunday – is having new life breathed into it with a cash reward of up to
$1 million toward a resolution.
A. Jan Marcussen, a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in Illinois, is starting
with $50,000 of his own money if someone can produce "a verse from the Holy
Bible showing that God commands us to keep holy the first day of the week" –
Sunday – "instead of the seventh day" – Saturday – "as is commanded in the
He says the reward will increase in $25,000 increments each week for 40
consecutive weeks if no one sends him such a verse, with a final cap at $1
"The $50,000 offer is to wake people up out of a stupor," Marcussen tells
WorldNetDaily. "People wake up when there's money involved."
Marcussen, who says he has the money ready to pay if someone is successful,
is making the offer to encourage people to read the Bible for themselves,
instead of accepting without question what religious leaders have been
"Millions of people believe and have confidence in their clergy that what
they're being taught is true," says Marcussen. "They'll find out that the clergy
is not teaching from the Bible."
Marcussen, 52, is not only a preacher in his local church, he's also a
physical therapist, nutritionist, marriage counselor and author of six books.
One of those works, "National Sunday Law," focuses on the Saturday-vs.-Sunday
debate. Marcussen is asking people to read that book before applying for the
reward. (It can be downloaded for free
from his website.)
Editor's note: Marcussen is accepting regular mail from those seeking to
claim the reward at: PO Box 68, Thompsonville, IL 62890
Entire articlke
can be viewed here: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=24908
leaders encourage boycott of Sunday shopping
Associated Press - SALT LAKE
CITY- A Mormon Church authority called on members to boycott Sunday shopping
as a way to force community wide obediance to the fourth commandment God gave
Moses - to keep the Sabbath holy
church uses birth control to their advantage...
"In respecting religious liberty and the common good of
all, Christians should seek recognition of Sundays and the church's holy days as
legal holidays. It is time that we demonstrate our Catholic vitality and engage
in the public policy debate. We have the power and the people to embark on this
movement - a movement that will benefit all Americans." - Catechism of the
Catholic Church, 1994, par. 2188
church still pushing the civil authorities...
"The civil authorities should be urged to cooperate
with the church in maintaining and strengthening this public worship of God, and
to support with their own authority the regulations set down by the church's
pastor. For it is only in this way that the faithful will understand why it is
Sunday and not the Sabbath day that we keep holy." -The Roman Catechism
Priests push universal religious day
-January 25, 2001 Detroit Free Press (Article heading = WORLD SABBATH)
Kinda makes it obvious. Catholic priests do not understand ONE LINE of Prophecy, OR....... they "like satan" realize "their time is short!."
World Sabbath considered
"It is so dangerous when people are divided over language, ethnicity, and religion." Hakismana said Wednesday. His parents and six siblings were killed in Rwanda's 1994 civil war; and he subsequently devoted his life to promoting peace. "People need this World Sabbath, the whole world needs it." January 25, 2001 Detroit Free Press
Remember people. The Lord is in control. This was PLANNED! So don't worry, be CHRISTIANS!
Bush sees new era for church-state cooperation
"Consulting with Catholic leaders, Bush pushes his agenda for government-backed faith based social programs. About 62 percent of Catholic Charities comes from government.
Final, Jesuit Father Fred Kammer, president of Catholic Charities USA, said that while his organization is supportive of the president's initiative, "an infusion of new federal dollars is essential to expand our capacity. None of these faith-based partnerships proposed by the president can work without sufficient funding." -Feb 18, 2001 Our Sunday Visitor -sec. Nation.
Fact is people. The church and state issue is old news. Has been all along. Want TONS of proof? See these pages of articles on one world church / government...
What is National Family Day?
This Year March 25, 2001
National FamilyDay® was created by KidsPeace®, one of the largest organizations helping kids overcome crisis, and is an annual holiday held every year on a Sunday in March to recognize the importance of family. It's a time to remember heritage, interact and communicate, share values, and renew our commitment to nurture and grow strong families, because strong and supportive families give kids peace.
One of the common threads surrounding our nation's social ills is the lack of consistent and meaningful family interaction. Good communications is the driving force that brings children and families together for National FamilyDay.
Family is a child's most important source of support. "Family" has been defined by research as "anyone to whom you are emotionally attached
No mistake it falls on a SUNDAY eh? And did you also notice the "nation" is in need of this? USA apostasy is about perfected folks. Soon the NATIONAL SUNDAY LAW will be enacted, the Latter Rain will pour, the Beast of Rome will flex his muscles, the Mark of the Vatican Beast will be enforced, and Jesus Christ will put and END to all of it! IN YOUR LIFETIME!
legislative efforts by the above org.
> http://hillsource.house.gov/LegislativeDigest/Digest/Digest2000/Wk7pt1.htm
Catholic Church admits to change
"In respecting religious liberty and the common good of all, Christians should seek recognition of Sundays and the church's holy days as legal holidays. It is time that we demonstrate our Catholic vitality and engage in the public policy debate. We have the power and the people to embark on this movement - a movement that will benefit all Americans." - Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994, par. 2188
Now do you understand why the Catholic church insisted it's followers NOT use birth control and practice the "rhythm method" all those years? It made for a population explosion of CATHOLICS didn't it? Whenever someone has a LARGE family, what always the first question asked of them? "Are you Catholic?" Fact is people. I know of this. Being one of eleven and father of eight! I "was" a Catholic! Key word here is... WAS
The civil authorities should be urged to cooperate with the church in maintaining and strengthening this public worship of God, and to support with their own authority the regulations set down by the church's pastor. For it is only in this way that the faithful will understand why it is Sunday and not the Sabbath day that we keep holy." -The Roman Catechism 1985
Sounds to me like a rather BOLD and DEMONIC statement eh? It is also openly ANTI-CHRISTIAN as well as ANTI-BIBLE to declare that the Sabbath is a day we are NOT to keep holy! For it is written...
Exodus 31:13, "Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you."
Hebrews 4:4,8,9 "For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God."
Notice the word "rest" in verse 9?
4520 sabbatismos {sab-bat-is-mos'}
from a derivative of 4521; TDNT - 7:34,989; n m
AV - rest 1; 1
1) a keeping sabbath
2) the blessed rest from toils and troubles looked for in the
age to come by the true worshippers of God and true Christians
Bush Issues Proclamation for National Day of Prayer
By Jim Burns
CNS Senior Staff Writer
January 20, 2001
(CNSNews.com) - Less than two hours after he took office as 43rd president of the United States, George W. Bush issued a proclamation calling for a "National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving, 2001." That day will be Sunday, January 21st.
Following a tradition begun by President Thomas Jefferson in 1801, Bush issued a "call upon the citizens of our nation to gather together in homes and places of worship to pray alone and together and offer thanksgiving to God for all the blessings of this great and good land."
"On this day," Bush's proclamation continued, "I call upon Americans to recall all that unites us. Let us become a nation rich not only in material wealth but in ideals, rich in justice and compassion and family love and moral courage. I ask Americans to bow our heads in humility before our Heavenly Father, a God who calls us not to judge our neighbors, but to love them, to ask His guidance upon our Nation and its leaders in every level of government."
Bush noted that on the first National Day of Prayer in 1801, then-President Thomas Jefferson's oath of office was the "first transfer of power between political parties." Jefferson, a member of the Democratic Republican Party had defeated the incumbent, John Adams, a member of Federalist Party.
"On this bicentennial of that event, we pause to remember and give thanks to Almighty God for our unbroken heritage of democracy, the peaceful transition of power, and the perseverance of our government through the challenges of war and peace, want and prosperity, discord and harmony
December 29, 2000
Some Utah Residents to Celebrate New Year's Eve Early
By Matthew Ott
Associated Press Writer
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - The state of Utah takes a lot of ribbing for being ultraconservative, unhip and behind the times. But on Saturday, some residents will be some step ahead of everyone else -- they're celebrating New Year's Eve a day early. In Provo and St. George, two heavily Mormon towns, party organizers moved the celebrations ahead because many church members are expected to spend Sunday quietly observing the Sabbath. "We're not going to have a countdown," said Marc Mortensen, organizer of Saturday's early-bird celebration in St.
George. "We're not going to pretend like it's New Year's Eve. It's just a New Year's party." Mortensen expects about 25,000 people at the celebration. He said staging the event on Sunday would have probably cut the attendance in half and made it unprofitable. It's more of a business decision, not a religious one," Mortensen said. "It makes more sense." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has told members they can take part in "dancing and other activities" on Saturday but must be home before midnight. The
church is encouraging members to spend Sunday quietly at home with their families and other church members, and to take part in activities "appropriate for the Sabbath day." Church headquarters will be open Sunday night, and the entertainment will include religious movies. Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson, a non-Mormon, said he was bewildered by the alternative plans. "I just think it's sort of odd that anyone would celebrate New Year's Eve on any other night than New Year's Eve. But to each his own," Anderson said.
Sad... they break the Lord's Sabbath so they can keep the devil's sabbath instead. And what's real sad is, they don't know it!
The "TGIS+ = Thank God it's SUNday! Notice also the blatant PAGAN SYMBOL for the SUN gOD Baal on this Billboard
Here we see John Paul II accepting the "TGIS" banner.
Have you seen this in front of YOUR local churches yet? Catholic or Protestant, it no longer matters. As of June 26, 2000 ALL churches are now of a "ONE WORLD CHURCH"
Do you think they will seek to change the calendars so as to have more TwIsTeD fUeL so as to further distort the Truth of God's Word into a lie?
-By Marie Chestney
News-Review Staff Writer
School activities that now eat up Saturdays for local students and families are nibbling away at Sundays as well. Should the Public Schools of Petoskey halt school-sanctioned activities on Sunday, to keep activity from gobbling up the SEVENTH DAY also ?
Should Petoskey Schools shut the door on school-sanctioned activities taking place on Sundays? Lots of pros and cons are expected on that question, and the school district wants to hear them at its Thursday Oct 16, meeting of the Petoskey Board of Education.
If there's a groundswell of support for naming Sunday off-limits for school activities, then Sunday "family day" could go into effect at the start of the 2001 school year. -News Review 2000
Notice? They called SUNDAY the 7th day? Do you suppose they have something up their sleeve? Notice this graphic clip of a friends WINDOWS 98 CALENDAR. Notice which day they claim Sunday to be on this calendar?
...Have you checked YOUR computer lately? Notice where the "time zone" is on this computer. Australia Eastern Time.
1997 American stations ABC & NBC report: Clinton has initiated legislation
in 1998 to make SUNDAY
"national family day" to bring Americans
together. He also mentioned Jews and Seventh Day Adventists with
other minority groups might oppose the idea
Posted in Rochester Hill, Michigan, USA. 1998)))
How do you
suppose the "Christians" of the world will allow this to
continue? Do you suppose they would need a "ONE WORLD CHURCH"
to get everyone thinking in the same manner???? Do you suppose a
worldwide group hug should be enacted???
Check out the tract that's
sweeping the nation!! -> "Mark
of the Beast to be enforced!!"
These figures have
emerged together with other statistics from a report commissioned by Keep
Sunday Special "The Changing Nature of Sunday". Alongside
this we have produced The Sunday Charter which we hope will be signed
by thousands and when presented to the Government will provide weighty
evidence of the desire of many people to restore Sunday as a day to be spent
with family and friends. -The Sunday Charter Special Sunday Campaign Sept.
This billboard
was placed across the street from Review & Herald in Hagerstown,
Md. with a phone number to call. It also has a Roman Catholic Icon of
Jesus pointing to His "Immaculate heart" Is
this a "show of force?"
House Panel Passes Constitutional Amendment
The House
Judiciary Committee today approved an amendment to the Constitution
that would explicitly allow prayer in schools, religious symbols on
Government property and tax dollars for private religious school...
New York Times Thursday March 5,1998 Americans
United for Seperation of Church and State today denounced the House
Judiciary Committee's vote in favor of a so-called "Religious
Freedom Amendment" that removes the seperation of church and
state from the Bill of Rights "This is a disaster of titanic
proportions," said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of
Americans United. [Americans United for Seperation of Church and
State March 4, 1998]
If you read my
book "The
Second Window"
you would have known this was prophecied as coming soon. Well, here
it is! What is this? It is what the RCC has been fighting for since
day one. It's a removal of the "Seperation of Church &
State" that will allow the Government to "enforce" the National
Sunday Law. Keep
your eyes open people! How long before they ask for a
"national day of rest"? It
WON'T be long!
seen as making state family friendly
Bill LB1334,
introduced by Sen. John Hilgert of Omaha, would require employers to
give workers a full day off each week... He billed it as a way to
enhance family values... [Journal
Star March 1, 1998]
There ya have
it folks!!! the ball is rolling and Sabbath keepers are about to
become extremely unpopular. Is it any man's guess as to WHICH day
will be picked by Congress as the "day of rest"? It will be
you also notice the "heart string" tug? Remember in June
of 1997 where President Clinton spoke of a "National family
day" being legislated in 1998? Do you recall WHICH day he
said it will be? that's right people SUNDAY! (See the top of this
page about this!)
"Why not
send a petition through your neighborhood? I'm sure you will get
plenty of signatures. You cab then send copies to your
representatives in Tallahassee and Washington and see if we can get a
Blue Law passed. [St Petersburg Times Opinion section] Read
back TWO ARTICLES you will see that I warned it would be Sunday that
they would seek. Why Sunday? Why not Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday? Want
to know why?... Sabbath.htm
Is it any wonder their pulling at the heart strings of the family?
Notice the FIRST warning on this page. Notice the "Family"
idea has been planned in advance!
What is
The Lord's Day Alliance of the United States?
We insist
that merchants close their places of business on Sunday
We commend
those who close on Sunday and those who refuse to shop on Sunday
We pray
for proper observance of the Lord's Day for our nation and ask for
prayers for the Lord's Day Alliance of the United States We suggest
that letters be written to editors, legislators, mayors, governors,
congressman and the President of the United States and that we speak
to oor representatives in government about using their influence for
passing Sabbath (Sunday) laws that are constitutional.
We suggest
we write union and industrial leaders. We write
retail merchant's associations and urge them to get together and
demand that businesses stay closed on Sunday We write
owners and confer with managers of businesses and owners and mangers
of malls. We get the
message on radio and television wherever possible. We
encourage churches, denominations, and organizations to pass
appropriate resolutions. [The
Lord's Day Alliance of the United States Suite 107 / 2930 Flowers
Road south
Atlanta GA 30341]
For 110
years they have been pushing the "Sunday Sabbath" in the
face of God's people. 110 years this organization has been at it.
Want to know
why? Read this... mark.htm
Roger V. Kvam, pastor First Presbyterian Church Quincy, Mass.]
Keep in mind
people. This is NOT the only church doing this. ALL OF THEM are
rallying! ALL OF THEM except of course the Remnant of God that is.
Are you part of the Remnant? Or are you against it?
The Lord's
Day Alliance of the United States
Dear Friends:
Many are
concerened about immorality in out nation. Of great concernis the
lack of moral convictions on the part of many citizens. People fear
because of crime, sexual sins, increased numbers of abortions,
pornography, family breakups, and obscene movies and television
programs. Our research indicates that the decline in morality in the
United States parallels the decline in observing the Lord's day. In
this our 110th year we face our greatest challenger ever: the
challenge of teaching the importance of keeping the Sabbath (Sunday)
holy. We are seeking to reach a young generation, especially
seminarians, with God's instruction regarding a day for worship and rest.
Gratefully yours,
Jack P. Lowndes [Letter dated March 30, 1998]
A call to
the people? A national rally to gather forces that will accept the
Mark of the Beast with open arms? Indeed! Just as prophecy stated.
It's falling into place people. And now that it has gotten to this
point it will gather much greater speed in the coming months! We have
precious little time. Are you ready? Do you have enough oil? The
Bridgroom is coming SOON!
retailers closing for
religious reasons
To allow
employees more time for family and worship, this Hobby Lobby will be
SUNDAYS Beginning
May 10th.
all people worship that day. But for the "majority", it
would give them time for church and to be with their families."
[The Huntsville Times 5-3-98]
But for the
"majority"? Is it any wonder this argument will be used
against us when they realize we will not bend to their "National
Sunday Law" so as to stop the plagues that are falling upon
them? Was this strategy used before? Indeed it was...
consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the
people, and that the whole nation perish not." John 11:50
Independent 4-11-98 -Sara Maitland "On the issues of belief"]
Penalty? How prophetic can you get?
See this...mark.htm
come from different walks of life and different faiths. They run
businesses as diverse as fastfood restaurants and hardware rental
stores. Yet they share a common conviction: SUNDAYS are special. So
every SEVENTH DAY these business people, across the country, pull
down the window shade and quietly close shop. [Christian Science
Monitor, Monday, May 4, 1998]
right people, they are starting to do "freely" as what will
SOON be FORCED upon everyone to do. These can be called "the
harbringers of the mark of the beast" indeed.
the way...
did you notice? They are calling the FIRST day of the week,
"Sunday" the "seventh" day now. Why? Merely for
Biblical CoNfUsIoN purposes so as to lock those that are decieved
into a deeper deception. Praise God the child of God cannot be
decieved. ( See Mat. 24:24) All they are doing is decieving each
other now.
God could schedule a day of rest creating the world, then Americans
should too, after surviving another week. That's the new attitude of
promoters of Sabbath observance an idea that's gethering steam in a
time when statistics say people are working more and enjoying it
less. "They're just so blessed busy," said Floyd Craig, a
local board member of the Lord's Day Alliance. [The Tennessean Local
News Page 3B]
"Lord's Day Alliance?" Have we not already discovered that
their agenda is to get ALL Americans from coast to coast to KEEP
SUNDAY every single week? Read their "goals" a few
paragraphs above. It's pretty obvious as to WHAT they're planning on
doing. Want MORE proof that the "Lord's Day Alliance" is
doing this? Read the next article...
wouldn't have happened if Christian people had taken their stand
against making SUNDAY so commercial." [The Tennessean Local News]
is awesome isn't it? For the Almighty and ever living Creator to
actually WARN us in advance of all this is such an act of love that
boggles the mind!
The Pope will
issue a strongly worded appeal to Roman Catholics this week to
restore the sacred nature of Sunday. Prompted by concern that the
sabbath has been undermined by business and falling attendances at
mass in the West, he will urge Catholics to defend it as a day of
worship and recreation for families...
document "Dies Domini" (The Day of the Lord), is expected
to be addressed to all "faithful Catholics" rather than
only to bishops and priests...
It is also
expected to win support from other churches - particularly from
evangelical Christians - who share the Pope's anxiety about the
erosion of the sabbath.
Phillips, director of the Church Society - an influential grouping
within the Church of England - praised the initiative this weekend.
"Any thing the Pope says in line with the Bible is to be
welcomed," Phillips said. "In this country Sunday has
fallen by the wayside and Christians need to recover its sacred character."
Photo of Pope and caption in bold type reads... "Make it clear
that Sunday must not be worked, since it must be celebrated as the
day of our Lord" [The Sunday Times World News July 5, 1998 Pg. I 20]
It won't be
long now people!
What of all
those that see these signs and are beginnging to wonder deep inside,
is it really the end of the world? Is Jesus really coming back soon?
Do all these fulfilled prophecies really mean what I think they
mean??? What of these people? Will antichrist send out proclamation
that the end is NOT near? Will he have his friends in Rome speak out
aganst all those "prophecies" that PROVE we are living in
the time of the end?
document "Dies Domini" http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/apostolic_letters/hf_jp-ii_apl_05071998_dies-domini_en.shtml
See for
yourselves people. Read the document and see that they are DEAD
SERIOUS about making Sunday THEIR MARK! Then read this...mark.htm
consider shopping to PLEASE GOD instead! How?
First: NEVER
shop on Sunday!
Whenever you can try to shop at stores that are closed for business
on Sunday as a matter of policy
...This may
not be economical or convenient, but it will PLEASE GOD!
shopping on Sunday!
as much as possible, shopping in stores that are open on Sunday
with others in your community and prepare lists of stores that are
closed on Sundays
the owners and managers of such stores for their policy
notices encouraging others in church bullitens and other local publications
by: Holy face Confraternity of our Lady of Peace Church]
to remain faithful to the tradition of Sunday, one very often has to
swim upstre4am," John Paul said. The new document (Dies Domini)
is expected to address issues such as Sunday business and dedicating
the day to family." [Reuters, THE TIMES Monday july 6, 1998
"World in brief"]
Mark 7:9,13 And
he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that
ye may keep your own tradition. Making the word of God of none effect
through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like
things do ye.
Collosians 2:8
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit,
after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not
after Christ.
Need I say more?
...The Pope
is calling for GLOBAL
Sunday observance.
[From the Brook, July-Sept 1998 Vol. 4, No. 3]
For many
people, of course, focusing on observing the Sabbath (Sunday) is
rooted in tradition of faith. [Chgo Tribune "Living" Sunday
June 28, 1998]
RI House Bill 98H8949
House Labor
NUMBERS: 25-3-1, 25-3-2, 25-3-3, 25-3-4
NUMBER: Chapter 409
act would allow employers to pay the normal rate of pay to employees
who work on Sundays as part of their normal forty (40) hour
workweeks. This act would take effect on January
1, 1999.
Re-Written "FULL
Work permits on
Sundays? Are you READY? Are you surprised? mark.htm
will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation respects
their duty to keep Sunday holy." [Pope
John Paul II -Section 67, "Dies Domini" 8-98]
This will lead
to enforcement people! This will lead to "KEEP SUNDAY OR
DIE!" Prophecy speaks this... and the Almighty is NOT a liar!
Seek return
to day of leisure, worship [Boston Sunday Herald Nov. 29, 1998]
...church law
made such attendance a "grave obilgation" and skipping it
amounted to a "grave sin." [By Jeffrey Scott, Atlanta
Journal - Constitution
-- Children
need time to worship, say several local church leaders in calling for
a ban on Sunday morning youth sports. The Cranberry Church Council,
which represents about 20 churches and religious organizations near
Pittsburgh, sent letters to football, baseball and soccer coaches
this month asking that no sports events be scheduled before noon on
Sundays. ``We're trying to keep Sunday morning free for religious
education,'' said the Rev. John Paul Wadlin of Episcopal Church of
the Resurrection.'' [Weekend
News Today
By Andra Brack Source: TampaBay Online Fri
Jan 22 , 1999]
A BILL to be
introduced in the Morobe Tutumang soon to enforce Sunday as a day of
worship for all in the province. The proposed Bill expected to draw
debate because it seeks to ban all activities - social and economin
on Sunday. The law will carry penalty provisions for operators and
agencies caught voilating it. Mr Wenge said yesterday the move was
radical one but one that was based on Christian principals and
values. The Bill is being drafted for tabling in the provincial
assembly in its first session next year [Post Courier NewsPaper Oct.
6, 1998 Papua New Guinea]
That's right
folks! It's happening ALL over the world now! This news comes less
than THREE MONTHS after a massive tital wave wipes out over 3000
citizens of Papua New Guinea! (http://cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9807/20/papua.new.guinea.01/)
This is the exact same way they will do it in the USA! The Beast
awaits a "National Disastor" to get the people to agree
that "This is judgments upon us! We need to get right with God!
We need to keep SUNDAY holy to prevent further disastors!
Y2K anyone?
Sunday Herald November 29,1998 Page 1]
Deactur Daily Sat. January 30, 1999 Religion, P. B1]
Independent 4-11-98 -Sara Maitland "On the issues of belief"]
Criminal Penalty? How prophetic can you get? Do
you realize who controls Rome where this worldwide court system will
be? Do you see the pieces falling much clearer now people? That's
right! YOU will be dragged before this Roman Government of the Beast
of Revelation and punished as one who has broken the laws of mankind
by keeping the Law of God Almighty!
'Day of Prayer, Fasting' Fails in House
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, June 30, 1999;
Page A04
A non-binding resolution
calling for a national day of prayer and fasting failed in the House
yesterday, as Congress waded once again into volatile issues of
religion and politics.
The measure was the latest
congressional response to a series of highly publicized school
shootings and hate crimes. Sponsored by Rep. Helen Chenoweth
(R-Idaho), the resolution recommended that national, state and local
leaders "call the people they serve to observe a day of solemn
prayer, fasting and humiliation before God."
It's just another "Day of
rest" bill like Bill
LB1334 listed
above pleading for a "day or rest." The Catholic controlled
congress wants Sunday to be made into LAW and they will continue to
push laws forward that eventually WILL be passed. Prophecy gaurantees
it! Notice a small excerpt of the. H. CON. RES. 94 that failed.
Notice the "wording."
Whereas it is the necessary
duty of the people of this Nation not only to humbly offer up our
prayers and needs to Almighty God, but also in a solemn and public
manner to confess our shortcomings; Whereas it is incumbent on all
public bodies, as well as private persons, to revere and rely on God
Almighty for our day-to-day existence, as well as to follow the
charge to love and serve one another; Whereas we have witnessed the
rejection of God's love through gratuitous violence and mayhem, hate,
abuse, exploitation, abandonment, and other harms, much of which has
been directed at the most vulnerable of our society, our children;
Whereas oppression, violence, cultural and ethnic division, strife,
and murder have stained our communities and the world; Whereas we are
compelled to remind the people of the United States of the events
that currently burden the hearts of the people...
Did you notice the word
"hate?" Now let me ask you this. If I stand on a street
corner passing out tracts that Scripturally, Historically, and
Prophetically prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Roman
Catholic Church is the haven of Antichrist incarnate do you suppose I
would be arrested for committing a HATE crime? See this...
Vatican City (AP)-- A new Vatican document on how to interpret the Bible condemns the fundamentalist approach of word-for-word literalism as distorting, dangerous and possibly leading to racism. --Associated Press
Preaching is now called RACISM by the
Vatican? Is it any wonder that soon those of us that have that Rock hard
evidence against Rome will be committing HATE crimes by proclaiming Truth?
Can this happen? See this...
It seems to be open season on religious speech in the public arena. Two weeks ago, a group of religious leaders called for a "moratorium on religious rhetoric" from presidential candidates, attacking candidates who shared their personal faith on the campaign trail.
A few days earlier, the FCC issued a ruling discouraging noncommercial educational TV stations from offering "programming primarily devoted to religious exhortation, proselytizing, or statements of personally held religious views and beliefs."
Nevertheless, I find the current hostility to religious evangelism profoundly disturbing. This includes attacks on the missionary activities of the much-maligned Southern Baptists. According to The Seattle Times ("Baptists' high chutzpah," editorial, Sept. 11), which condemned Baptist efforts to convert Jews, "The Baptists should learn to respect the values and privacy of others." A group of religious leaders in Chicago has gone further, recently urging Southern Baptists to cancel plans to send missionaries into their city this coming summer because seeking to convert others
"could contribute to a climate conducive to hate crimes."
Nuff said?
Gallagher v. Crown Kosher Super
Market of Massachusetts 366 US 617 (1961)
Decision of the Court:
Upheld Sunday closing law as applied to owner of kosher supermarket, Orthodox
Jewish customers and rabbis having duty to inspect kosher markets to insure
compliance with Jewish dietary laws.
Two Guys from Harrison Allentown,
Inc., v. McGinley 366 US 582 (1961)
Decision of the Court:
The closing law does not violate establishment of religion.
Last updated: 11-14-95
American '24-hour society' needs a Sabbath rest
Christians are finding ways to observe the Sabbath in the United
States, where setting aside a day to rest and worship God is a counter-cultural activity.
...Keeping the Sabbath is an important witness in a society that runs at breakneck speed seven days a week, John
Sonnenday, senior pastor of Immanuel Presbyterian Church in McLean, Va., told
Religion Today. He and 10 members of his congregation have formed a "Sabbath-keeping group" to encourage each other to make Sunday
a day of rest.
..."God wrote the Sabbath into the very order of things. He said things would go better if you observe it," Jack Lowndes of the
Lord's Day Alliance told Religion Today. His Atlanta-based ministry publishes a quarterly newsletter for 11,000 subscribers
and has affiliate organizations in South Carolina, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Georgia.
-by the Editors at ReligionToday.com Aug. 11, 1999
will be deprived of the right to buy or sell
The following article is a quote from a
Nazarene magazine called Newswatch. In its 1994 November/December issue, 4-5,
it read, "The French magazine, Foy et Rai, reported from the United
Nations Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, that plans are worked out to
dissolve the UNO to make way for a World Tribunal. . . . This project and
this plan provides for a total unification of church and state, and also
provides for a single form of worship. The appointed day for all
people will be Sunday. The number received by the people will promise
the right to buy or sell.
"At the end of this statement, a Christian rose and asked the speaker,
'What happens to the minorities who will not accept this plan?' The Christian
was told, 'Their number will be canceled with a black line and they will
be deprived of the right to buy or sell and will thus be forced to
destruction.' "
Are you ready? Are you
"Without saying so
explicitly, the Ten Commandments set the only order that will bring world
peace... The next obligation that a citizen of God's world order
owes is himself. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy," is a
command for a personal benefit of each citizen..." Pat Robertson, The
New World Order, p. 233,236
"The mission of the
Christian Coalition is simple. It is "to mobilize Christians one percent
at a time, one community at a time, until once again we are the head and not
the tail, and at the top rather than the bottom of our political system... the
Christian Coalition will be the most powerful political force in America by
the end of this decade." And, "We have enough votes to run this
country... and when the people say, 'we've had enough,' we're going to take
over!" -Pat Robertson, www.geocities.com/CaptiolHill/7027/quotes.html
VATICAN CITY, SEP 2, 1999 (VIS) - Made public today was a letter from the Holy Father to Archbishop Giuseppe Chiaretti of Perugia-Citta della
Pieve, Italy, for the 4th Diocesan Eucharistic Congress, which will come to a close on September 19 in Perugia.
The Pope recalls that "the theme (of the congress), 'We cannot live without the Lord's day', makes reference to the Apostolic Letter 'Dies
Domini' concerning Sundays". He requests "that the faithful of Perugia-Citta della Pieve intensify with
renewed enthusiasm the value and importance of the Sunday celebration, 'great school of charity, justice and
peace'. May the meeting in prayer with God in the liturgy vitalize their apostolic commitment, lived with incessant thanksgiving to the Father, who is rich in mercy".
"It is my heartfelt wish that this Eucharistic Congress may cause the desire for sanctity to grow within the faithful of the entire diocese, an
indispensable condition for an apostolic commitment capable of making a mark upon society. In fact, it is being most fittingly recalled during the
various stages of the congress that, alongside a renewal in methods of pastoral care and in forms of
evangelization, it is first of all necessary to arouse in the entire Christian community a true fervor for sanctity".
He just keeps pounding away at that breach in the wall eh? No matter, the children of God will repair this breach made by the Beast just as prophecy states we will.
Isaiah 58:12-14, "And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it."
By the way... that's the REAL Sabbath being spoken of here. Not the "SUNday" sabbath of Rome.
Pacific Union Conference Department of Public Affairs & Religious Liberty CHURCH STATE NEWSFLASH!
Some startling developments this past week in the U.S. Congress deserve thoughtful reflection by Adventists in light of our prophetic expectations.
In the wake of Governor George Bush's campaign stop at Bob Jones University,and Senator McCain's attempt to make a campaign issue out of it, a Democratic Senator, Robert
Torricelli, introduced Concurrent Resolution 85 in the U.S. Senate [and a similar resolution was introduced in the House], condemning Bob Jones University for its racial and religious intolerance.
Specifically, the resolution condemns Bob Jones University for, among other things:
"Whereas officials of Bob Jones University routinely disparage those of other religious faiths with intolerant and derogatory remarks; "Whereas officials of Bob Jones University have likened the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church to a "possessed demon" and branded Catholicism as a "satanic system and religion of the anti-Christ"...
"Resolved, That the Senate-
1) condemns practices, such as those prevalent at Bob Jones University, that seek to discriminate against and divide Americans on the basis of race, ethnicity, and religion; and
2) strongly denounces individuals who seek to subvert the American ideals of inclusion, equality and social justice."
The plot thickens. The Interfaith Alliance held a press conference endorsing and supporting the Resolution. Interfaith Alliance is a liberal Protestant organization, dedicated to the separation of church and state.
Their spokesperson is a Baptist and a long time leader in Americans United for Separation of Church and State. He declared at the press
- conference:
"On behalf of concerned people of faith, I urge members of the Senate and House to denounce any association of bigotry, discrimination, and intolerance with religious faith." Gaddy continued:
"For Bob Jones University to foment bigotry in the name of Christianity is the height of hypocrisy, if not heresy."
So here's the picture: liberal Protestants asking Congress to condemn as heresy the teaching of a Christian school that adheres to the historic Protestant perspective on the papacy. Please re-read chapters 35 and 36 of The Great Controversy!
Apparently, judging from this action, in spite of their professed commitment to separation of church and state, liberal Protestants are willing to employ government power to advance their own religious agenda, and to condemn a competing religious agenda. In so doing, Liberal Protestants cast themselves as the voice of tolerance, inclusion, equality,and social justice.
For years we have preached that liberals and conservatives will unite together to crucify Christ afresh, in the person of His people, implementing the coercive measures of the mark of the beast. Now a clearer understanding emerges of how this could come to pass. Liberals will readily accept a compromise, inclusive form of religious legislation, i.e., Sunday as the will of the majority, and will condemn those who oppose it as narrow minded, bigoted, judgmental, self-righteous, intolerant extremists. So there you have it. Persecution in the name of tolerance, inclusion, equality and social
justice. Stay tuned, things will get even more interesting.
The Religious Liberty Newsflash and Legislative Alerts are occasional publications of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Department of Public Affairs & Religious Liberty.
You are encouraged to forward this to those who may be interested. Please do not post on the World Wide Web without prior permission."
The day after I received the email from my friend the following item prepared by the Associated Press appeared in our local paper: "The national headquarters of the Seventh-day Church asked a federal judge Monday to bar a West Palm Beach church it considers a "hate group" from using the denomination's trademark name.
Newspaper and radio advertising run nationally by the Eternal Gospel Church of Seventh-day Adventists denounces Catholics and Protestants for worshipping on Sunday, likening them to satanists and pagans.
Jeffrey Tew, an attorney for the national denomination, called the offshoot church "a hate group"
and branded the campaign "a classic case of a breakaway church trying to use the mother church's name." The name "Seventh-day Adventist" was registered as a trademark in 1980."
It is my understanding that the church in West Palm Beach was largely if not exclusively just publishing excerpts from the Great Controversy and other E.G.White writings which every good SDA believes were inspired by God. (At this point let me state that I
am not necessarily agreeing with what they have done but am citing this case to highlight what is happening). One cannot help but wonder how long it will be till excerpts from those writings are given as great publicity as has been given to Bob Jones University.
Are we prepared to respond in a Christlike way to how we may be viewed in that case? Are we nearer to the end of time than we have thought?
Donald E. Casebolt, MD
Do we need anymore proof ???? I can't imagine why
"some people" do say
that God changed the day, but you can't find it in the Bible (all eight texts
about sunday keeping NEVER discuss that "from here on out we are going to
keep sunday as a worship day"). It can be found in history, the Early
church changed the day of worship gradually to the pagan sun god worship on
Sunday (that is why it is called sun day). This began
about 200 or 300 years after the death of Christ. There was a great feeling of
antisemitism (hatred of the jews) and no one wanted to be associated with
anything Jewish. Also the church wanted to be popular with the majority of
pagans. eventually
the Church at the time changed the Sabbath. the following is a letter that
asks your question of the Pope:Letter sent to
the Pope. May 1954
The reply printed in the Catholic Extension Magazine U.S.A.
180 Wabash Ave., Chicago Illinois.
"Under the blessing of the Pope Pius XI"
Pope Pius XI
Thomeston, Georgia
Rome, Italy.
May 22, 1954
Dear Sir:
Is the accusation true that Protestants accuse you of? They say you changed
the Seventh Day Sabbath to the so called Christian Sunday, identical with the
First Day of the Week. If so, when did you make the
change, and by what authority?
Yours very truly,
J.L. Day
Dear Sir:
Regarding the change from the observance of the Jewish Sabbath to the
Christian Sunday. I wish to draw your attention to the facts:
(1) That Protestants, who
accept the Bible as the only rule of faith and religion, should by all means
go back to the observance of the Sabbath. The fact that they do not, but on
the contrary observe Sunday, stultifies them in the eyes of every thinking
(2) We Catholics do not accept the Bible as the only rule of faith. Besides
the Bible, we have the living Church, the authority of the Church, as a rule
to guide us. We say, this Church, instituted by Christ to teach and guide men
through life, has the right to change the Ceremonial laws of the Old Testament
and hence we accept her change of the Sabbath to Sunday. We frankly say
"yes, the Church made this change, made this law, as she made many other
laws. For instance, the Friday Abstinence, the unmarried priesthood, the laws
concerning mixed marriages, the regulation of Catholic marriages and a
thousand other laws.
(3) We also say that of all Protestants, the Seventh-day Adventists are the
only group that reason correctly and are consistent with their teachings. It
is always somewhat laughable to see the Protestant Churches, in pulpit and
legislature, demand the observance of Sunday of which there is nothing in the
With best wishes
Peter R. Tramer
5, 2000 - 08:19 AM
Agrees to Adjust Schedules for Sabbath Observers
The Associated Press
(AP) - Sears, Roebuck & Co. has agreed to a settlement that allows repair
workers who have religious objections to working on Saturdays to work Sundays
Attorney General Eliot Spitzer -
who had threatened to sue Sears - said the giant retail company also agreed to
pay $225,000 for employer education programs, $120,000 in training scholarships
for Sabbath observers and $100,000 to cover the cost of his investigation.
"People should not be forced
to choose between their faith and supporting their family," Spitzer said
Sears "is pleased we were
able to reach a satisfactory settlement," said spokeswoman Peggy Palter.
The company did not admit to any wrongdoing.
The policies imposed by the
settlement apply only to repair workers in New York state, she noted.
The attorney general targeted
Sears last summer after Kalman Katz, an Orthodox Jew, claimed the company
refused to hire him because he wouldn't work Saturdays. At least five other
people had similar complaints, including a recently converted Seventh-day
Adventist who said he was fired after telling Sears he needed to begin observing
the Sabbath.
Katz said he was told all repair
workers had to report on Saturday because it was the company's busiest repair
day. Spitzer's investigation found most of Sears' repair work is done on
Finally some good news eh? But, I wonder...how
short lived will this be? Or..could this be a clever way of finding out WHO the
Sabbath keepers are? Please understand, NO paranoia here, only an absolute faith
in that which was written concerning OUR day!
(NOTE: I am presently investigating the validity of the following article. There is a possibility it may be a hoax. So, please act accordingly.)
I, Chriostomos Moussa Matanos Salama, by God's mercy, archbishop of the holy Syrian Orthodox Church of antioquia at the archdioceses located in Brazil, at the following address: Comendador Street, Salamao #74 -- Belo Horizonte -- MG Brazil, proclaim this pastoral letter, to call for a convocation of archbishops, bishops, fathers, deacons and delegates from different orthodox communities in Brazil, in order to gather together for an EXTRAORDINARY SYNOD (no date set yet), focusing on the issue of the Roman ocument from the Holy Father, John Paul II, Successor of Peter the apostle, called DIES DOMINI, which exalts the Sunday as truly the day of the Lord because of Christ's resurrection -- a glorious event that took place THE FIRST DAY OF THE
WEEK, with many apparitions of the Lord of Life recorded in the New Testament.
I am going to give a broad explanation about this most important day which the world has known along the historic trajectory -- SUNDAY (KIRIAKE HERMERA) -- that will be studied in this HOLY SYNOD, along with the articles of the Association and Orthodox Apostolic Catholic Churches of the West, having the presence of patriarch, authorities from the Eastern Holy churches with the presence of our patriarch, His Holiness Don Elias IV and representatives from the patriarch Pinen of Russia and authorities of
the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church through the ONBB (National Conference of Bishops in Brazil).
1. We cannot tolerate the keeping of any other "day" by any other religion without the full knowledge of "His holiness." The catholic
writers, John, Matthew, Mark and Luke do not mention any other day but the DAY OF THE LORD -- SUNDAY, the only day of the resurrection of Christ. That is why we cannot accept any other gospel. (Galatians 1:6-9.)
2. We cannot tolerate any belief in the keeping of any other "day" that is in accordance with the Bible and the holy tradition and liturgy. (Isaiah 1:13-14.)
3. We cannot tolerate Jews, Sabbatizers, Adventists, or any other sect that does not keep the day of the Lord, Sunday, and tries to lead the people to go into great erroneous theologies against the good moral customs created through the rich traditions of the Holy Church.
4. We cannot tolerate those who do not seek to understand or accept the precepts ordained by the Holy Father, the Pope, in regards to the day of the Lord's resurrection =E2?" Sunday.
5. We cannot tolerate any agreement with Bible texts that are not explained by the Living Magistry (i.e. religious teaching authority) of the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church which will govern the world in fulfillment of the word of God from Genesis to Revelation.
6. We cannot tolerate any keeper of any other day but the Holy Sunday the main day of the resurrection of the eternal God. In virtue of this, we are obligated to fulfill the demands of the Divine oracles enforced by the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church -- which decides the destiny of mankind.
7. We cannot tolerate the transgressors of the Holy day -- Sunday. In this case they will receive judicial penalties through the Justice Court to stop and restrain the liberty of conscience of those who are disobedient to the laws imposed by Rome, according to the supremacy of the Pope -- Advocate of the Divine Laws. He who judges, but cannot be judged.
8. Due to the intolerance of the transgressors, we will ask, through the United States of America, to punish drastically the disobedient who came from 1844, who have taken to their fold our Catholic people that are ignorant about the motives of the transgressors. Our fold, through fear of the law, is joining under the Millerite farce (i.e. sabbatizing). These Millerites seek to contradict the holy pope with spurious doctrines, like the observance of the Sabbath day and the non-immortality
of the soul, which are the principal pillars of their heresies.
9. We will not tolerate those transgressors. We will ask the American authorities to take the transgressor's possessions, like publishing houses, their orphanages, their schools, and this needs to be done with holy urgency in order to completely finish with this deception (i.e. farce).
Catholic Church seeks LAWS to keep SUNday!
"The civil authorities should be urged to cooperate with the church in maintaining and strengthening this public worship of God, and to support with their own authority the regulations set down by the church's pastor. For it is only in this way that the faithful will understand why it is Sunday and not the Sabbath day that we keep holy." -The Roman Catechism 1985
"In respecting religious liberty and the common good of all, Christians should seek recognition of Sundays and the church's holy days as legal holidays. It is time that we demonstrate our Catholic vitality and engage in the public policy debate. We have the power and the people to embark on this movement - a movement that will benefit all Americans." - Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994, par. 2188
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