NOTICE: This is a summary of historic and prophetic evidence brought forth by James White in 1875 in his book titled, "An Exposition of the Seven Trumpets of Revelation VIII & IX" (JW-7Trumpets) which was then verified by additional eschatological studies into all that has transpired. I will also be summarizing the historic and prophetic info found in "Bible readings for the Home Circle" (BRFTHC) -1889 including other trusted sources.  NOTICE: There are often two views to these trumpets. #1 = historic. #2 = prophetic. (See SUMMARY at bottom)


JW-7Trumpets -

 BRFTHC (1889) -

 Additional sources of information:



TRUMPET #1 = 395-428AD (JW-7Trumpets pp 7-18 -dates found on pp 7, 18)


"Invasion from the North by the GOTHS" -Bible Readings for the Home Circle -1919


The "hail with fire and blood" represents the wars that came upon the wicked as judgment upon them for the persecutions of Christians via the Jews and the Romans in the beginning of the Christian church. (100ad to 313ad) James White states it was from 407AD to 428AD that this trumpet was blown.


NOTE: the "hail" represents the severity of the Winter in this region when the war began. (see JW-7Trumpets p.8,18)


"cast upon the earth" = there was a great general devastation caused by the wars which caused a "third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up." (see JW-7Trumpets p.9,16,17) The "trees" (in prophecy) were the political leaders controling certain regions of Rome. In reality we see that the Western, Eastern and Middle Rome were "burnt up" at the sounding of this trumpet.


NOTE: in the prophetic, the religious leaders (also = "trees" in prophecy) were "burnt up" spiritually and the "green grass" ("green" = flourishing) that depicts the common man who had a desire to be obedient unto God were also targeted to be "burnt up" spiritually as Catholicism spread to each region.




TRUMPET #2 = 429-468AD (JW-7Trumpets pp 19-25 -dates found on p 25)


"Naval attack on Italy by the VANDALS" -Bible Readings for the Home Circle -1919


The start of Rome's fall in a bloody naval battle as judgment for killing Christians in the previous trumpet.


"a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood" = a fierce and bloody naval battle that was historically tagged the "scourge of Rome." (see JW-7Trumpets pp 19-25)


NOTE: in the historic, Genseric the Vandal had such a strong navy ("burning mountain in sea") that in one night he destroyed half the Roman fleet with "fire" consisting of 1,113 ships and over 100,000 men. ("sea became as blood") (See BRFTHC pp. 420-421)


NOTE: in the prophetic, the "great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea" can be seen as Satan being cast into the many nations to infect them with false theology as the event of 321AD had already come to pass thereby setting the stage for Satan's next stage where Roman Catholicism comes to power and many die spiritually and physically.


"the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died" = the mariners on the ships who fought the battle died in this great slaughter of 100,000 men. (see JW-7Trumpets p. 24)


NOTE: in the prophetic; a third part of the obedient Christians that at one time "had life" began to die off spiritually under Roman Catholicism.


NOTE: "creatures" = all that the Creator God makes, and this includes man. This was a naval battle wherein mankind had to be on the "sea" to fight and die.


"third part of the ships were destroyed" = Roman Emperor Leo's fleet was completely destroyed allowing for an attack on land to begin against Rome as per trumpet #3. (see JW-7Trumpets pp. 24,25)


NOTE: in the prophetic; a third part of the obedient Christians in the world ("waters" / "sea") that at one time were in the "ship" that in prophecy represents their "guided (by God) way of life" in the "church" of Christ, began to die off spiritually under Roman Catholicism.





TRUMPET #3 = 441-453AD (JW-7Trumpets pp 25-39 -dates found on pp 30,31, 33)


"Western Empire invaded by the HUNS" -Bible Readings for the Home Circle -1919


The great star is Attila the Hun in the historic who attacks Rome, and then Satan in the prophetic who pollutes the "living waters" of truth by mixing paganism with Christianity to create Roman Catholicism, which in turn kills many deceived souls spiritually. Those that refuse to bow to paganism are killed physically.


NOTE: this is the time in history when Attila the Hun set his sights on Rome. His attacks came upon Rome with a fervor to where when he eventually set his sights on the region of the Alps, (wherein many "rivers" flow) a treaty was signed with Rome wherein the prophetic symbolism of a "falling star" that flashes brightly before burning up comes to fulfillment after Attila quickly ends his attack.


NOTE: in the prophetic, as is understood by students of prophecy; a "star" is, among other things, an "angel" as per Rev_1:20. The fact this is a "great star" depicts it to be a leading angel. But, this "star" is also one that has "fallen from Heaven" which means it was apostate and doomed unto damnation ("blackness of darkness") as per Jud_1:13. For only Satan has "fallen" as a leader from Heaven wherein he took one third of the angels that followed him.


Also notice that a shooting / falling star (meteorite) is very bright to the point it can light up the night sky as if it were noonday directly before it flashes to extinction, hence the description of it "burning as it were a lamp." But, as a short lived meteorite shows, its lifespan can also be seen as an "angel of light" (2Co_11:14) who's life is very short.


Therefore, in the historic, Attila's rampage was short lived. In the prophetic, we see that in comparison to eternal life, Satan's rampage is also short lived. Hence the reason students of prophecy see Satan as a dying god today.


"it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters" = Atilla the Hun comes down from the Alps to destroy Roman interests but as he does so he quickly ends his attack after a treaty with Rome is agreed upon in about a year.


NOTE: in the "historic" we see that just as a fire is quickly quenched by water, when Attila focused on the regions of the Alps wherein many "rivers and fountains of waters" flowed, he ended his attack in about a year via a Roman treaty, while in so doing left death and destruction ("wormwood" v11) behind.


"the name of the star is called Wormwood" = the total devastation of the region by warfare.


NOTE: in the prophetic we see the reality of how Roman Catholicism was able to stream into all denominations as per the vowed duty of the Jesuit.


"many men died of the waters" = the devastation of the region wherein many dead bodies rotted away in the rivers poisoning the waters.


NOTE: in the prophetic, the false doctrines of Roman Catholicism poisoned the "water of life" thereby killing "many men" spiritually after their poisonous ("bitter" - Exo_15:23) pagan dogma was accepted into the churches.





TRUMPET #4 = 476-552AD (JW-7Trumpets pp 40-54 -dates found on pp 41, 46)


"Last emperor dethroned by the HERULI" -Bible Readings for the Home Circle -1919


The darkening of the heavenly bodies is the end result of political leaders (Rome) falling into disarray.


NOTE: in the prophetic we see how the people refused to repent for mixing truth with Paganism. Satan also runs rampant (by the sinners permission) due to a lack of repentance and those that do see the truth are killed by them that hate it to try and prevent light from being seen by others. This is the Vatican's Inquisitional period. (It is also revealed by James White that the "Sun, moon and stars" are actually "the rulers in the government - it's emperors, consuls and senators." See JW-7Trumpets pp 46,47.


NOTE: Rome had three levels of government that in the historic definition of this trumpet. That being the case, we can see how these three governing bodies fell during this time.


1.    The emperor (the sun)

2.    Consulate (the moon)

3.    Senate (the stars)


"the third part of them was darkened..." = this is when Rome's ruling bodies no longer had power to rule due to lost conquests. Their last emperor was dethroned by the Heruli. Their rule dwindled down to just the small country of Italy.


NOTE: in the prophetic Roman Catholicism's mix of paganism and Christianity caused the "dark ages" of wide spread lack of Biblical understanding and wisdom.


"the midst of heaven" = when declared from the "midst o heaven" it's a message that goes global.


"Woe, woe, woe" = trumpets 5,6 & 7 which are the trumpets of "woe" that the "other three angels" proclaim to the "inhabiters of the earth."


"inhabiters of the earth" = all people on earth will be given a chance to hear the three "woes." This is the reason the angel shouts with a "loud voice" from the "midst of Heaven" so that the message goes to all "inhabiters of the earth."


NOTE: I say "given a chance to hear the three woes" because as we see many times in the Word of God as in reality itself, that even though God does all He can to warn the people, not all can "hear" His voice. To confirm, see Joh_10:27 & Joh_12:29.




TRUMPET #5 = 622-1449AD (JW-7Trumpets pp 55-74 -dates found on pp 69, 74)


"FIRST WOE - Conquests of the SARACENES" (BRFTHC) -Bible Readings for the Home Circle -1919


The swarm of "locusts" (v3) are the Muslim hoards that swept over the Middle East and invaded Europe after Western Rome fell. The "smoke of the furnace" (v2) depicts the false religion of the Mahometans (Muslims) which we call Islam today.


"a star fall from heaven unto the earth" = unlike Attila the Hun's "great star" of Trumpet #3 that fell in one region of the world, (Rev_8:10-11) this "star" falls unto the "earth" in general. This falling "star" falls after Western Rome crumbles. This "star" represents king Chosroes who eventually causes the rise of the Muslim hoards that run rampant across the land.

"Chosroes subjugated the Roman possessions in Asia and Africa. And 'the Roman empire,' at that period, 'was reduced to the walls of Constantinople, with the remnant of Greece, Italy, and Africa, and some maratime cities, from Tyre to Trebisond, of the Asiatic coast. {1859 JW, SSTR 32.3}

"the key of the bottomless pit" = the fall of Chosroes the Persian allowed for the "key" to be given to the enthusiastic fraudsters of Mahatmaism, (Mahommedism) because when alive Chosroes had the power to keep Mahommed and his "apostles" from going forth. Once dead, they had free range as the "smoke" of v2 depicts. (See JW-7Trumpets p. 60)


NOTE: the "enthusiastic fraud" of the anti-Christian Muslims commenced at this time with satanic influence of the "pretended prophet" Mahomet (Mohammed) and his bloodthirsty apostles who went forth to forcefully convert the masses. (See JW-7Trumpets pp. 57,58)


When that "pit" opened (v2) it allowed for the "smoke" (wickedness) of Mahomet's false theology to infect many to the point of causing the "the sun" (that = "righteousness" in prophecy) to be "darkened" and the "air" (that = "Satan's realm") to gain much more power over mankind causing many to lose faith. (See JW-7Trumpets pp. 60,61)


"After the downfall of Pagan Rome, and the rise of the anti-Christians abomination, Mahomet promulgated a religion which evidently came from the bottomless pit; for it fostered all the wicked passions of the human heart, such as war, murder, slavery, and lust." {1842 WiM, MWV2 116.2}


"opened the bottomless pit" = at the death of Chosroes the Persian, who when alive prevented Mohammedism from spreading, the "bottomless pit" was opened allowing the Muslims to spread their false religion represented by the "smoke (coming) out of the pit ... of a great furnace" where once doing so "darkened - the sun" (Gospel / light of truth) and "the air." (Satan is the "power of the air" which allows him powers of influence upon all men on earth) (See Eph_2:2)


"Such is a suitable symbol of the religion of Mahomet, of itself, or as compared with the pure light of the gospel of Jesus. It was not, like the latter, a light from heaven; but a smoke out of the bottomless pit." {1859 JW, SSTR 37.1}


"And the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit." That is, the gospel and its doctrines, became dark in the minds of men; by reason of the Mahometan errors. {August 16, 1841 JVHe, HST 73.2}


"power, as the scorpions of the earth" = the speed by which they spread their false doctrines. ("smoke") And like the venom of a scorpion it was quite deadly in a spiritual sense.


NOTE: the speed of their conquests are well described by Josiah Litch "In the ten years of the administration of Omar, the Saracens reduced to his obedience thirty-six thousand cities or castles, destroyed four thousand churches or temples of the unbelievers, and erected fourteen hundred mosques, for the exercise of the religion of Mahomet. One hundred years after his flight from Mecca, the arms and the reign of his successors extended from India to the Atlantic Ocean." {1842 JoL, PREX2 170.1} (Also see JW-7Trumpets p 40)


NOTE: the "scorpion's" sting is in his "tail" and so this is a fitting symbol for the false prophet Mohammed in that in prophecy the "tail" = false prophet and lies. See Isa_9:15.


"not hurt the grass of the earth" = this is fulfilled twofold. In the historic, it states in BRFTHC page 422 that after Mohammed died, Abubeker took over and told the men "let not your victory be stained with the blood of women and children. Destroy no palm-trees, nor burn any fields of corn. Cut down no fruit trees." In the prophetic, "grass" = among other things, "small / weak" people like "women and children."


"neither any tree" = the righteous were not to be touched. In prophecy the "tree" = righteous man, righteousness, kings.


NOTE: the fact the prophecy says not to hurt the righteous man ("tree") and then speaks of those that have "not the seal of God in their foreheads" confirms the prophetic symbol regarding the tree even more.


"only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads" = those that were against God and His people. William Miller confirms this by saying "And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the true church, or people of God, but only the anti-Christian best, or powers subject to her." {1842 WiM, MWV2 117.4}


"it was given that they should not kill them" = not to kill papal Rome (politically) but just "torment" them, for Rome was to do as prophesied. The Lord prevented them from being destroyed by the Muslims. Only tormented.


CONFIRMED: "Their constant incursions into the Roman territory, and frequent assaults on Constantinople itself, were an unceasing torment throughout the empire, which yet they were not able effectually to subdue, notwithstanding the long period, afterwards more directly alluded to, during which they continued, by unremitting attacks, grievously to afflict an idolatrous church, of which the pope was the head. Their charge was to torment, and then to hurt but not to kill, or utterly destroy. The marvel was that they did not. To repeat the words of Gibbon: 'The calm historian of the present hour must study to explain by what means the church and state were saved from this impending, and, as it should seem, from this inevitable danger. {1859 JW, SSTR 42.3}


"It is evident, then, that this character and work as "a destroyer," relates to the final destruction of the Roman Empire, which was then represented in the Eastern Empire, with the capital at New Rome - Constantinople. {September 4, 1900 ATJ, ARSH 568.10}


"five months" = 150 years of torment that fell upon the eastern (Greek) Roman territories starting July 27, 1299 and ended on July 27, 1449.


"Their constant incursions into the Roman territory, and frequent assaults on Constantinople itself, were an unceasing torment throughout the empire, which yet they were not able effectually to subdue, notwithstanding the long period, afterwards more directly alluded to, during which they continued, by unremitting attacks, grievously to afflict an idolatrous church, of which the pope was the head. Their charge was to torment, and then to hurt but not to kill, or utterly destroy. The marvel was that they did not. To repeat the words of Gibbon: 'The calm historian of the present hour must study to explain by what means the church and state were saved from this impending, and, as it should seem, from this inevitable danger. In this inquiry I shall unfold the events that rescued our ancestors of Britain, and our neighbors of Gaul, from the civil and religious yoke of the Koran; that protected the majesty of Rome, and delayed the servitude of Constantinople; that invigorated the defence of the Christians, and scattered among their enemies the seeds of division and decay.' {1859 JW, SSTR 42.3}


NOTE: one can see how the Lord "allowed" Rome to survive so as to prevent the Muslims and their demonic Koran from being used to further infect Christianity.


"their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man" = just as a scorpion stings and causes unrelenting pain to man for up to 10 days, Mohammed "stung" the Papal powers for 150 years with their constant attacks which would harass Papal Rome with unceasing political torment.


"in those days shall men seek death" = "Men were weary of life, when life was spared only for a renewal of wo, and when all that they accounted sacred was violated, and all that they held dear constantly endangered; and when the savage Saracens domineered over them, or left them only to a momentary repose, ever liable to be suddenly or violently interrupted, as if by the sting of a scorpion. They who tormented men were commanded not to kill them. And death might thus have been sought even where it was not found. ' {1859 JW, SSTR 43.2}


"shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them" = "Says a noted author, "Their military laws adjudged such a portion of their captives to bondage; and the condition of these, particularly of the women, was so deplorable (being in the power of the most licentious men,) that many would prefer death to their condition." Their treatment of their enemies "was the most stinging that could well be imagined. {1838 JoL, PSC 151.1}


"the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle" = the hoards of Muslims.


"The vast hordes of the Mohammedans are shown under the symbol of a cloud of locusts; and in verses 7-9 the meaning of the symbol is made plain by the words, "The shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle;" {September 4, 1900 ATJ, ARSH 568.6}


"The Arabian horse takes the lead throughout the world; and skill in horsemanship is the art and science of Arabia. And the barbed Arabs, swift as locusts and armed like scorpions, ready to dart away in a moment, were ever prepared unto battle." {1859 JW, SSTR 44.1}


"on their heads were as it were crowns like gold" = "yellow" turbans were used by Muslims at this time.


"When Mahomet entered Medina (A. D. 622), and was first received as its prince, "a turban was unfurled before him to supply the deficiency of a standard." The turbans of the Saracens, like unto a coronet, were their ornament and their boast. The rich booty abundantly supplied and frequently renewed them. To assume the turban, is proverbially to turn Mussulman. And the Arabs were distinguished by the miters which they wore, in which yellow was the most prominent color. {1901 ATJ, GNT 65.1}


"faces were as the faces of men" = due to how visions and dreams are often displayed by strange symbols, this vision is no different in that the "locusts" were not just like "horses" they had the "faces of men" which when looking into history we see that yes, these were men (Muslims) that were prophesied to do all this.


"they had hair as the hair of women .. teeth like lions" = the norm for the Muslim back then was to have very long hair while at the same time be rather ferocious and bloodthirsty.


"Long hair is esteemed an ornament by women." The Arabs, unlike to other men, had their hair as the hair of women, or uncut, as their practice is recorded by Pliny and others. But there was nothing effeminate in their character, for, as denoting their ferocity and strength to devour, their teeth were as the teeth of lions." {1859 JW, SSTR 45.2}


"breastplates of iron" = the Muslims wore actual breastplates as we know them today. The locust actually has what appears to be a breastplate behind its head, (see pic) which makes it a fitting symbol.


"The cuirass (or breastplate) was in use among the Arabs in the days of Mahomet. In the battle of Ohud (the second which Mahomet fought) with the Koreish of Mecca, (A.D. 624,) 'seven hundred of them were armed with cuirasses.'" {1859 JW, SSTR 45.4}


"the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots" = the sound of millions of locusts is a fitting symbol that is comparable to the sound of many chariots rushing forward in battle.


"With a touch of the hand, the Arab horses darted away with the swiftness of the wind. The sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. Their conquests were marvelous, both in rapidity and extent, and their attack was instantaneous." {1859 JW, SSTR 45.6}


"tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails" = in prophecy the "tail" is defined as "false prophet & lies." It is fitting the "pretended prophet" Mohammed would be depicted in such a way, for it is plainly stated in Isaiah 9:15 that, "the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail."


"five months" = 150 years of torment that fell upon the eastern (Greek) Roman territories starting July 27, 1299 and ended on July 27, 1449.


"they had a king over them" = "From the death of Mahomet (Mohammed) until near the close of the 13th century, the Mahometans were divided into various factions, under several leaders, with no general civil government extending over them all. Near the close of the 13th century, Othman founded a government, which has since been known as the Ottoman government, or empire, extending over all the principal Mahometan tribes, consolidating them into one grand monarchy. {1859 JW, SSTR 47.5}


"which is the angel of the bottomless pit" = Mahometanism of Mohammed.


"The angel of the bottomless pit," or chief minister of the religion which came from thence when it was opened. That religion is Mahometanism, and the Sultan is its chief minister. "The Sultan, or Grand Signior, as he is indifferently called, is also Supreme Caliph, or high priest, uniting in his person the highest spiritual dignity with the supreme secular authority." {1859 JW, SSTR 48.2} (Also see Perkins' "World as it is," p. 361.) (Also see "smoke" as defined in v2)


"Abaddon" = in Hebrew it is defined as "the destroyer" and in Greek "Apollyon" which is defined as one that "exterminates or destroys" as well as "Satan."


"Says Perkins,--"He," the Sultan, "has unlimited power over the lives and property of his subjects, especially of the high officers of state whom he can remove, plunder or put to death at pleasure. They are required submissively to kiss the bow-string which he sends them, wherewith they are to be strangled. {1859 JW, SSTR 48.4}


"One woe is past" = trumpet #5 = "first woe."


"two woes more" = trumpets #6 & 7.





TRUMPET #6 = 1449-1840AD (JW-7Trumpets pp 75-94 -dates found on pp 74,75, 95) (NOTICE p82 for JW statement re: 1449 to August 11, 1840)


"SECOND WOE - Conquests of the TURKS" -Bible Readings for the Home Circle -1919


"the sixth angel sounded" = "...when the sixth angel sounded, it was commanded to take off the restraints which had been imposed on the nation, by which they were restricted to the work of tormenting men, and their commission extended to slay the third part of men. This command came from the four horns of the golden alter which is before God. "The four angels," are the four principal sultanies of which the Ottoman empire is composed, located in the country of the Euphrates. They had been restrained; God commanded, and they were loosed. {1859 JW, SSTR 50.5}


"Let this historical fact be carefully examined in connection with the prediction above. This was not a violent assault made on the Greeks, by which their empire was overthrown and their independence taken away, but simply a voluntary surrender of that independence into the hands of the Turks, by saying, "I cannot reign unless you permit."

The four angels were loosed for an hour, a day, a month, and a year, to slay the third part of men. This period amounts to three hundred and ninety-one years and fifteen days; during which Ottoman supremacy was to exist in Constantinople. {1859 JW, SSTR 51.3}


"the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand" = 200 million horsemen over the course of 391 years.


"Innumerable hordes of horses and them that sat on them. Gibbon describes the first invasion of the Roman territories by the Turks, thus: "The myriads of Turkish horse overspread a frontier of six hundred miles from Tauris to Azeroum, and the blood of 130,000 Christians was a grateful sacrifice to the Arabian prophet." Whether the number is designed to convey the idea of any definite number, the reader must judge. Some suppose 200.000 twice told is meant, and then following some historians, find that number of Turkish warriors in the siege of Constantinople. Some think 200,000,000 to mean all the Turkish warriors during the 391 years, fifteen days of their triumph over the Greeks. I confess this to me appears the most likely. But as it cannot be ascertained whether that is the fact or not, I will affirm nothing on the point. {1859 JW, SSTR 52.3}

"breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone" = the colors represent certain nations. (fire = red, jacinth = blue and brimstone = yellow)


"The color of fire is red, of hyacinth or jacinth blue, and of brimstone yellow, and this, as Mr. Daubuz observes, 'has a literal accomplishment; for the Othmans, from the first time of their appearance, have affected to wear such warlike apparel of scarlet, blue, and yellow. Of the Spahis, particularly, some have red and some have yellow standards, and others red or yellow mixed with other colors." {1859 JW, SSTR 53.1}


"the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions" = strength, fierce, vicious, wicked among other things in prophecy.


"the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions, to denote their strength, courage and fierceness." {1859 JW, SSTR 53.1}


"out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone" = this speaks of when gun powder was first used in warfare.


"A new mode of warfare was at that time introduced which has changed the nature of war itself, in regard to the form of its instruments of destruction; and sounds and sights unheard of and unknown before, were the death-knell and doom of the Roman empire. Invention out rivalled force, and a new power was introduced, that of musketry as well as artillery, in the art of war, before which the old Macedonian phalanx would not have remained unbroken, nor the Roman legions stood. That which John saw 'in the vision,' is read in the history of the times." {1859 JW, SSTR 53.1}


"By these three was the third part of men killed" = by the use of firearms, many died. This type of warfare eventually caused eastern Rome to fall.


"These verses express the deadly effect of the new mode of warfare introduced. It was by means of these agents, - gunpowder, firearms, and cannon, - that Constantinople was finally overcome, and given into the hands of the Turks." {1897 UrS, DAR 514.2}


"the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths" = modern warfare being that of gun powder, guns and cannons.


NOTE: in the prophetic, one can see that their false theology that came from their "mouths" also destroyed many. For as v19 declares, their "power is in their mouth and in their tails" and as we know, out of the "mouth" comes lies and the "tail" in prophecy depicts "false prophecy & lies" as is the norm for all that embrace Mahatmaism.


"For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails" = the modern warfare on horseback


"In these verses which we have now read, we are plainly informed that it was an army of horses, and men on them, which John saw in the vision. And the implements and manner of fighting, such as the trapping of their horses, and the instruments offensive and defensive, gun powder and guns, are as exactly described as any person could describe it without knowing the name by which we describe it at the present day. Fire, smoke, and brimstone, would be the most visible component parts of gunpowder. Fire and smoke we should see, and brimstone we should smell. And who ever saw an army of horsemen engaged in an action but would think of John's description, "out of their mouths issued fire, and smoke, and brimstone," and in the breech of the guns were bullets, "like heads, and with these they do hurt"? Every part of this description is exactly applicable to an army of horsemen with fire-arms; and what is equally strong in the evidence is, that guns and fire-arms were invented but a short time previous to this trump-sounding, and the Turks claimed the honor (if honor it can be called) of inventing gun powder and guns: and it is equally evident by the history that guns were first used by the Turks at the taking of Constantinople, they having one single cannon that took 70 yoke of oxen to draw it at the siege, as says Dr. Gill on this passage. {1842 WiM, MWV2 122.1}


NOTE: again, in the prophetic, the false theology of Mahatmaism can also see fulfillment in the symbolgy. In fact, notice the following symbol defined...


"like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt" = like the sting of the "scorpion" that was mentioned in Rev_9:5; their false theology destroyed many souls as well.


"like the Saracens, they had "power, to do hurt with their tails." The same scorpion sting of the Mohamedan faith followed the conquests of the Turks. {May 1, 1840 JVHe, HST 20.6}


"the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols" = this is not the seven last plagues as some assume, for prophetic fact is, God is the one that sends those plagues. These "plagues" are brought on by the wicked men in government which as historic record confirms via multiple evidences of Roman Catholic political and spiritual infection, these "plagues" continue to this day. The fact they had the chance yet refused to "repent" as stated in v21 confirms this cannot be the seven last plagues, for those plagues can only begin after Jesus declares what He does in Rev_22:11. No man can repent after that declaration.


"In these verses, we have the character of the persons or government on whose account these plagues were sent. In the first place, they are represented as idolaters, as worshipping devils, idols of gold, etc., full of murder, sorceries, fornication, and theft. This exactly agrees with the description John has given of the "woman sitting on the scarlet-colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots,and the abominations of the earth." So we see that the fifth and sixth trumpets, and the two first woes, were sent as the judgments of God upon this anti-Christian best, and clearly shows the decline of the power which she had exercised over the kings of the earth and the people of God for more than eight centuries, to the commencing of the sixth trumpet, when the Turks were let loose upon those kingdoms under the control of Papacy, conquered all Asia and about one third part of Europe, and were in the end the means of opening the eyes of many of the inhabitants of the world to see that the Pope's pretension of being the vicegerent of God was not well founded; for, if he could not foresee and resist the inroads of the Turks,--that infidel nation,--surely he could not perform those great miracles which he pretended to perform in order to support his ecclesiastical and civil power: and individuals, and afterward nations, began to disregard his authority, excommunications, and bulls, until his power is now but a little more than a bishop of Rome." {1842 WiM, MWV2 123.1}


"Neither repented they of their murders" = the popes of Rome never repented of the 500,000,000 Christians that were tortured and killed during the Inquisition. Yes, they claimed to "apologize" but not only was their apology prophesied in SOP as a false apology, it was done solely for political purposes so as to calm the hearts of the national leaders who knew of Rome's sins which then spread Rome's power in every nation on earth via the infamous work that was started under John Paul II.

"their sorceries" = the papal system's use of enchantment, witchcraft, deception and the use of drugs. This "sorcery" then spread to America where in the year 1845 the AMA was founded.


"This description applies exactly to the Antichristian church or papal Rome; for they worship the things mentioned in the above texts, they being also the man which were one third to be slain, under this trumpet and woe, for it is supposed that the Ottoman power conquered one third of the Roman government, when the eastern empire fell into their hands. {1833 WiM, ESH 42.1}

Then if this explanation be correct, the sixth trumpet will cease sounding in the year A. D. 1839, and the seventh trumpet will begin to sound. {1833 WiM, ESH 42.2}


NOTE: the ceasing of trumpet six in 1839 (which was later found to actually be August 11, 1840 -JW-7Trumpets p82)  is fitting in that along with all the prophetic events locking this trumpet down, the one that stands out the most is the "sorcery" of the papal system that was later founded in America as the New York Medical Association in 1845 and then the deadly "AMA" in 1847 wherein they started to outlaw natural methods by declaring them to be quackery.


"their fornication, nor of their thefts" = everything from their spiritual adultery to their physical heterosexual and homosexual promiscuity to child molestation is the norm for papal Rome today.


As for their "thefts." Every nation they pillaged by military or political conquest has been raped of their riches which to this day fills the Pope's bank account as well as hangs on the walls of the Vatican for tourists to enjoy.



-------------------- v 1840-1844 v --------------------



Rev_10:1-11 to Rev_11:1-14


Second woe is past, third woe is coming quickly! In fact, the time between 1840 and 1844 is when God allows mankind to prepare for trumpet #7 and the third and final woe


Rev_10:1-11 to Rev_11:1-14 speaks of the closing of trumpet #6 and sounding of trumpet #7.


"The earth responded to his loud cry, and men, thinking that time was about to close, prepared to meet their God. But the seventh angel had not yet sounded. He was held in heaven for a little space, that men might be prepared for the events about to come in connection with the completion of the earth's history. "The second woe is past; and behold, the third woe cometh quickly." The little period between 1840 and 1844, during which the message of Rev_10:1-11 was delivered, was the time between the close of the sixth trumpet and the sounding of the seventh. {1905 SNH, SSP 204.1}




"mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire" = another angel (without a trumpet) is displayed in awesome splender to depict the glorious message that swells globally into the midnight cry as a prophetic whisper unto the loud cry that also goes global. The "rainbow" is presented here to show all that what's about to be shared in the following verses is a merciful message from the throne of the living God.


"A rainbow is represented in Heaven round about the throne, also above the head of Christ, as a symbol of God's mercy encompassing the earth. When man by his great wickedness provokes the wrath of God, Christ, man's intercessor, pleads for him, and points to the rainbow in the cloud, as evidence of God's great mercy and compassion for erring man; also the rainbow above the throne and upon his head emblematical of the glory and mercy from God resting there for the benefit of repentant man."  {3SG 75.1} 


All that's shared from Rev_10:1-11 to Rev_11:14 is a parenthetical set of prophetic events between "trumpet 6 and trumpet 7" that must happen so as to prepare the people for the sounding of "trumpet 7." The angel being displayed in such a glorious manner is to illustrate how glorious and how merciful the message is.




"his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth" = the message will go GLOBAL.


"The angel's position, with one foot on the sea, the other on the land, signifies the wide extent of the proclamation of the message. It will cross the broad waters and be proclaimed in other countries, even to all the world. The comprehension of truth, the glad reception of the message, is represented in the eating of the little book. The truth in regard to the time of the advent of our Lord was a precious message to our souls.

The oath of this angel must be regarded as a symbol of a most solemn and positive message proclaimed by the servants of God. His right foot upon the earth, and his left upon the sea, represent its extent, and shows that it was to be borne to the people by sea and by land." (MS 59, 1900).


NOTE: the book that is held by the angel is "open" at this time. This means the sealed book of Daniel is now opened.


"The angel holds in his hand, as he swears upon the subject of time, a little book open. It may be inferred from this language, that this book was at some time closed up. This was true of the book of Daniel. "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." Dan. 12,4 It was to be sealed only to the time of the end, when it was to be opened, knowledge of the subject of which it treats should be increased, and many run to and fro in the Scriptures and obtain knowledge upon the subject. If this open book in the hand of the angel represents the unsealed book of Daniel, how forcible the application of his solemn oath to the manner in which the close of prophetic time was proclaimed in 1844. {1868 JW, LIFIN 210.3}




"as when a lion roareth" = The lion roars after he has taken his prey. See notes in Amo_3:3-5 and Amo_3:12


NOTE: the fact the "little book is opened" (in 1830s) suggests that it cannot be closed anymore. Hence the reason the angel "cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth."




"seven thunders uttered their voices" = what these "seven thunders" declare is SET by God and cannot be changed. The fact the angel "cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth" confirms this.


The "seven thunders" messages are given and then "SEALED" in the same manner Daniel's book was given and sealed when it comes to "time" prophecies because what Daniel spoke of was still future for John during this vision. In fact, v8-11 speaks of the time the prophecy regarding the beginning of the end times as it was written by Daniel was fulfilled that we now refer to as the start of the investigative judgment. (See notes on Dan_12:1-13)


The reason the angel told John to "write them not" is because that which John saw regarding the prophesies laid out in Daniel's book was to be sealed to the end. And it was. It wasn't until William Miller was blessed with understanding in the 1830's that Daniel's book was opened. Dan_12:8-9 confirms this.

The basic reality is, the symbols from the book of Daniel that John saw via the utterance of the "seven thunders" was not to be understood by men due to the biblical method of understanding certain prophetic facts as it was laid out in Joh_14:29. In sort, this message was specifically for OUR DAY!


NOTE: at this time, all I can see that would be set and cannot be changed at this time is the fact what's being declared by the "seven thunders" is the final warning that was to be declared at a set time in the future for John's day. Hence the reason the angel says in v6 that "there should be time no longer."


Yes, it is understood that this statement of the angel means we are no longer given dates for prophetic events; which is true until the day and hour is given as the bright star appears confirming Christ is in fact coming wherein every eye shall see Him. (Rev_1:7)


At the same time one can see that all prophetic time is soon to close as well since we are in the 11th hour which is the end wherein time shall be no more for we know Jesus is coming. There is to be no 12th hour.


In short, that which was declared by the "seven thunders" is a done deal! Hence the reason the angel declared it "as when a lion roareth." IT WILL HAPPEN!




"no time longer" = has two fulfilled defintions


#1, judgment begins after trumpet #7 sounds in 1844.


#2, no more prophetic dates are given after the end times begin in 1844. There is no more need for prophetic warnings regarding the end and Christ's return as all have been given by now. (as the 'little book' intimates in v9,10) We know what will come next, we just don't know when. (Also see notes in v4)

"This time, which the Angel declares with a solemn oath, is not the end of this world
’s history, neither of probationary time, but of prophetic time, which would precede the advent of our Lord. That is, the people will not have another message upon definite time. After this period of time, reaching from 1842 to 1844, there can be no definite tracing of the prophetic time. The longest reckoning reaches to the autumn of 1844. -Manuscript 59, 1900


"The angel, in a most solemn manner, swore that there should be time no longer. This does not mean that with the oath of the angel, time as measured by days, months and years, would cease; for the next verse speaks of the "days" of the voice of the seventh angel. And even from the second advent of Christ and the resurrection of the just, a thousand years are marked as reaching to the resurrection of the just. In fact, while the earth and the sun and moon shall endure and continue their revolutions, so long will there be days, months and years. And there is no scripture evidence that these bodies will ever cease to exist. The oath of the angel, therefore, must refer to prophetic time. {1868 JW, LIFIN 210.2}




"in the days of the voice of the seventh angel" = the time of the 7th trumpet


"the mystery of God should be finished" = when the 7th trumpet sounds (which started 10-22-1844) there will be no 8th trumpet, there will be no 12th hour. This is the FINAL warning.


"The gospel dispensation is the last period of probation that will ever be granted to men. Those who live under this dispensation of test and trial and yet are not led to repent and obey will perish with the disloyal. There is no second trial. The gospel that is to be preached to all nations, kindreds, tongues, and peoples presents the truth in clear lines, showing that obedience is the condition of gaining eternal life. Christ imparts His righteousness to those who consent to let Him take away their sins. We are indebted to Christ for the grace which makes us complete in Him." (MS 40, 1900).


NOTE: it is at the sounding of the 7th trumpet (Rev_11:15-19) that the final warning goes forth and probation will end at plague #1.

NOTE: We are living in trumpet # 7 now. (1844-today)




"the little book" = the prophecies of Daniel.


"After these seven thunders uttered their voices, the instruction comes to John, as to Daniel, in regard to the little book: “Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered.”. . . John sees the little book unsealed. . . . Then Daniel’s prophecies have their proper place in the first, second, and third angels’ messages to be given to the world. The unsealing of the little book was the message in relation to time.


The books of Daniel and the Revelation are one. One is a prophecy, the other a revelation; one a book sealed, the other a book opened."

{CTr 344.3,4}


In other words, Daniel was given dated prophecies as were those that preached in the advent movement. But as v6 confirms, that was the last time actual dates were to be given as well as the last time any other warnings were to be given. Trumpet #7 is the FINAL WARNING to mankind.


"the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth" = the final message that is to be given is to go global. Even the oceans cannot stop it from reaching every person on earth. (See notes on v2)




"Take it, and eat it up" = study the prophecies of Daniel. Jesus confirms this in Mat_24:15.


"Eating the Word of God implies a careful study until the meaning is fully comprehended. Jesus often used the figure in a spiritual sense, referring to His body and the "bread of life." {1905 SNH, SSP 188.1}


"it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey" = the message that led up to October 22, 1844 was "sweet" to proclaim, but when Christ didn't return, the was a "bitter" experience for God's people.


"His eating the little book, and enjoying its sweetness, represents the holy delight with which they feasted upon the gospel of the coming kingdom. In the symbol, the little book in the mouth of John was as sweet as honey. "What is sweeter than honey?" And what could feast the consecrated soul, imbued with the love of Jesus, as the news of his soon return in glory, with all the holy angels, to redeem those who loved and looked for his appearing? {1868 JW, LIFIN 214.2}

But in the symbol there is a change from the sweetness of honey to bitterness. This represents the change from the joy of bright hope to the painful sadness of disappointment, experienced by believers at the passing of the time.  ... Probably there never has been a time since the crucifixion, that the high expectations and bright hopes of the disciples of Jesus, have been so completely crushed as at the passing of the time in 1844." {1868 JW, LIFIN 214.3}




"Thou must prophesy again" = after the "great disappointment" they must "prophesy again." They assumed the message they proclaimed unto October 22, 1844 was the final message that Christ was to come. They were obviously mistaken as prophesied in v9&10. After they studied the Word of God a bit more they found it wasn't the return of Christ that was happening in 1844, it was the start of the investigative judgment. The work the people of God had from October 23, 1844 to our day actually is the final warning that will go forth globally that declares Christ is in fact coming this time! And so we shall go forth and "prophesy again."


"In the first and second messages the prophecies had been opened to the people, and they had been taught the solemn and stirring truths relating to the Judgment. Believers had come up to the time of expectation with a testimony for the people, and the burden of the work upon them. The time passed, and with it also passed from them the burden of the work, and they suddenly found themselves destitute of any message for the people. They felt that their work was done for the world. In that position they should have waited until the great truths connected with the third message were seen by the light of the heavenly sanctuary, and the Spirit of God impressed them with the new work before them, to proclaim the third message, expressed by the prophetic words, "Thou must prophesy [teach the people] again." This brings me to consider briefly the three messages of Rev. 14. {1868 JW, LIFIN 216.1}


Sister White said:


"The publications sent forth from our printing houses are to prepare a people to meet God. Throughout the world they are to do the same work that was done by John the Baptist for the Jewish nation. By startling messages of warning, God's prophet awakened men from worldly dreaming. Through him God called backsliding Israel to repentance. By his presentation of truth he exposed popular delusions. In contrast with the false theories of his time, truth in his teaching stood forth as an eternal certainty. "Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," was John's message. Matthew 3:2. This same message, through the publications from our printing houses, is to be given to the world today.  {7T 139.1} 

     The prophecy that John's mission fulfilled outlines our work: "Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight." Verse 3. As John prepared the way for the first, so we are to prepare the way for the second, advent of the Saviour. Our publishing institutions are to exalt the claims of God's downtrodden law. Standing before the world as reformers, they are to show that the law of God is the foundation of all enduring reform. In clear, distinct lines they are to present the necessity of obedience to all His commandments. Constrained by the love of Christ, they are to co-operate with Him in building up the old waste places, raising up the foundations of many generations. They are to stand as repairers of the breach, restorers of paths to dwell in. Through their testimony the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is to stand as a witness, a constant reminder of God, to attract notice and arouse investigation that shall direct the minds of men to their Creator.  {7T 139.2}




"measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein" = This confirms beyond all doubt that the investigative judgment started in the church. The Christians are being "measured" (judgment) during this time that started when Trumpet #7 began October 22, 1844.


"Men have as many standards for measuring their fellow-beings as there are different individuals, but the one absolute rule by which men's actions are measured for eternity, is an infinitely perfect and unvarying standard. It cannot be comprehended by the finite mind; for it is infinite. "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil." The "reed like unto a rod," with which John was bidden to measure, was the commandments of God." {1905 SNH, SSP 193.1}


"The temple here spoken of, and which the Revelator was commanded to measure, is the church of Christ, composed of his living members, whether Jews or Gentiles, See Eph. ii. 19-22. This is emphatically the temple of God; and it was the church he was to measure. {1841 JoL, APEC 126.2}




42 months = the 1260 years of Vatican (Gentile/Pagan) persecution.


court = world, land, man, devilish, furnace, beastly abode


As is understood among the faithful that have studied the Sanctuary, the court is the earth. (See topical notes)


"But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not" = the tradition was to allow Gentiles to offer sacrifice but not inside the Temple proper. They could only enter the court. This represents the Roman Catholics who claim Christ Lord, yet embrace the evils of Roman Catholicism. (Pagan/Gentiles)


"The temple here spoken of, and which the Revelator was commanded to measure, is the church of Christ, composed of his living members, whether Jews or Gentiles, See Eph_2:19-22. This is emphatically the temple of God; and it was the church he was to measure. {1841 JoL, APEC 126.2}


NOTE: the "temple" mentioned here speaks of the "holy city" which is the church of Christ.


"it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months" = because of their Gentile (Roman) connection, their lack of trust in God caused the Catholics to be used by Satan to kill Christians for 1260 years.


"But the court . . . leave out . . . it is given unto the Gentiles, and the holy city shall they tread under foot 42 months." {1841 JoL, APEC 126.3}

In the ancient temple at Jerusalem the outer court was devoted to the Gentiles; into that they were permitted to enter and present their sacrifice to the priest. {1841 JoL, APEC 126.4}

So also in the Christian temple, there are those who, although professed members of Christ's body, are no more than Gentile or outer court worshippers, after all. Such is, and has been, the character of the church of Rome. She, while God has had a seed to serve him, has been treading that holy city under foot, and for 42 months, or 1260 years, the saints were given into her hand to oppress, persecute, and put to death. This church was not, in measuring the true church, to be taken into the account as forming any part of the temple of God. {1841 JoL, APEC 126.5}




"Two Witnesses" = the Old and New Testament Bible -


The reason the "two Witnesses" prophesy in "sackcloth" for 1260 years is because of the sad and mournful fact that not only did many Christians die for their faith in the Old and New Testament truths during the 1260 ,years (538AD - 1798AD), many more dear souls spiritually died without faith in the Old and New Testament truths thanks to Rome's twisted lies.

"Sackcloth is the emblem of sorrow or mourning. So the word of God is represented as mourning over the desolation of the church during that reign of wickedness. But still it bore a faithful testimony, and many by its heavenly light were led to the Savior. {1841 JoL, APEC 128.1}


"a thousand two hundred and threescore days" = 1260 years.


The obedient people of God defended and fearlessly proclaimed the truth the entire 1260 years, and the Popes killed 500 million of them for doing just that.


"prophesying  - clothed in sackcloth" = a mournful message during a mournful time. The prophesied message was that Rome was not only killing souls physically, they were killing souls spiritually.


"For twelve hundred and sixty years [days] the light of God was hidden as beneath a covering, of sackcloth. Men think that with the advanced knowledge of the twentieth century, human reason has outgrown the Word of God; but history proves, without the shadow of a doubt, that when the Word is replaced by Margin the products of man's mind, both moral and intellectual darkness are brought upon the world. In this darkness the balances were held by those who believed that man was above God, that reason was the ultimate standard for judgment; but at that very time God was measuring character by the measuring reed of heaven,-the law which man in his blindness had set aside." {1905 SNH, SSP 195.2}




"two olive trees, and the two candlesticks" = the two witnesses (Scriptures) that expose the lies of Satan and his cohorts. (See Zec_4:3-6)


"These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth." That is, the Scriptures or word of God denying all other gods of the earth but one living and true God. "Standing before," in a position to be tried as to their truth, by other pretended revelations of the gods of this world, and to be examined closely and critically as to their own prophecies, and in a position to confound and bring low, all the opinions of men, and the gods of this world. These is here an allusion to the ask being placed before Dagon. See 1Sa_4:1-4. The text likewise refers to Zec_4:3-6. "And two olive trees by it." "So I answered and spake to the Angel that talked with me, saying, what are these my Lord." 6th verse. "Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerrubbabel, saying not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit saith the Lord of hosts." {1833 WiM, ESH 44.1}


"What are those witnesses? Rev 11:4: "These are the two olive-trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth." Zec_4:3-6. The candlestick is there called the word of God unto Zerubbabel. Psalm cxix.105: "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." The olive-trees are sons of oil, the evidence for our faith in Christ. Joh_5:39 "Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." The answer then is, the Scriptures. {1842 WiM, MWV1 198.4}


"standing before the God of the earth" = the truth as presented by the "two witnesses" is in defiance to Satan. The Scripture confirms with childlike ease that Satan is a liar and doomed unto damnation.


"That is, the Scriptures or word of God denying all other gods of the earth but one living and true God. "Standing before," in a position to be tried as to their truth, by other pretended revelations of the gods of this world, and to be examined closely and critically as to their own prophecies, and in a position to confound and bring low, all the opinions of men, and the gods of this world. These is here an allusion to the ask being placed before Dagon. See 1st Sam. 4:1-4. The text likewise refers to Zechariah 4:3, 6. "And two olive trees by it." "So I answered and spake to the Angel that talked with me, saying, what are these my Lord." 6th verse. "Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerrubbabel, saying not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit saith the Lord of hosts." {1833 WiM, ESH 44.1}




"if any man will hurt them" = if any man adds or takes away from the Scripture, they will die as prophesied in Rev_22:18-19. If they "add" to the bible, the plagues are "added" unto them, in the same way if they "take away" from the Bible, they are "taken out" of the book of life.


"If any man add to the words of this book, it testifies that God will add to him the plagues written therein. And if any take away from the words of this book, his part shall be taken from the book of life, and from the holy city. Again, Joh_12:48. "He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him; the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day." Thus fire proceedeth out of the mouth of these witnesses and devoureth all who would hurt them. {1841 JoL, APEC 128.3}


"What an example has been made of those who have rejected the Bible! Let any impartial person read the history of deistical France, and see if they did not feel the scorching and blighting influence of God's judgments for their impiety." {1838 JoL, PSC 162.1}


"These witnesses, since they are completed, form a perfect revelation of God's will and law. They are a sufficient rule of faith and duty. God administers his government over men according to the principles therein revealed. {1842 JoL, PREX2 208.3}

1. The fire by which their enemies will be devoured, is declared by their mouth or testimony. {1842 JoL, PREX2 208.4}

2. Those who hurt or do violence to these witnesses, must be killed or receive punishment, as specified in this book. See Rev_22:18-19. "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." {1842 JoL, PREX2 208.5}


"in this manner be killed" = if they ADD the plagues are ADDED to them. If they TAKE AWAY, the Lord will TAKE AWAY their eternal life as prophesied in Rev_22:18-19.




"These have power to shut heaven" = the "power" to withhold the truth in God's Word from those that oppose and hate it. Hence the reason the Atheist simply cannot see the things of God as per 1Co_2:14.


"When the word of God was obscured, the rain of grace, the genial influences of the gospel, were withheld; revivals of religion, during the greatest part of papal rule, were almost unknown. "And have power over waters to turn them to blood." While the restraints of the word of God were withdrawn, the nations of the earth were continually involved in war and bloodshed. {1841 JoL, APEC 128.4}


"have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues" = the bloody wars are man-made plagues.


NOTE: the "plagues" mentioned here are not the 7 last plagues. These "plagues" are the same type that were allowed to be brought on in Rev_9:20 by wicked men in government via the many wars. See more info in topic notes "seven trumpets." Specifically trumpet #6.


"And have power over waters to turn them to blood." While the restraints of the word of God were withdrawn, the nations of the earth were continually involved in war and bloodshed. {1841 JoL, APEC 128.4}


"Rain signifies the genial influences of God's grace in the salvation of men. This influence was greatly restrained during the time the two witnesses were clothed in sackcloth. The judgments sent on the Roman earth during the reign of popery, are represented as being by the authority of the two witnesses. This, however, is not to be understood as a casual but as a consequential power given them. This will be the result of any injury offered them. {1838 JoL, PSC 163.2}




"the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit" = Satan uses the antiChristian leaders of France that have been influenced by the Pope at this time to "kill" the "Two Witnesses" as well as make war against anyone trusting the Bible.


"The beast from the bottomless pit is the same as the wilful king, Dan_11:36, revolutionary France. That infidel government, so far as it could be done, made war on, and put to death, both the Bible and the God of the Bible. The one they declared, by a formal enactment, a lie, and prohibited its use; and the other they declared a nonentity, a being which did not exist. {1841 JoL, APEC 128.6}


They not only declared the Bible a lie and prohibited its use, but gathered it in heaps and burned it. At other times it was dragged through the streets with every circumstance of contempt." {1841 JoL, APEC 129.1}


"kill them" The Old and New Testament was "killed" in France in November of 1793 by being voted out of society for exactly 3.5 prophetic days (v9). See notes on v11.




This verse speaks of atheistic France. See


"their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city" = See notes v9.


"spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified" = both France and Rome had the fruits of Sodom and Egypt in their day. ie: Roman soldiers were both homosexual (Sodom) and atheist. (Egypt)


"Streets of the great city." Paris. "Spiritually is called Sodom." The crying sin of Sodom was its licentiousness. But probably in no part of the world, since the ruin of Sodom, has this sin ever been carried so far as in France during the reign of terror. On the 6th of June, 1794, a formal enactment was passed in the city of Paris, to establish fornication by law. A parallel cannot be found. {1841 JoL, APEC 129.3}

It is also spiritually called "Egypt." The crying sin of Egypt was her atheism. "Who is the Lord, that I should let the people go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let the people go," was the language of Pharaoh. So also was it in France. One infidel, after the existence of God had been denied, declared that he and his fellows "detested God." {1841 JoL, APEC 129.4}


"where also our Lord was crucified" = those instrumental in killing Christ 2000 years ago had the very same demonic spirits that atheistic France had at this time. When the Jews crucified Christ, Pagan Rome was their ruling power. When France "crucified our Lord" by burning the Bibles and outlawing Christianity and enforcing fornication by law, Papal Rome was their ruling power.


"The motto and watch-word of the infidel crew was, "Crush the wretch," meaning Christ. Nor was it an empty cry. All who bore the name of Christ were either banished from France or seized and put to death. It might be also in reference to the murder of the 30,000 Christians, members of Christ's body, on St. Bartholomew's eve, that it is said to be the great city "where our Lord was crucified." {1841 JoL, APEC 129.5}


"The beast from the bottomless pit, is atheistical France. The time when the witnesses were slain, during the French revolution. The French revolution commenced 1789, and was styled the first year of liberty. But the revolutionists had not yet attained their full purpose, and rested not until they had established the reign of demoniac equality and frantic atheism." -Josiah Litch




"three days and an half" = 3.5 years. See Num_14:34 & Eze_4:6.


"shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves" = the grave is permanent to mankind. There is no getting out of it until Christ comes. For the "two witnesses" to be allowed to remain in the grave would suggest Satan won and the Word of God has died. But the prophecy is plain. The Lord did not allow their bodies to be put in graves.


"The nations of the earth saw and heard of the dangers of the French revolutionists in regard to the Bible, but did not suffer it to be buried out of sight. It still stood out prominently in Great Britain. "Three days and a half." The decree condemning the Bible and establishing atheism was passed Aug. 26, 1792. And that decree continued in force until March, 1796, a period of about three and a half years. During those three and a half years they lay dead in Paris in sight of the nations. {1841 JoL, APEC 130.1}


NOTE: the powers that be purposely allow the Bible to be declared dead "in sight of the nations" ("in the street" v8) as a satanic boast to their assumed power against it so that the wicked can "rejoice over them" as stated in v10. But, God still reigns! And as He declared long ago in the very Bible they hated, the Word of God was never "buried" permanently, anymore than Christ was left in the tomb, for just as Jesus arose in 3.5 days, so did His Word!




"they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them..." = the wicked assumed that because the Bible was assumed "removed" from society that they were free to revel in sin to the point they even passed laws sanctioning such decadence as fornication.


"In France arose an atheistical power that openly declared war against the authority of Heaven. Men threw off all restraint. The law of God was trampled under foot. Those who could engage in the most Heaven-daring blasphemy and the most abominable wickedness were most highly exalted. Fornication was sanctioned by law. Profanity and corruption seemed deluging the earth. In all this, supreme homage was paid to Satan, while Christ, in his characteristics of truth, purity, and unselfish love, was crucified. The Bible was publicly burned. The Sabbath was blotted out. Romanism had enjoined image worship; now divine honors were paid to the vilest objects. The work which the papacy had begun, atheism completed. The one withheld from the people the truths of the Bible; the other taught them to reject both the Bible and its Author. The seed sown by priests and prelates was yielding its evil fruit." {4SP 192.1} 


"We learn by this text that the nation, who would suppress the reading of the word of God,would make great rejoicings upon this occasion, and congratulate each other upon the destruction of the Bible, as they would suppose, for this reason, because the doctrine and precepts of the Bible would be hateful and disagreeable to them. {1842 WiM, MWV2 197.3}


"This denotes the joy those felt who hated the Bible, or were tormented by it. Great was the joy of infidels everywhere for awhile. But the "triumphing of the wicked is short;" so was it in France, for their war on the Bible and Christianity well-nigh swallowed them all up. They set out to destroy Christ's "two witnesses," but they filled France with blood and terror, so that they were horror-struck at the result of their own wicked deeds, and were soon glad to remove their impious hands from the Bible." {1897 UrS, DAR 535.4}


"these two prophets tormented them" = the Old and New Testament truths tormented those that prefer sin and damnation over purity and salvation.


"The papists had long been engaged in a war against the Bible. When, therefore, they saw its downfall, they rejoiced over it, and made merry. But at the end of three and a half years they were made alive. Where the Bible is not read and believed, it is a dead letter; but when read, and believed, it is spirit and life. {1838 JoL, PSC 166.1}

But the days of their prophecy in sackcloth were not yet at an end. They began A. D. 538. In 1798, Rome was taken by the French, the pope deposed, and carried away captive to France, where he died in exile the next year. Italy was then, for the first time for one thousand two hundred and sixty years, (v3) freed from the papal power, and papal laws abrogated. Italy was then declared a republic, free toleration was given to all religions, and the law suppressing the Scriptures, with other papal usurpations, was done away. And what is still more remarkable, in the same year the Bible Society was formed in England, which has been instrumental, with the co-operation of other societies, in translating the Bible into almost all languages and dialects on earth; and of scattering the word of God over the wide earth." {1838 JoL, PSC 167.1}




"three days and an half" = After 3.5 years the Bible was voted back into society in June of 1797. (See notes on v7.)


"stood upon their feet" = the Scriptures were allowed to stand in their rightful place again.


"In three years and a half from the abolition of religion in France, it shall be restored, and even placed in a more secure and prominent rank than before. The doctrines of Christianity shall be preached with less restraint; the Bible shall 'be on its feet,' to the surprise of those who conceived it prostrate forever. {1842 JoL, PREX2 217.2}


NOTE: the use of the word "feet" in unison with Scripture is fitting in that in prophecy "feet" = beauty of His Gospel, proper dressing of feet, all things under, where they pierced Him, deliverance


"great fear fell upon them which saw them" = those that opposed the Bible during the government's sanctioned "age of reason" now realize how wrong they were to the point of fearing God's wrath.


"After the scriptures should lie dormant three years and a half, God would so order his providential dealings with the nation that should kill them, that they would again be permitted to read and explained is usual; and the scriptures would again stand upon their own foundation, and be supported by their own intrinsic merit; and would again have their bearing, on the hopes and fears of the governments of the earth." {1833 WiM, ESH 47.2}




"they heard a great voice from heaven" = the Lord's will becomes apparent regarding His Word. After they tried to kill it for 3.5 years, the "Two Witnesses" got back up and "stood upon their feet" (v11) and the truth went forth unencumbered due to the formation of "Bible societies" that published the Bible like never before.


"The great voice from heaven is the great demand which the world has made for the Bible since that time. The 1260 years of the prophesying in sackcloth of the two witnesses ended with the fall of Popery, 1798. In 1801 the British and Foreign Bible Society was formed, which, by the aid of the American Bible Society, has translated and printed the Bible, either in whole or in part, into more than 150 different languages. And missionary societies have been multiplying beyond even the most sanguine expectations of the warmest friend of the heathen world forty years ago, and the work is still going forward with unparalleled rapidity. The gospel will continue thus to spread until it has reached the last heathen nation as Christ's witness; "then," according to his declaration, "shall the end come." And the same fact is presented Rev. xi. 14, 15: "The second wo is past, and behold the third wo cometh quickly. And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever." {1841 JoL, APEC 130.4}


"This verse shows us that many voices would unite in calling for a general spread of the Bible through the world, and that the Bible would be exalted among the nations, and great multitudes of them circulated, and the enemies of the word of God could not prevent it. Here we have a plain and distinct prophecy of the Bible societies. {1842 WiM, MWV2 198.2}


"they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them" = the Bible was exalted like never before, and the enemies of God's Word couldn't stop it as they watched it all unfold.


"They took a higher place in the moral heaven than ever before, and their influence on the destinies of the world, has been immense. Their enemies, infidels and papists, saw the ground they had taken, and feared for the result to their cause. {1838 JoL, PSC 168.1}


"The doctrines of Christianity shall be preached with less restraint; the Bible shall 'be on its feet,' to the surprise of those who conceived it prostrate forever. {1842 JoL, PREX2 217.2}


"even the enemies of the word of God would be confounded at the great things they would see accomplished by its instrumentality. {1833 WiM, ESH 47.3}




"the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell" = the "earthquake" was political in nature and only a tenth of "the city" (society) was in agreement with their wicked decision to remove God's Word from society, and so it was upon them this judgment "fell." (I would think mostly politicians were to blame)


"The same hour, at the same time the witnesses would be slain, there would be a great revolution, and one of the ten kingdoms into which ancient Rome would be divided, would fall; and seven thousand names, or titles of nobility, or of priests, would be destroyed; and this Revolution would produce great fear among the adjoining nations, and many would acknowledge that the hand of God was producing these wonderful events." {1833 WiM, ESH 47.4}


NOTE: the "fear" mentioned here was no doubt due to how God's response to their attack on His Word became obvious and they feared the worst was yet to come.


"in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand" = a perfect number ("seven" = completeness in prophecy) of "thousands" that were involved in the desire to remove God's Word were destroyed.


"The era of this triumph is strongly defined. There shall be, 'in the same hour,' (wpx, period,) a political earthquake. {1842 JoL, PREX2 217.4}

'The tenth part of the Atheistic city,' shall fall; a portion of the Infidel empire of France shall be torn away, with the slaughter of many thousands; expressed by seven, the number of completeness. And this catastrophe shall produce a religious influence on the mind of nations." {1842 JoL, PREX2 217.5}


"the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven" = this is the remnant that were upset by what was happening to the "Two Witnesses." They then rejoiced when the Bible returned into society.


"I am inclined to think, however, that "the remnant" has reference to the other nine parts of the city; that is, to the same as the nations, etc., who would not suffer the witnesses to be buried. These rejoiced when they saw the horrid scene end, and the word of God exalted. {January 21, 1862 JWe, ARSH 62.16}




"The second woe is past" = ended in 1840 when the Turks fell to the power of the West. (the third woe began October 22, 1844)


"The second woe, as already seen, ended in 1840. The close was marked by the transfer of Turkish power into the hands of the western nations. In heaven is witnessed the sending forth of the mighty angel of Rev. 10:1-11. The earth responded to his loud cry, and men, thinking that time was about to close, prepared to meet their God. But the seventh angel had not yet sounded. He was held in heaven for a little space, that men might be prepared for the events about to come in connection with the completion of the earth's history. "The second woe is past; and behold, the third woe cometh quickly." The little period between 1840 and 1844, during which the message of Rev. 10:1-11 was delivered, was the time between the close of the sixth trumpet and the sounding of the seventh. In the tenth chapter of Revelation John was told that "in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished." {1905 SNH, SSP 204.1}


"the third woe cometh quickly" = the "third woe" came very quickly in that the second woe ended in 1840 and on October 22, 1844 the "third woe" ("trumpet #7") began.



-------------------- ^ 1840-1844 ^ --------------------




TRUMPET #7 = 1844- END (JW-7Trumpets pp 94-96) (NOTICE "END" = post 1000 years)


"THIRD WOE - Nations angry. God's wrath impending. Mystery of God finished" -Bible Readings for the Home Circle -1919


Some SDA leaders are confused in thinking the trumpets and the plagues are the same thing when in fact this final trumpet proves otherwise. For all 7 plagues are to fall only during the 7th Trumpet.


"But we find some of the events that are said to transpire under the seventh, or last, trumpet angel, also occurring under the pouring out of the seventh, or last, plague, which shows that the seven last plagues will be poured out under the third woe, or seventh trumpet angel." -Bible Readings for the Home Circle -1889 (page 426)


"great voices in heaven" = the "midnight cry" is now finished (as of 10-22-1844) that was to announce the coming of Christ who is to begin the investigative judgment. And since judgment has begun, and the Father knows the end from the beginning, it can be declared succinctly that "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ." Even though it takes mankind a lifetime to experience or even understand prophetic history, what's done is done in the eyes of God.


NOTE: the reason "there were great voices in heaven" at this time is because, even though mankind was about to get this wrong in the "great disappointment" of October 22, 1844, the residents of Heaven knew exactly what the 7th trumpet meant. It was a joyful time for them to declare all kingdoms were now established under Christ and the Gospel and final warning was to go forth triumphantly to gather in the faithful .


One can see a prophetic whisper in the midnight cry with the "great voices" in heaven in that just as it was joyful (sweet) to announce the arrival of Christ for the Millerites; it was sad (bitter) that they made a mistake wherein He wasn't actually coming in 1844. (Rev_10:9-10) We can also see a bittersweet reality for the "great voices" in Heaven in that it was sweet and quite joyful to announce the soon coming of Christ as judgment has now officially begun. But, it's also with bitter sadness that most on earth will not be ready for His glorious return.

"All this is fulfilled, and those kingdoms are not yet destroyed? 'Why, I thought that when this was accomplished, these kingdoms would be immediately dashed in pieces. Well, I too thought so once: but, brother, suppose you and I submit our think so to the decision of God's Word: just hear it once, 'And IN THE DAYS of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom: not after they become like the chaff of the summer's threshing floors: no, for IT [the kingdom] shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Then after the kingdom has dashed them in pieces, shall they be swept away and no place be found for them. {June 19, 1845 SSSe, JUBST 114.1}


"Here it will be seen that the day of atonement was the day of judgment with the children of Israel. The high priest wore that breast-plate of judgment only on the tenth day of the seventh month. This was the manner in which the type was observed. As this was a shadow of some good thing to come; and not one jot or tittle of the law can fail: we may see at once how the judgment was decided by our great High Priest last autumn, when he presented his own blood once for all, and the sins of his people were blotted out forever. Then an irrevocable decision was passed upon the world. Then indeed the lay of the Lord stole in upon us like a thief in the night,--the lay of judgment (the execution of judgment) and perdition of ungodly men. Then are we occupying the most solemn and momentous era in which mortals ever lived. The world of the ungodly between the decision of their eternal destiny, and the indiction of their awful doom,--a moment like that when Lot was fleeing across the plain,--O Lord, may we all REMEMBER LOT'S WIFE!! {June 19, 1845 SSSe, JUBST 114.2}


"Voices denote many people engaged in the same cry to be eased of their burdens or rejoicing. Here was the closing up of our burdens, and how we sang too as follows: "Rejoice, my friends, the Lord is KING." Have I said any thing more than what we did and really believed? Was it not reiterated through the land that our work would cease here? Yes and it did cease. And there was not a man in all the advent ranks that knew what the next message was. And they literally waited for another message. What was the matter? Why, we had fulfilled the prophecy thus far - the nominal church or Sardis state had been tested, and rejected all the messages that had been given. And all those that had received the messages in part or full, were to be plunged into a fiery furnace to be tested also. "For God will have a tried people." Here is the fulfilment of the second or next type, ten days after the seventh trumpet began to sound. Look now at Lev_23:27-32. Now I ask, if affliction and trials of the most peculiar kind, have not been the portion of God's scattered Israel ever since that very day even the 10th of the 7th month, Oct.22, 1844." {1847 JB, BP2 85.1}


"the four and twenty elders" = the 24 courses of priests. See notes on Rev_4:4. It appears as well that these "elders" resurrected with Christ who took them to Heaven with Him when He ascended to represent the obedient church body of the redeemed.


"The four and twenty elders also represent the ministers of Christ, and the redeemed family. The twenty four courses of the priesthood, under the law, were typical of the Gospel ministry. The elders also were typified by the twelve patriarchs and twelve apostles. {1838 JoL, PSC 136.1}


"the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell on their faces, and worshipped God." By the four and twenty elders I understand the true ministers of Christ, alluding to the twenty-four courses of the priests appointed by David. 1 Chron. xxiv. {September 1, 1841 JVHe, HST 83.3}


"When the Saviour ascended to heaven, He led a multitude of captives;  and when John in vision was shown the first apartment of the heavenly sanctuary, with its seven lamps of fire burning before the throne of God, he saw four and twenty elders seated upon four and twenty seats, and they worshiped the Lamb, saying, "Thou . . . hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; and hast made us unto our God kings and priests."  In this we see the antitype of the twenty-four courses of priests. The chiefs, or elders, of each course have seats of honor, and they are kings and priests after the order of Melchizedek. The remainder of the multitude Christ took into heaven are not mentioned, but it is reasonable to suppose that they constitute the courses of which the four and twenty elders are the chiefs. {1914 SNH, CIS 80.1}


"When the plan is completed, the few who now minister in heaven, together with the multitudes who come forth at the first resurrection, will reign as kings and priests on the earth. {1905 SNH, SSP 107.1}


"the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come" = since the powers that be refuse to repent, God's wrath falls upon them wherein they become fearful of each other so as to start many wars.


"Nothing is more evident than that at the coming of Christ, the nations will be angry. It is not necessary that they should be in actual combat, but in a state of intense and angry feelings. That they are fast reaching such a point, is evident from the signs of the times. {June 28, 1843 JVHe, HST 133.4}


NOTE: Prophetic whisper


Just as the Midianites fought among themselves, and even killed each other in Gideon's day out of fear, (Jdg_7:19-22) all the nations are doing the same now.


"This verse shows us what is shortly coming to past, and is a description of what the true ministers of Christ will preach, viz., the wrath of God about to be poured out upon the angry nations of the earth, the resurrection of the dead, and the judgment day, the reward promised to all those who fear, love, and obey him, and the destruction of Antichrist. This is what the servants of God should preach in this day big with wonderful events. This is what God will have preached-for he never sends any judgments upon the world without giving them warning. {1833 WiM, ESH 49.5}


"the time of the dead, that they should be judged" = the judgment that is done by Christ and His saints during the 1000 years.


"Then, what is the "time of the dead that they should be judged?" Ans. The 1000 years. This is the next great event following the seven last plagues. The great day of judgment will be introduced by the coming of Christ. The next great event is expressed as follows:- {March 27, 1856 JWe, ARSH 204.23}


"The whole passage perfectly explains itself. The kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, not by the repentance of all living nations, but by his resurrection of the dead; "the times of the dead, that they should be judged." And Christ's reign "forever and ever" is not over his world of mortality; but over his servants, the prophets, saints, "and them that fear thy name, small and great," in immortal bodies; and them that destroy the earth he will destroy. This scene, therefore, has for itself no place in this world; it belongs with all the preceding, to the great day of judgment, and to the resurrection of the dead. {January 1, 1842 JVHe, HST 145.26}


"give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, ... and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth" = the obedient people of God receive their "reward" of eternal life, the wicked receive God's wrath.


NOTE: two judgments here. #1, At the second coming of Christ, John the Baptist stated in Mat_3:12 that Christ will "gather his wheat the into the garner."


#2, John also stated in that verse that judgment is enacted to "burn up the chaff" as well, which is also the "vine of the earth." mentioned in Rev_14:17-19 that receive the "wrath of God" via the hand of the angel "having the sharp sickle .. which had power over fire."


After quoting Jude 15,15 A.T.Jones says, "With this agree exactly the words of Christ: "Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Rev. 22:12. And Paul in his charge to Timothy, and to all ministers of Christ, says: "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick [living] and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word." 2 Tim. 4:1, 2. Peter also says: "The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished." 2 Peter 2:9. {December 17, 1885 ATJ, SITI 762.4}


"It is true that all these receive immortality at the second coming of Christ, at the commencement of this great Judgment period; but their reward embraces the promised inheritance, the new earth, which will not appear till the close of the the one thousand years. "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." Then, at the close of the one thousand years, will the prophets, the saints, and all who fear the name of God, both small and great, receive their full reward. {1868 JW, LIFIN 213.4}


"While we may speak of fulfilled prophecy with positiveness, we would apply unfulfilled prophecy with becoming modesty. We may, however, suggest that the anger of the nations will be immediately followed by the wrath of God, or seven last plagues; [see Rev. 15:1;] that the judgment of the dead refers not to the judgment of the righteous, for that takes place before the plagues are poured out, but to the judgment of the wicked during the 1000 years of Rev. 20; that the full reward of the righteous will be given when they inherit the New Earth, at the close of the 1000 years; and that at that very time God will destroy by the second death all who have corrupted the earth. And why may not the sounding of the seventh angel continue until the end of the 1000 years? and the third wo, cover all wo till sin and sinners cease to be at the close of the seventh millennium?" ~J. W. {1859 JW, SSTR 68.2}


NOTE: James White says what he says here regarding the sounding of the 7th trumpet because some in his day claimed it ended at the second coming, when in fact it ends when the devil, his angels, and all the wicked become ashes (Mal_4:3) wherein the prophecy / promise of Nah_1:9 is fulfilled. It is then and only then that all wars in Heaven and on earth finally end for all eternity.


"the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament" = the Law of God (in the ark) was now being seen by mankind as God's will for all of us. It shows a blessed connection between God and man now. Not long after this trumpet sounded were Christians moved by God to keep His law and especially His Sabbath.


"The heavenly sanctuary is the great power-house of Jehovah, whence all the help necessary to overcome every temptation of Satan is sent to each one who is connected with it by faith. {1914 SNH, CIS 22.4}


"Their attention was attracted to the law contained in that ark, and some of them recognized the binding claim of the Sabbath of the Lord, and accepted it as the seal of the law. About 1847-48 the Sabbath began to be preached as the seal of the law of the living God. {1914 SNH, CIS 363.1}


"At the beginning of the work of the investigative judgment, when Christ entered the most holy place, the door in heaven was opened, and the law of God was seen as the foundation of His throne. It was immediately after the bitter disappointment of 1844, when earnest souls were still searching the Scriptures, that the sacredness of the law was revealed. As the decalogue was presented, a special glory shone about the Fourth Commandment. The seal of the law stood out as if written in letters of fire, and a new significance was given to the measuring reed which the angel offered. {1905 SNH, SSP 206.1}

"Did John see the ark of the ten commandments in heaven? Yes, so he testifies; and none who believe the Bible will doubt his testimony, and say that he somehow fell into a mesmeric state, and saw things incorrectly. Then if the commandments are preserved in heaven, certainly they are not abolished on earth. {1850 JW, TTAM 13.1}


"there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail." = those that ignore the fact that His law is in the eternal city of New Jerusalem. (the "third Heaven" as Paul saw it in 2Co_12:2-4) This then proves His law is eternal as it is being displayed before John's eyes in a vision while in the eternal city of Heaven. Therefore, to reject this bold truth, means God's wrath (the plagues) is their next reality. Specifically plague #7.


"Now we wish it to be clearly seen, and it may be, that the events here named are identical with those of Rev_14:6-20—the threefold message—and 16:1-21—the consequences of rejecting that threefold message; that the events of Rev. 14:6-20 and 16:1-21 (the 7 plagues) are but an explanation in full of those mentioned in Rev. 11:18, 19. To make this plain, we shall here bring together the statements of Rev. 11:18, 19, and the corresponding ones of chapters 14 and 16. {October 9, 1900 ATJ, ARSH 648.5} ((I would suggest reading on))


"This is identical with the record of the events of the seventh plague. For, says the Scripture, "The seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. . . . And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great." Rev. 16:17-21. {October 9, 1900 ATJ, ARSH 648.17}


"The mission of the angels of wrath, with their plagues, is brought to view" (he then shared Rev_15:5-5) {February 21, 1844 JVHe, HST 22.2}


"Having introduced the seventh trumpet, the first great event that strikes the mind of the seer, is the transfer of the kingdom from earthly to heavenly rule. God takes to him his great power, and forever crushes the rebellion of this revolted earth, a work seemingly delayed, establishes Christ upon his appropriate throne, and remains himself supreme over all. ... The temple is opened: the second apartment of the sanctuary is entered. We know it is the holy of holies that is here opened; for the ark is seen, and in that apartment alone the ark was deposited. This took place at the end of the 2300 days, when the sanctuary was to be cleansed, the time when the prophetic periods expired, and the seventh angel commenced to sound. Since then the people of God have seen by faith the open door in heaven, and the ark of God's testament there. They are endeavoring to keep every precept of the holy law written upon the tables therein deposited. They have received the reed, and are measuring the temple, the altar, and them that worship therein. They are uttering their last prophecy, before nations, peoples, and tongues. And the drama will soon close with lightnings, thunderings, voices, an earthquake, and great hail. {October 28, 1862 JWe, ARSH 173.5}





Below dates can be found in James White's book on the 7 Trumpets (1875)


Trumpet #1 - 395 - 428 (see page 7, 18)

Trumpet #2 - 429 - 468 (see page 25)

Trumpet #3 - 441 - 453 (see page 30-31, 33)

Trumpet #4 - 476 - 552 (see page 41, 46)

Trumpet #5 - 622 - 1449 (see page 69, 74)

Trumpet #6 - 1449 - 1840 (see page 74-75, *82, 95)

(*shows 1449 to August 11, 1840)


·         Trumpets 1-4 = Fall of Western Rome.

·         Trumpets 5-6 = Fall of Eastern Rome.

·         Trumpet 7 = Downfall of entire World.


·         NOTE: when trumpet 7 stops sounding, this then signifies the end of all wars in both Heaven and on earth for all eternity.


The Presents of God ministry