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Thirteen Jewish Teachers and Rabbis Arrested for "Spying"

TEL AVIV, JUN 9 (ZENIT).- There are growing fears in Israel over the
arrest in Shiraz and Isfahan two months ago of thirteen Iranian Jews, on
the eve of the Jewish Passover.

The news, which immediately after the arrests came through in a confused
way, was confirmed yesterday by Iran's state radio. According to the
Israeli newspaper "Yediot Aharanot," the thirteen teachers and rabbis
were arrested by the "Pasdaran," the "guardians of the revolution." They
have been accused of spying in the service of Israel and the United
States; the "proofs" are "prefabricated."

Eliahu Bakshi-Doron, chief Sephardic rabbi of Jerusalem, a native
Iranian, appealed to John Paul II yesterday to intervene in favor of
their freedom.

Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister met with U.N. secretary general
Kofi Annan yesterday and asked him to intervene as well. Israeli
information sources believe he also asked the United States to
intervene, although the U.S. does not have diplomatic relations with
Teheran, and several European countries, but these have not been

There are 27,000 Jews in Iran. Before the 1979 Islamic revolution there
were 100,000. At present, they have one representative in Parliament.
According to Israeli sources, the thirteen prisoners have suffered
violence and torture in prison. Moreover, they have not been allowed to
see their families or Red Cross representatives.

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