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One World Church Is Coming Together

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Fundamental Evangelistic Association

selected articles from:

Dennis W.Costella, Editor; Karel Beyer, Production Manager; Matt Costella, Copy Editor
M.H. Reynolds, Jr. (1919-1997), Founding Editor
©Fundamental Evangelistic Association

[FOUNDATION is published by the Fundamental Evangelistic Association in Los Osos, California. It is free to those who regularly support the FEA ministry. FOUNDATION will also be sent to those who would like to receive it for a contribution of $10.00 per year in the U.S.A., and $15.00 per year in foreign countries. An order form is posted on this website.]

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The One World Church Is Coming Together

by Dennis Costella
©FOUNDATION Magazine, May-June 1998

THESE ARE INCREDIBLY EXCITING DAYS. The prophetic events laid out in God's Word for the formation of the one-world mystery Babylon in its three forms (economic, political and religious) are coming together before our very eyes. Although the final manifestation of the prophesied ecumenical harlot church will take place after the rapture of the true body of believers, the stage is certainly being set today. Only a few years ago, it was difficult to see how the many communities making up "Christendom" today could possibly find a place of acceptance within the arms of Roman Catholicism, depicted in the book of Revelation as the whorish, apostate church. But with the incredibly influential, innovative movements of churches and programs that have recently surfaced as the world approaches the year 2000, the obvious feasibility and ultimate fulfillment of the one world church is indeed near. The Promise Keepers philosophy has brainwashed the majority of churches to "tear down all denominational barriers" and come together on supposed common ground. The praise of the pope and the acceptance of Romanism by leaders such as Billy Graham, Jack Van Impe, Robert Schuller and virtually all of the charismatic notables have made Catholic acceptance extremely popular and even theologically viable. These factors have helped promote the idea that it is preferable to join with Roman Catholics rather than seek to lead them to Christ with the biblical Gospel message.

The most amazing phenomenon of all, however, is the Roman Catholic Church's active attempt to dispel the last remnants of opposition to her credibility as a bona fide Christian institution by entering into dialogue with those who previously took a strong stand against Roman error. The Evangelical and Catholics Together positional papers were unbelievably deceptive and disarming. Now, the historic contention between Reformation and Catholic beliefs regarding "Justification" has apparently been healed in the declaration that is reprinted in this issue of Foundation. The attitudes and beliefs expressed toward Roman Catholicism by non-Catholic churches and groups all over the world are incredible-almost beyond belief! The harlot is ascending. Certainly our Lord's return must be near! One cannot take Bible prophecy literally and seriously without unprecedented, present anticipation of momentous events in the offing.

For decades, the Fundamental Evangelistic Association's "Watchman's ministry" has followed the efforts of the mainline ecumenical bodies, such as the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the National Council of Churches (NCCC), to lay the framework for a visible unity among the wide array of Christian communions. The stated belief of the movement's leadership has always been that this is "God's will for the Church." Admittedly, ecumenism has had a shaky process. Radical, left-wing programs and proposals in the 60's and 70's left many within the member denominations wanting to distance themselves from the negative media attention that resulted. Liberalism never looks too palatable under careful scrutiny. Loss of support and credibility led to cutbacks that severely crippled the ecumenical effort.

However, in the 1980s, many religious bodies took major steps that actually began to advance their dreams and goals of ecumenical unity. In the early 1980s, the WCC sponsored a dialogue project that was purported to be "a major advance on the ecumenical journey." The resulting "Lima Text," an agreed statement on "Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry," brought together theologians representing Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Episcopal, Baptist, Adventist and Pentecostal belief systems in order to find and articulate common ground. Books were written and follow-up discussions abounded, but no noticeable unity truly developed. The "Gathering of Christians" in the late 1980's is another example of the ecumenist's attempt to attach some substance to their dream. This meeting brought together a mix of NCCC and WCC participants along with those from both the Evangelical and Catholic communities.

The charismatics then sponsored a major meeting in 1987. "The North American Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization" was an amazing mixture of evangelicals, charismatics and mainline denominations, with the largest single contingency being from the Roman Catholic Church. Father Tom Forrest, a Vatican official, served as the keynote speaker. His grand finale given at the end of the congress brought over 40,000 individuals in the New Orleans Superdome to their feet when he shouted: "Let's stop the competition; let's stop the fighting. We got a devil to fight; what are we fighting each other for [Catholics and non-Catholics]? ... Let's go out and do the job [evangelizing the world], and let's do it the only way it can be done. Brothers and sisters, let's do it together!!!" The ecumenical spirit of this meeting was amazing; it was obvious that the charismatic movement would serve as a catalyst to bring together, in the days to come, Roman Catholicism with those churches that formerly regarded Catholicism as a cult.

Many other ecumenical meetings covered by the FEA have likewise ended with these vain attempts for unity at the expense of doctrinal purity. When one looks back over the last thirty years, he can clearly observe that the ecumenical movement always seemed to be treading water more than steadily moving its "ecumenical ship" toward its desired haven of unity. The charismatic influence has greatly helped in bringing churches, which formerly distanced themselves due to doctrinal differences, together in an ungodly unity. The charismatics' "new winds of the spirit" prepared many to accept new parameters for ministry as well as fellowship.

However, during the last few years, the incredible advances of the ecumenical movement simply boggle the mind! And the fact that cannot be denied is the Roman Catholic's unprecedented impetus in bringing about a working relationship and an acceptance for groups with which they were previously at odds, theologically and positionally. Yes, the one-world church is shaping up quickly, and it does appear that all roads are indeed leading to Rome.

"ILWF Council Unanimously Approves Joint Declaration with Roman Catholics; Document Ends 400-year Dispute on Doctrine of Justification"

This was the headline of a press release issued on June 16, 1998, by the Lutheran World Federation. The statement went on to say:

By a unanimous vote, the Lutheran World Federation Council has approved the "Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" with the Roman Catholic Church. The "Joint Declaration" ends 400 years of condemnations on the principal doctrinal dispute of the Reformation, that salvation is a gift from God through grace, not something humans earned through good works.

The "Joint Declaration" was circulated among the 124 member churches of the Lutheran World Federation. The Council acted after a "significant majority" of churches approved the "Joint Declaration."

Both the Protestants and Catholics during Reformation times issued condemnations of each other. The "Joint Declaration asserts that though there still remain some differences on the understanding of justification, the differences are not substantial enough to warrant the condemnations.... On the basis of these agreements the doctrinal condemnations in the Lutheran confessional writings regarding justification be declared not to apply to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church as presented in the "Joint Declaration."

A few days later, Cardinal Edward Cassidy, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, stated the Vatican's response. Cassidy said:

I wish to stress that the consensus reached on the doctrine of justification, despite its limitations, virtually resolves a long disputed question at the close of the 20th century, on the eve of the new millennium.

Cassidy said both groups would officially, formally sign the document together in the fall and celebrate the consensus together. An article by Gustav Niebuhr in the June 26, 1998, issue of the New York Times says, "The declaration's acceptance by both the Vatican and the Lutheran federation represents a triumph for supporters of the ecumenical movement, which has urged closer cooperation among churches."


The declaration which follows on page ten, printed in full [click here for the Declaration], is a masterful attempt to appease the "faithful" of both churches, while at the same time purporting to reach "a consensus" regarding the "understanding of justification ... fundamental and indispensable to overcoming [their] division" (¶13).

For example, the Lutherans provide an emphasis on the importance of justification being"...a gift [that] we receive in faith, and never can merit in any way" (¶17). Yet over against this seemingly clear declaration of Bible truth, one finds a Catholic spin on the concept of justification that totally opposes justification by faith alone apart from works: "Through Christ alone are we justified, when we receive this salvation in faith. Faith is itself God's gift through the Holy Spirit who works through Word and Sacrament in the community of believers" (¶16). Make no mistake about it, while lip service is paid to justification "through Christ alone," the reception of that justification and its maintenance is "through the ... Sacrament in the community of believers"-the Church remains the essential means of grace!

Again, Lutheran input emphasizes that "the sinner is granted righteousness before God in Christ through the declaration of forgiveness and that only in union with Christ is one's life renewed" (¶22). That sounds good. But once again, the interjection of a false gospel-baptismal regeneration-integrally ties salvation to a ceremonial induction into the Roman Catholic Church: "Persons are justified through Baptism as hearers of the Word and believers in it" (¶27). (For further verification and reference to official statements of Catholic catechism regarding the indispensable role of keeping the Sacraments for "salvation," please note the article in the January/February 1998 issue of Foundation magazine on the "Evangelicals and Catholics Together" joint statement). Yes, only "the faithful can rely on the mercy and promises of God" (¶34), but "the faithful" in this context refers only to those who are loyal to the Sacraments of the respective church organizations. Any who turn from the church forfeit the means of grace.

Another central Bible truth that will never be accepted by the Roman Catholic Church is the assurance of the believer's salvation, or eternal security. It is agreed that God "intends his salvation" (¶37), but again, the declaration states only "the faithful" who "build on the effective promise of God's grace in Word and Sacrament ... [can] be sure of this grace" (¶34). Good works are necessary "so that the righteousness that comes from God is preserved... " (¶38). Thus, the individual is responsible to perform necessary works and do his part in order to maintain or preserve his salvation, his acceptance before God. Such a teaching is contrary to biblical justification which teaches that man's salvation, his acceptance before the Father, is based on the imputed, perfect and unalterable righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

"Mark them" which depart "from the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For... by good words and fair speeches [they] deceive the hearts of the simple" (Rom. 16:17, 18). This declaration of consensus is a classic documentation of apostasy. The Bible speaks prophetically of this treachery in the last days.


The Bible plainly states in I Timothy 4:1-6 that in the "latter times" an increase of apostasy and false, devilish doctrine will occur (v. 1). The culmination of the great apostasy prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12, when an unbelieving world will believe the devil's lie and "all the world [will wonder] after the beast" (Rev. 13:35), takes place during the Tribulation, after the Body of Christ has been taken out of this world. The Antichrist, who speaks "great things and blasphemies," will be worshipped at this time. False, perverted worship is central to the devil's agenda.

But "the mystery of iniquity [that] doth already work" (2 Thess. 2:7) and the roots of that terrible, future apostasy are evident on every hand today. The religious sector is setting aside the righteous demands of God's Holy Word in favor of a "nonjudgmental," "anything-goes" philosophy that so dominates current thought. This is apostasy! How strange and shameful that some supposed Christians try to twist the Scriptures in order to justify their conclusion that error is not wickedness. It certainly is!

"Seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" (I Tim. 4: 1) will also increase in intensity and diversity in the "latter times" just prior to our Lord's return. Yet even though the Spirit "expressly" reveals this fact in God's Word, many today still insist that the Christian must not be dogmatic over doctrinal matters and that, instead, he should tolerate all opinions and beliefs. No, God says we are to contend for the Faith and to test all things by the God-given Standard, His holy Word. Only the one who 2ives attendance to sound doctrine (vv. 13-15) will escape the devil's lies (v. 16).


Revelation 16 introduces and reveals the outcome of what chapters 17 and 18 present in detail-God's judgment upon mystery Babylon in both its religious and political forms. Obviously, the judgments depicted in chapter 17 precede the events that result when the seven vials are poured out upon the earth. The events in chapter 17 possibly even occur early in the Tribulation. An angel with one of the seven vials summons John to come and see the judgment of the woman (symbolizing Babylon in this text), also identified as "the great whore" (v. 1). The nations over which this Babylonian system prevails are seen as "many waters." John reveals two facts concerning the relationship between Babylon and these nations (v. 2). First, spiritual fornication results when the national leaders join with her in the common cause of religious pretense. Second, she captivates the general population by her diabolical influence. The apostate church is here united with the worldly, political system.,

The apostle John sees the woman actually sitting upon a scarlet beast (v. 3 cf. 13:1-the final form of Gentile power). John here portrays the great harlot's extensive power and her blasphemous character. False, compromised religion can indeed have power with men and nations in such an unholy marriage, but only at the expense of purity. Romanism's current political clout is powerful, and it will increase as others unite with her as her judgment draws nigh. The harlot's yoke to this beast that eventually causes all the world to worship the dragon shows her filthiness.


The manner in which this great whore is arrayed is extremely revealing (Revelation 17:4-6). Her gaudy, sumptuous attire speaks of the allure that causes her subjects to look to her as the glorious embodiment of the one-world religious system (v. 4). Look at her influence, liturgy, riches and the sheer glory of her dazzling display-now that is the epitome of religion! Right? No, not according to God's Word! Her rich, royal regalia is unquestionably descriptive of the Roman Catholic and the Greek Orthodox churches of this current dispensation. How tragic to see that many churches, which once separated from her spiritual infidelity, are now turning in ecumenical fervor to Rome wherein is found the "abominations and filthiness of her fornication." The great harlot's title speaks of the paganism of ancient Babylon that has been incorporated into Roman Catholicism from its inception.

The paganism and spiritual whoredom reaches its zenith when this apostate church becomes synonymous with the religious portion of end-time Babylon itself (v. 5). The word Babel means "confusion." Study the history of pagan Babylon's mysteries, symbols, rituals and mysticism-it is obviously Romanism as we know it today. The blood shed by the religious regimes of the past will only be multiplied when the great whore strives to kill those in the Tribulation who have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb (v. 6). The Antichrist and the apostate, one-world church will work together, at least for a time, to persecute the Blood-washed believer.


In Revelation 17:7-18 the angel reveals to John the meaning of his vision. He first describes the beast (v. 8). Apparently, the end-time world government, previously described as the beast (13:1-3), is here closely identified with the beast personifying the devil himself (11:7). Satan and this world ruler are in many respects the same. In this chapter, the final Roman-styled government system is revived; however, it is not necessarily a historic person, as some have concluded.

Briefly stated, a comparison of the prophecies in Daniel with the movements of rulers and nations prophesied in Revelation indicates the formation of global systems that have rejected the Lord in favor of following the god of this world and the "man of sin." Babylon is comprised of two parts: the political system headed by the Antichrist and a separate, ecumenical religious system under the auspices of what Revelation graphically depicts as Romanism (v. 9). In short, verses 8-1 1 describe the final Gentile world power working in concert with the final form of apostate religion.

In verses 14-12, John describes the final stage of this last world government. The ten nation confederacy parallels the prophecy of Daniel 2:36-45. These kings rule concurrently and comprise the revived form of Roman government just before the Antichrist gains control in the midst of the Tribulation and sets himself up as the world dictator. These kings join the beast in common cause against God, but they shall fail because the "called, and chosen, and faithful" (God's saints) will prevail at Christ's triumphant return to stand upon the earth (Dan. 2:45; Matt. 24:29-3 1).

Verses 15 and 16 then deal with the "woman." The "waters" spoken of in Revelation 17:1 are not to be taken literally because God's Word attaches a symbolic meaning to them in the fifteenth verse. The "waters" speak of the peoples of the whole earth. Thus, without question, this passage refers to the coming one-world ecclesiastical system today being witnessed in its formative stages. The Bible portrays the woman as controlling the religious, apostate beliefs of multitudes of individuals worldwide. Her influence is in the world today. Consider the prevailing attitudes and aspirations of the typical "religious person" in the present. Does not conventional wisdom say Christians need to tear down all denominational walls and build bridges of unity among all "Christians"? Is not this ecumenical shift heading toward Rome?

The Bible reveals God's catastrophic judgment of the woman in greater detail in verses 16-18. The terrible end for the whore comes midway through the Tribulation at the hand of the beast she formerly dominated. The apostate religious system will be overthrown by its political counterpart. The beast then sets himself up to be worshipped (13:8). This event graphically portrays the demise of the one-world church that blossoms for a time following the rapture of the true church. God brings to pass His will in each event, later bringing political Babylon to judgment as well. No believer should have anything to do with this great whore, mystery Babylon.

Touch not this unclean, ecumenical thing (2 Cor. 6:17). The one-world church that is forming so quickly, just as the Bible prophesied it would, seeks to draw all who name the Name of Christ into its ungodly fellowship. Come out! Be separate!

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