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>By David W. Cloud
>Pat Robertson and Bill Bright participated in a papal mass in New
>York's Central Park during John Paul II's October visit to the United
>States. According to the Religious News Service, Pat Robertson
>marched at the head
of an ecumenical procession (which included Bright) to the papal altar
>and was seated with Protestant, Orthodox and other Christian leaders.
>Robertson is the
>Charismatic head of the 700 Club and Bright is the head of Campus
>Crusade for Christ.
>Robertson's seat of honor at the Mass was engineered by New York
>Cardinal John
>O'Connor. Bright sat next to Robertson.
>One discerning writer described the awful compromise involved with
>such an action:
>"The Mass is still a terrible ritual. It shouts out by Romish word
>and Romish
>sacrament that Christ's death on the cross was not enough to save
>mankind. It
>was a partial redemption which must be supplemented by the other
>Romish sacraments, penance, purgatory, priestly absolution, and good
>works. Further,
>the whole Romish system of salvation invests its priests with the
>power, which no one else has, to transubstantiate bread and wine into
>the actual body and blood of Christ. No news media reporters I heard
>in their coverage of the Pope's visit to New Jersey and New York even
>doubted the truthfulness of Rome's claims. One asked whether a Papal
>Mass was more significant than a regular parish Mass. The priest
>commentator replied that the Mass is the Mass is the Mass whether
>said by Pope or the lowest priest.
>"Biblically speaking, in Roman Catholicism, we find a fake priesthood
>performing a fake ritual producing a fake sacrament with the jingling
>of bells
>and the adoration of the faithful gullible producing no saving faith
>and receiving no true forgiveness of sins. The whole system requires
>you to use a
>mediator to approach the one Mediator between God and man, the man
>Christ Jesus" (Kurt Linde, "Some Thoughts on the Papacy and the
>Evangelization of Roman Catholics," Christian News, October 23, 1995,
>p. 7)
>The meeting of a large number of "evangelical" leaders with the Pope
>that same day and the participation of some of them in a papal mass
>is historic. (The earlier meeting was reported in the last issue of O
>Timothy; it
>included Chuck Colson of Prison Fellowship Ministries and Don Argue,
>president, National Association of Evangelicals.)
>The last days apostasy is like a river flowing toward Rome. Those who
>do not
>resist the flow and paddle up stream will be swept away at a rapid
>The apostasy is also like a strong wind. In the Northwest, where we
>live, we
>have powerful winds which sweep in off of the Pacific ocean during
>the winter
>season. This Editor lives on an island and our house is located only
>a mile from the west shore. We have learned that unless you stake a
>newly planted tree, it will be bent by the winds and will remain bent
>and crooked. That is
>similar to what happens today if a Christian does not actively resist
>and separate from the spirit of error.
>Behold Billy Graham, Chuck Colson, Bill Bright, Jack Van Impe, James
>Pat Robertson, and a myriad of other so-called evangelical leaders
>who have played footsie with Romanism through ecumenical activities
>and have become sympathetic with Rome and blinded to the horror of
>its blasphemous errors. They admit that Roman Catholicism teaches
>error, but they do not have heartfelt convictions about the
>blasphemous character of those errors.
>"Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners" (1
>Corinthians 15:33).
>"A little leaven leaventh the whole lump" (Galatians 5:9).


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