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The following Resolution was unanimously passed by
the South Atlantic Presbytery of the Bible Presbyterian
Church meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, March 25, 2000.

The Resolution is as follows-



Whereas: The mass media has captivated the world with
the activities of Pope John Paul II during his visit to the Holy
Land in March 2000; and

Whereas: The Vatican and the Lutheran World Federation
have signed, in  October, 1999 a joint declaration of accord
on the doctrine of justification (only the synods of Wisconsin
and Missouri dissented); and

Whereas: In the middle of February, 200, PLO chairman Yasser
Arafat met with Pope John Paul II at the vatican to sign an agreement
regarding the future of Jerusalem that warned Israel against any
unilateral decision affecting Jerusalem; and

Whereas: Bob Jones University has been unjustly slandered
for anti-catholic bias  by Senators McCain, Torricelli, Hollings
and the liberal mass media; and

Whereas: The House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress
has just appointed a Roman Catholic priest as its chaplain for
the first time, March 23, 2000; and

Whereas:  Pope John Paul II has declared the year 2000 a
"Great Jubilee Year" for Roman Catholics that establishes
the restoration of indulgences, THE VERY ISSUE THAT
IN OCTOBER OF 1517: papal spokesman Timothy Shugrue
states, "The indulgence is one of the spiritual privleges extended
during Jubilee.  It is a way of applying the merits of the good deeds
of the saints and the Virgin Mary and CHrist Himself to the rest of us.";

Therefore:  The South Atlantic Presbytery of the Bible Presbyterian
Church, at its spring meeting in the Bible Presbyterian Church of
Charlotte, N.C., March 25, 2000, resolves and warns the Roman
Catholic Church, Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots and
abominations of the earth (Rev 17:5) constitutes the greatest
threat to fundamental Christianity in the 21st century!  The Roman
Catholic Church has long since forsaken the Bible alone, Grace alone,
faith alone, and Christ alone.  There should be no confraternity with
this apostate church in ministerial associations,  community easter
sunrise services,  Thanksgiving services, mass evangelism or common
social endeavors.  We admonish devout believers to lovingly and
firmly win Roman Catholics to Christ and urge new converts to obey
Rev. 18:4, "And I heard a another voice from heaven, saying, come
out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sin, and that
ye recieve not her plagues."


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