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Use of Costumes Originated in Short Popular Plays

ROME, MAR 6 ( The origins of Carnival (or Mardi Gras) are
lost in history. Apparently it developed out of Greek pagan festivals
some 5000 years ago. These spring fertility rites to Bacchus later gave
rise to the Roman "Lupercalia," which were still celebrated in the first
Christian centuries.

Just as the external trappings of the Feast of the Unconquered Sun were
taken on by Christians in their celebrations of Christmas, so too, the
Lupercalia became a sort of preparatory period for Lent. The Christian
name for the feast, "Carnival," apparently comes from "Caro, Vale"
[Goodbye, meat] or perhaps "Carnem levare" [lift up meat] -- the sense
being that days of fasting and abstinence from meat are on their way.

While the focal point of the celebrations is Ash Wednesday, the
beginning of the celebrations differs from country to country. For
instance "Fasching" [probably from "faseln" -- be fruitful, refering to
the pagan celebration] in Bavaria begins with Epiphany. New Orleans'
Mardi Gras [Fat Tuesday] also begins at this time. On the otherhand, the
German Rhineland celebrates Fastnacht [Fasting eve] starting on November
11 (at 11:11 a.m., of course). Rome's "Carnivale," while not
particularly famous, starts on the Thursday before Lent.

Perhaps the most unusual schedule is that of Basel, Switzerland. A
Bishop had banned "Fasnacht" celebrations, and the people apparently
decided that if the celebration was a sin, they might as well make it a
big sin. As a result, Basel celebrates its Carnival after Lent has
already begun.

In early times, Rome was the center of this festival of the streets,
which was decisive in the development of popular theater, songs in the
vernacular, and folkloric dancing. The use of masks began in Germany and
Switzerland, not for purposes of hiding, but to present short humorous
plays. The custom extended from there to much of the world, for example,
to the elegant Venetian Carnivale.

In Spain, Carnival was prohibited in 1939, with the advent of Francisco
Franco, but reemerged during the democratic transition, although it is
only in evidence in a few cities like Cadiz or Tenerife.

The country that today embodies Carnival is Brazil, where the whole
nation stops its routine to engage in this ritual that frees repressed
instincts and ends every year in several street deaths. Several Catholic
groups are offering alternatives to this celebration, including massive
convocations. Among the most determined are members of the Charismatic
Renewal Movement.

At this time of year, the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro offers a program
of processions, retreats, Masses and Prayer Vigils. At the request of
Cardinal Araujo de Sales, the Archbishop, Holy Hours and Vigils are
scheduled. The retreat, which the Charismatic Renewal Movement has
organized for 10 years, began on Saturday in the "Nossa Senhora da
Piedade" School. 25,000 people are participating.

Another news-catching initiative is that of the St. Benedict of the Holy
Cross parish in Sao Paulo, which will hold a parade of Fr. Esdras Moraes
Freire's "samba school." The parade includes some 800 persons, divided
into 7 wings and 3 allegorical carts, which will travel along the
principal streets of the city. The attraction of the parade is a live
representation of "Moses' Prodigies," accompanied by music composed for
the occasion. The allegorical carts reproduce passages from the Old
Testament, like the Passover and Pharaoh's court, and the wings
represent additional prodigies of Moses in the Exodus. "I do everything
for the love of God," Fr. Freire said. He explained that the Christian
parade is an opportunity for the faithful who do not like the
traditional Carnival. "The idea is to celebrate Carnival in a healthy
way," the priest, member of the Charismatic Renewal, said.

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