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House Approves Gold Medal for Pope
Updated: Tue, May 23 05:46 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) - The House voted Tuesday to award the Congressional Gold
Medal to Pope John Paul II in recognition of his contributions to peace and
religious understanding.
The legislation, passed 416-1, praised the spiritual leader of 1 billion
Catholics for dedicating his pontificate "to the freedom and dignity of
every individual human being" and using "his moral authority to hasten the
fall of godless totalitarian regimes."

Rep. Jim Leach, R-Iowa, who introduced the bill, said the former Polish
bishop who became pope 22 years ago "has sundered despotism and ennobled
faith by displaying the courage and conviction."

The bill directs the president to determine the provisions by which the
medal will be awarded. The Treasury secretary will determine the
inscriptions to be placed on the medal.

It also allows for bronze duplicates to be made for resale at a price
sufficient to cover the cost of the duplicates.

The Senate Banking Committee is to take up the measure on Wednesday.

Earlier this year, Congress awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, its
highest civilian honor, to Cardinal John O'Connor, who died this month.

Others who have received the award include George Washington, Winston
Churchill, Bob Hope and Mother Teresa.

The single no vote was cast by Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas.


The bill number is H.R. 3544.



WASHINGTON, MAY 24 ( The U.S. House of Representatives has
decided to award John Paul II the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor, the
highest civil honor given by the U.S. Past recipients include George
Washington, Winston Churchill, Bob Hope, Mother Teresa, and Cardinal
John O'Connor. Only one Congressman, Ron Paul of Texas, voted against
the bill.

Represenative Paul acknowledges the Pope's role, but always votes
against such awards by Congress, because he believes the Constitution
does not grant such authority.

The Medal, approved 416-1, is awarded to the Pontiff for dedicating his
life "to the freedom and dignity of every individual human being" and
using "his moral authority to hasten the fall of godless totalitarian

The bill establishes that the President decides how and when the Medal
will be awarded. The Secretary of the Treasury will determine the
inscription of the medal. The measure is now being considered by the
Senate Banking committee.

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