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Pope invited to Israel for millenium

Weekend News Today
By Kelly Pagatpatan
Source: (AP)

Sun Apr 25 , 1999 -- Israel's foreign minister will formally invite Pope John Paul II to visit the Holy Land during the upcoming millenium year when the two meet this week in Rome, his office said Sunday. Ariel Sharon will discuss Israel's plans for the year 2000 with the pope, including those for Jesus' hometown, Nazareth, recently threatened by Muslim-Christian tensions in the city. Sharon will also discuss Church property in the Holy Land when he meets the pope on Monday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Aviv Shiron said. Israel has been pushing for a papal trip to boast 2000 celebrations, and the pontiff has expressed a keen desire to visit. Any visit would likely raise sensitivities. Tensions over Jerusalem, claimed by both the Israelis and the Palestinians, have risen in recent weeks

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