Sabbath, June 04, 2011 - "Unscriptural Alliances (part 3) -final"

Associates to choose from:
Great care
should be taken by Christian youth in the formation of friendships and in the choice of companions. {Fundamentals of Christian Education  500.}

Who are these associates we have to choose from?
 Let all who would form a right character choose associates who are of a serious, thoughtful turn of mind and who are religiously inclined. Those who have counted the cost and wish to build for eternity must put good material into their building. If they accept of rotten timbers, if they are content with deficiencies of character, the building is doomed to ruin. Let all take heed how they build. The storm of temptation will sweep over the building, and unless it is firmly and faithfully constructed, it will not stand the test.  {Adventist Home 464.3}

 Christian society and conversation is food to the soul, that in the society of those who love God, they breathe in the atmosphere of heaven. Christians will exercise love and sympathy one for another. The encouragement given one to another, the esteem manifested one for another, the helps, the instruction, the reproofs, warnings, the Christian counsel that should be found among the followers of Christ, will further them in the spiritual life; for Christian fellowship is according to God's plan.  {RH, November 27, 1894 par. 4}

 What happens to those who sigh and cry?
Those who will put forth zealous and decided efforts to check the wickedness that lifts its bold, presumptuous head in our midst, are hated and maligned by all wrong-doers, but they will honored and recompensed of God.  {ST, December 30, 1880 par. 22}

The faithful presentation of the message of truth will always cause division. And upon the messenger of truth the blame of the trouble will be cast. "If these men had not come and turned things upside down, all would have been well," it is said. But the blame rests upon the people, even as it did upon Ahab. {RH, October 22, 1901 par. 9}

The messengers sent by God to deliver His warnings are hated by those whom they warn. The people charge upon them the calamities which are the result of their own departure from righteousness. Those who thus place themselves in Satan's power do not see things as God sees them. They are blinded by Satan. When God's mirror is held up before them, instead of repenting and turning from sin, they become indignant to think that they should be reproved. They think that an uncalled-for attack is being made upon them, and that the messengers of God are their enemies. {RH, October 22, 1901 par. 10}

Those who defy the warnings from God:
Those who, in defiance of all the warnings and entreaties of God's word, venture to indulge in sin, are sleeping on the very brink of eternal ruin. Because God bears long with transgressors of his law, because he sends them warnings and entreaties, because punishment does not immediately follow their evil deeds, they abuse his mercy and forbearance, and blindly rush on in a course of crime.  {ST, December 30, 1880 par. 15}

When God's people voluntarily unite with the worldly and the unconsecrated, and give them the pre-eminence, they will be led away from Him by the unsanctified influence under which they have placed themselves. Council to Parents Teachers and students 542.

As Solomon's wives turned his heart away from God to idolatry, so do frivolous companions, who have no depth of principle, turn away the hearts of those who were once noble and true, to vanity, corrupting pleasures, and downright vice.  {Conflict and Courage 192.2}

results of worldly alliances: {2SM 128.4}, RH, November 27, 1894 par. 4

-        The mind becomes more and more conformed to the worldling's standard.

-        Their love for God grows cold, and they have no desire for communion with Him.

-        They become spiritually blind. They can see no particular difference between the transgressor of God's law and those who fear God and keep His commandments.

-        They call evil good, and good evil. (means their spiritual discernment is clouded)

-        Spiritual perception is dimmed (cant discern right from wrong)

-        The brightness of eternal realities fades away.

-        The truth may be presented to them in ever so forcible a manner, but they do not hunger for the bread of life, or thirst for the waters of salvation. They are drinking at broken cisterns that can hold no water.  

When God receives us:
he condition of our acceptance with God is a practical separation from the world. {Councils on Health pg. 51 par.1}

The condition of being received into the Lord's family is coming out from the world, separating from all its contaminating influences. Fundamentals of Christian Education  481.1

God's final call:
Any connection with infidels and unbelievers which would identify us with them is forbidden by the word. We are to come out from them and be separate. In no case are we to link ourselves with them in their plans or work. {Fundamentals of Christian Education 482.2}

"Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean." God requires of His people now as great a distinction from the world, in customs, habits, and principles, as He required of Israel anciently.  {Adventist Home 460.1}

Why we need to separate:
It is impossible for you to unite with those who are corrupt, and still remain pure.  {Faith I Live By 221.2}

1 Peter 2:9   But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

Ephesians 5:27   That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

The Presents of God ministry