Sabbath, October 23, 2010  - "Mission Report"

God desires His workers to make the world their field of labor, rather than to work only for those who already know the truth. Never did the Lord Jesus confine His labors to one place. {PUR, December 4, 1902 par. 3} 

The lost sheep of God's fold are scattered in every place, and the work that should be done for them is being neglected. {MC 7.3}  

The disciples of Christ did not stay in Jerusalem or in the cities nearby, but they went beyond the limits of their own country into the great thoroughfares of travel, seeking for the lost that they might bring them to God. Today the Lord desires to see His work carried forward in many places. We must not confine our labors to a few localities.--Testimonies, vol. 6, pp. 329, 330. (1900) 

They must awake, spread their tents, and enlarge their borders.{AUCR, August 15, 1902 par. 4}

Enlarge ye, spread, yes; but not in one place. Go out and establish centers of influence in places where nothing, or next to nothing, has been done. Break up your consolidated mass; diffuse the saving beams of light, and shed light into the darkened corners of the earth.--Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 254, 255. (1895)  {CL 24.1}

They are to bear in mind that their neighbor is the one who most needs their help and sympathy. Those who will stand where the Lord can work through them to communicate light to the world, will be chosen as vessels unto honor.  {HM, June 1, 1897 par. 2}

The Presents of God ministry