

The Quadrantids, one of the year's most intense and least observed meteor
showers, peaks on January 4, 2000. : If you're the type of person who enjoys
a bit of arctic chill on a moonlit winter night, then the 2000 Quadrantid
meteor shower could be for you. The shower stretches from Dec. 28, 1999 to
Jan. 7, 2000, with a sharp maximum on Jan. 4 at 0530 UT (00:30 EST) when as
many as 200 shooting stars per hour might be seen. The peak occurs just a
few days after the phase of the Moon is new. That means the sky will be
dark, and viewing conditions should be excellent. No matter where you live,
the best time to watch will be between midnight and 6 am local time on the
morning of January 4. -NASA Space Science News December 28, 1999

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