Dear Seventh Day Remnant (SDR) brothers and sisters around the world. Greetings in the name of our Lord, Saviour, and King Jesus Christ. I pray you are blessed in the Lord with obedience, wisdom, faith, discernment and good health.

As some of you have heard, the SDR name has been trademarked by Presents of God ministry (poGm) on May 15, 2012 (Reg. No. 4,141,150). However, not for reasons some of you may have been told. Since the name was chosen years ago, some members of the church have stepped off the platform of truth in more ways than one, yet while in sin still claim the SDR name. In so doing, we cannot condone their actions as it soils the SDR church's testimony for them to claim to be SDR members in good standing. Yes, these poor souls have been approached as per Matthew 18:15-17, 1 Timothy 5:19,20 and even 2 Thessalonian 3:14,15 jurisprudence in the hopes of drawing them back into the Lord's arms. We have failed, but we still pray for them daily.

It has come to our attention that recently, some of these rogue ministries have claimed we registered the name so as to sue people. This is a lie. In fact, some of them that claim this lie were in fact part of the SDR church, and did in fact agree with us to trademark the name back when we discussed it. They also agreed with everyone else that poGm should be the holder of the trademark. They have been disfellowshipped since falling into sin, and as expected, lies have now become a means by which to hide their shame. We did not trademark the name so we can sue anyone. We trademarked the name so as to prevent others from suing us. If these rogue ministries continue to use the name Seventh Day Remnant, they simply do so without permission, and are therefore committing a federal crime. Not to worry, we do not plan to take them to court and waste the Lord's tithe or love offerings as this would go against our Lord's written command. We will however warn the faithful to steer clear of these dangerous ministries. (See their names listed here)

Please see the links page on this website for a list of ministries that are presently associated with the Seventh Day Remnant church. We do keep this page updated. The minute a new SDR ministry or church comes into the fold they are immediately posted on that page. If you know of a ministry worthy to be part of our number, please contact us and we will set up a meeting with them.

Why do we prefer they ask permssion to use the name?

In the world we have much confusion all around us. We the SDR people do not want to be part of that confusion. When souls seeking the truth are sent to us by the Lord to be educated in the Present Truth they find we claim the name Seventh Day Remnant. Therefore, when they surf the web, or are approached by others offline who claim the SDR name, but do not abide by the truth as it is written, or are in open sin; these young seekers may be confused and fall into sin and apostasy along with them. In so doing would cause another soul is lost to the enemy. We simply cannot be a part of such things.

According to the written and trusted Word of our God, when someone is not walking with our Lord as they should, yet claim to be a brother or sister in the faith, we must obey our Lord and have nothing to do with them. We cannot condone their actions or unequally yoke with them. For it is clearly written...

That being said. If the people that use the SDR name are not found listed on the links page of this website, and they have been approached by myself or someone on the SDR Church Council and asked to stop, yet refuse to, then they are committing a federal crime. That act alone proves they do not walk with the Lord, for it is also written...

Please visit this page which has a list of known ministries, churches and supposed church leaders who do not have permission to use the SDR name. These people have been approached by myself and or others on the SDR church council regarding the illegal use of the SDR name as per trademark law. They boldly refuse to obey the laws of the land, and therefore are committing a federal crime as well as sinning against the Lord and His people. Their open sin before all mankind further soils the image of our precious Lord and King, Jesus Christ, and as per Biblical jurisprudence, once approached and alerted to their Christian duty to repent and refuse, they must be disfellowshipped.

If you need additional info on these rogue ministries, please feel free to contact us.

In Christ I Remain

  The Presents of God ministry