Part 4


And they'll have to open them to vindicate my testimony, because I know what I'll do if they ever serve a summons on me.  I've been before the highest laws we have in the United States.  I know what I'm doing.  I know what I can say.  And I'm not one bit afraid to say it, because I've been a part of this.  I've been connected with this system twenty-two years behind Convent doors.  And it is a terrible thing.

--- a little Nun, looking forward to that day when her precious baby would be born.  Most of you dear mothers.. Oh, you have everything ready.  The beautiful nursery, all the baby's beautiful clothes you made.  Everything is lovely.  You're looking forward to that precious, little, immortal soul that's going to be born into your home.  And everything is ready.  And, oh, I would you could see that little Nun.  She's not looking forward to that.  There won't ever be a blanket around it's body.  They'll never even - they'll never bathe that baby's body.  But it can only live four or five hours.  And then the Mother Superior will take that baby and put her fingers in it's nostrils and cover it's mouth and snuff it's little life out.

And why do they build the lime pits in the Convents?  What is the reason for building it if it isn't to kill the babies?  And that baby will be taken into the lime pit, and chemical lime is put over it's body.  And that's the end of babies.

Oh, when I think about it!  That's why I try to challenge people, "Pray."  If you know how to pray, you know how to contact God, pray and ask God to deliver the girls from behind Convent doors.  In other words, pray that God will make a way for every Convent in the United States to be opened and to let the government go in.  And when the government goes in you won't have to worry.  The Convents will be opened, the Nuns will be taken out and they'll be closed up just as they opened the Convents in old Mexico in 1934.

There are no Convents in old Mexico.  Every cloister it is opened.  And they found all of the corruption back there - the lime pits. If any of you are taking a vacation, go over into old Mexico.  The government owns them. They're public museums.  And go through the Convent.  Look with your own eyes, touch with your own hands, and then come home and see if you believe my testimony.  It'll stir every bit of that blood in your veins!  I mean, it'll do something to you that nothing else has ever been able to do.  Go through them and look at them.  Go into the dungeons.  Go into the tunnels.  Go through the lime pits.  Look at the skulls - rooms of skulls over there.  And then ask the guides where they come from.  And go and see all the devices of torture they placed upon the bodies of the little Nuns. Go into their cells and look at their beds, and see for yourself.

Oh, yes.  You can go.  It'll cost you twenty-five cents to go through each one of them.  You look at those things, and see them for yourself, and then come home, and maybe it'll give you a greater burden to pray for  little girls that have been enticed behind Convent doors by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church.

I wonder how you would feel if this was your child.  And remember I have a mother and daddy, or had one.  And they loved me just as much as you love your children. And when they let me go into the Convent, I'm sure my mother and daddy didn't expect these things to happen because they didn't know.  They never dreamed a Convent was like this.

But, you know, I wonder how'd you feel if you could walk in someday and - out there in this particular room - that floor is built for this purpose.  There's a partition right out there.  And there's just a little thing they can touch - it automatically opens.  And you know there's a deep hole underneath that floor.  And this little Nun has done something.  I can't tell you what she done, because I wasn't there when she done it.  But she's done something. And to them it's very serious.  And when they bring her, they bring her to this particular place.  Her little hands and feet are going to be bound securely.  They're going to drop her in that horrible, horrible pit.  And then they're going to put the boards back down.  No one will ever know.  Oh, there's plenty of chemical lime down there.  But, you know, they don't do that.

Six little Nuns have to walk around that hole.  We'll chant as we walk around that hole.  We don't want any evil spirits to come out into the Convent. So we sprinkle holy water over that hole.  And we may walk for six hours. And then they'll appoint six more Nuns.  And on and on it goes, until we hear the last moan.  And that's the end of the little Nun they placed down there.  No, she'll never be delivered from the Convent.

But does it bother you to know that that little Nun will die and be lost? Does that bother you?  It bothers me, because I didn't know Jesus.  I couldn't tell her about God.  I didn't know Him, myself.  But it bothers me very, very much.  But God won't hold me accountable.  Her blood will not be on my hands because I didn't know the Lord, and I couldn't tell her about it.  And so on it goes.

Then I wonder how you would like to see it.  Here we are, a body of those little Nuns.  On this particular morning the Mother Superior might say this: "We're all going to be lined up here."  And I don't know what she's lining me up for.  And then, you know, there might ten of us. There might be fifteen of us, and then she'll tell us all to strip.  And we have to take every stitch of our clothing off.  We're certainly not anything beautiful to look at.  Our eyes are back in our head.  Our cheeks are fallen in.  Our bodies are wasted.  God only knows what we look like, because I never saw myself in twenty-two years.

I didn't know I had grey hair.  I didn't know I had lines in my face.  I didn't know how old I was.  I only found that out about six years ago.  You know nothing about what you look like.

And here we are lined up.  And here comes two or three Roman Catholic priests with liquor under their belt.  And there they're going to march in front of those nude girls and choose the girl they want to take to the cell with them.

These are Convents.  Cloistered Convents.  Not Open Orders.

The priest can do anything he wants to and hide behind the cloak of religion. Then that same Roman Catholic priest will go back into the Roman Catholic churches.  And there he'll say mass.  And there he'll go into the confessional box and make those poor people believe he can give them absolution from their sins when he's full of sin.  When he's full of corruption and vice. Still he acts as their god.  What a terrible thing it is.  And on it goes.

Well, I lived there.  Now, all the time these things are going on, what do you think is happening inside of Charlotte?  God love your heart, I didn't know people could hold so much hatred and bitterness.  And it went on and on and on.  I was filled with bitterness and hatred.  And I mean it continued to build.  I began in my heart to think, "When I can get the Mother Superior in a certain place, I'll kill her."

Isn't it awful to get murder in our hearts?  I didn't go into the Convent with a heart like that.  Nor a mind like that.  But I began to plan murder in the Convent.  How I could kill her, or how I could kill a Roman Catholic priest.  And on and on it goes.

And, oh, I tell you, everytime she'd inflict something awful on my body that I'd have to suffer so terribly, when I could think sensibly again then I would begin to plan, "How could I kill that woman?"  And on it goes.

Well, after all, you can't help it.  For instance, I wonder how you would feel.  The Mother Superior - here she is.  And she's going to sit me down in a chair.  And, you know, that chair is a straight-back, hard bottom.  And I don't have any hair.  She's going to take everything off my head.  And, you know, she's going to put my hands like this - they'll be out here in stocks. And I'm going to have to bend my head over like that in order to put the stocks across my neck.

And I'm fastened securely.  And over my head there is a faucet of water. And you know... there is a faucet of water just above my head.  And my head's over.  Now that Mother's going to turn that water on.  Just a drop.  And a drop will just come about this fast.  It'll hit me right there on the back of my head.  And, you know, I can't move either way.  I sit there.  One hour. Two hours.  Three hours.  Four hours.  What do you think is going on?  I'm sitting there.  I can't move.  I do everything to get away from that drop of water in the same spot on my head.  Why, God love your heart, if you could look in, you'd see that I'm frothing at the mouth.  You'd see those little girls, they're trying so hard to move.  To get away from that water.  And they let her stay there sometimes ten hours.  All day long.

Many, many times a little Nun cracks up completely.  She goes stark, raving mad under this particular penance.  What in the world do they do with her? I'll tell you in a few minutes.  Don't you worry.  They have a place for her,  after we go mad in the Convent.  They take care of us.  They have places for the little Nuns.  There's places built down there for us.

Well on it goes. Well, you know, these things went on and went on and went on. And it was terrible.  But, you know, I began to plan and plan and plan. After she'd done something like that to me - it's terrible - one day the Mother Superior took violently ill.

You say, "Who would take her place?"  There are about three, sometimes they have four, older Nuns.  And they always pick the one that's hard.  The one that seemingly is carnal - that one that has no conscience - to be a Mother Superior.  And she works under this one.  One day, if something happens to the main Mother Superior, another one will take her place.  And on it goes.

But, you know, this particular day they sent word to me, "The Mother Superior..." I was to come into her room.  She's very sick.  And, quicker than lightning, I began to think, "If I got in that Mother Superior's room, I know what I'll do."  You know, after all, I'm a sinner.  I'm a Nun, but I'm a sinner.  And I don't know God.  And I have a lot of hatred in my heart.

And I walk in that room - they have called in an outside Roman Catholic doctor.  She's a very sick woman.  And he has left all orders.  And they left the medicine and everything.  Now, I'm supposed to take care of her.  And that was wonderful.  I do take care of her.  All day long I did what they told me to do - what I'm supposed to do.  And those particular tablets - I knew what they were, and what they would do and I knew what she was taking them for.

But anyway, all day long, I gave her her medicine.  I done everything I'm supposed to.  All evening long.  Why?  I want to be sure what I'm doing. What I do, I have to be careful.

And, you know, I waited until one o'clock in the morning.  Why?  Because every night those little Nuns have to be gotten up and go chant from seven minutes till twelve to one.  I thought I'll wait til all the Nuns go back to bed then I'm going to do something.  And, bless your heart, after they were all back in their beds, I'll tell you what I did.  I took five or six of those tablets.  I was only supposed to take one in a half a glass of water every so often and give it to her.  But, because of the type they were and what type of tablet it was, I knew what it would do.

I put six of them in glass of water and stirred them up.  And I gave them to her.  I knew she would go into convulsions that would twist her completely out of shape.  I knew that woman would suffer a million deaths within twenty-five minutes.  I knew that.  And I thought, "I'm going to watch her suffer, because she has punished us.  She has hurt us so many thousands of times.  I'll watch her suffer."

Isn't it terrible to think a child can live in a place like that long enough until she has the same kind of a heart, almost, the Mother Superior has.  But that's what comes when sin gets in your life.

And so I waited.  You know, I gave them to her.  And something happened to me. I got scared.  And I looked at that woman as she began to change color.  And I couldn't find her pulse.  I couldn't find her respiration.  I was frightened.  And I thought, "Oh, what shall I do?"  If they find her dead, only God knows what they'll do to me.

I'll tell you what I did.  I got that stomach pump and pumped as quick as I could.  I pumped that woman's stomach.  I massaged that woman.  I done everything there was to do.  And, oh, thank God she didn't die.  I said, I thank God.

But, you know, I sat down by the bed and held her hand, and watched her carefully until the respiration came back normal - until her pulse was normal  and I felt she would live.  And I thought of another thing.  I'll do this, then.  I saw where her keys were hid in her shelf right there in her own room.  Saw them on a big chain or a big ring.  And I thought, "I'm going to take those keys.  I'm going down into that dungeon."  There's a... when I say down, this is two storeys under the ground.  I'm going  someplace where she's always wandered.  It's a solid wall like that.  And clear up to the back end of that wall there's one door.  And it's heavy.  It's always locked. And I've heard her tell me scores of times, and I'm sure she has the others, "Don't ever try to go through that door."

What in the world is over there?  And why does she tell us that?  We can't get through it.  It's locked.  But, you know, I wondered what was back there. Because when they had me in the dungeon for a long time once, I heard screams under the ground.  I heard such blood-curdling screams.  And I knew  there was some girls locked up somewhere.  And so I'm going through there if I find the key.

And so I got her keys and I went into that particular place. And when I got back there - it took a while to do it, I want you to know, to find the key. But, oh, it did unlock that door.  I walk through that door and I walk into a hall.  The hall, I would say, was maybe five feet wide, maybe wider than that.  That's just a  guess.

And, anyway, on the other side of the hall there were a number of cells  over there.  Small rooms.  And they had real heavy doors.  And in those cells were little Nuns.  And when I went up to the first one, near the top of the door there was a little place about this long, its about that wide, and it has iron bars going across there.

And I looked right into the face of a little Nun that I knew.  One that I'd sit across the table from.  One that I'd prayed with in the chapel.  I knew that girl.  And here she is.  And they had chains and locked chains around either of her wrists.  And around her waistline.
And I said, "When did you have something to eat last?"

And no answer.

"How long you been here?"

No answer.

I went down to the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth.  And the stench was getting so bad, I couldn't stand it.  And, you know, those little girls would not talk.  Why?

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