New and Improved sound quality!


There are some broadcasts aired on this station wherein I spoke favorably of "Worldlastchance" and "Lightministries" websites. This is no longer the opinion of Presents of God ministry. Both these men (Galal Doss & Robert Sessler)  have stepped off the platform of truth as put forth in the Word of the Creator God. Please keep them in your prayers. The shaking has begun.

For more info on this, click here


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666 wrong number of prophetic beast?
National ID card on its way
Global Tax Almost a Reality


See above list for topics covered (RE-RUN)

mp3 FIRST HALF    mp3 SECOND HALF  note_back.gif Right click to download  (Link repaired)


Battle of Armageddon (with Robert Sessler)


mp3 FIRST HALF    mp3 SECOND HALF  note_back.gif Right click to download


Q~ What I think of the London terror attacks?
Muslim scholar: Killing civilians OK
U.S. Supreme Court OK'S Seizing Land for Private Use
Pope Picks Theme for Day of Peace
Prayer for John Paul II's Intercession
School Refuses To Allow Parent To See Explicit Sex-Ed Material
Q~ Why does “I” equal both 10 & 1 in the 666 calculation?


See above list for topics covered

mp3 FIRST HALF    mp3 SECOND HALF  note_back.gif Right click to download


Vatican Dealt Another Legal Setback in Holocaust Claims Lawsuit
UK EU presidency aims for Europe-wide biometric ID card
Q~ Romans 13?
Hatred Bill goes ahead despite Church protests
Top Chinese general warns US over attack
Q~ Were the souls under the altar alive in revelation 6?


See above list for topics covered

mp3 FIRST HALF    mp3 SECOND HALF  note_back.gif Right click to download


Canadian Calling for State Control of Religion, Especially Catholicism
Anti-hatred bill 'would protect minority faiths'
London terrorist pic a FAKE!


See above list for topics covered

mp3 FIRST HALF    mp3 SECOND HALF  note_back.gif Right click to download

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