Catholic priest preaches Truth before leaving Rome!

My dear friends in Christ,
Greetings to you all in the strong name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. I have
been known here at the Roman Catholic church as Rev. Father Armstrong P.
Sorochi. One day an ex-Catholic priest came here and read to us from a
Seventh-Day Adventist book. We laughed at him as said that he is mad. Three
weeks ago he came back to our parish where 25 reverend fathers and sisters
were having a meeting. He gave us some Seventh-Day Adventist books including
"The Change of the Sabbath,: by G.I. Butler, and "National Sunday Law" by A.
Jan Marcussen. Nobody could given him an answer. For a week I had no rest of
mind. Then two weeks ago, I made up my mind that i would write to you and
ask you to send me as many of these books as you can. In your books, the
truth with regard to the Word of God has been revealed to me. They are so
good to give to our Catholics because they change our lifestyles. I have
been in the Catholic church for 30 years, and now I know that the Catholic
authorities have failed to follow the Bible. Because i am a Catholic priest,
and belong to other societies in the church, like the Clareteian Perpetual
mass Leahue of Chicago, should I continue to lead God's people in darkness?
No. No. No. A reverse must be made as soon as possible in order to recover
what has been lost in the past years. I was after I studied books like yours
that I came to realize the truths which have been hidden from us Catholics
since the ages.
Now I thank that ex-Catholic priest for coming in here and giving us those
books. May God given him long life. Please friends, i am highly in need of
your prayers because Satan is tempting me much. But I believe that He who
saved me will not let me backslide.
Now I have given two sermons in our parish and i preached about God's
Sabbath and the ten commandments. JUST THIS SUNDAY my sermon caused such a
stir that it seemed like when a farmer sets his field of grass abalze! As I
was speaking, everywhere people were shouting and rushing outside shouting
that I preached heresy!
They said that I am mad, also that I drank wine, and i was anathematized and
kicked out of the parish. I left the parish empty handed but I know that our
Saviour Jesus Christ will not leave me alone. I don't care what they did to
me because the Spirit of God is in control.
After they put me out of the parish, they went straight and reported me to
our bishop. he called me in, but I stood firm, and defended the Word of God.
Glory be to God!! I let him know that we catholics are in the wrong way. The
bishop really burnt, because they sponsored me throughout my seminary
career. For that they were highly annoyed. They said that I have gone mad. I
wrote a letter to Pope JohnII and told him that he is "the man of sin" of
IIThess.2, and the "beast" of Rev. 13. The bishop decided to excommunicate
me. My reply was "Glory be to God. I am a new creature in Jesus Christ, and
I am in the right way."
I am satisfied with my redeemer Jesus Christ, no matter now that i am a poor
as a church rat. My whole family has forsaken me, but in Jesus I am rich.
Please beloved friends, I am in great need of books like "Steps to Christ,"
"National Sunday Law," "Desire of Ages," "Great Controversy," Bibles,
picture rolls, and anything that will help me to fetch out a huge number of
souls from the papacy and from the co-reverend fathers and sisters.
Please help me. Thanks be to God for saving me through His Holy Word! 1998
is a year to remember!! Waiting to see your message. May God bless you all.

Your brother in Christ.
-Armstrong P. Sorochi.

The Presents of God ministry