Lately some have approached the brethren with all sorts of claims that Ellen White was not only a plagiarist, but a false prophet to boot. Some have also stated they don’t believe she’s a prophet, but they do see her as blessed in Biblical knowledge. This is of course their prerogative, and we are not to judge them for it. Some are honest in heart and simply await a thus saith the Lord, while others seek a way to put her down out of sheer hatred of Christianity. While still others claim her false because of something they read in her writings that convicted them of sin in their lives, and since she is not accepted worldwide as is the Bible, they feel claiming her false will make their sin less offensive in some way. In any event, I have grown weary of the emails, phone calls and websites that question this woman’s prophetic gift in the same way the Jews to this day question Daniel the prophet. The truth is, the enemy of souls needs people to look at Ellen White as a false prophet because her writings have hundreds of ways to teach the people on how to best prepare for the coming trials in the last days. Satan needs us to be unprepared so he can catch us off guard. This is also why the Bible itself is 33% prophecy, to help God’s Remnant people prepare. Still.. some need a quick method to verify the prophecies without having to do years worth of studies. Ellen White’s writings use Scriptures to explain Scriptures and prophetic events just like Jesus did. So, I have asked the Lord to help me on how to best prove her to be inspired by His Spirit so others can benefit from her writings that lift up God’s Word. He gave me this as the basis by which most like to also claim her false…
In other words, if that which the prophet speaks does not come to pass, then they are exposed as a false prophet. We know of many that not only claim to be prophets today, but have been proven false by their own books, videos, or tracts. Hal Lindsey for example claimed in his book “the late great planet earth” that the USSR would be the Empire of Antichrist when that day comes. However that nation no longer exists and we are still here. Lindsey also claimed Jesus would return within 40 years of Israel becoming a nation. Israel became sovereign after their six day war of June 5-10 in 1967. Counting forward we see that June of 2007 has come and gone without Christ’s return. Still, this man is revered as a true prophet of God the world over and millions buy his books making him a very rich man. Take Benny Hinn as another quick example. He stated on television no less that all homosexuals the world over would die by fire by 1995. Almost 15 years later we see that not only was he dead wrong, the homosexual community has flourished and have even been allowed to take over certain areas of society thanks to Vatican influences in Congress. One more example would have to be my favorite, Pat Robertson, who has many failed predictions to his claim. But none more famous that his one where he argued the world would actually end in 1982. These are just a few of the literally hundreds of proven false prophets this generation has been influenced by. Not counting the millions of so called psychics that have lured billions into sin by their false prophecies via horoscopes, crystal balls and séances.
What amazed me on all this was, Ellen White never claimed to be a prophet, yet all her enemies say she is one. They claimed her to be false, yes, but a prophet nonetheless. Still, many did say she claimed to be a prophet, but did she?
"During the discourse, I said that I did not claim to be a prophetess. Some were surprised at this statement, and as much is being said in regard to it, I will make an explanation. Others have called me a prophetess, but I have never assumed that title. I have not felt that it was my duty thus to designate myself. Those who boldly assume that they are prophets in this our day are often a reproach to the cause of Christ. "My work includes much more than this name signifies. I regard myself as a messenger, entrusted by the Lord with messages for His people" (Letter 55, 1905; quoted in Selected Messages, book 1, pp. 35, 36). |
A true prophet of God would never claim such a title as in so doing glorifes self and not the Lord. If one is a prophet, this is a title only God can bestow. Case in point, John the Baptist never claimed this title either, yet it was obvious he was a prophet. In fact, Jesus Himself said of the man the following...
This false claim of many anti-Ellen White websites is what lead me to create the short “Who is Ellen White” page on the site. As many know, I quote her from time to time on my website. However, 99% of the time I use Scripture because most that hit the site don’t know who she is yet, or they have heard lies about her. So to prevent confusion, I prefer to use mostly Scripture when sharing Present Truth. There are occasions where she says things so perfectly on certain topics that I am compelled to place her words on the site. I do this in the hope that those reading will see her for who she is. However, lately it has gotten a bit more intense with all the emails and lying preachers out there that like to act as if they have proof she is false. So, I was moved some time back to start logging some of her prophetic statements so as to build a collection of them I can use to post online to forever quench the lies. But before posting my findings online, I first wanted to share what I found in our humble little church so as to bless all of you with a collection of facts you can use to quiet the dissenters you will come across in the days ahead.
I already know the many anti-Ellen White websites are mostly Roman Catholics, and yes some are owned and operated by the crafty Jesuits themselves. These can be easily proven to be lying by simply copying what they say are her quotes into the official Ellen G. White website or CD to find over 80% of their quotes are simply nonexistent, and the less than 20% that are posted by them, are found to be 100% out of context. Anyone with the EGW CD, or access to the official EGW website can see this as fact. A fact I am sure the anti-Ellen White website repeatedly cringe over.
By the way, when I was a Catholic I was obviously moved by the Lord to “reason together” with Him without knowing it so as to see the truth about Rome. I was moved to open a Bible and then a history book to see if what they were saying about the church was true. Using this method of investigation is what helped me to discover the truth about the Vatican back then. It’s called the study of eschatology and it’s quite enjoyable I must say. All I did was find what the Bible said the beast would do, and then look in Historic records to see who did those things. 100% of the prophecies were found fulfilled by Vatican prelates. So, I figure, that very same method to expose Antichrist can also be used to prove whether or not a prophet is in fact a prophet. That being said, let’s have at it.
On my site I have a page called “keys to a true prophet.” On this page I share 16 different keys that prophets of the Lord will have as fruits in the way they live, teach, prophesy, or experience while in vision. For example, key #2 speaks of a the fact that prophets of the Lord will experience visions and or dreams that declare certain events in advance.
As we know, Daniel the prophet was one that had both visions and dreams from the Lord more than once.
Those of us that have read Ellen White’s writings are very aware that her writings are filled with all sorts of dreams and visions. Yet this doesn’t make her, or anyone a prophet because many people have dreams and some even claim to have visions. Still, she did have these visions and dreams. This much is true. She has no reservations about admitting this in her many books. For now, let’s use her dreams and visions to find out if in fact she has one of the major fruits of a prophet. At the same time, it will allow us to squash the naysayer that declares she never predicted anything accurately. So, let’s take a look at a few of Ellen White’s predictions to see if in fact they did come true in the exact manner in which she prophecied.
Let the diet reform be progressive. Let the people be taught how to prepare food without the use of milk or butter. Tell them that the time will soon come when there will be no safety in using eggs, milk, cream, or butter, because disease in animals is increasing in proportion to the increase of wickedness among men. The time is near when, because of the iniquity of the fallen race, the whole animal creation will groan under the diseases that curse our earth.—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 7, p. 135.
There is no safety in eating of the flesh of dead animals, and in a short time the milk of the cows will also be excluded from the diet of God's commandment-keeping people. In a short time it will not be safe to use anything that comes from the animal creation. [written in 1898]—Pacific Union Recorder, Nov. 7, 1901.
Due to the increase of the love of money in today’s society, beef herders realized in the 1980’s that feeding ground up cows back to cows by mixing them into their feed would make their profits double in some areas. This however caused what we call today, mad cow disease. Simple reality is, cows were not created to eat cows. Thanks to this practice, much of the beef in the world is simply unsafe to eat for the simple fact this disease can and does spread to humans by consumption. Worse yet, even the milk of the infected cows have become unsafe. As any doctor will tell you, poisons in the blood stream always passes into the milk of the animal. This is why doctors will not give certain medications to mothers that are breast feeding. They know what’s in the blood goes into the milk. Therefore, the milk, ice cream, butter and yes, even cheese products can now contain mad cow infections in them as well. Of course, the disease won’t be as concentrated in the milk, cheese, and butter as much as it is in the beef, but the infection is there, and you will be playing Russian roulette as you consume such things. And just so you know, ice cream would be even worse than beef in my opinion because it takes 10 gallons of milk to make one gallon of ice cream.
To make this even more unnerving, turns out that chicken farmers have been feeding their chickens antibiotics, hormones, and arsenic as well as keeping their lights on in the chicken coops 24/7 to generate unnatural feeding habits of the birds so as to make them grow larger for more profits when they go for sale. These gluttonous birds now become unsafe to eat. Lack of sleep also causes the birds to become sickly in many different ways. Again, it’s all about the money. Still, it’s even worse here in the USA where it’s perfectly legal to mix into the chicken feed cooked down cows to make the birds even fatter, as well as their eggs larger for sale.
Many years ago I managed a Browns chicken restaurant. Back then the bird sizes were fairly normal. But today in some grocery stores I’ve noticed chicken legs and wings that would make a turkey proud! It looks to me that Ellen White got this one 100% correct hands down in the way she predicted both cow and chicken products would become diseased and unfit for food.
In another prophetic statement of Sister White she declared preachers near the end will declare natural disasters as the end result of people refusing to attend church on Sundays.
in responsible positions
will not only ignore and
despise the Sabbath
themselves, but from the
sacred desk, will urge upon
the people the observance of
the first day of the week,
pleading tradition and
custom in behalf of this
man-made institution. They will point to calamities
on land and
sea—to the
storms of wind, the
floods, the
earthquakes, the
destruction by
judgments indicating
God's displeasure
because Sunday is
not sacredly
of the Times, January 17,
"It will be
declared that the nation
is offending God by the
violation of the
Sunday-Sabbath, that
this sin has brought
calamities which will
not cease until Sunday
observance shall be
strictly enforced,
and that those who
present the claims of
the fourth commandment,
thus destroying
reverence for Sunday,
are troublers of the
nation, preventing its
restoration to divine
favor and temporal
prosperity." - Spirit of
Prophecy vol 4 page
In my February 2005 Truth Provided Newsletter I shared an article that was posted shortly after the December 26, 2004 Tsunami that killed upwards of 300,000 people at final count. The following is an excerpt from that article…
Christian minister claims
the tsunami of Sunday,
Dec. 26, killing at least
160,000 people, was direct
result of "pleasure
seekers" breaking God's
Sabbath. …It
has to be noted that the
wave arrived on the
Lord's day, the day God
set apart to be observed
the world over as a holy
resting from all
employments and
recreations that are
lawful on other days."
-February 13, 2005
I think her prediction here was also, dead on! Expect this type of announcement to not only be repeated, but brought to the forefront of the law making process when the Lord uses us in the Loud Cry that causes millions and hopefully billions to leave the churches of Babylon to embrace the Lord Jesus in Truth. When the masses leave those churches due to the Loud Cry message, those pastors will use their government given powers to lobby Sunday laws to try and stop the truth from spreading. No, they won’t be so concerned about us being right about the Sabbath as much as they will be concerned the truth is causing their congregants to leave their churches, which in turn threatens their income generated by their donations. Money has always been the carrot Satan used with these false preachers to do the things they do. They went to Seminary to be able to learn how to become preachers so as to make massive amounts of money with their stadium sized churches. It’s as Scriptures warned regarding these men. When a man of God follows after the money rather than the flock God has placed in his care, he becomes the hireling Jesus spoke of that is easily swayed by Satan to protect the money over the people.
By the way, what the Tsunami article doesn’t disclose, nor can I find on any websites that do so, many of the people that died in that Tsunami were in fact in their Sunday keeping churches for worship when the tidal wave swept them to their graves. There used to be emails and reports online about this on a fund raising website for that area. But as expected those websites have been deleted. So please don’t ask me to share my source on this fact. It is no longer available as far as I can see. Yes, I should have copied them to my site before they deleted them. Why did they delete them? They want to keep the idea that people should be in church on Sunday to prevent further problems. If they allowed those reports to be noticed online, it would make them look like hypocrites when they say you need to be in church on Sunday to be safe. Those people died in those church during their Catholic mass! Soon even this will be shouted from the rooftops! And yes, Ellen White was bluntly correct on this prophetic statement as well.
One more thing, she also said the following...
After the Katrina disaster many police officers went door to door with pastors from local churches in some areas demanding the people give up their guns. The pastors twisted Scripture (Romans 13:1-7) to make it appear it was the Christian's duty to obey the police "no matter what" because God ordained them as police. But the passage is clear, it only has to do with people breaking the law and NOT ONE person was committing a crime. The Constitution allows them to have their guns. But the police took them anyway after the pastors were able to CONvince the people the Bible said something it never said. See this video regarding what happened that day.
Now I know what happened at Katrina had nothing to do with Sunday laws. But, they had to test their methods of control before doing so nationally. When they went house to house they noticed how the overwhelming majority of the people easily gave up their guns. But then having large caliber rifles pointed at them and their children when asked if they had guns stacked the odds in the favor of the powers that be. (see this video) And since this was a success, one can rest assured this is exactly how they will do it later when the other shoe drops.
next prediction is also as blunt
in nature as the previous. Some
may say even more-so. Sister
White not only predicted two
wars in the near future, she
predicted a short gap of peace
between them as well!
was shown the inhabitants of
the earth in the utmost
confusion. There was
war, bloodshed,
want, privation, famine
and pestilence,
in the land; and as these
things were without, God's
people began to press
together, and cast aside
their little difficulties.
Self-dignity no longer
controlled them. Deep
humility took its place.
Suffering, perplexity and
privation, caused reason to
resume its throne, and the
passionate and unreasonable
man became sane, and acted
with discretion and wisdom.
attention was then called
from the scene. There
seemed to be a little
time of peace.
Then the inhabitants of the
earth were again presented
before me, and everything
was in the utmost confusion
again. Strife, war
and bloodshed,
with famine and
raged everywhere. Other nations
were engaged in this
confusion and war.
War caused famine.
Want and bloodshed caused
pestilence. And
then men's hearts will fail
them for fear, "and for
looking after those things
which are coming on the
War I |
time of peace" |
War II |
years, 9 months and 21
days |
As is obvious, she is predicting two world wars here, with a “little time of peace” in between them. World War I was from 1914 - 1918. And, just so you know, she made this prediction in 1861. She died in 1915. After 1918 the war ended of course and there was a period of peace. But it only lasted until 1939 when Word war II came along to kill so many souls. That war lasted until 1945 causing it to be the “bloodiest conflict in history” according to the 1999 Encyclopedia Britannica. That encyclopedia article also stated, “war-induced disease and famine, ..exceeded battle casualties.” Many died by the hands of their fellowman yes, but disease and famine killed even more! This also proves the undeniable accuracy of this prophet of the Lord. As far as I can see here, she predicted a war, famine, and pestilence as well as a short time of peace, and then another war directly afterwards with the same results. Again, she got this one dead on only because she is a prophet speaking for the Lord our God who does in fact know the end from the beginning!
further add validation to the
prophetic statement regarding
World War II, sister White also
spoke of a weapon that was to be
used in war that was not yet
invented in her day, but was
later used in World War 2.
the night I was, I thought,
in a room but not in my own
house. I was in a city,
where I knew not, and I
heard expression after
expression. I rose up
quickly in bed, and saw from
my window large balls of
fire. Jetting
out were sparks, in
the form of arrows,
and buildings were being
consumed, and in a very
few minutes the entire
block of buildings was
falling and the screeching
and mournful groans came
distinctly to my ears.
[Diary, August 23, 27,
Releases, vol. 11, p. 361
Friday morning, just before
I awoke, a very impressive
scene was presented before
me. I seemed to awake from
sleep but was not in my
home. From the windows I
could behold a
terrible conflagration.
Great balls of fire were falling
upon houses, and
from these balls fiery
arrows were flying
in every direction.
It was impossible to
check the fires that
were kindled,
and many places were being
destroyed. The terror of
the people was
indescribable. After a
time I awoke and found
myself at
home.—Letter 278,
1906.—Evangelism, p.
As we all know, the methods used in World War 2 were usually done in the cities where of course many private homes would be. They did this because they wanted to inflict as much damage to the infrastructure as possible so as to strain their resources as well as kill their citizens in the process, which in turn places intense pressure on the leaders to surrender. They invented at this time what was called a “dumb” or “unitary” bomb, which is in fact still used to this day. Notice the description of these bombs by an online specialist of military weapons.
Modern fragmentation bombs are generally in the form of cluster bomb submunitions, and may consist of grenade-like balls, encased in plastic impregnated with ball bearings; "combined effects" submunitions that incorporate splintering cases, along with antiarmor and incendiary effects; or submunitions that blast out a cloud of small metal darts, known as "flechettes" (French for "little arrow"). -Source
Sister White said these bombs would fall upon houses, and spew fiery arrows that would kindle fires in all directions. I was doing some research on methods of detonation on some websites to see if some of these were ignited before they hit the ground and yes, that same website said some bombs were fitted with “an electronic fuze, based on a timer circuit.” (ibid) To further enhance their destruction, some of these bombs contained napalm, magnesium, thermite and other very flammable materials as part of their payload, further confirming the fireballs Sister White saw in that vision.
Lord willing, next Sabbath I will share a few more prophecies that confirm her as a prophet, as for now, I hope and pray you were blessed by what you heard this Sabbath day.
Another prediction of Ellen White deals with how she knew the scientists of today would seek to explain away God’s judgments upon the people in sin. Take Katrina for example that was purposely directed towards one of the most perverted cities on earth. A city where annual celebrations allow for things to occur in broad daylight in the city streets that most people would never even think to do behind closed doors. I know this as fact because I spoke to a street preacher last month on the phone that was detained and harassed by police for preaching there. He and a friend or two took videos of what was happening in the middle of the streets during the day because they truly thought the police didn’t know it was this bad. All sorts of sex acts were being performed in broad daylight, and all the bars had large windows with widescreen TV’s in them playing all types of pornography for those passing by on the street as a way to lure them into the bar. When he showed the video to the police they completely ignored it, and even harassed them for it. I am sharing the sordid details here because most are unaware of New Orleans debauchery. It needs to be understood the Lord is not one to be mocked. He is a God of judgment when judgment is due. His wrath fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah long ago, why wouldn’t it fall on New Orleans today? The homosexuals and perverted souls in New Orleans can complain all they want that Christians are bashing them regarding the obvious divine hand of God upon them. They can even declare the Christian preachers that know Katrina was sent by God are foolish and fanatical. However, the basic truth is, the God of creation stated in Psalms 11:6 that, "Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup."
As we know, Katrina did come, and New Orleans was its target. Did scientists and educated men of our time agree that the sin on this city warranted such a judgment from on High? Or did they declare a different reason as sister White predicts they would? First, let’s see what Sister White said about this.
The restraining Spirit of God is even now being withdrawn from the world. Hurricanes, storms, tempests, fire and flood, disasters by sea and land, follow each other in quick succession. Science seeks to explain all these. The signs thickening around us, telling of the near approach of the Son of God, are attributed to any other than the true cause.—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 408
Local disturbances in nature are permitted to take place as symbols of that which may be expected all over the world when the angels loose the four winds of the earth. The forces of nature are under the direction of an Eternal Agency. Science, in her pride, may seek to explain strange happenings on land and on sea; but science fails of tracing in these things the workings of Providence.—Manuscript Releases, vol. 19, p. 280
What did the scientists say about Katrina even after hundreds if not thousands of Christian pastors stepped up to declare God’s wrath had fallen on New Orleans?
is global warming making
the problem worse?
Superficially, the
numbers say yes—
…More-frequent hurricanes
are part of most global
warming models, and as
mean temperatures rise
worldwide, it’s
hard not to make a
connection between the two.
Magazine online August 29,
A study to be published tomorrow provides striking new evidence linking giant hurricanes such as Katrina—which devastated the ulf of Mexicolast month—to rising ocean temperatures, scientists say. …Katrina slammed its full force against the country blamed most widely for global warming. –World Science website
And will they use false science to promote religious laws that target God's Law?
"What is soon coming upon us? Seducing spirits are coming in. If God has ever spoken by me, you will before long hear of a wonderful science--a science of the devil. Its aim will be to make of no account God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. Some will exalt this false science, and through them Satan will seek to make void the law of God. Great miracles will be performed in the sight of men in behalf of this wonderful science.-- Letter 48, 1907. {3SM 408.1}
As one can imagine, there are millions of these types of articles online today. Just placing the words, “Global warming, Katrina” in a search engine will acquire 4.7 millions sites! Yes, many preachers did step up and declare it to be God’s divine hand upon that city, but they were hushed up as fast as possible using force, a media blitz on and offline, and sometimes the law itself was used to try and silence the truth. This is all besides the fact that these same scientists were recently caught red handed fabricating the stats on global warming when a hacker copied their emails off of Britain’s University of East Anglia and posted them online for all to see. That fact alone proves Ellen White’s prediction true in that she predicted the scientists would use lies in our day as part of their modus operandi. No, global warming is not the prophecied lie. The fact scientists are lying is the prophecied fact here. It also proves they will have no problem continuing in more lies when the calamities start to increase in number. The fact they lied about Katrina proves this hands down.
By the way, the reality that the calamities will be the end result of sin, and homosexuality is right out there in the top ten when to comes to abominations that anger the Lord, they just recently passed laws that made statements regarding the homosexual lifestyle illegal if in fact you are a preacher with a Bible in hand. That being said, any mention of Katrina as being divine judgment upon the homosexual can and has been used against the preachers in the courts as a way to shut them up. Still, will this stop that which was prophecied to occur? Not in the slightest. Some of the wicked actually believe these unjust laws prophecied in Revelation will help the wicked ones prevent Christ’s return, when in fact their actions against God’s people actually expedites His arrival even now. Their efforts to slow His coming actually helps to speed their doom towards them.
One of the more obvious prophetic fulfillments of Ellen White has to be Sunday Laws. Another amazing fulfillment has to do with how she describes what leads to the Sunday Laws as well.
sins of
years ago when I first
discovered the true definition
of the mark of the beast, I
started to see things in a new
light. I always knew about the
blue laws put in place by John
F. Kennedy,
organization proposes in
every possible way to
aid in preserving
as a civil
institution. Our
national security
requires the
active support of all
good citizens in the
maintenance of our
American Sabbath. Sunday
laws must be enforced."
Quoted- "principles
contained in the
Constitution" (then
called the American
we all know,
the same time, the national
tragedy that occurred on
September 11 in
it be the
For those that seek to understand what the “blue laws” are that I mentioned earlier. Most older Americans will recall what John F. Kennedy did during his time as president. He enacted what are called “blue laws,” that in essence are nothing more than Sunday Laws for all government agencies.
law:- One of
a body of laws in
Supreme Court of the
see this...
Laws will be enforced in USA
UPDATES visit "Was she really
a Prophet" Section of poGm
In the previous prophetic statement, you will notice Sister White also stated there will be a "union of Church and State" (See Spirit of Prophecy, vol 4, p 424)
today's world this is part of
the governmental makeup of the
laws of the land. All churches
including the SDA church will
soon bow to the demands of
The 501C3 tax free code itself proves Ellen White got that prophetic statement correct as well. The only way to get a 501C3 is to literally join your church or ministry with the State of residence! For mor einformation on how to get a 501C3, see this government page. It verifies the church must officialy join with the State in order to receive the tax ID code. This is yet another prophetic statement made by Ellen White that was 100% correct!
the fact that the government is
doing exactly as Ellen White
stated, and besides the facts
there are literally thousands
of articles out there
demanding we keep Sunday holy
via the Vatican and many other
Sunday keeping agencies, and
besides the fact that the
Vatican was instrumental in
drafting the Lisbon Treaty, or
“EU Constitution” as
most know it, which lead to
Sunday shopping suddenly
becoming unconstitutional in
Germany within 24 hours of the
ratification of that treaty,
nothing puts the nail into the
coffin deeper than the Vatican
beast itself admitting what Sister
White said would be their
prophecied mark in the last
day. Let’s first see
what Sister White says about
this, and then see what
The prophecy of Revelation 13 declares that the power represented by the beast with lamblike horns shall cause "the earth and them which dwell therein" to worship the papacy—there symbolized by the beast " like unto a leopard." The beast with two horns is also to say "to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast;" and, furthermore, it is to command all, "both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond," to receive the mark of the beast. Revelation 13:11-16. It has been shown that the United States is the power represented by the beast with lamblike horns, and that this prophecy will be fulfilled when the United States shall enforce Sunday observance, which Rome claims as the special acknowledgment of her supremacy. –Darkness before dawn p. 27.1
The change of the Sabbath is the sign or mark of the authority of the Romish church. Those who, understanding the claims of the fourth commandment, choose to observe the false sabbath in the place of the true, are thereby paying homage to that power by which alone it is commanded. The mark of the beast is the papal sabbath, which has been accepted by the world in the place of the day of God's appointment. –Evangelism p. 234.1
the light of truth has been
presented to you, revealing
the Sabbath of the fourth
commandment, and showing
that there is no
foundation in the Word
of God for Sunday
observance, and
yet you still cling to the
false sabbath,
refusing to keep holy the
Sabbath which God calls "My
holy day," you
receive the mark of the
beast. When does
this take place? When
you obey the decree
that commands you to cease
from labor on Sunday
and worship God, while you
know that there is not
a word in the Bible
showing Sunday to be
other than a common
working day, you
consent to receive the
mark of the beast, and
refuse the seal of God.--Review
and Herald,
course the Catholic Church
claims that the
change (Saturday Sabbath
to Sunday) was her act...
And the act is a MARK of
her ecclesiastical
authority in religious
things." H.F. Thomas,
Chancellor of Cardinal
is our MARK of authority.
. .the church is above the
Bible, and this
transference of Sabbath
observance is proof of
that fact" Catholic Record
thinks this is a rather blunt
fulfillment of prophecy. Not
much room for misinterpretation
either. Still, does the world
seek to perform the act of
worship to the pope in following
after his law over and above
God’s law? As I intimated
earlier, there are literally
thousands of articles from
Sunday keeping people all around
the world. All one needs to do
is search online for such a
thing. If you seek a huge
collection of these articles
which are actually small in
comparison to that which is
really out there, see my “Attacking
Sabbath” page on the
site. You will find hundreds of
articles linked into to that
page. Many of which echo the
Pope’s demand for a global
Sunday Law. So again, Sister
White was most definitely given
heavenly direction on this
prophetic statement. By the way,
it is because of the blunt
clarity of this statement that
This next statement of hers is not so much a prophetic statement as it is an insight into something scientists have just recently discovered. In Early Writings she said this…
heavy clouds came up and
clashed against each other.
The atmosphere parted and
rolled back; then we could
look up through the open space
in Orion, whence came the
voice of God. The
From what I see online, this book, “Early Writings” was the first of three books she wrote in the early 1850’s. On the following page on this site… http://www.remnantofgod.org/OrionNebula.htm you will find 2 photos and a video of a 3D view of the Nebula. The first photo is dated Nov.19, 1920. It shows the Mt. Wilson Observatory’s first sighting of the Orion Nebula using the Hubble telescope. In this photo you can easily see an open space in this Nebula. Something Ellen White saw 70 years prior while in vision. The second picture on that page is a more recent color version that I actually use as my desktop wallpaper today. Be forewarned, it is huge! Give it time to load in. And the video is of course a video of a 3D rendering of what the Nebula looks like. They state in the video that many solar systems and stars appear to be born in this Nebula. Would this not make sense seeing it is the residence of our Creator’s kingdom?
30 years after Sister White wrote of the open space in the Nebula, we find this amazing comment by scientists.
"Even Huyghens, the discoverer,...was already of the opinion that in viewing it we saw, as it were, through an opening into a region of light." Sir William Herschel, cited in The Universe of Suns, p 45, by Richard Anthony Proctor, 1884
only does the
“opening” find
mention in this article, a
“region of light”
appears to be behind it! Is not
the city New
Perhaps the best description of the Orion Nebula has to be that of James Furgerson in 1919, wherein he states the following.
speech is impotent. Pen of
writer, brush of artist, alike
are lifeless and inert in any
attempt even to describe this
as I was searching the Internet
for data on this open space, you
would not believe the amount of
websites out there trying to
discredit Ellen White’s
witness on this. This is an
obvious sore spot for
This next prophetic statement of Sister White is easily seen by anyone that watches the News lately, especially in regards to global News.
Roman Church is far-reaching
in her plans and modes of
operation. She is employing
every device to extend her
influence and increase her
power in preparation for a
fierce and determined conflict
to regain control of the
world, to re-establish
persecution, and to undo all
that Protestantism has done.
Catholicism is gaining ground
in our country upon every
side. Look at the number of
her churches and chapels. Look
at her colleges and
seminaries, so widely
patronized by Protestants.
These things should awaken the
anxiety of all who prize the
pure principles of the
gospel. {4SP
prophetic statement has two
major parts to it. The first of
course has to do with how
Pope was recognized as the
overall authority in the
Christian world by an Anglican
and Roman Catholic commission
yesterday which described him
as a "gift to be received by
all the Churches". ...if a new
united Christian Church was
created it would be the
'Bishop of
very next year on
When John Paul II died, every Protestant denomination on earth praised the Pope as a holy man of God, including the Seventh day Adventist church. As far as I can see, only the Seventh day Remnant church along with a few other like minded believers refrained from making such biblically inept remarks. By the way, the world’s acceptance of the pope as a man of God is why the pope is demanding the world recognize the him as the only moral authority on earth. Soon this will be his official title and all those deceived into believing him will bow to his demand for Sunday laws as is prophecied.
the website I have a page
entitled “They
called him Antichrist.”
It’s a list of hundreds of
church leaders over the last 7
centuries that have declared in
writing the pope’s of the
Roman Catholic church are indeed
the Antichrist
of Christian prophecy. But as we
all witnessed when John Paul II
died, as well as when the one
world church was formed in 1999,
all of those denominations
listed on that page are now
claiming him to be a godly man!
That my brothers and sisters is
a very blunt prophetic
fulfillment. Sister White did
say the popes of
the exception of the prophecied
of her seed,
is as determined to be world
ruler as was Constantine in
his day (p.49) He is protected
by four governments (p. 120)
He is the best-known person of
the 20th century (p. 123) He
is personal friends with the
leaders of 91 countries (p.
490) People of the world seem
to him ready for strong
worldwide moral government
with control (p. 160). Sixteen
thousand journalists covered
his American visit (p.490)
"The American ambassador says
book was published back in 1991.
It said the pope was
“personal friends with
leaders of 91 countries”
at that time. Today, that number
has grown to 175 countries
today. And as of the
is well known by those that
study up on global movements and
war, all nations that bow to the
pope to kiss his ring are given
all that they need to do as they
wish if it coincides with Roman
interests. Those that refuse to
bow to the pope, like
any politician that is worth
anything and they will tell you
the reason they’re
successful is because they have
agreed to follow after anything
the Roman Catholic Vatican
desires because in so doing is a
guarantee of political success
and the promises of untold
riches. I just posted an article
the other day on the website
that declares that in the Congress
of the United States alone,
there are 237 multi
with riches amounting in the
hundreds of millions. The
richest being that of
Republican Rep. Darrell Issa
with a net worth estimated
at about $251 million. The
poorest politician is
unnamed, but his net worth
is just over $620,000. It is
obvious that the rookies
work their way up the ladder
of success by pushing
forward Roman interests and
in so doing their net worth
rises as well.
to the efforts of John Paul II,
creation of the Roman
International Criminal Court in
February of 2001 is also a
direct fulfillment to that which
Sister White proclaims for our
day as well. I cover this in
more detail in my March
2001 Newsletter. With
this court will come untold
abilities of
first Catholic priest in the
sex with a minor wasn’t a
crime in the Church in the
70’s? Does this not prove
they don’t read their
Bibles as well as believe they
are above the laws of the common
man? Had the Vatican not the
power Ellen White spoke of in
those prophetic statements, they
could in no way have gotten that
priest off scot-free on such a
judicial loophole. Simple
reality is, yes, it may be
“legal” in the
we watch Christians persecuted
around the world and our
freedoms disappearing here in
"But Constitutions can be changed, and non-Catholic sects may decline to such a point that the political proscription [ban] of them may become feasible and expedient. What protection would they have against a Catholic state?" -The State and the Church, pp.38,39, by Miller and Ryan, imprimatur of Cardinal Hayes.
old Protestant culture is
about at the end of its
rope... Why can't we make the
For UPDATES visit "Was she really a Prophet" Section of poGm Blog:
According to Sister White, right before Jesus appears in the Eastern sky there will be slaves and masters of slaves.
“Then commenced the jubilee, when the land should rest. I saw the pious slave rise in triumph and victory and shake off the chains that bound him, while his wicked master was in confusion and knew not what to do; for the wicked could not understand the words of the voice of God. Soon appeared the great white cloud. It looked more lovely than ever before. On it sat the Son of man." -RH, July 21, 1851 par. 14
The remarkable thing here is, some use this quote in her writings to further declare her to be a false prophet, even though this is a prophecied statement from John the apostle who was given the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
They actually call Jesus Christ a liar when they seek to discredit Sister White. By the way, this is why they don’t trust her in the first place. Without a desire to study God’s Word, you will never see what the Lord reveals to His people clearly. As all will agree, this prophetic statement of both Sister White and the Apostle John actually is speaking of the last few moments of time on Earth. Notice the two terms in the passage that speak of bondmen and free men.
Strong’s #1401 doulos {doo'-los} from 1210; TDNT - 2:261,182; adj |
AV - servant 118, bond 6, bondman 1; 125 1) a slave, bondman, man of servile condition 1a) a slave |
Strong’s #1658 eleutheros {el-yoo'-ther-os} probably from the alternate of 2064; TDNT - 2:487,224; adj |
AV - free 18, free woman 3, at liberty 1, free man 1; 23 1) freeborn 1a) in a civil sense, one who is not a slave 1b) of one who ceases to be a slave, freed, manumitted |
It is obvious, this prophetic statement of Sister White, like many of her statements, are something that can be verified in the Word. I share this particular one to further illustrate the great lack of bible knowledge those that come against the Lord’s prophet display today. Another prophet by the name of Amos predicted that in the last days most will refuse to read their Bibles. So it’s par for the course for them to scoff certain prophetic statements. Without reading their bibles they never knew such things are spoken of in God’s Word. They simply think it’s too far fetched to be true and react accordingly. That being said, is there evidence that slavery has been reborn into today’s society?
off, are you aware that even
though slavery was already
abolished for 30 years in 36
States when Sister White made
that statement? Some States
still refused to follow suit
right off of course.
“Modern-day slaves can be found laboring as servants or concubines in Sudan, as child "carpet slaves" in India, or as cane-cutters in Haiti and southern Pakistan, to name but a few instances. According to Anti-Slavery International, the world's oldest human rights organization, there are currently over 20 million people in bondage.” –Modern Slavery by Ricco Villanueva Siasoco April 18, 2001
the website, freetheslaves.net
they are reporting 27 million
slaves worldwide. What shocked
me was they report that there
are slaves in the
are more slaves today than
were seized from
Conservative leader William
Hague of the
On page 12 of that National Geographic article they reported that out of the 192 nations on earth, 116 of them have an active slave trade going on right now! So yes, Ellen White was very accurate in her statement that slavery will be the norm right before Jesus splits that eastern sky.
For UPDATES visit "Was she really a Prophet" Section of poGm Blog:
Court Accepts Lawsuit Against
W.H.O. Subsidiary for
Profiting from Slavery
Estimated 100,000 Slaves
Working Across UK
Multiple ‘Modern
Slavery’ Arrests After
Westminster Brothels Raided
Report: Videos show China
using slave laborers to
kickstart economy
VIDEO: China Using Uyghur
‘Slave Laborers and
Cannon Fodder’ to Boost
Slave markets found on
Instagram and other apps
UK ‘modern day
slavery’ ring that
forced 400 victims to work for
under 75 cents a day busted
There are more slaves today
than at any time in human
Slavery, abortion: More
closely linked than Dems will
Slavery: Still a major
international problem
VIDEO: Exclusive–Anna
Paulina: Democrats Turn a
Blind Eye to Modern-Day
Global Human Trafficking Now a
$32 Billion Industry
declares war on slavery, human
VIDEO: Slavery
in the 21st century | DW
Libyan Markets Sell Slaves for
$800 Apiece
Muslims are OPENLY selling
black African slaves on the
slave market
Slave Trade Survivor: African
Migrants Displayed Under
‘For Sale’ Sign in
Poverty-Racked Selma
‘Still a City of
VIDEO: Money talks:
45.8 million modern slaves
VIDEO: New study says
global slavery up 30%
More slavery today than at any
time in history
'A living hell' for disabled
slaves on South Korean islands
The Prison State of America
[Slavery in the USA is Legal
under the 13th Amendment of
the Constitution!]
Up To 13,000 People Held As
Slaves In The UK
10 countries with the most
VIDEO: Modern Day
Slavery: The exploitation of
Qatar's migrant workers
30 million living in slavery
worldwide: WFF report
Trafficking: The Second
Largest Industry in the World
Million Trapped in Human
"The Romish Church now presents a fair front to the world, covering with apologies her record of horrible cruelties. She has clothed herself in Christlike garments; but she is unchanged. Every principle of popery that existed in ages past exists today. The doctrines devised in the darkest ages are still held. Let none deceive themselves. The popery that Protestants are now so ready to embrace and honor is the same that ruled the world in the days of the Reformation, when men of God stood up at the peril of their lives to expose her iniquity. She possesses the same pride and arrogant assumption that lorded it over kings and princes, and claimed the prerogatives of God. Her spirit is no less cruel and despotic now than when she crushed out human liberty, and slew the saints of the Most High. {4SP 387.1} Popery is just what prophecy declared that she would be,--the apostasy of the latter times. It is a part of her policy to assume the character which will best accomplish her purpose; but beneath the variable appearance of the chameleon, she conceals the invariable venom of the serpent. "We are not bound to keep faith and promises to heretics," she declares. Shall this power, whose record for a thousand years is written in the blood of the saints, be now acknowledged as a part of the church of Christ? {4SP 388.1} |
In the above quote Ellen White not only predicts the Roman Catholic church will apologize for her past evils as a way to save face, she also predicts the Protestant people will accept this apology and actually honor the pope. Both these prophetic events have been fulfilled in our generation. See the two pages linked below that cover both events in detail.
For UPDATES visit "Was she really a Prophet" Section of poGm Blog:
ago Sister White declared that
all the churches that escaped
from Roman influence will
eventually return to
…this is the religion
which Protestants are
beginning to look upon with
so much favor, and which
will eventually be united
with Protestantism. This
union will not, however, be
effected by a change in
Catholicism; for
shall stretch her hand across
the gulf to grasp the hand of
the Roman power, when she shall
reach over the abyss to clasp
hands with Spiritualism, when,
under the influence of this
threefold union, our country
shall repudiate every principle
of its Constitution as a
Protestant and Republican
government, and shall make
provision for the propagation of
papal falsehoods and delusions,
then we may know that the time
has come for the marvelous
working of Satan, and that the
end is near."--Testimonies, vol.
5, p. 451. {ChS 160.4}
found that my beliefs are
essentially the same as those
of Orthodox Roman Catholic."
--Dr. Billy Graham A Woman
Rides the Beast, p.389.
(Catholics and Evangelicals
–ed) have differences,
but on the ancient creeds and
core beliefs of Christianity,
we stand together." --Charles
(“Chuck”) Colson
Ibid. p.347
don’t know anyone more
dedicated to the great
doctrines of Christianity than
the Catholics." --W. A.
Criswell Ibid. p.388
am eradicating the word
‘protestant’ from
my vocabulary . . . it’s
time for Catholics and
non-Catholics to come together
as one." --Paul Crouch of
Trinity Broadcast Network
fame. Ibid. p.411
all the Pope’s
writings…he has
hundreds and hundreds of Bible
verses. If I dare to say there
are less [sic] than seven to
ten thousand Bible verses in
the new catechism, backing
everything they say, I
wouldn’t be
exaggerating. And he makes a
statement and backs it with
the Word of God. " --Jack Van
Impe. "Van Impe Accused of
Bias," Personal Freedom
Outreach, http://www.pfo.org/vanimpe.html.
I actually saw Paul Crouch speak those words on TV not too long ago, and as for Jack VanImpe, someone needs to tell him lying is a sin. Truth be known, 86.2% of Roman Catholic doctrine can not be backed up by the Word of God. I know this for a fact. I was a Catholic Catechism Doctrinal teacher back when I was a devout Catholic decades ago.
Thanks to the infiltration of Roman priests into Protestant churches, we see all sorts of Roman Catholic doctrines and traditions being taught as if they are Scriptural facts today. Just to name a few, we see the Vatican’s seven year tribulation theory, the secret rapture, eternal life in hellfire, immortal soul theology, all the traditions of Christmas and Easter, as well as steeples on church roofs, and of course Rome’s favorite doctrine, Sunday Sabbath. The list is quite large, so when you get the time, take a look at my September of 1999 Newsletter titled, “Are you Catholic? Are you sure?” for more on this.
the URI Charter -
The time has come for all
people supporting the values
brought forth in the United
Religions Initiative Charter
to endorse this historic
document. Join with people of
faith from around the world to
promote enduring, daily
interfaith cooperation, help
end religiously motivated
violence, and to create
cultures of peace, justice and
healing for the Earth and all
living beings. To
add your name to the
thousands of signatures
presented at the Global
Signing Ceremony on
the way, if you go to the National
Council of churches website
and surf to their member
communions page, you will find
that yes, almost ever
denomination has signed unto
that charter. Further verifying
that which Sister White
predicted, as this charter was
created by
White said the Protestant
churches would eventually unite
"When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near." -Great Controversy, p 588
For UPDATES visit "Was she really a Prophet" Section of poGm Blog:
“When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near –Last day events p.131
are a few ways this prophecy can
be seen fulfilled by watching
example, they can and do agree
Jesus is the Son of God, and or
Mary is His mother. But other
bible doctrines are ignored with
the mindset that, for the sake
of peace in unity, they will
agree to disagree. Especially
since March
7, 2006 wherein George W. Bush
wrote it into law that all
churches are now Government
agencies with the power to
lobby Law, they will not want to
jeopardize their new found
wealth of power. Especially
since the
IRS warns them they will
be financially destroyed if they
speak political sermons. Since
speaking of the
That being said, what do you suppose will be agenda #1 when they finally have a meeting of the minds? Do you suppose it would have anything to do with Ellen White’s statement concerning the structure of our republican government and the principles of our Constitution? Could she be that accurate?
sharing what the Protestant will
do, we must first find what
sermons based on the Ten
Commandments, John Paul
denounced …the
separation of church and
state, TIME June 17, 1991 "The
Gift Of Life" p. 47 Sermons
from A Native Son
statements by the Polish
Episcopate have fueled
apprehension. In late April
the bishops urged that the new
constitution exclude any
provision for the separation
of church and state. Instead,
they suggested, "exceptional
emphasis should be laid on the
need for cooperation between
the state and the Catholic
Church." TIME
Constitutions can be changed,
and non-Catholic sects may
decline to such a point that
the political proscription
[ban] of them may become
feasible and expedient. What
protection would they have
against a Catholic state?"
-The State and the Church,
pp.38,39, by Miller and Ryan,
imprimatur of Cardinal Hayes.
"The Catholic Church in this
nation must live on to
accomplish her work, even
though our Republican form of
government disappears." -The
Catholic World, April, 1935,
p.12. "
more quotes on this topic here
In order to get the tax ID code that allows for the benefit of tax free purchasing powers, they must do as Rome has done long ago. They must join their ministry with the State of residence. For more info on this, see my “Image of the Beast made alive” page on the site.
further solidify their
allegiance with
preacher D. James Kennedy
aired a nationwide television
Yes, it appears Ellen White is batting 100 once again. Still, the question comes to mind, why do we see this happening?
As the movement for Sunday
enforcement gains favor, he
rejoices, feeling assured that
it will eventually bring the
whole Protestant world under
the banner of Rome. {ST,
March 22, 1910 par. 8}
rapid steps we are approaching
this period. When the
Protestant churches shall
unite with the secular power
to sustain a false religion,
for opposing which their
ancestors endured the fiercest
persecution: when the state
shall use its power to enforce
the decrees and sustain the
institutions of the
church,--then will Protestant
America have formed an image
to the Papacy, and there will
be a national apostasy which
will end only in national
ruin. {ST, March 22,
1910 par. 9}
"By the decree of enforcing the institution of the Papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with Spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and Republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan, and that the end is near." --Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 451
As we look around and see how all churches, including the Seventh Day Adventist church have embraced doctrines taught by the Roman Catholic Vatican, we understand that such a state of mind will eventually infiltrate the leaders of the nation because every politician in D.C. has a church they call home that has bowed to Rome. Ellen White predicts here that this mind set will bring about the a rejection of the American Constitution that we know will of course lead to Sunday Laws. This is exactly what Obamacare has done in the land of the free and home of the brave. It has set the stage for an easy method of chipping away at the Consitution with every unjust law passed in the days ahead. Obamacare is a direct violation of the Constitution of the United States on many points. So I ask, who do you suppose was behind this Constitutional repudiation? The very one who has been openly attacking it for many decades, is also the very same one that will benefit the most by it's removal. The Roman Catholic Vatican.
When did their stronghold find the power they needed here in the States you ask? When the USA did as Hitler suggested one should do for absolute power. Hitler believed the best politician would be one well educated in the art of acting. Adolph Hitler stated, “I am Europe’s greatest actor.” (Fest, p.84 (Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk, Es geschah in Deustchland. The Face Of The Third Reich)
Is not an actor defined as one who plays are part that is not his own? Would not an actor then be considered a professional liar? Is it any wonder that directly after the actor Ronald Reagan was elected as president we saw him appoint an ambassador to Vatican City? When W. Kenneth Dan was asked why we need an ambassador in Vatican City, He replied; "It would allow the USA to influence the political decisions of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH!"
The only way the American people, or any people for that matter, can be blindsided effectively is to have the man in their presidential palace well educated in the art of lying. How else would they be able to convince the people that passing certain laws would be for the good of the nation when the exact opposite is true? After all, it is prophecied that many unjust laws would be passed in our day, is it not? As I have said often, the European Union was a testing ground for the global system prophecied to be set up by Rome. When they were drafting the Constitution in that region that would bring all the nations together under Roman power, they stated the following in TIME magazine...
The United States is famous for her religious freedom. Especially in the area of separation of Church & State thanks to Rome's past which forced the people who fled to keep the religious right to worship Christ as Scriptures dictated. Had they not fled they woudl have been burned alive by Roman Catholic priests. So, they came to this land as was prophesied they would to start this nation where a Constitution would be drafted that would prevent the Church from having power over the State. Prophecy also stated Rome woudl eventually remove that protection and the USA which started as a Christian nation woudl become anti-Christian in nature. (See this page for info) Today the Constitution stands in the way of Rome's plans to have a church and State form of government here. Hence the reason John Paul II was so bold in breaking our laws when he visited our country not too long ago. Nice thing was, some did put it in writing that they didn't appreciate his unlawful acts so as to put a sting of permanence to his unlawful ways...
The Constitution prevents Rome's power to rule absolutely in this area of expertise. Therefore, they must do away with our cherished Constitution. Hence, Obamacare is the first of many illegal acts in Washington D.C in the days ahead. So, there you have it. Ellen White predicted the Constitution would be eventually rejected, and now we see them working towards that end!
For UPDATES visit "Was she really a Prophet" Section of poGm Blog:
students sign petition to
repeal first amendment
"Filmmaker Ami Horowitz on
getting students at Yale
University to sign a petition to
repeal the first amendment of
the Constitution.
Watch David Asman talk about
College Planning and Education
on After The Bell."
What didn't surprise me in this was, as a student of prophecy I know the massively corrupt American government was prophesied to delete the Constitution and write a new one. What also didn't surprise me was how the students for the most part had no clue as to what the first amendment says. Yes, one girl did go so far as to read it on her phone before stating, "this doesn't resonate with me;" and then signed it anyway! Some may say this proves the "dumbing down" of the people in the USA is not only amazing for some to behold, it's somewhat shocking to see how fast the Government school system was able to perform the task at hand. But how many times does one have to do the math when it comes to such thing?
What I mean is; when I child is old enough to understand certain things, it's only a matter of a few short years before that child is of legal age to vote. Still, for the most part, the school system is designed to dumb the kids down so as to assure they won't be an issue when it finally does come time to vote. So, they inundate the kids throughout their entire school years with all sorts of decadence and literally satanic entertainment. Everything from promiscuity to Rock music has been brought to the kids in the public school system as if this is the norm for society and so their focus will naturally gravitate to that mindset.
But when it comes to the older kids attending schools like Yale, I don't think they are all that dumb. Yes, all the other schools are targeted so as to make the kids obedient drones. But Yale, Princeton, Harvard as well as a few other ivy league colleges go about this "dumbing down" in a much different way. I'll get back to that in a minute.
first amendment says:
"Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof; or
abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of
the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the
government for a redress of
Now do you see why it was prophesied to be rewritten? Yes, it's obvious this is the law of the land, and yes it is also just as obvious for those of us north of our 60's that it has been advertised as long as we know to be protected and enforced by every police officer as well as every governing official in this nation. But have you noticed the last decades or so that anyone in this nation that mentions the Constitution to police usually end up beaten or jailed?
Getting back to the "dumbing down" thing
The thing that annoyed me the most in all this was that the fact this was spearheaded at Yale University. This is a University that not only "educated" many presidents over the years; it's also the home of the infamous skull and bones secret society wherein many evil man have been launched into power. Knowing that, I can't help thinking that those students weren't actually ignorant of the Constitution at all. And if they were it was only because the immoral characteristics of their studies were purposely designed to make such freedoms appear appalling to anyone seeking political office. Hence the reason the police as well as some high ranking officials are doing all they can to trample all over it. I can easily come to such a deduction after hearing about how that one girl stopped, read the first amendment, and then signed a petition to repeal it anyway. She was "educated" to do just that!
DHS: Tracking 'missing' refugee violates 'constitutional rights'
"A Syrian refugee recently resettled in Louisiana has gone missing, and state officials were surprised to find out that federal Homeland Security agents do not track the whereabouts of foreign refugees out of respect for their “constitutional rights.” The refugee was resettled in the Baton Rouge area in June by Catholic Charities, a subcontractor that resettles thousands of refugees in the U.S. every year for the federal government and United Nations. ...Once in Washington, the refugee was apparently supposed to “check in” with authorities there, according to state officials. But he never did. ...Homeland Security said the refugee could not be "kept up with" because of his constitutional rights, a spokesman for Vitter told the Hayride. Vitter said security is being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness."
Catholic Charities has been doing this kind of thing for decades and they usually supply "homes" as they call it for Roman Catholic refuges only. But lately, and especially since the Vatican started to promote Islam in their schools, their churches and then the media once they saw all the other churches (including the SDA church) started to echo their "Allah is God" folderol, one can assume the church of Rome has kicked it up a notch in helping Muslims get into the United States. Their "Catholic Charities" cover is nothing more than that, a cover.
Since 1943 when they (Catholic Charities) started they have been using this government funded entity to not only bring more Roman Catholics into the nation, (via illegal immigrants) they have also used it to push Roman Catholicism into all aspects of life with the assumption and "mission statement" that helping their fellowman is Christlike. And that it is, BUT not when you use that true Christian fruit as a way to infiltrate and destroy Christianity in America. This is why, like their students in Islam, they hate Christ, His Word and His people. In fact, they admit as such in writing.
What also irked me about this article was the hypocrisy illustrated in the Dept of Homeland Security's comment that tracking non-citizens, or "refugees" as they call them, would violate their constitutional rights. But how is that possible when they're not citizens of America and therefore not under the Constitution? The DHS knows they can make silly statements like that because they also know the majority of the people going to Government schools no longer have to read or even pass the test regarding the Constitution of America in order to graduate. Most simply don't know what the Constitution says and so they make crazy claims like this without worrying about any 'credible' opposition whatsoever.
What also amazes me is how everywhere you look Obama and his government employees, and this includes the police in nearly every city now, (praise God not all do this) will attack their citizens the minute they declare they have "Constitutional rights." Have you seen the videos?
At every turn they seek to shred the Constitution when it benefits them to do so and every other moment they can benefit by uplifting it as valid, as the DHS just did in the article, they will do that as well. Regardless if it's a valid act or not. Prophecy said they will remove the Constitution of the United States and this ball of confusion rolling all throughout society regarding the Constitution does in fact declare they will do that VERY soon! In fact, they are right now writing a brand new one in the same building they drafted the original one. And the ONLY way they are legally able to do that is if America falls and a New World Order rises up. And that too was prophesied!
Feds trying to deny 2 more
constitutional rights
"It’s no secret that
President Obama and his
Democratic Party want to
restrict the Second Amendment
right to keep and bear arms. In
addition, First Amendment
religious-freedoms protections
have been challenged by
Obamacare. And freedom of
speech? That’s just fine
as long as it lines up with the
“same-sex marriage”
social agenda. Now, a case is
posing a challenge to the Fifth
Amendment’s property
rights and due process
protections along with the Sixth
Amendment’s assurance of
counsel for those accused of
crimes. The U.S. Supreme Court
now is posed with the question:
Does the government have the
right to charge you with a crime
and then seize your bank
accounts, checkbook, savings and
other assets so that you cannot
afford to hire a lawyer to
defend yourself?"
They did this during the Inquisitions so as to make it easy to send Christians to prison and the grave and they will most assuredly do so in our day as well as it is prophesied that the Vatican will have its power back and seeing how her mortal wound has been healed, that day is very close in coming. It truly is bittersweet to see such statements in the News media like this on a daily basis. It is bitter in that students of prophecy have been warning everyone (including pastors with "connections" to those in power) that this was headed our way and the freedoms in America will be rewritten in a way that sanctions everything BUT Christianity. Yet even though the truths we shared were crystal clear and well versed from our Father's Word, all those in power in the church or in politics ignored all that we said. I have a few videos and Newsletters on these very topics that have been out there for some time now proving some of us have done all we can to proclaim the warning. That all being said, will they shut down our bank accounts so as to prevent our ability to garner proper legal representation so as to try and stop the loud cry? I have no doubt! In fact, I have God's Word on how they must legally earmark our finances in the courts so as to have that very foundation they need to build on that Revelation 13:17 speaks of when it predicts, "that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
Still, I am sure before that prophesied event comes to fruition in the very near future that many Christians will be financially crippled so as to shut them up, while at the same time build the legal means by which to build on that will eventually allow them to enforce the mark that removes our right to buy and sell. But, as the wicked have discovered so many times before, messing with our bank accounts won't work this side of the mark. What I mean is, they simply can't get to all of us. Reason being is, there are many less "vocal" Christians with money who will no doubt step up (as did Nicodemus of old) to pay for the work to be done for as long as the Lord who ordained us to do the work prefers. And yes, that will cause the loud cry to get that much louder and in so doing make the wicked that much hotter. For those of you wondering, you're 100% correct in thinking that during the time all this legal idiocy plays out in the courts the calamities will steadily increase granting them the long sought after excuse to go ahead with their plans to enforce the mark in the first place.
When that day comes
Since the waters have been tested in the courts wherein the cases have been won and lost granting them the legal back and forth that has by now been finely tuned, they can now use their long prophesied legal arguments to assure laws will be passed, the mark will be enforced, and all our banks accounts as well as those funding us will be closed. But then, it's not like we have anything to worry about since our Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills. (See Psalm 50:10) That means the people that need to hear the truth will hear it. I mean after all, how can they ever expect to stop the last few coming prophetic events when they were completely helpless to stop the previous thousand?
And for those of you new to this truth that still harbor an inkling of fear... need I remind you of who's watching all this go down? When the powers that be make plans to attack God's people, our Lord said the following in Psalms 2:1-4, "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision."
They can make all the plans they want. They can throw us in jail, kill us in the streets or cause us to become homeless and still the loud cry will go forth! So again, it is a bittersweet thing to witness. I already described the bitter end of those that ignored the Lord's warning. Most of them are racing towards certain destruction, but the sweet end in all this is that this not only vindicates the prophetic Word of the Lord, it vindicates His Son's bride in that we are actually doing just as prophecy said we will do, and those in power, be it the apostate government churches, lie filled media or corrupt politicians, they too are doing exactly as prophecy said they would do.
So brothers and sisters, this clearly means we are on the right track! And it ends with our long awaited ascension into heavenly bliss sooner than the wicked hoped and in some cases even sooner than the obedient thought. In any event, MARANATHA just the same!
America On
the Brink of Losing
Constitutional Form of
Government Forever
"In a span of just
seven days, the FCC declared the
Internet a public utility,
Congress acceded to DHS
implementing executive amnesty,
the president used a veto threat
to protect the NLRB’s
[National Labor Relations Board]
ambush elections rule, and the
Supreme Court’s four
liberals showed they are not
just willing but enthusiastic to
allow the IRS to ignore the
plain language of Obamacare...
The shifting of ever more power
into the presidency and his
regulatory apparatus is a long
running problem, but it has
accelerated dramatically in the
current administration." --Long
before President Obama was born
in Kenya, other people had a
great interest in seeing our
constitution destroyed as
evidenced by the following
quote: "But Constitutions can be
changed, and non-Catholic sects
may decline to such a point that
the political proscription [ban]
of them may become feasible and
expedient. What protection would
they have against a Catholic
state?" -The State and the
Church, pp.38,39, by Miller
and Ryan, imprimatur of
Cardinal Hayes. (See more
quotes like this here)
It's no coincidence that paper was
published in 1930 at the
same time the Vatican
was helping Hitler to rise
to power in Germany. No doubt
they were hoping to do the same
thing here 85 years ago, but
things didn't work out as
planned. One thing about the
Catholic Church is that they are
very persistent. It might have
taken the better part of a
century, but now those
aspirations are finally coming
to pass here in the United
States just as prophecy
forewarned long ago.
What's astonishing now is
the speed with which their
movements are accelerating. But
then that too was prophesied.
When you read the article, keep
in mind the Federal Government
managed to make four major
public policy changes in one
week, even though all four are
constitutionally illegal. What
will they accomplish over the
next seven months as Jesuit Pope
Francis' upcoming visit
and address to Congress looms?
Pretty much whatever they want
it seems. Or should I say,
pretty much whatever the man of sin wants?
After all, prophecy must be
fulfilled. Just because it looks
like it all may go down in our
generation doesn't mean it can't
happen. That being said.. are
you ready? ARE YOU SURE?!
warns 'national socialism'
taking root
"Sen. Pat Robert took on a
campaign buddy, former Senate
Majority Leader Bob Dole, at a
recent Dodge City event to raise
money to keep his Kansas seat,
warning those in attendance that
it’s not long before
America turns the corner on the
Constitution and takes on a more
permanent socialistic feel."
--Isn't that interesting. For
years students of prophecy said
the USA will
dump the Constitution and
adopt a
Socialist form of Government
under Roman demand so
as to have the means necessary
to enforce the mark.
But all the leaders in political
office as well as the church
said that was a lie, didn't
they? Then just as we saw them
do with the Vatican's
New World Order agenda,
wherein they also said we lied
for years and then later when
the fix was in they started to
declare the need for a New World
Order openly, we now see them
doing the exact same thing with
Socialistic talking points on
both ends of the spectrum. They
lie for years so as to prevent
their plans from being disrupted
by massive protests, and when
they are just about ready to
pull it off, they change their
tune publicly and declare their
plans are soon to come just as
students of prophecy
warned all along. OK,
prophecy will be fulfilled. I
get that. What I don't get is
how many times do the obedient
Christians have to be right
before someone starts to listen?
It's amazing how much sin can
cloud the mind from rational
thought eh?
Graders' Common Core
Homework: Remove Two Rights
from Bill of Rights
"An Arkansas mom was
disturbed to learn her sixth
grade daughter's homework was to
"prioritize, revise, prune two
and add two" amendments in the
Bill of Rights. The homework,
part of the controversial Common
Core curriculum, said that the
Bill of Rights is "outdated and
may not remain in its current
form any longer. Lela Spears was
particularly disturbed because
her daughter's Sixth Grade
History class "had received no
prior training in civics or how
to amend the Constitution, which
may lead those children to
incorrectly believe that it can
be changed by a 'special
committee' as suggested by the
assignment." --Christian
prophecy is THAT accurate!
choose between
constitutional rights
"Quinn was targeted by
police because his son, who was
suspected of possessing drugs,
lived in the same home. His son
was absent, and police records
reveal officers knew that fact
when they broke into
Quinn’s home in a
no-knock, SWAT-team style forced
entry. Rutherford said the
decision lets stand a lower
court ruling that
“essentially makes lawful
gun ownership and possession
grounds for police to evade the
protections afforded by the
Fourth Amendment and improperly
penalizes and limits the Second
Amendment right to bear arms."
--Still think Christian prophecy
is a joke? One way or another,
they will do away with the
United States Consitution.
are in the midst of a
constitutional crisis'
"Testifying before a House
Judiciary Committee looking into
whether the president is
faithfully executing the law,
Turley flatly stated, "We are in
the midst of a constitutional
crisis with sweeping
implications for our system of
government." --You do realize
this was prophesied to happen in
the USA, right? If not, click here.
Also see this short
video, and then this video. And
if you're not prepared for
what's already begun, you may
want to click
here as well.
Constitution changing soon!
"As expected,
they are bowing to Rome's
command to rewrite the US
Constitution so as to allow for
changes in how churches are
legally recognized. "The Georgia
Senate voted 37-16 last week to
set aside the Constitution
written by the Founding Fathers
and start over again, and
lawmakers in eight other states,
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona,
Florida, New Mexico, Oklahoma,
South Carolina, and South
Dakota, are deliberating similar
proposals." I hope your house is
ready to meet the Lord thy God."
Constitution officially
being trashed?
"We've expected this!
Christian prophecy is THAT
accurate! They will change the
constitution so as to allow for
a Socialist form of government
as well as a way to enforce
Rome's mark. The scoffers are no
doubt embarrassed in all this by
now. Still, keep those that
doubt in prayer. The coming days
are going to shake a lot of
peoples foundations in what they
thought to be their basic
targets how media decides
stories to run
"An Obama administration
plan that would get researchers
into newsrooms across the
country is sparking concern
among congressional Republicans
and conservative groups."
--Because the government can't
get every News editor to do as
they demand, they have to place
government monitors in every
major media outlet to make sure
'certain stories on
corruption' are not run.
For well over a decade this
ministry as well as others I'm
sure have been warning the
masses that they would have to
get better control over the
media than they already have.
Better yet, this shredding of
the Constitution was prophesied
well over 100 years ago.
And still.. with all these
warnings, most Americans are
perfectly happy to sit in front
of their TV's so as to not miss
a single episode of their
favorite sitcom, sporting event
or who knows what. This is what
happens when lukewarm Christians
stop reading Bibles. And yes,
that too was prophesied. Yes, I
am also aware that when it gets
REAL bad, many lukewarm
Christians will repent and get
back on the path to gain Heaven.
But because they dragged their
feet so long and failed to
prepare themselves for the
coming of the Lord to the point
they can be used to glorify Him
in the
Gideon Band, the majority
of these repentant souls will
have to go to sleep before they
get home. Most by martyrdom.
That being said.. why wait to
get on that path? After all..
you will have to make that
decision sooner or later anyway,
so why not now?
Judge Upholds
Constitution-Free Zones
"Are you living in A
Constitution-Free Zone? Federal
district judge Edward Korman
recently upheld a policy of the
Obama Administration, stripping
away many rights to privacy
within 100 miles of national
borders. Some observers are
calling this a violation of
human rights. Critics say the
ruling violates protections
against illegal search and
seizure, protected by the 4th
amendment." --Another day,
another video about the
Constitution of the United
States being trashed. It's
actually getting where I have to
ignore articles there are so
many now! Christian prophecy is
that accurate!
to the US Constitution? New
U.S. Constitution?
"A group called "Citizens for
Self-governance" met at George
Washington's former residence
seeking to launch another
Constitutional Convention. Their
goal: force the Federal
Government to relinquish power
back to the states. But could
this effort end up tearing the
nation apart?" --Christian
prophecy is THAT accurate! The
scoffers are no doubt
embarrassed in all this by now.
Keep those that doubt in prayer.
The coming days are going to
shake a lot of peoples
foundations in what they thought
to be their basic reality.
of uber-presidency' draws
impeachment talk
"Barack Obama is being
blamed for creating an
that some members of Congress
say steps on their
constitutional powers. ...The
King said, has little or no
respect for the Constitution.
Farenthold said Obama “is
grabbing as much power as he
can” but Congress also is
doing little to draw in the
reins." --This is what we have
been talking about since Clinton
took office years ago and
especially when Obama started to
shred the Constitution the last
few years. It's nice to see the
media is talking about it, but
it's too little too late. As prophesied,
the Constitution will be done
away with. Also note that in the
video they echo Abraham Lincoln
when he said Americans have the
"revolutionary right to
overthrow" the government. Now
do you see why the government
has over 600
prison camps on American soil,
a Hitler inspired "Homeland
security" wherein they purchased
1.8 billion rounds of
ammunition, and talk of martial
law keeps echoing in Congress?
They fear the people will
revolt. Sadly, many will. And
when they do, the cities will
not be a safe place to live. Truth
is, they are already unsafe.
unchained itself from
"Edward Snowden's
revelations about the activities
of NSA forced him to go on the
run and seek sanctuary from US
intelligence agencies. But it
also won him a lot of support
and praise. Just yesterday he
received the Sam Adams prize for
'Integrity in Intelligence'"
--This is exactly what Christian
prophecy predicted. But because
most Christians don't read
Bibles, and those that do don't
prophecy, it is rare that
any Christian knows this was
colleges suppress
"Modesto Junior College in
California made headlines only
days ago when a video surfaced
showing officials telling a
student he could not pass out
copies of the United States
Constitution, on Constitution
Day, Sept. 17. But it turns out
that the college’s
positions and arguments
weren’t even original or
unique." --More and more
colleges are doing this so as to
create a mindset within the
students that is
anti-Constitutional. Prophecy
said they would do away with the
American constitution, and as we
watch how our political leaders
enforce everything from car
insurance to Obamacare, which in
turn stomps all over the
Constitution we know what we're
looking at. But, they cannot get
across the board acceptance
without first manipulating the
students they're training as our
next crop of political leaders.
So of course, the colleges will
have to get on board. And that
that have. In fact, they've been
on board for over a decade. This
is why we see what we see
happening right now.
rights apply to 1% of campus
"A college in Ohio has
decided that students’
constitutional rights are
available on a whopping 1
percent of its campus, and it
has ended up in court because of
the decision. In a lawsuit
brought by the Alliance
Defending Freedom, it is alleged
a student was prohibited from
exercising his speech by passing
out pro-life fliers anywhere on
campus except for a small
“speech zone.”
--Because sin is so attractive,
and truth is not, as expected,
and as prophesied, the
Constitution of the United
States will be done away with.
In fact, like this College
Campus and many areas in
Washington DC, it has already
been done away with.
Article V convention in our
"Attacks on the U.S.
Constitution are coming from all
sides. The New York Times opened
its op-ed page to several
liberal professors of
government: one calls our
“imbecilic,” another
claims it contains
“archaic” and
“evil provisions,”
and a third urges us to
“rewrite the Second
Amendment.” --Is this not
EXACTLY as prophecy
said they will do? If you
want to be ready for what's
already begun to happen, you
need to get in the Word of God
Border Zones
"As new revelations of NSA
abuses continue to emerge on a
daily basis, even the most
politically oblivious Americans
are now aware that the 4th
Amendment has for all intents
and purposes been consigned to
the dustbin of history. This
will be no surprise at all,
however, for those who have been
following the escalating chain
of abuses that have been taking
place in America's border areas
for decades now." --The NSA now
emulates Hitler and his tactics
word for word. Prophecy said
they would do away with the US
Constitution and we now see very
clearly that they are right now
doing just that!
Court rules Constitution
unconstitutional - Americans
no longer have right to
remain silent
Police officers baited
Salinas to volunteer information
that he was not required by law
to share, coercing him into a
situation where he no longer
felt comfortable answering their
questions. But rather than
recognize his Fifth
Amendment right to refuse
further questioning, the
officers used Salinas' refusal
to speak as evidence against him
in court, insinuating that his
silence was an acknowledgement
of guilt." --When you seek a way
to get around the Law of the
land as well as the
Constitution, it's not hard to
do if in fact your main
objective is to do just that.
Constitutional Experts:
Obama Is Worse than Nixon
constitutional lawyer Glenn
Greenwald noted last
year: We
lessons from
the abuses of
power of the
and then of
the Bush
namely, that
we don’t
officials to
exercise power
in the dark,
with no
with no
obligation to
prove their
Yet now we
hear exactly
this same
issuing from
Obama, his
officials and
defenders to
a far
more extreme
power than
either Nixon
or Bush
dreamed of
only killing
The Bad
Citizens, so
no reason to
object!" --You
need to read
this article!
It confirms
prophecy was
dead on!
detention part of push to
shred Constitution
"Human rights activists in
the US have slammed Barack Obama
for signing the new National
Defense Authorization Act. They
claim the president has failed
to deliver his campaign promises
by passing the bill that allows
the indefinite detention of
citizens without charge or trial
and also by failing to close the
Guantanamo prison camp. This
comes despite Obama's own
threats to veto the new NDAA
from prohibiting the closure of
the notorious prison camp."
--The Constitution was drafted,
signed and ratified by our
forefathers to protect private
citizens from the Government.
They did this because of what
they experienced in other
nations before coming to
America. But as prophesied,
Obama is shredding the US
Constitution right before our
very eyes. And yes, Rome is
behind this 100% They know they
cannot enforce ther mark with
the Constitution intact. This is
why all the other nations around
the world that have similar
Constitutions have sen them
shredded and re-written as well.
It's a global movement only
because it's a global prophecy.
Give Up on the Constitution
"As the nation teeters at
the edge of fiscal chaos,
observers are reaching the
conclusion that the American
system of government is broken.
But almost no one blames the
culprit: our insistence on
obedience to the Constitution,
with all its archaic,
idiosyncratic and downright evil
provisions." --As you read this,
the author goes on to validate
his reasoning so as to assure
more ability to repair the
economy, and increase or
freedoms after trashing the
Constitution. That's right, they
finally figured out a way to
remove the Constitution so as to
make money and claim freedom
when both are completely
impossible. Will they ever trash
it? Prophecy says, absolutely!
And yes, The Vatican has been
behind this all along. It became
more apparent since they made
the following statement...
"Constitutions can be changed,
and non-Catholic sects may
decline to such a point that the
political proscription [ban] of
them may become feasible and
expedient. What protection would
they have against a Catholic
state?" -The State and the
Church, pp.38,39, by Miller and
Ryan, imprimatur of Cardinal
Hayes. (Click here
for more of the same insanity)
'archaic, idiosyncratic and
downright evil' Constitution
"With hours to go before nation
heads off the fiscal cliff,
Georgetown Law professor Louis
Michael Seidman writes that the
time has come to scrap the
Constitution." --Keep in mind
the Georgetown University is a
Roman Catholic University. Not
only were his comments here
prophesied, we see they have
never hid their plans to do this
over the years. The Vatican
approved and actually placed
their "imprimatur" upon the
following words not too long
ago. They said.. "But
Constitutions can be changed,
and non-Catholic sects may
decline to such a point that the
political proscription [ban] of
them may become feasible and
expedient. What protection would
they have against a Catholic
state?" (The State and the
Church, pp.38,39, by Miller and
Ryan, imprimatur of Cardinal
Hayes.) We have very little time
left to do the work brothers and
sisters! As we can see, their
plans to prevent us are in the
works right now! We need to go
forth while it is still legal to
do so. Once that Constitution
falls, the truth as it is
written will become illegal and
life will change drastically for
all true Christians! But only
until our King gets here!
"Walls of separation have been built up between the whites and the blacks. These walls of prejudice will tumble down of themselves, as did the walls of Jericho, when Christians obey the Word of God, which enjoins on them supreme love to their Maker and impartial love to their neighbors. . . . Let every church whose members claim to believe the truth for this time, look at this neglected, downtrodden race, that as a result of slavery have been deprived of the privilege of thinking and acting for themselves.--Review and Herald Dec. 17, 1895.
When this was penned in 1895 blacks and whites did not get along much. Especially those in slavery. Not long after Martin Luther King Jr did as he was called to do we saw this being fulfilled. But as we look around today, we see it more and more fulfilled. Not only are most churches filled without prejudice between the races, we also see schools, businesses, sports, playgrounds, neighborhoods, and even marriages ignoring the hatred of prejudice as it was in Ellen White's day.
"In history and prophecy the Word of God portrays the long, continued conflict between truth and error. That conflict is yet in progress. Those things that have been will be repeated. Old controversies will be revived, and new theories will be continually arising. But God’s people, who in their belief in fulfillment of prophecy have acted a part in the proclamation of the first, second, and third angels’ messages, know where they stand. . . . They are to stand firm as a rock, holding the beginning of their confidence steadfast unto the end." -Christ triumphant p. 341
Long ago there were some false doctrines being preached by some of the SDA pioneers along with others. One such doctrine was the "one God" controversy, that also declared the Holy Spirit doesn't exist. The pioneers later recanted that doctrine as heresy of course and put it down. But as Sister White predicted, this was to be repeated near the end. And so it has. Many ex-SDA's and others have gone on record to declare what these pioneers preached was truth, when in fact it was not. The controversy has returned just as Ellen White predicted, and it has done so for the sole purpose of stopping some of the brethren from preaching present truth. Satan fears the present truth message, and so he will sidetrack as many as will allow him. Praise the Lord, as predicted also by Sister White, some of us not only continue to preach the truth regarding the Godhead, we also expose this revived controversy for what it is. Heresy. We do so because we know where we stand. We also know, thanks to prophetic studies what the present truth is for our day. It is our duty to hold the banner of truth high as well as continue on in the present truth of which calls people out of Babylon.
On this website I have a few areas wherein I expose this revived controversy. Two such pages dedicated to do just that are listed below.
Another "revived controversy" has also been realized to have come to fruition in our day. That being the feast day movement of many ex-SDA's wherein Satan has many convinced this is present truth instead of the obvious truth that must be preached today. The following link also expose this as error.
is danger, great danger, that
the supposed wise men of today
will repeat the experience of
the Jewish teachers." -ST - June
6, 1906
2000 years ago the Jews that failed to study their Bibles in the same way the pastors of today. Back then the Jews preached that when Messiah came He would end Roman rule and there would be peace on earth. Today, the preachers all over the world are preaching the exact same lie. They are preaching when Jesus comes th1is time He will put an end to all the corrupted governments and set up His kingdom on earth for 1000 years of peace. Those of us that study prophecy know there is no such doctrine in the Bible. (See proof here) Yet they still preach this exact same like the Pharisees preached long ago. Why? Satan knew back then it would help keep the masses blind to the arrival of Messiah and in so doing making the majority unready for His arrival. Satan knows the exact same lie will work today because it worked so well back then. He needs to keep the majority of people off guard so that when Jesus finally does arrive, His appearance will catch the majority of the Christian church like a "thief in the night!." just as 1Thessalonians 5:2 also predicted.
Ellen White clearly stated the lie of the Pharisees would be repeated today, and so it is.
"As the controversy extends into new fields and the minds of the people are called to God's downtrodden law, Satan is astir. The power attending the message will only madden those who oppose it. The clergy will put forth almost superhuman efforts to shut away the light lest it should shine upon their flocks. By every means at their command they will endeavor to suppress the discussion of these vital questions. The church appeals to the strong arm of civil power, and, in this work, papists and Protestants unite." -Maranatha page 172
As I shared earlier in the section regarding "Church and State" combining to work as one, the churches of the world have joined with their respective Civil powers to help gather more acceptance of their dogmatic desires. Many nations are allowing their churches to influence Civil powers to push Vatican dogma. In the USA for example, we have a few Federal Holidays that have been brought forth by the churches wherein they needed political support in enforcing them. Take the "National day of Prayer" as one example. Many churches acknowledge that day and enforce attendance whenever possible. No, it's no major issue at present. However since the 501C3 became an official vehicle for all churches to become government agencies, one can see how this new found ability of the pastors to lobby law will indeed bring about Sunday Laws when the churches "appeal to the strong arm of civil power" to try and stop the Loud Cry we the Remnant people are proclaiming.
How easy is it to see this prophecy fulfilled? First of all, Satan convinced mankind to use oil instead of water to power engines. (yes, water can burn) With all the poisonous gases coming out of the cars, trucks, trains, airplanes, ships, tractors, etc it's easy to see how this prophecy was fulfilled. However, in today's world with the BP Oil spill causing oil to rise into the clouds along with toxic fumes from Corexic one can see Satan is even busier today. But it doesn't end there. With the Fukishima Nuclear plants melting down in Japan causing massive amounts of radiation to waft into the very air we breath, and chemtrails raining down on many nations on earth, everyone can see very clearly now that yes. This is indeed fulfilled just as Sister White predicted.
For UPDATES visit "Was she really a Prophet" Section of poGm Blog:
In 1917, just 2 years after Ellen White died, Satan began to appear as "Mary" in Fatima Portugal as well as dozens of other places since then. He has also performed miracles before the eyes of many with the Sun, steel rosary bead chains changing to gold, healings etc. Lately he has also been appearing as Jesus as a child as well as an adult. See more information on the demonic apparitions of the Roman Catholic church on my "That's not Mary!" page. This proves the prophetic statements of Sister White were indeed correct. And yes, Satan will come as Christ to deceive the entire world. This is of course the prophesied arrival of Antichrist spoken of in Scripture. However, we now see that he has begun to deceive the masses as of 1917 so as to have a large following on the day he stands before billions as Christ returned.
As we watch the Occupy Wall Street fiasco we see that even hear we see Sister White being confirmed as a prophet. She stated long ago the following words...
"The trades unions will be one of the agencies that will bring upon this earth a time of trouble such as has not been since the world began. In all our great cities there will be a binding up in bundles by the confederacies and unions formed. Men will rule other men and demand much of them. The lives of those who refuse to unite with these unions, will be in peril. The work of the people of God is to prepare for the events of the future, which will soon come upon them with blinding force. In the world gigantic monopolies will be formed. Men will bind themselves together in unions that will wrap them in the folds of the enemy. A few men will combine to grasp all the means to be obtained in certain lines of business. Trades unions will be formed, and those who refuse to join these unions will be marked men. . . . These unions are one of the signs of the last days. Men are binding up in bundles ready to be burned. They may be church members, but while they belong to these unions, they cannot possibly keep the commandments of God; for to belong to these unions means to disregard the entire Decalogue. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself." . . . How can men obey these words, and form combinations that rob the poorer classes of the advantages which justly belong to them, preventing them from buying or selling, except under certain conditions. Those who claim to be the children of God are in no case to bind up with the labor unions that are formed or that shall be formed. This the Lord forbids. Cannot those who study the prophecies see and understand what is before us? Important issues must soon be met, and we wish to be hid in the cleft of the rock, that we may see Jesus, and be quickened by His Holy Spirit. We have no time to lose, not a moment. -Maranatha page 182.7
"The time is fast coming when the controlling power of the labor unions will be very oppressive." -Selected Messages Vol. 2 p141
"The time is fast coming when the controlling power of the labor unions will be very oppressive. Again and again the Lord has instructed that our people are to take their families away from the cities, into the country, where they can raise their own provisions; for in the future the problem of buying and selling will be a very serious one. We should now begin to heed the instruction given us over and over again: Get out of the cities into rural districts, where the houses are not crowded closely together, and where you will be free from the interference of enemies. -Letter 5, 1904. -Manuscript Releases, vol.4 page 88.
also said ...
"The time is near when the large cities will be visited by the judgments of God. In a little while, these cities will be terribly shaken. No matter how large or how strong their buildings, no matter how many safeguards against fire may have been provided, let God touch these buildings, and in a few minutes or a few hours they are in ruins. {CL 7.2} The ungodly cities of our world are to be swept away by the besom of destruction. In the calamities that are now befalling immense buildings and large portions of cities, God is showing us what will come upon the whole earth.--Testimonies, vol. 7, pp. 82, 83. (1902) {CL 7.3}
we supposed to wait to leave
the cities until after the
mark is enforced.
possible, it is the duty of
parents to make homes in the
country for their children.
Fathers and mothers who
possess a piece of land and a
comfortable home are kings and
queens. Do not consider it a
privation when you are called to
leave the cities and move out
into the country places. Here
there await rich blessings for
those who will grasp them."
--Manuscript 85, 1908.
{2SM 356.1}
long as God gives me power to
speak to our people, I shall
continue to call upon parents to
leave the cities and get homes
in the country, where they can
cultivate the soil and learn
from the book of nature the
lessons of purity and
simplicity. The things of nature
are the Lord's silent ministers,
given to us to teach us
spiritual truths. They speak to
us of the love of God and
declare the wisdom of the great
Master Artist. {20MR
I love
the beautiful flowers. They are
memories of Eden, pointing to
the blessed country into which,
if faithful, we shall soon
enter. The Lord is leading my
mind to the health-giving
properties of the flowers and
trees. {20MR 153.5}
"Few realize the importance of shunning, so far as possible, all associations unfriendly to religious life. In choosing their surroundings, few make their spiritual prosperity the first consideration. Parents flock with their families to the cities, because they fancy it easier to obtain a livelihood there than in the country. The children, having nothing to do when not in school, obtain a street education. From evil associates, they acquire habits of vice and dissipation. The parents see all this, but it will require a sacrifice to correct their error, and they stay where they are, until Satan gains full control of their children. Better sacrifice any and every worldly consideration than to imperil the precious souls committed to your care. They will be assailed by temptations, and should be taught to meet them; but it is your duty to cut off every influence, to break up every habit, to sunder every tie, that keeps you from the most free, open, and hearty committal of yourselves and your family to God. Instead of the crowded city, seek some retired situation where your children will be, so far as possible, shielded from temptation, and there train and educate them for usefulness. The prophet Ezekiel thus enumerates the causes that led to Sodom's sin and destruction: "Pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters; neither did she strengthen the hands of the poor and needy." All who would escape the doom of Sodom, must shun the course that brought God's judgments upon that wicked city." -- Testimonies, vol. 5, pp. 232, 233. (1882) {Country Living 5.4 section I - A Call to Leave the Cities}
By the
way.. she actually wrote a book
called "Country
Living" that confirms
Christians should leave the
cities long before the mark is
enforced! Click
here for many more
statements she makes on this
very same topic. Also click
of Unheeded Warnings
"I am bidden to declare the
message that cities full of
transgression, and sinful in the
extreme, will be destroyed by
earthquakes, by fire, by flood.
All the world will be warned
that there is a God who will
display His authority as God.
His unseen agencies will cause
destruction, devastation, and
death. All the accumulated
riches will be as nothingness. .
. . {CL 7.4} Calamities
will come--calamities most
awful, most unexpected; and
these destructions will follow
one after another. If there will
be a heeding of the warnings
that God has given, and if
churches will repent, returning
to their allegiance, then other
cities may be spared for a time.
But if men who have been
deceived continue in the same
way in which they have been
walking, disregarding the law of
God, and presenting falsehoods
before the people, God allows
them to suffer calamity, that
their senses may be
awakened. {CL
7.5} The Lord will not
suddenly cast off all
transgressors, or destroy entire
nations; but He will punish
cities and places where men have
given themselves up to the
possession of Satanic agencies.
Strictly will the cities of the
nations be dealt with, and yet
they will not be visited in the
extreme of God's indignation,
because some souls will yet
break away from the delusions of
the enemy, and will repent and
be converted, while the mass
will be treasuring up wrath
against the day of
wrath.--Evangelism, p. 27.
(1906) {CL 8.1}
time is not far distant, when,
like the early disciples, we
shall be forced to seek a refuge
in desolate and solitary places.
As the siege of Jerusalem by the
Roman armies was the signal for
flight to the Judean Christians,
so the assumption of power on
the part of our nation [the
United States] in the decree
enforcing the papal sabbath will
be a warning to us. It will then
be time to leave the large
cities, preparatory to leaving
the smaller ones for retired
homes in secluded places among
the mountains.
For years I have been given
special light that we are not to
center our work in the cities.
The turmoil and confusion that
fill these cities, the
conditions brought about by the
labor unions and the strikes,
would prove a great hindrance to
our work. Men are seeking to
bring those engaged in the
different trades under bondage
to certain unions. This is not
God's planning, but the planning
of a power that we should in no
wise acknowledge. God's Word is
fulfilling; the wicked are
binding themselves up in bundles
ready to be burned.
The trades unions and
confederacies of the world are a
snare. Keep out of them, and
away from them, brethren. Have
nothing to do with them. Because
of these unions and
confederacies, it will soon be
very difficult for our
institutions to carry on their
work in the cities. . . .
Educate our people to get out of
the cities into the country,
where they can obtain a small
piece of land, and make a home
for themselves and their
children. . . . Erelong there
will be such strife and
confusion in the cities, that
those who wish to leave them
will not be able. We are
not to locate ourselves where we
will be forced into close
relations with those who do not
honor God. . . . A crisis is
soon to come in regard to the
observance of Sunday. . . . The
Sunday party is strengthening
itself in its false claims, and
this will mean oppression to
those who determine to keep the
Sabbath of the Lord. . . . If in
the providence of God we can
secure places away from the
cities, the Lord would have us
do this. There are troublous
times before us.
--Maranatha 180:1-7
STATE (501c3)
The 501c3 was "invented" by Lyndon Johnson in 1954. Sister White died in 1915. The 5401c3 is a tax ID code that allows all churches that have the code to be able to buy items "tax free." In order to get this tax free code the church that seeks it must join with the State it resides in. (incorporation) Almost 100% of the churches have done this today. And as of March 7, 2006 they are now declared "official government agencies" with the ability to "lobby law." (Click here for more info) Wit this ability to change laws, they can and will eventually seek Sunday Laws. Did Sister White predict the churches would join with their State and do evil acts like this?
"We have come to a time when God's sacred work is represented by the feet of the image in which the iron was mixed with the miry clay. God has a people, a chosen people, whose discernment must be sanctified, who must not become unholy by laying upon the foundation wood, hay, and stubble. Every soul who is loyal to the commandments of God will see that the distinguishing feature of our faith is the seventh-day Sabbath. If the government would honor the Sabbath as God has commanded, it would stand in the strength of God and in defense of the faith once delivered to the saints. But statesmen will uphold the spurious sabbath, and will mingle their religious faith with the observance of this child of the papacy, placing it above the Sabbath which the Lord has sanctified and blessed, setting it apart for man to keep holy, as a sign between Him and His people to a thousand generations. The mingling of churchcraft and statecraft is represented by the iron and the clay. This union is weakening all the power of the churches. This investing the church with the power of the state will bring evil results. Men have almost passed the point of God's forbearance. They have invested their strength in politics, and have united with the papacy. But the time will come when God will punish those who have made void His law, and their evil work will recoil upon themselves" -Manuscript Releases page 63, written in 1899
"Destruction will be upon the inhabitants of the world. The beasts of the field will groan, and the earth will languish. And then the great deceiver will persuade men that those who serve God are causing these evils. The class that have provoked the displeasure of Heaven will charge all their troubles upon the faithful few whom the Lord has sent to them with messages of warning and reproof. It will be declared that the nation is offending God by the violation of the Sunday-Sabbath, that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced, and that those who present the claims of the fourth commandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday, are troublers of the nation, preventing its restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity. Thus the accusation urged of old against the servant of God will be repeated, and upon grounds equally well established. "And it came to pass when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Art thou he that troubleth Israel? And he answered, I have not troubled Israel, but thou and thy father's house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the Lord, and thou hast followed Baalim." [1 Kings 18:17, 18.] As the wrath of the people shall be excited by false charges, they will pursue a course toward God's ambassadors very similar to that which apostate Israel pursued toward Elijah." {4SP 407.2 - 408.1}
"Men in responsible positions will not only ignore and despise the Sabbath themselves, but from the sacred desk will urge upon the people the observance of the first day of the week, pleading tradition and custom in behalf of this man-made institution. They will point to calamities on land and sea--to the storms of wind, the floods, the earthquakes, the destruction by fire--as judgments indicating God's displeasure because Sunday is not sacredly observed. These calamities will increase more and more, one disaster will follow close upon the heels of another; and those who make void the law of God will point to the few who are keeping the Sabbath of the fourth commandment as the ones who are bringing wrath upon the world. This falsehood is Satan's device that he may ensnare the unwary" -Southern Watchman, June 28, 1904 and Signs of the Times, January 17, 1884
Over 100 years ago Sister White stated that when the calamities begin to get worse, men in "responsible positions" will declare it was because of failure to keep Sunday holy as the reason. They will blame true Sabbath keepers as the reason for the "judgements of God upon earth." Notice the following article...
'caused tsunami' Posted:
February 13, 2005 A Christian minister claims the tsunami of Sunday, Dec. 26, killing at least 160,000 people, was direct result of "pleasure seekers" breaking God's Sabbath. In the February issue of his church magazine, Rev. John MacLeod of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland writes: "Possibly ... no event since Noah's flood has caused such loss of life by drowning as the recent Asian tsunami. That so many of our fellow creatures should have perished in so short a time, and in so awful a fashion, was a divine visitation that ought to make men tremble the world over." He continued: "Some of the places most affected by the tsunami attracted pleasure-seekers from all over the world. It has to be noted that the wave arrived on the Lord's day, the day God set apart to be observed the world over as a holy resting from all employments and recreations that are lawful on other days." |
Spirit of God is being
withdrawn. Disasters by sea and
by land follow one another in
quick succession." ChS p53
In the last twelve months (as of 01-15-2012) I posted well over 2 dozen "disasters by sea" that have not only caused environmental problems, but great loss of life. In fact, it has just been logged online that in 2011 alone there were 30 disasters by sea that involved the loss of life! That's 2.5 disasters by sea each and every month! Or a little over 1 disaster every 2 weeks. To give you an idea of how bad that is, there were only 4 disasters in 2005 and only ONE in 2000! From the year 2000 to the year 2011 there was a grand total of 113 disasters by sea, and 2012 has already seen at least 3 disasters already in just the first 2 weeks! Also keep in mind that this is prophetic statement #26 on this webpage about Ellen White wherein she was 100% correct in her predictions, yet some still claim she was a false prophet!? There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. Click here for the archives to the articles and videos posted on this site. Or click here to use the poGm search engine to find the articles quicker. Just place in the query, "boat", "ship" or "sea" to find the article links.
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"Flesh was never the best food; but its use is now doubly objectionable, since disease in animals is so rapidly increasing. Those who use flesh foods little know what they are eating. Often if they could see the animals when living and know the quality of the meat they eat, they would turn from it with loathing. People are continually eating flesh that is filled with tuberculous and cancerous germs. Tuberculosis, cancer, and other fatal diseases are thus communicated.
The tissues of the swine swarm with parasites. Of the swine God said, "It is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass." Deuteronomy 14:8." - Ministry of Healing 313.
As we can see, long ago Sister White declared cancer to be a germ that can be received by eating infected meats. Yet the AMA has stated all along that cancer is a disease based on the cellular level alone. We also know that scientists will lie today thanks to another prophecy Sister White of earlier. The fact there are numerous Natural Health Clinics that prove Cancer is a germ and can be healed with Natural Methods proves this hands down. But the best evidence comes in the comments of a Merck Scientist named Dr. Maurice Hilleman admitted on tape that they were putting cancer VIRUSES, among other deadly items in the vaccines they gave American children. An excerpt from that article is as follows...
Everyone has been told a lie about cancer so as to prevent them discovering it can be healed like any virus can, once identified that is. Yet, Ellen White knew this a long time ago.
As you read what she says below, and then contemplate what's happening today all around us, do you see that she saw exactly what life would be like 100 years after her death?
"We are living in the time of the end. The fast-fulfilling signs of the times declare that the coming of Christ is near at hand. The days in which we live are solemn and important. The Spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth. Plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of the grace of God. The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude.
The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones. The condition of things in the world shows that troublous times are right upon us. The daily papers are full of indications of a terrible conflict in the near future. Bold robberies are of frequent occurrence. Strikes are common. Thefts and murders are committed on every hand. Men possessed of demons are taking the lives of men, women, and little children. Men have become infatuated with vice, and every species of evil prevails.
The enemy has succeeded in perverting justice and in filling men's hearts with the desire for selfish gain. "Justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." In the great cities there are multitudes living in poverty and wretchedness, well-nigh destitute of food, shelter, and clothing; while in the same cities are those who have more than heart could wish, who live luxuriously, spending their money on richly furnished houses, on personal adornment, or worse still, upon the gratification of sensual appetites, upon liquor, tobacco, and other things that destroy the powers of the brain, unbalance the mind, and debase the soul. The cries of starving humanity are coming up before God, while by every species of oppression and extortion men are piling up colossal fortunes. The Scriptures describe the condition of the world just before Christ's second coming.
Fearful tests and trials await the people of God. The spirit of war is stirring the nations from one end of the earth to the other. But in the midst of the time of trouble that is coming--a time of trouble such as has not been since there was a nation--God's chosen people will stand unmoved. Satan and his host cannot destroy them, for angels that excel in strength will protect them. -Lift Him up page 356. 2-7
“I saw that soon it would be considered blasphemy to speak against the rapping, and that it would spread more and more, that Satan's power would increase, and some of his devoted followers would have power to work miracles, and even to bring down fire from heaven in the sight of men. I was shown that by the rapping and mesmerism, these modern magicians would yet account for all the miracles wrought by our Lord Jesus Christ, and that many would believe that all the mighty works of the Son of God when on earth were accomplished by this same power.” –Christian Experiences and Teachings of Ellen G. White. Page 168.2
This was fulfilled and even documented as fulfilled by modern day spiritualists without even realizing it. They stated the following in 1948. 33 years after her death.
“A medium foretold the birth of Jesus, whose brief life on earth was filled with the performance of many so called miracles. Which in reality was spiritual phenomenon.” -The 100th Anniversary of Modern Spiritualism page 68 (Published by the Naturalist Spiritual Association of the United States -1948)
“Neither priests nor Press should uncharitably speak of, or touch this holy word, spiritualism. Only with clean hands and pure hearts.” -The 100th Anniversary of Modern Spiritualism page 34 (Published by the Naturalist Spiritual Association of the United States -1948)
“Spiritualism is the coming universal religion. It is the lifeblood of Christianity. In fact, it is Christianity plus.” -The 100th Anniversary of Modern Spiritualism page 69 (Published by the Naturalist Spiritual Association of the United States -1948)
"The enemy is preparing to deceive the whole world by his miracle-working power. He will assume to personate the angels of light, to personate Jesus Christ."--2SM 96 (1894).
It wasn't until 1975 when numerous authors wrote on this topic and one named Raymond Moody Jr who wrote "Life after Life" that the popularity of "Near Death Experiences" (NDE) started to arise in society. By the early 1980's numerous books had been written and literally thousands of people were suddenly experiencing NDE's form all walks of life. And the majority, and yes, Atheists included, started to report they had seen an "Angel of Light" that spoke with them after they supposedly died. Some of them even reported the "angel of light" brought them to converse with Jesus Christ Himself! I even knew of friends in my teen years that claimed to have seen similar sights and one even told me he spoke with Jesus for literally hours in Heaven after he overdosed on drugs. Never before in the history of mankind has such things been reported. What Sister White prophesied regarding this did in fact come to fruition at least 60 years after her death!
Have you noticed how the political movements in D.C. as well as all around the world have escalated? Have you noticed how laws are being passed in many nations, including the USA without public apporval and en masse to boot? Literally hundreds of laws (called pork) are tacked onto Bills that ordinarily would never had passed on their own because of their immorality and illegalities. And the pace by which all this is happening is very fast to say the least. What used to take years when passing laws, now can take just a few weeks. In fact, the current Jesuit Pope demanded action on Climate Change one day and in just a few weeks a Bill was passed unanimously in the American Congress, and some that were for many years oppsed to it suddenly changed their stand and agreed with the Pope. See the Pope's demands in this video, and then see the demand met in less than two literal days in this video. Now, see what Sister White said over 100 years ago.
"The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude. The agencies of evil are combining their forces, and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.--Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 11. {ChS 52.2}
Now check out this video:
"In order to have good health, we must have good blood; for the blood is the current of life. It repairs waste and nourishes the body. When supplied with the proper food elements and when cleansed and vitalized by contact with pure air, it carries life and vigor to every part of the system. The more perfect the circulation, the better will this work be accomplished. {MH 271.2} At every pulsation of the heart the blood should make its way quickly and easily to all parts of the body. Its circulation should not be hindered by tight clothing or bands, or by insufficient clothing of the extremities. Whatever hinders the circulation forces the blood back to the vital organs, producing congestion. Headache, cough, palpitation of the heart, or indigestion is often the result." {MH 271.3,3}
Over 100 years later scientists just discovered this is actually true. Watch the following video that confirms this as fact.
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UPDATES visit "Was she really
a Prophet" Section of poGm
Some may say we have no need of
a prophet in these days, even
though the Lord promised every
age would have one. For even in
the last days He declared that
"it shall come to pass in
the last days, saith God,
I will pour out of my Spirit
upon all flesh: and your sons
and your daughters shall
prophesy, and your
young men shall see visions, and
your old men shall dream
dreams:" (Joel 2:28 & Acts
2:17) Bottom line is, "Where
there is no vision, the people
perish: but he that keepeth the
law, happy is he." -Proverbs