truth must be spoken,
in leaflets and
pamphlets, |
click each image to enlarge |
the sixteenth century
the Roman Church
withheld the Scriptures
from the people; in the
nineteenth century, when
Bibles are scattered
everywhere like leaves
of autumn, the
Protestant churches
teach that an important
part of the sacred
word--and that portion
which brings to view
truths especially
applicable to our
time--is sealed, and
cannot be understood. "Ministers and people have declared the prophecies of Daniel and John to be a collection of mysteries which no one could understand or explain. But the very title of the book of Revelation contradicts these assertions: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John, who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein; for the time is at hand." [Revelation 1:1-3.] {4SP 210.3} Today,
let's again prove the
false shepherds wrong
by handing out tracts
that do explain the
mysteries using
Scripture that defines
the prophecies. And
please, make sure to
place them in the
hands of people so
they can read them. In
the 16th century they
didn't just throw
Bibles in buggies, on
door steps or on store
counters thinking this
was "like the leaves
of autumn" as that
would be a waste of
Bibles. They handed
them to individual
people with the hopes
they would read
them.Let us do the
same. Their lives may
and very well do
depend on them hearing
the truth for these
last days. |
NOTICE... Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself. |
years ago when I first started
Presents of God ministry I used
tracts to spread the Word on the
street as well as among those at
work or play. I found that they
are very effective and well
worth the time in creating. Yes,
I know there are many tracts you
can buy in Christian book
stores, but I always found they
stopped short in a lot of ways.
Rarely did I find a tract that
exposed Antichrist in an easy to
understand manner. The ones that
tried had major issues with
their doctrinal stand and so I
could not condone handing them
out to people that may get
confused and led astray by them.
These confusing tracts would
expose the Antichrist in Rome on
one page, and then actually
sanction Roman doctrine and
false prophecies on the next!
So, I decided it would be best
that I make my own tracts and
pass them out. That way I
wouldn't have to worry about
people being confused by the
"many false prophets" Jesus
spoke of in Matthew
Nearly 40 years later I still pass out tracts and "cards" that share the end time present truth to any and all I can and as often as I can.
There are many ways to pass out tracts. I found that the best way is to get into a conversation about the topic on the tract to see if the person is in any way receptive to it. Then, as the Holy Spirit moves, give them the tract and let them know if they have any questions to contact you. However, if you're the shy type, as many babes in Christ are when they first come into the truth, not to worry, you can still do this work quite effectively. There are many different ways to get tracts in peoples hands without having to stop and talk. Truth is, sometimes we are a bit too busy and simply can't stop and chat as often as we wish. So here's a few methods listed below you may find to be very effective in getting tracts in the hands of the people God places in your path all throughout life...
of faith and prayer
will be constrained to
go forth with holy
zeal, declaring the
words which God
givesthem. The sins of
Babylon will be laid
open. The
fearful results of
a union of Church
and State,
the inroads of
Spiritualism, the
stealthy but rapid
progress of the papal
power,—all will
be unmasked. By
thesesolemn warnings
the people will be
stirred. Thousands
upon thousands
have never
listened to words
like these.
In amazement they hear
the testimony that
Babylon is the church,
fallen because of her
errors andsins,
because of her
rejection of the truth
sent to her from
Heaven." -Spirit of
Prophecy volume4, page
"Church-members, awake to the importance of the circulation of our literature, and devote more time to this work. Place in the homes of the people, papers, tracts, and books that will preach the gospel in its several lines. There is no time to be lost. Let many give themselves willingly and unselfishly to the canvassing work, and thus help to a warning that is greatly needed. When the church takes up her appointed work, she will go forth "fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners." -Pacific Union Recorder 1902 |
Billions Will Soon Blaspheme the Holy Ghost! |
will soon blaspheme the Holy
Ghost (English)
click and select "save
as..." to download.
will soon blaspheme the Holy
Ghost (English
click and select "save
as..." to download.
will soon blaspheme the Holy
Ghost (French)
click and select "save
as..." to download.
will soon blaspheme the Holy
Ghost (Arabic)
click and select "save
as..." to download.
Due to increased
shipping and printing costs,
Presents of God ministry no
longer accepts donations to
print the tracts in bulk. Reason
being is, it would be far
cheaper for you to download the
tract yourself, print it on your
home printer on 8.5 X 11 paper
as many times as you wish. Or
you can copy it at an office
supply store, or have it
professionally printed by a
printer in bulk for far less
expense than I can print and
ship it to you. All I ask is
that you do not edit the tracts
in any way. (All tracts direct
the reader to www.RemnantofGod.org
for additional information.)
Their Fruits
click and select "save
as..." to download.
Their Fruits
click and select "save
as..." to download.
Due to increased
shipping and printing costs,
Presents of God ministry no
longer accepts donations to
print the tracts in bulk. Reason
being is, it would be far
cheaper for you to download the
tract yourself, print it on your
home printer on 8.5 X 11 paper
as many times as you wish. Or
you can copy it at an office
supply store, or have it
professionally printed by a
printer in bulk for far less
expense than I can print and
ship it to you. All I ask is
that you do not edit the tracts
in any way. (All tracts direct
the reader to www.RemnantofGod.org
for additional information.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
Agenda behind Climate Change
click and select "save
as..." to download.
This tract was made by Bro. Alvin of GospelOrder.org
Due to increased
shipping and printing costs,
Presents of God ministry no
longer accepts donations to
print the tracts in bulk. Reason
being is, it would be far
cheaper for you to download the
tract yourself, print it on your
home printer on 8.5 X 11 paper
as many times as you wish. Or
you can copy it at an office
supply store, or have it
professionally printed by a
printer in bulk for far less
expense than I can print and
ship it to you. All I ask is
that you do not edit the tracts
in any way. (All tracts direct
the reader to www.RemnantofGod.org
for additional information.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
Ten Commandments
click and select "save
as..." to download.
This tract was made by Bro. Alvin of GospelOrder.org
Due to increased
shipping and printing costs,
Presents of God ministry no
longer accepts donations to
print the tracts in bulk. Reason
being is, it would be far
cheaper for you to download the
tract yourself, print it on your
home printer on 8.5 X 11 paper
as many times as you wish. Or
you can copy it at an office
supply store, or have it
professionally printed by a
printer in bulk for far less
expense than I can print and
ship it to you. All I ask is
that you do not edit the tracts
in any way. (All tracts direct
the reader to www.RemnantofGod.org
for additional information.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
click and select "save
as..." to download.
click and select "save
as..." to download.
click and select "save
as..." to download.
click and select "save
as..." to download.
click and select "save
as..." to download.
click and select "save
as..." to download.
click and select "save
as..." to download.
Due to increased
shipping and printing costs,
Presents of God ministry no
longer accepts donations to
print the tracts in bulk. Reason
being is, it would be far
cheaper for you to download the
tract yourself, print it on your
home printer on 8.5 X 11 paper
as many times as you wish. Or
you can copy it at an office
supply store, or have it
professionally printed by a
printer in bulk for far less
expense than I can print and
ship it to you. All I ask is
that you do not edit the tracts
in any way. (All tracts direct
the reader to www.RemnantofGod.org
for additional information.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
Women Take Holy of one Man
click and select "save
as..." to download.
Women Take Holy of one Man
(back) (English)
click and select "save
as..." to download.
This tract was made by
a brother in the faith from
Ugunda (Pastor Paul)
Due to increased
shipping and printing costs,
Presents of God ministry no
longer accepts donations to
print the tracts in bulk. Reason
being is, it would be far
cheaper for you to download the
tract yourself, print it on your
home printer on 8.5 X 14 paper
as many times as you wish. Or
you can copy it at an office
supply store, or have it
professionally printed by a
printer in bulk for far less
expense than I can print and
ship it to you. All I ask is
that you do not edit the tracts
in any way. (All tracts direct
the reader to www.RemnantofGod.org
for additional information.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.) |
Below is the same tract but formatted so as to print both sides in a way that allows for a better double fold.
A tract sharing many prophecies along with historic evidences that we are in the very last days of earth's history!
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
A tract written solely by students of prophecy here at Presents of God ministry's mission house. Within it you will find Scriptures and SOP references not shared in SDA churches for fear of exposure.This tract is on 8.5 X 14 paper and can be tri-folded for better presentation. (Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
A tract written solely by SDR students of prophecy in Uganda. Within it you will find Scriptures and SOP references not shared in SDA churches for fear of exposure. Please keep these brethren in Uganda in prayer as they have been greatly persecuted by the SDA church when Ted Wilson visted. The SDA people had them placed in jail for days because of the truth they presented to those dear souls. They have a court date in April and so please pray all works out ok. (Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
A tract sharing all the verses Sunday keeping Pastors pull out of context to preach the Sabbath was changed from the seventh day (Saturday) to the first day. (Sunday) Use these tracts to share with all Sunday keeping Christians how they have been lied to. (Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
A tract sharing many passages in both the Old and New Testament validating the Seventh day Sabbath as a requirement of the obedient Christian.
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
Thanks to a friend in the ministry, below POGM Cards are now available. However, they are not offered "in print." You can download them for free and have them printed at any print shop. They are a different format than the original cards, but will prove to be just as effective.
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.)
(Please do not send us a list of addresses to send tracts to. Please print, fold, stuff, address and send the tracts yourself.) |