PROOF-Sabbath was NEVER changedWhat I am about to share is very short; but at the same time it’s somewhat of a detailed discussion that anyone can have on the street, on the phone or in an email with a Sunday keeping Christian.

By the way, this will work especially well on Sunday keepers that actually study the Bible to some extent. And I must say, when a Bible student gets a hold of new truth like this, they more often than not share it! And THAT is why it’s a good thing to present to them.

For those of you that may be a tad shy or simply feel unprepared to present something like this, try sharing this on the phone, in text, or in an email with someone you’re trying to reach first. That way you can have these verses handy in front of you so as to be more effective in presenting this final prophesied message.

FIRST: Somehow try to bring up the subject of God’s law, or better yet the Biblical Sabbath and how you keep it as it was declared to be kept in the Bible for thousands of years, and when they declare it was changed to Sunday, try sharing the following.

Ask:  “why did Jesus die?”

Most will say “for our sins.”

Ask: “How does the Bible define sin?”

If they are Bible students, most will say, “sin is transgression of the law.” And they may even share 1 John 3:4 that says, “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

Ask: “What law?”

They will say, “the Ten Commandments.”

Then share this: When speaking of Jesus as Messiah, Isaiah 42:21 says “…he will magnify the law, and make it honourable.” And since Romans 6:23 says, “the wages of sin is death” and we know Jesus “died or our sins” as you just stated; and since the prophet Isaiah said Messiah will “magnify the law, and make it honourable;” we now know exactly how Jesus made God’s law honorable. He honored God’s law perfectly by showing how eternal and blessed it was of His Father by confirming it cannot be changed in a VERY graphic manner.

God’s law is so perfect and eternal that instead of changing it to please all of mankind who broke it, because as we also know, “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23) Jesus actually chose to come to our world in our very same flesh so He could die in our place rather than dishonoring the law of God by changing it. For Jesus also knew the only way for anyone to gain Heaven is to keep God’s law, which happens to be the law of the land in New Jerusalem. In fact, Revelation 22:14 literally says, “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.”

That city is New Jerusalem, or “HEAVEN” as most call it today.

Now notice this:

God’s law is so honored, so perfect and eternal that because our heavenly Father loves us so much, not only did He send His only begotten Son to die for us, Jesus Himself promised to send us the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost to help us keep the law so we can gain Heaven. In fact, it says this in Hebrews 10:16, “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;”

This then proves beyond any shadow of doubt that Sunday cannot possibly be the Sabbath that God literally told us to REMEMBER in Commandment #4 (Exodus 20:8-11) simply because you will NOT find a single verse from Genesis to Revelation that says the Sabbath was ever changed to Sunday.

By the way, for those that think the verses offered by the pastors, preachers and priests today prove Sunday is now the Sabbath, click here to see ALL of those verses placed back in context proving the Word of God does NOT say as they claim.

This God we worship is a God that NEVER changes, and this includes His law; that was carved in stone to illustrate its permanence. For if He did change it, He would be easily called a LIAR by all that read the following two verses.


If His Law can be broken or changed, we must then ask ourselves why did He make it a point to send the Holy Spirit to help us keep God’s Law if we didn’t have to keep it? And why did He die for us if breaking it wasn’t so deadly to us?

If God’s law could be changed as the “many false prophets” Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:11 keep claiming since 321AD when Constantine and the Bishop of Rome claimed to have changed it 300 years after Jesus arose from the dead, then He wouldn’t have sent the Holy Spirit, and He wouldn’t have died for us. But since the Law cannot be changed, Jesus did die for us and He did find a way to help us keep God’s law so we can make it home to Heaven.

Seriously, if it wasn’t that important, WHY did He die, and WHY did He send the Holy Spirit to help us keep His law?

Now do you see why Satan is so focused on making sure BILLIONS blaspheme the Holy Ghost in the coming days by passing a law that goes directly against God’s law, and specifically against the Sabbath of the Lord thy God? It’s because the Sabbath is the prophesied SEAL OF GOD and Sunday is the MARK OF THE BEAST!

The Presents of God ministry