Pope, Sunday Laws
& Climate Change

the Pope's most recent
invite unto all the
leaders of the world
to a gathering on May
14, 2020 he stated the
following. "In my
Encyclical Laudato
SEE) I invited
everyone to cooperate
in caring for our
common home and to
confront together the
challenges that we
face. Now, a few years
later, I renew my
invitation to dialogue
on how we are shaping
the future of our
planet and the need to
employ the talents of
all, since all change
requires an
educational process
aimed at developing a
new universal
solidarity and a more
welcoming society." -Source
you have ever seen my
page on the site
exposing how governments
are indoctrinating
the children towards
a way of thinking that
is conducive to
everything prophecy
says the Pope needs
them to believe so as
to better control them
in the coming days.
Especially when it
comes to educating
them to believe in global
warming even
though tens of
scientists have
confirmed what the
Pope is teaching is
simply not found
anywhere in nature.
It's all a lie. And so
it is no mistake the
methods of educating
the children must be
done in a universal
manner all around the
world because the
mark of the beast is
something that will be
enforced globally. And
so this is why he said
this in his 2015
"Ecological education
can take place in a
variety of settings:
at school, in
families, in the
media, in catechesis
and elsewhere. Good
education plants
seeds when we are
young, and these
continue to bear
fruit throughout
so just as the Bible
says in Proverbs
22:6 wherein it
says, "Train up a
child in the way he
should go: and when he
is old, he will not
depart from it." And
of course this is done
for the good of the
child that is taught
truth; the Pope on the
other hand is using
the same method of
teaching lies unto the
young so as to assure
all will agree with
his soon to be
announced plans to
stop what he calls
global warming and
climate change.
so to further confirm
this is his main
reason for commanding
the leaders to move
ahead on this in the
May 14th meeting in
2020, notice what this
Pope said in his
Encyclical of 2015."On
Sunday, our
participation in the
Eucharist has special
importance. Sunday,
like the Jewish
is meant to be a day
which heals our
relationships with
God, with ourselves,
with others and with
the world. Sunday is
the day of the
Resurrection, the
"first day" of the
new creation,
whose first fruits are
the Lord's risen
humanity, the
pledge of the
transfiguration of
all created
It also proclaims "man's
eternal rest in
God".[168] In
this way, Christian
incorporates the value
of relaxation and
festivity. . And so
the day of rest,
centred on the
sheds it light on the
whole week, and
motivates us to greater
concern for nature
and the poor."
and foremost, notice
this man
of sin in Rome shared
not a single Bible
verse to back anything
he declared to be of
God when it comes to his
man made Sabbath.
And when they
footnoted his remark
about Sunday being
"man's eternal rest if
God" click that link
for footnote #168. He
is not quoting
Scripture here. He is
quoting from the Catechism
or dogma of Roman
That being said, are
we not told to "obey
God rather than men"
in Acts 5:29? And was
it not Peter the
apostle that was moved
by the Holy Spirit to
educate the Pharisees
as to our
Christian duty in
such things 2000 years
ago? And since the
prophet Daniel
declares the
man of sin in Rome
will seek to change
God's law so
as to create false
worship around the
world; is it not
obvious why the Popes
declare themselves to
be the successor to
the apostle Peter
while at the same time declare
themselves to be
"another god on
earth" many times in
official Vatican
we in the
remnant church has
stated for years, the
prophesied apostate
version of the
apostle Peter is
about to use his scientifically
proven fabricate
fallacy on climate
change as
a way to enforce his
antichristian system
of worship worldwide
so as to assure the
damnation of billions. The
Pope will claim
keeping Sunday holy
will stop global
And as the obedient
people in the true
remnant church have
declared for many
decades regardless of
the scoffers that mock
and ridicule claim;
soon we will most
assuredly see a demand
for Sunday Laws in
America and then all
the world will bow to
the great apostate not
long afterwards. But
many still wonder why
the beast in Rome is
so adamant about
Sunday Laws. And so I
say read your Bibles
and see that he does
this because as
prophesied, Sunday
Laws are what the
Popes of Rome have
boasted to be their
MARK all along.
why does he demand all
keep Sunday holy
instead of the
true eternal Sabbath
of the Christian God?
It's because Satan,
who controls the
Popes and prelates
in Rome knows
all those that bow to
the Pope's command
must first deny the
command of the very
God who created and
then sanctified the
true Sabbath that he,
the son of perdition
claims to be a Jewish
Sabbath when as the
Bible clearly teaches,
that same seventh day
Sabbath was created,
declared and commanded
first in Heaven by the
God of creation long
before a Jew was ever
even born. In fact,
all the angels not
only bowed in
obedience to the law
of God as Psalm 103:20
confirms; they also
bow in loving worship
to the very God that
sits on the Throne of
Heaven wherein they
know under the mercy
seat of His throne
lies the
Ten Commandments written
by God proving the
dying god of this
world can't possibly
change even a jot of
tittle of that law.
For the only way to
change it would be to
remove the ever living
God of the Universe
from His throne - and
that my brothers and
sisters, is something
that will never happen
from now unto
so soon, the god of
Rome will die along
with all the prelates
of Rome and all those
that bow in worship to
the beast in Rome by
disobeying the Creator
by bowing to the Pope
who is nothing more
than a dying
creature. But
the elect - the
remnant people of God? No,
they will never bow.
As prophesied and as
has already been seen
by our God from the
beginning of time; we
will obey God rather
than men!
SDA people are BLIND
to Sunday Laws

on Video
my main
I have discussed in
many Newsletters,
and radio
the fact that Sunday
Laws are in fact
being discussed and
promoted all over
the world. In fact,
back in 2009 when I
noticed an uptick in
such articles I
decided to create a
page on my website
just for these
articles. And keep in mind, I don't go looking for these articles. I scan the news sites globally 6
days a week
to find prophetic events happening in the news on
many topics
and quite often I come across articles about Sunday laws and so I share them when they come up
if in fact they're
not a repeat of a
similar article
because redundancy
makes for a boring
I am not going to
post all the article
headlines I have on
that page because it
would make this blog
entry way too big.
But I did scroll
some of my favorites
on the screen in the
video I made
yesterday. But
they're just a small
fraction of what I
have on that page,
not to mention the
thousands of other
articles all over my
website before I
created the growing
compilation page.
reason I am posting
this blog and made
the video is to
point out how blind
SDA people have
to become when it
comes to prophesied
events. And it
doesn't help any
when their Church
president says
things like he did
on camera.
are actually OVER
articles about
Sunday Laws
all over the
Internet and I have
many of them linked
out on my Sabbath
attack page and even
more linked out
within the articles
themselves because
there really is that
much information
regarding Sunday
Laws and their soon
I intimated earlier
I also have some old
and current blog
entries as well as
old Newsletters
that I have posted
over the years both
on and offline
regarding the global
plans of the Popes
and their political
cohorts in every
nation regarding his
and how people all
over the planet are
talking about his
desire for Sunday
laws in the last 9
years alone. And who
can forget John
Paul II's
statement within
his globally
published Dios
that says; "
Christians will
naturally strive to
ensure that civil
legislation respects
their duty to keep
Sunday holy."
all being said, the
list of artclies
that are scrolling
in the video I
linked out above are
only a fraction of
the headlines I have
touched on over the
last few years and a
much smaller
fraction of what's
actually on the
Internet as we
speak. And again
there are just too
many to post in a
video because even
with a high end
computer system the
software I use to
make my videos
simply can't handle
such a load and will
slow to a crawl if I
made this as large
as it needs to be to
show all the
headlines I have
compiled on just one
page online.
so, for those of you
still in the SDA
church I reach out
to you in as much
love as I can muster
from deep within, as
you see these
artclies scroll by
in that video, think
about what's
actually happening
out there and then
as you contemplate
all this; remember
what your
Church president Ted
Wilson said just
one year ago
in that video.
notice what one of
your main church
pioneers said not
too long ago.
voice from Battle
Creek, which has
been regarded as
authority in
counseling how the
work should be
done, is no longer
the voice of God."
Releases 17:185
has been some
years since I have
considered the
General Conference
as the voice of
God." -Manuscript
Releases 17:216
these men should
stand in a sacred
place, to be as
the voice of God
to the people, as
we once believed
the General
Conference to
be-that is past".
-Last Day Events
church that holds
to the word of God
is irreconcilably
separated from
Rome. It is a
backsliding church
that lessens the
distance between
itself and the
Papacy." ST
February 19, 1894,
par. 4
Like it or
not, Google WILL
Track you!
wants to know where
you go so badly that
it records your
movements even when
you explicitly tell it
not to. An Associated
Press investigation
found that many Google
services on Android
devices and iPhones
store your location
data even if you've
used a privacy setting
that says it will
prevent Google from
doing so. .Google says
that will prevent the
company from
remembering where
you've been. Google's
page on the subject
states: "You can turn
off Location History
at any time. With
Location History off,
the places you go are
no longer stored."
That isn't true. Even
with Location History
paused, some Google
apps automatically store
location data
without asking." -Source
first video about tracking
Christians was
about the CCTV
network in China
that is already
being used in most
cities around the
this too)
My next video of a
few days ago was
about how the
police use a
device called the
Stingray to track
people using their
own cell phones,
and now I find that
even if you turn off
Google's tracking in
your cell phone they
still track you
regardless. And yes,
like in the other
two videos, the
police are the ones
implementing all
this regardless of what
the Constitution
says in Amendment
#4 about illegal
search and seizure.
In fact the article
I found this morning
stated that the
Raleigh North
Carolina Police were
able to serve a
warrant on Google to
find devices near a
murder scene; and so
Google's claim that
you can turn it off
is something even
the police know
isn't true. For had
it been true they
never would have
bothered to do all
the work to get and
then serve the
so once again we see
cell-phones will be
used to help the
powers that be track
you down if in fact
you refuse to bow to
the soon to come mark
of the Vatican
which is in fact
Sunday Laws. And
just so you know,
those that don't
believe Sunday laws
are the mark, the
only way these poor
souls can make such
a claim it to ignore
the fact the Bible
says the mark will
be a religious law.
I even have thousands
of articles and
videos posted on
my site regarding
how governments
all over the world
are right now
pushing for Sunday
Worse yet, we even
have the Vatican
admitting in writing
invented the
Sunday Sabbath
exactly as the
prophecy stated they
would. But the
clincher here is
that the
man of sin in Rome
has admitted in
writing more than
once that their Sunday
Sabbath is in fact
the mark.
And so I have to ask
all those that make
such claims on my
YouTube page
regarding the long
prophesied reality
of Sunday laws; if
what I am saying
isn't true, then why
are they doing
exactly as Christian
prophecy said they
would do?
Tracking Christians
part 2
I don't ordinarily
do this, but I am
going to make a
video about another
video I plan to post
on my
YouTube page
today that I think
every serious
Bible believing
needs to watch. It's
about a year old and
so the technology
they're using here
has no doubt been
updated to be even
more powerful by
now. This video is
just four and a half
minutes long, and so
I hope you watch it
to the end.
yes, what is said in
the video about the
Constitution is one
of the main reasons
US Constitution
will be changed
very soon.
In fact, I did two
videos on this years
ago. See Video
and Video
by clicking the
fact they keep
talking about how
the Constitution
seems outdated to
those in power in
the news almost
daily now confirms
this will happen
very soon. Students
of prophecy
have known for years
why this will
happen. In fact,
there are two main
reasons they have to
change the U.S.
constitution. #1,
they cannot continue
to use technology
that tracks people
like this without
changing it, and #2,
they cannot enforce
mark of the beast
with the present
constitution either.
do you see why all
cell phones are purposely
designed to be
as well as an
absolute necessity
in the lives of most
people today? If you
can't be without
your phone now then
you can't expect any
real private
security tomorrow.
When the time comes
to enforce the mark,
if you can't get rid
of your phone by
then, you will be
that much easier to
track down. (Click
here to see if
this technology)
Admits Sunday is the
As many of
you know I have been
declaring for decades
that the mark of the
beast is the Sunday
Sabbath invented by
Rome. And I have both
and Scriptural
to back this up
online. In fact, I
have shown for years
that every prophecy
that has ever been
written in Scripture
that speaks about the
Antichrist's beast
system have been
fulfilled by the Popes
of Rome. I have 26
of my favorite
confirming all this
listed here.
But to keep this
short, I will only
share one
of those prophecies
that is in fact my
all-time favorite that
makes it very easy for
me to share this truth
in a quick manner. It
has to do with the
prophecy found in
Revelation 17:8 that
says ". behold the
beast that was, and is
not, and yet is."
other prophecy makes
it that easy to show
how accurate
Christian prophecy
is. And after you
see how easy it is
to share this, you
too may agree and
use this when asked
how you know for a
fact that the
Vatican is in fact
the prophesied Beast
system. But first
notice these
historic facts so as
to better understand
the prophecy. And
just so you know,
this is just one
prophecy locking it
down like this. I
have many more
listed all over my main
Catholic church
first gained its
political and
religious power when
the papal chair (538
A.D.) under the
military protection
of Belisarius."
(History of the
Christian Church,
Vol. 3, p. 327)
During this time,
and as prophesied,
the Vatican went
about killing
Christians for 1260
years. As I have
stated in many studies,
and videos;
that period of time
is what the prophet
Daniel and the
prophet John
predicted in their
books and Jesus
Himself called the "Great
in Matthew
24:21. But for
the prophecy to be
accurate, we have to
see something
drastic happening at
the end of the 1260
years to where the
Beast system is to
lose its power. That
would be the exact
year of 1798AD. And
in the Encyclopedia
Britannica 1941
edition as well as
many other historic
sources, it was
confirmed that "In
1798 General
Berthier made his
entrance into Rome,
abolished the papal
government, and
established a
secular one."
you do a proper
study you will find
this was also
prophesied as the
time the
beast received its
mortal wound.
And according to
prophecy, that wound
eventually be
and so do we find
any moment in time
where the wound was
beginning to heal
and the Beast system
came back into
political and
religious power?
Notice two of
many articles posted
back in 1929.
and (Cardinal)
Gasspari sign
historic Roman
"The Roman
question tonight
was a thing of the
past, and the
Vatican was at
peace with Italy.
In affixing the
autographs to the
memorable document
healing the wound
of many years,
extreme cordiality
was displayed on
both sides" -The
San Francisco
Chronicle. Feb.
11, 1929
Becomes Ruler Of A
State Again
Rome, June 7.-From
11 o' clock this
morning there was
another sovereign
independent State
in the world. At
that time Premier
Mussolini, as
Italian Foreign
representing King
Emmanuel-the first
Italian Premier
ever to cross the
threshold of the
with Cardinal
Gasparri, Papal
Secretary of
representing Pope
Pius XI,
ratifications of
the treaties
signed at the
Lateran Palace on
Feb. 11. By that
simple act the
independent State
of Vatican City
came into
existence. -New
York Times July 7,
so, getting back to
my favorite prophecy
exposing the Beast
system. Notice again
what it says in
Revelation 17:8. It
said, ". behold the
beast that was, and
is not, and yet is."
The Beast
that was: The
Roman Catholic
church becoming a
Church and State
in 538ad and
continued as such
until Napoleon
sent in General
Berthier in
.and is
not: This is the
time span from
1798ad forward
that the Popes had
no political as an
independent State.
Its power was
during this time.
.yet is:
This if from the
signing of that
document in 1929
to present. From
that day forward
the Roman Church
has been a church
& state.
in order to figure
out what the
Antichrist's Beast
system will declare
as its mark, we need
to find out what the
seal of God is
because as we know,
Satan always uses
God's law as a way
to both mock Him as
well as seek
counterfeit worship
by claiming to be a
god on earth. That
being said, have you
ever signed a
document to validate
or confirm that it
is authentic? Have
you ever given your
seal of approval on
something? Have you
ever marked an item
of yours as proof of
ownership? In
government, this is
an undeniable fact
of life. As we know,
signing a document
authenticates that
document. Government
declarations must
always bear a mark,
or an
official seal
of approval on it
for validity. But
what are the actual
features of an
official mark or
seal made by
official seal or
signature must
always have three
distinct features to
be considered valid:
The name
of the official
The title
of the official
territory of the
the President of the
United States signs
a bill into law, he
must sign it, 1.Name
"George Washington"
3.Territory "of the
United States of
Collectively his
signature would
read; "George
President, of the
United States"
looking to the
Creator God we
realize that He does
in fact have a
Heavenly Kingdom and
that is where Satan
will always seek to
mock Him. And a
Kingdom always has a
governing body. The
Almighty also has a
legal document
containing His Law
for His Kingdom. The
Lord's legal
document is His Law.
Looking directly
into the midst of
these Ten
Commandments you'
will find the Seal
of the living God!
Within the fourth
Commandment we find
the words; "For in
six days the LORD
made heaven and
earth.." -Exodus
that passage we see
all the necessary
features of an
official seal. And
so notice this.
= THE LORD ("I am
the Lord: that is
my name" Isaiah
= CREATOR (Notice,
"the LORD made" in
above verse)
AND EARTH (Notice,
"Heaven and earth"
in above verse)
His signature
reads."The Lord,
Creator, of Heaven
and Earth"
that we know that
the seal of God is
in fact the fourth
commandment that
declares Him to be
Creator; and by
keeping His
you acknowledge Him
as Creator by
declaring after He
finished creating
all things, He
rested and made that
day holy as an
eternal reminder
that He is in fact
Creator God. After
all, is it not
written in Psalm
77:11 that "I will
remember the works
of the LORD: surely
I will remember thy
wonders of old." And
how can we remember
Him in ways that
declare Him Creator?
The fourth
commandment plainly
says, "Remember the
sabbath day, to keep
it holy."
how Satan via his
Beast system
demands worship as
well as a way to
mock the Lord; does
he have his
own Sabbath
and does he too
declare his Sabbath
to be his seal or
mark? I will let the
of Rome
who has been proven
to be not only the
man of sin,
but one that worships
Satan openly in
the Vatican and
even makes
dedicated unto him.
And so what has the
in Rome
openly declared to
their official
mark in writing?
course the
Catholic Church
claims that the
change (Saturday
Sabbath to Sunday)
was her act. And
the act is a MARK
of her
authority in
religious things."
-H.F. Thomas,
Chancellor of
Cardinal Gibbons.
is our MARK of
authority. . .the
church is above
the Bible, and
this transference
of Sabbath
observance is
proof of that
fact" -Catholic
Record of London,
Ontario Sept
Reason Government
blog entry is on
Ever wonder why Facebook
with its massively
expensive server
farms never charges
you a dime to use
them? Ever wonder
why all your
personal info is
vacuumed by Facebook
and other social
media outlets as
well as the banks'
new and improved
credit cards and the
government's Real
ID cards?
Have you ever
wondered why every
single product
bought and sold all
over the world must
have a UPC label on
it that is based
on 666?
Have you ever
wondered why we see
digital money being
pushed into society
left and right so as
to bring about what
they claim is a
better financial
structure for
mankind in what
students of prophecy
refer to as a cashless
Or how about the
idiocy of the
TSA and how they
that can't stop
any terrorist from
getting on a plane
if they really
wanted to.
know.. that kind of
makes one wonder if
those missing
airplanes with
hundreds of people
in them weren't
actually hijacked
wherein the
government forced a
false narrative into
the media so as to
prevent TSA from
coming off as
nothing more than a
Nazi inspired way of
checking your
what about the many
false flag attacks
where the government
is literally
killing their own
so as to generate
enough fear to make
it easier to pass
laws that
remove basic
freedoms which then
grant them a
way to
better corral
the people.
Those with eyes that
see know what's
actually happening
here. Sure, the
powers that be claim
all this invasion of
privacy is to help
protect us from
terrorists. Yet
whenever a visiting
dignitary from the
USA visits a war
torn region infested
with terrorists they
never seem to get so
much as a mosquito
bite while visiting
there? How's that
even possible? And
think about this
little tidbit of
reality. If the
powers that be
really cared about
protecting their
citizens, why all
the false flag
attacks? Why all the
poisonous additives
in the food? Why all
the recently
outed chemtrails
wafting down on all
of us? Why all the
wars and rumors of
wars? Why all the vaccines
that have been
proven to be
crippling and
killing people
to cultivate
customers? And why
all the open borders
wherein drugs can be
funneled in that
kill millions of
people every year?
Worse yet, why is the
AMA allowed to
keep pushing drugs
everyone knows is
killing people
Not to mention
abortion and doctor
suicide. Truth
is, they actually
could care less
about you. So much
so they never even
bothered to demolish
the Georgia
placed there by a
Roman Catholic
elitist who wants to
actually kill
billions so as to
turn the survivors
into slaves of the
elite. One would
think those stones
would have been big
news if not at the
very least destroyed
by now.
so no, they aren't tracking
each and every
to stop terrorism.
And they don't track
you online so as to
better spam you with
products they want
to sell you. That's
just how their dying
god was able to
convince them to set
up a system he can
use in the days
ahead. He just
dangles a golden
carrot in front of
people wherein they
can make money and
they chomp on it
like their lives
depend on it. Truth
is, Beelzebub simply
wants everyone to
die. And for those
that don't die
before the
hit, there is a very
simple reason for
all this tracking.
And what I am about
to say may be a bit
of a shocker for
some people and
especially those
that don't believe
in Christian
prophecy, which by
the way has had every
single prophecy
that was supposed
to be fulfilled by
this time in
history well
documented as
fulfilled to the
If you don't believe
me, just download my
free book People
Get Ready
and read it.
are tracking people
in every nation on
planet earth simply
because whether you
believe it or not, it's
the end times.
And the prophecy
about the
mark of the beast
is REAL!
And so I say to all
those that are
laughing out loud
right now; sooner or
later you have to
come to realize that
the end times would
have eventually come
to fruition since obedient
have never changed
their message on it
for 2000 years. And
if you still don't
believe prophecy,
then why would Rome
try to kill
off those
who exposed them and
their plans?
Wouldn't that prove
even in an Atheistic
heart that those
Christians must have
been on to
so in these last
days you have to at
least contemplate
that sooner or later
that mark will be
enforced. And now
that billions around
the world have
offered up all their
private info on
social media, every
dollar they possess
can be traced
digitally, and every
comfort of life; be
it the electricity
you purchase each
month to the cash
you have in your
checking account,
all of it can be
shut down with the
flick of a switch.
And the split second
you go to get some
gas for your car, or
medicine for a sick
child, your "new and
improved" credit
card will not only
prevent you from
buying and selling
anything, it will
broadcast your
personal location to
every enraged police
officer in the city
who was told that
YOU the
obedient Christian
are a threat to
society in that you
refused to agree
with the Roman
mandate of Sunday
that they
claim will stop
all the calamites
on earth
once every soul on
earth agrees with
the Pope to worship
fake Jesus
on his admitted
fake Sabbath.
But because most
people trust the
wolves on their
pulpits over the God
of the bible, they
are totally unaware
of what time it
really is. As
sheeple they are
being corralled
right before our
very eyes and yes,
prophesied! (See
Revelation 13:3)
Promoting Worship of
the Pope
Some of you may recall
video I did a little
over 4 years ago
wherein I showed the
Scriptural and
historic proof that the
mortal wound that
was administered to
the Pope back in
1798AD in the exact
year the Prophet
Daniel predicted
was finally healed. As
expected, no one in
any 501c3
church or
ministry that
claims to understand
or even preach
prophecy ever said
anything about what
happened back in
January of 2014 that
confirmed what
obedient students of
prophecy declared
regarding the wound
being healed many
years prior that I listed
on my main site.
And now we see CNN, a
News Network known for
their fake news, has
decided to create a docuseries
about the Pope being
the most powerful
man in the world
wherein the Pope is
declared a man of his
own word instead of
God's Word just as
Jesus predicted he
would do in John 5:43
so as to bolster their
network's ratings
while at the same time
confirm what we stated
years ago that the
mortal wound is
healed. When you
get time, you
seriously need to
check out the trailer
they just released for
that docuseries glorifying
the Pope as another
god on earth on
Pastor Craig's
YouTube channel.
how did it get so bad
wherein a
man drenched in sin
and criminal acts
is declared a global
moral leader? How was
the Pope of Rome able
to get his wound
healed so quickly? It
was all thanks to the
false prophets
most people think are
their pastors today.
They refuse to speak
of the Pope in Rome
because on one hand
they fear losing their
tax free status, and
on the other hand they
can't sufficiently
preach or teach the
prophecies because you
can only understand
them when you're
obedient to the God
that wrote the
yet, when the Lord
moved upon a people in
the prophesied ninth
hour described in
Matthew 20
who then go forth in
obedience in the early
1800's and expose the
Popes of Rome for
decades as 2
Thessalonians 2:3
prophesied they would
so as to alert
everyone on earth
today who
the man of sin is;
this ninth hour church
was also prophesied to
do as the Jews of
old did and walked
away from their God.
They too fell
into apostasy and literally
joined hands with
Rome to the point of
documenting their
agreements on paper.
These men in the ninth
hour or SDA church as
most known them by
were called of
God to declare present
so as to ready
the people for the
coming of the Lord.
But they not
only refused to do
their ordained duty,
they openly honor,
and protect
the Popes of Rome by
declaring he is no
longer as prophecy
says he is.
And if that's not bad
enough, they
even created an
image to the beast
in Rome
just as the Lord
prophesied they would
so as to further lock
down their
state of defiance
against the Lord
their God.
In fact, they are
right now helping Rome
to gain popularity as
well as prevent the
people still in the
SDA church from
knowing that since the
wound was healed,
which they never speak
of, and the Pope's
popularity and power
have grown off the
chart, they hide
from their own
brethren that Sunday
Laws are just around
the corner.
have a video I made
back in November of
last year wherein
the SDA
President, Ted
Wilson stated on
camera Sunday Laws
are not coming
anytime soon
even though we have
thousands of articles
and videos of church
and political leaders
pushing for Sunday
laws right now. He
actually made it a
point to stand in
front of the camera
that day just to make
that claim so as to
hide what's really
happening behind
Vatican walls as we
speak. The SDA
leaders, all the
Protestant leaders and
every politician known
to man are right now
doing all they can to
puff up the Pope as
well as promote
religious banter in
politics so as to
bring about the prophesied religious
This is why CNN just
announced their new
docuseries. It will
catapult the Pope of
today as a godly man
in the eyes of the
people that trust
their pastors above
their own God by
making the Popes of
old look as evil as
they truly are while
at the same time make
the current Jesuit
look as holy, blessed
and trustworthy as
they can.
for those confused as
to why the Pope needs
religious laws in
America and then all
nations of the world
so as to enforce their
notice how every time
the mark of the beast
is mentioned in
prophecy the word
"worship" is right
there with it! That's
no mistake! That my
brothers and sisters
is prophecy being
fulfilled right before
your eyes!
13:12, "And he
exerciseth all the
power of the first
beast before him,
and causeth the
earth and them which
dwell therein to
worship the first
beast, whose deadly
wound was healed."
13:15, "And he had
power to give life
unto the image of
the beast, that the
image of the beast
should both speak,
and cause that as
many as would not
worship the image of
the beast should be
14:9, "And the third
angel followed them,
saying with a loud
voice, If any man
worship the beast
and his image, and
receive his mark in
his forehead, or in
his hand,"
14:11, "And the
smoke of their
torment ascendeth up
for ever and ever:
and they have no
rest day nor night,
who worship the
beast and his image,
and whosoever
receiveth the mark
of his name."
Schwarzenegger to
Sue Oil Companies
for 'First Degree
Murder' 03-14-18
and environmental
Arnold Schwarzenegger
says he and a team
of lawyers are set
to sue major oil
companies whose
"product is killing
people." .I don't
think there's any
difference: If you
walk into a room and
you know you're
going to kill
someone, it's first
degree murder; I
think it's the same
thing with the oil
the Terminator star
said." -Source
crazy as his
comments may sound,
a narrative like
this needs to become
the norm in the
mass-media if Rome
is to be successful
in their enforcement
of a mark. And so we
need to watch for
big as well as the
little signs like
this because those
of us that study
Christian prophecy
know that the
Pope of Rome will
be moved by Satan
very soon to demand
all people in the
world keep Sunday
to appease God who
is sending the
greatly increased
global calamities
that he has named "global
The thousands
of articles about
Sunday laws
that keep coming in
confirms that hands
down. And this is
all besides the fact
that global
warming has been
found to be bad
science by tens of
thousands of real
who unlike the
handful of Vatican
scientists, they
don't have a
political agenda for
everything they say
and do.
strange as all this
seems to some we
have to remember
Satan is the father
of lies and so it
will always be bold
faced lies that he
uses against the
masses. Need I
remind you of the
lies He told Eve in
the Garden? When you
step into
disobedience lies
become believable.
Hence the reason
most people trust
the Pope,
politicians and
their apostate
pastors today.
the strange
occurrences around
the world from earthquakes,
strange weather to animals,
birds, insects and
fish dying in
biblical numbers
has been prophesied
to happen right
before Jesus
and Satan needs hide
this prophetic
fulfillment so he
can use it against
those that don't
read Bibles as a
very effective way
to control them. But
who has now been
proven to rule the
roost in the
as per biblical,
prophetic, historic
and even eye witness
accounts; he knows
that he has very
little time left to
do his final work
and he must ready
the masses to kill
those Christians who
refuse to bow the Rome's
admitted MARK of
Sunday Sabbath.
And so this is
why Schwarzenegger
said what he did and
is also why all
the movies, video
games and music
has become so
violent lately.
He's training his
loyal and greatly
deceived Armageddon
troops as we speak.
And so, as crazy at
it comes off at
first by
Schwarzenegger, this
narrative must begin
somewhere so the
media can build on
the idea that global
warming is killing
people so as to
convince the masses
it has nothing to do
with the return of
Christ. It sounds
nutty now yes, but
they will build on
this. Christian
prophecy is that
keep your eyes open
and you will see
Rome will push their
political pawns and
send their media
cohorts to build on
the chance to
declare the
prophesied death
sentence upon all
those that refuse to
bow to the
Pope's admitted
unbiblical Sunday
Once done it will
become the law of
the land and all
that refuse to obey
will be legally
declared worthy of
death. Their reason
to kill will be that
unless those
refusing to keep
Sunday holy die, the
calamities from God
will eventually kill
us all. And just as
we saw how they used
this method of
attack against our
Lord 2000 years ago,
they will use the
very same lie again
in the near future.
And that lie is what
high priest Caiaphas
stated in John 11:50
wherein he said that
"it is expedient for
us, that one man
should die for the
people, and that the
whole nation perish
not." Then you will
see all the 501c3
government pastors
who built an image
unto the beast in
Rome join in unison
to lobby for and
then pass Sunday
laws to supposedly
appease the God of
Heaven. And all
those refusing to
keep the Roman
Sabbath will then be
declared guilty of
first degree murder
and therefore worthy
of the long
prophesied death
sentence by
guillotine. Now do
you see why there
are thousands of
guillotines in
storage in the USA
as we speak?
some that never read
their Bibles or even
studied Christian
prophecy for that
matter may think
what I just said is
a bit of a longshot;
but before you
respond with your
comments in my
or YouTube
those in bed with
Rome have already
declared in writing
that the Christian
God is angry when
you refuse to keep
the Roman Sabbath of
Sunday back when the
Tsunami hit in
They actually said
that tsunami killed
those 300,000
people because they
weren't going to
church on Sunday!
And did you notice?
No one balked at
that statement in
the churches of the
world because as
also prophesied
they are right now
wondering after
the beast
in loyal obedience
anyway. They
actually think the
Sabbath is Sunday
and therefore
believe Sunday laws
would be a good
idea. And since the
mortal wound has
been officially
talk in the media of
being guilty of
first degree murder
will begin as
This is what's next
on the prophetic
to-do list of the
man of sin in Rome.
so, as we see; a
man that is no
stranger to
killing en masse
in his blood
drenched Hollywood
this man has
obviously been
chosen by Rome,
the historic
mother of all
modern day
to begin talking
points towards the enforcement
of the mark of the
by declaring climate
change is killing us
and therefore just
as the oil companies
should be considered
guilty of first
degree murder, Rome
can now build on
this to proclaim the
Sabbath keeping
Christians who
refuse to bow to the
Pope will be
considered guilty
and then the final
law will be passed
to have us all
killed. But those of
us that study His
Word and His
prophetic truths
know that when they
do that, the
Gideon band
will go forth and
glorify the Lord who
protects them from
any and all weapons
formed against them
just as much as He
did the seven
thousand who refused
to bow to Baal in
Elijah's day!
of the beast is ALIVE!
now know the 501c3
government pastors
next move. In fact,
this is actually a
very easy prophetic
event to see before it
comes to fruition
thanks to the fact all
the apostate pastors
have done exactly as
the Bible said they
would at
every step.
They have joined their
ministries and
churches with the
State they reside in
making them an exact
duplicate of the Roman
Catholic beast which
has the original Church
& State
structure prophecy
speaks of when
declaring it to be
the woman on a beast;
because the only way
to get the 501c3 is to
join your church or
ministry with the
apostate pastors
started doing this
prophesied act 63
years ago when they
began to sign the
501c3 contract. Then
after the Vatican
knew they had all
the churches in
agreement with them,
was also
on March
7, 2006 the
pastors were given
the legal right to
stand as
government agents
thanks to George
W' Bush's pen
on that date via his
executive order
#13397; that just
happened to be exactly
1685 years to the
very day since
Pagan ruler
Constantine signed
the Roman day of
the Sun into law
on March 07, 321ad
as a legal day of
worship, which then
became the very
first Sunday laws
thereby initiating
the first
official Sunday
for the Bishop of
Rome. Yes, that
means all those
Sunday keeping
pastors throughout
history and on all
pulpits today lied
when they said the
Sunday Sabbath
started three
centuries earlier
at the
resurrection of
You simply cannot
fake well
historic record,
and you
certainly cannot
find a single
Bible verse to
back up their
claims either.
In fact, I recently
offered $5000 cash
to anyone that can.
As expected, not one
verse was given that
makes Sunday a
Sabbath for
on May
04, 2017
President Trump gave
the 501c3 pastors
the legal right to
speak politically
from their pulpits
thereby revealing
their prophesied
fruit of emulating
the Church &
political State
structure of the
Vatican. But what
Trump did that day
was only an
executive order. And
like Bush's
executive order, the
pastors knew it was
only valid as long
as he stayed in
office or until the
following President
removed it. But then
on December
02, 2017
in the middle of the
night as most
Americans slept,
which happened to be
actual Biblical
Sabbath of the
Creator God,
Trump and the Senate
made that Executive
Order permanent US
law wherein the
501c3 pastors could
legally endorse
political candidates
as well as legally
lobby for
legislation. (See
page 427 of the
new law here)
And so as
prophesied, all
those pastors now
have the same Church
& State power to
permanently stand as
the same sinful
image of the beast
in Rome. But how
does this make us
realize what their
next major move will
be? Notice what it
says in Revelation
about what just
13:15, "And he had
power to give life
unto the image of
the beast, that
the image of the
beast should both
speak, and cause
that as many as
would not worship
the image of the
beast should be
"he" in this passage
is the
second beast which
is the US
What just happened
in the middle of the
night last week was
in fact the second
beast just gave life
unto the image of
the beast which is
in fact all the
government approved
501c3 churches and
pastors. They are
now a legal church
and political state
power. And just so
you know, the
prophetic term
"speak" means to
lobby and
or legislate
law. The prophetic
term "cause" means
to enforce the law
they passed. (See
all definitions
so, for all those
lying pastors out
there that have
stated for literally
decades that we the
obedient people of
have been lying
about their 501c3
being the
fulfillment of the
image of the beast;
how is it that
everything that was
supposed to happen
that makes it become
the express image of
the Roman Catholic
church & state
power, HAVE
exactly as the Bible
said it would?
short, and as
prophesied, all
501c3 pastors are
now Biblically
proven to be the
"many false
Jesus Christ warned
us about in Matthew
24:11. That means if
you are in a 501c3
church, (check
your church or
minister here)
you are under the
tutelage or guidance
of a false prophet.
You need to leave
that church
immediately just as
Jesus said in
Revelation 18. For
if you disobey your
Lord and are found
in the apostate
churches when He
returns, you will
most assuredly be
left behind when His
obedient bride rises
with Him to New
Due to the urgency
of this prophesied
event, this blog
entry was already
made into a video
and posted online here
a few moments ago.
Pastors and Sunday
Ever since I created
the image
of the beast page on
this website
wherein I show how the
501c3 contract of the
American Government
drafted by Lyndon
Johnson back in 1954
was a prophesied
fulfillment wherein
every church that
signed unto it becomes
a duplicate or "image"
of the Roman Catholic
Vatican; because we
all know the only
legal way to have a
501c3 is to
Incorporate or join
your church or
ministry with the
State; all the
preachers and pastors
with the 501c3 have
said I was crazy for
making such a claim.
decades they have said
I was wrong because
the 501c3 contract
only grants them tax
free status wherein
they have no political
voice whatsoever. But
then March
7 2006 came along
wherein President
George W. Bush
signed it into law
that all churches
with the 501c3 are
now legally
government agents of
the State with the
ability to lobby law.
Again the scoffers on
the pulpit said, no
it's still not a
prophesied fulfillment
of the image because
they feared the IRS
that wouldn't allow
them to speak
politically even
though the President
drafted the Bill in
that manner. And then
As Donald
Trump was
campaigning and
promising to repeal
the Johnson
amendment in his
campaign speeches
the blinded pastors
under the 501c3 again
said, no that is still
not prophetic
fulfillment because
Trump is just making
campaign promises like
any other politician
just to gain office.
And even if he gained
office the IRS still
chains the pulpit down
tight. Then May
04, 2017 came along
wherein now
President Trump
officially removed
the IRS power over
the churches
wherein they can now
legally stand on
pulpits speaking
politically to not
only influence
elections but offer
their voice in the
lobbying of any law
they agreed with.
Again they claimed the
image of the beast
prophecy cannot be the
501c3 because the
divided Senate will
never be able to reach
the amount of votes
they need to make such
a sweeping changes as
this to where they
would repeal the
Johnson Amendment
giving them power that
emulates the church
& state power of
all that said, and
mind you, at every
single turn we see how
the blind pastors
under the 510c3
contract have been
completely wrong at
each and every
signpost along the
path of the long
prophesied 501c3
contract, notice what
just happened this
They now have all the
votes they need to go
what's in this tax
plan that's so
important? Check
this out!
Also see
and then see
just to mention a few.
Now think about all
that for a moment!
the churches ignored
the prophesied
implications of all
this. And this
includes all the SDA
pastors and preachers
who supposedly
understand and even
teach prophecy. Once
this is set in stone,
and it will be as
Christian prophecy
never fails, the
churches with the most
power will be able to
endorse the candidate
of their choice above
the smaller churches
which means the exact
same thing when it
comes to lobbying the
long prophesied Sunday
law. And thanks to the
ecumenical charge of
Rome wherein every
church is now in bed
with the Pope, and yes
this includes the SDA
church from the
leadership down to the
pastors on the GC
payroll, what do you
think will happen in
the coming days?
Perhaps a statement or
two from Rome itself
will shed light on
this since most prefer
to believe mankind
over the Creator who
penned the prophecies
in the first place.
Constitutions can be
changed, and
non-Catholic sects
may decline to such
a point that the
proscription [ban]
of them may become
feasible and
expedient. What
protection would
they have against a
Catholic state?"
-The State and the
Church, pp.38,39, by
Miller and Ryan,
imprimatur of
Cardinal Hayes.
old Protestant
culture is about at
the end of its
rope... Why can't we
make the U.S.
Catholic in
Catholic in justice,
aims and ideals?"
-Father F. X.
Talbot, editor of
America, official
Jesuit magazine for
the U.S. statement
in New York Globe
Dec. 14, 1930
on Sunday trading in
Poland gain green
"Under the
legislation, which
will now go to the
upper house of
parliament for further
debate, trading will
be banned on two
Sundays a month from
March 1 next year. The
ban will be stepped up
to three Sundays a
month in 2019, while
in 2020 trading will
be prohibited except
on seven Sundays a
year. The ban will not
apply to online
stores, fuel stations,
railway stations,
pharmacies and some
florists. The
legislation was backed
by 254 members of the
460-seat lower house
of Poland's
parliament, with 156
against and 23
abstaining. A survey
found last month that
51% of Poles were in
favour of restricting
shopping in Poland on
all Sundays." -Source
this isn't the
prophesied mark of
the beast.
But it is a major
stepping stone towards
normalizing it; and
it's no mistake it's
being done in Poland
wherein 1 million were
deceived into praying
the Vatican's
admitted Pagan
rosary beads
on their border back
in September of this
Sorry, there's just no
easy way to say that.
you compile this long
prophesied development
with all the religious
banter in American
politics the last 2
as well as the thousands
of articles online
and millions of
articles offline all
over the world wherein
towns, cities and in
some cases entire
nations like Poland
are working towards
what students of
prophecy have been
declaring all along as
the bold and obvious
signs that Sunday laws
are indeed on the very
near horizon. That
being the bold and
obvious reality you
have to realize church
leaders are right now
purposely lying to
their flock when it
comes to the
signs of the times.
in point, when it
comes to Sunday
laws, how on
earth can the
president of the
Seventh Day
Adventist church
declare on camera
that "nothing of that
sort is in the
pipeline at the
present time" when
those of us with eyes
that see can see so
much evidence that he
is wrong? It's because
as I reported back on
23 of 2016. The
president of the SDA
church has publicly
announced he has
joined hands with
the man of sin in
to do as Rome
was prophesied to do
regarding the
preaching of another
so as to fill the
ecumenical trophy case
of Rome with lost
have suspected the
fix was in over the
last few decades in
the SDA church.
But now with their
publicly announced
statement of faith
echoing political
correctness only a
papal prelate can
some obedient souls in
the church are finally
doing just as
Revelation 14:4
predicted they would
do when it said,
"These are they which
were not defiled with
women; for they are
virgins. These are
they which follow the
Lamb whithersoever he
how Jesus is no longer
allowed in the SDA or
any other church in
bed with the first and
second beasts of
Revelation, many have
made the proper choice
to follow the Lamb
when He was forced to
leave by the leaders
of the apostate
churches just as many
followed Him out of
the Synagogues 2000
years ago.
challenge! Show KJV
Verse for Sunday
Lord woke me up with
a wonderful thought
this morning. Seeing
how the pope and
many of his
followers as well as
all the 501c3
preachers now have
the ability to make
void the law of
God, and this
is something they
will do soon. It
looks like the
opportune time to
push ahead with the
truth on this. We
all need to be
better prepared for
that long prophesied
day with a
well-informed body
of believers who
have all the
spiritual and
biblical information
they need to fight
for the truth as it
is found in Scripture
regarding God's
course I am speaking
of the up
and coming Sunday
that Christian
prophecy states Rome
is about to demand
and all the fallen
Protestant churches
that created
their image to the
so as to better help
man of sin
to assure every
lukewarm soul
in their fallen
churches will join
in worship of the
Pope who will be
used by Satan to
make void the Law of
our God worldwide.
yes, for those of
you that are hearing
this prophetic
truth for the
first time; Sunday
Laws are in fact the
mark of the Beast.
You would do well to
check out my mark
of the beast page
that has in depth
Scriptural warnings
as well as
historical quotes
wherein the Popes of
Rome actually
admit in writing
more than once that
Sunday is their mark
of authority over
you. And for those
that prefer to watch
videos on this,
there are many of
them linked out on
that page as well.
all 501c3 preachers
are as prophecy
declared to be more
interested in money
than they are in
obeying the God of
the Bible; hence the
reason they went for
the government
contract with the
second beast of
that makes them a
lot of money in
the first place; I
present to all of
you Sunday keeping
pastors a challenge
that will most
assuredly appeal to
you. I will give you
$5,000 cash if you
can show in the KJV
Bible wherein the
Creator God who
sanctified the
seventh day Sabbath
in Eden 6000 years
ago, which was
obviously long
before a Jew was
ever born thereby
confirming it is not
just a Jewish
Sabbath as many
claim; please show
me in the Bible
where our God
changed His eternal
seventh day Sabbath
to Sunday the first
day of the week. And
I say eternal
Sabbath because
it has been
kept in Heaven each
week before mankind
was created by the
very angels
themselves. See
Psalm 103:20 for
confirmation on that
biblical fact.
also present a
challenge to the
obedient bride of
Christ to go forth
and do the same. No
you don't have to
offer the people
money as it is
mostly the pastors
that were moved by
it. Just ask as many
as you can to show
you the Bible verses
they believe show
God changed the
Sabbath. That way
when they try to do
so, you can present
a quick Bible study
or even hand them a
tract that shows
them the truth in
all this. It will
not only allow many
souls a chance to
repent and be one
with Christ when
they see the God of
the Bible never
changed His Sabbath
day; it will also
help you fine tune
and even ripen your
evangelistic fruit
to better show
everyone the Lord
sends your way when
they finally do pass
those Sunday Laws.
After all, is it not
written that we must
"be ready always to
give an answer to
every man that
asketh you a reason
of the hope that is
in you with meekness
and fear:" -1 Peter
HERE to respond to
this challenge!
Demands: World Govt
Must Rule USA!
"Pope Francis
told the Italian
newspaper La
Repubblica that the
United States of
America has "a
distorted vision of
the world" and
Americans must be
ruled by a world
government, as soon as
possible, "for their
own good." -Source
you read on in the
article you will find
he is demanding all
this because of his
concern for our so
called faulty
immigration status.
Yes, that's just his
excuse to start
talking points; but
besides the prophetic
implications, of which
I'll get into in a
moment, he currently
wants an influx of
Roman Catholics from
Mexico and as he
stated in writing more
than a few times, his
and sisters" in the
Islamic faith
also need to be
allowed to funnel into
the USA in large
numbers. And as
student of prophecy we
know the end result of
his agenda here but
for now he needs to
force America to open
the borders so as to
bolster his voting
bloc in his favor by a
landslide so as to use
the second beast (USA)
as prophecy stated he
would in these days so
as to use the power of
the US to enforce his
very soon coming
present, the USA won't
bow to such demands as
it would be political
suicide to do so. But
our leaders will
definitely do so the
moment it becomes
politically and
financially beneficial
to do so. And since it
is prophesied in
13:11&12 that the
second beast
eventually does
strengthen the
religious powers of
the first beast, which
is of course the
Vatican; this increase
of Rome's so called
religious power will
be granted on two
plains due to #1, the
church and state
conglomeration already
setup in the USA under
long prophesied
contract every single
lukewarm church leader
in this nation has
signed unto over the
decades, and #2 the
influx of Roman
Catholic politicians
and military leaders
who at present have
power to force every
nation on earth to bow
to the political
demands of the Pope.
do you see why Ronald
Reagan's White House
staff member stated as
he did when asked why
we need an Ambassador
to the Vatican? He
said, and I quote, "It
would allow the USA to
influence the
political decisions of
the Roman Catholic
Church!" And because
they have had decades
now to twist reality
in modern society,
most now agree with
the Pope
when he stated years
ago that he was the
world's moral
That's right, the man
that protects
and who's long
prophesied office has
hundreds of millions
of Christians for
their faith
is now seen as the
moral authority on
earth during these
last days.
just to lock this all
down on three avenues
of control, this is
also why Fox
news called for a
global ruler back in
April of 2015?
So as we can see,
everyone in the media,
everyone in politics
and all the church
leaders are
playing their part for
man of sin in Rome
to assure the prophecy
will soon be fulfilled
regarding the
one world government
and the mark of the
beast in Rome.
for those that don't
believe Christian
prophecy holds any
credence whatsoever in
modern day society;
even though everything
that was prophesied
has been fulfilled
exactly as the Bible
predicted. Since you
don't believe
prophecy, click
for some statements
made by the Popes of
Rome over the years
that confirm this has
been their plan all
along. In other words,
this will happen just
as prophecy predicted
it will.
bishops for total
ban on Sunday
"Free Sundays are what
all Catholics,
non-Catholics and
non-believers need,"
Archbishop Stanislaw
Gadecki told Polish
ahead of a meeting of
the Bishops Conference
on Friday, which is
expected to support
the ban. The idea was
put forward last year
by the powerful
Solidarity trade
union, backed by a
petition, and has been
batted back and forth
in a parliamentary
subcommittee ever
since. The clerics are
careful to base their
argument on quality of
life rather than
religious grounds.
"Families don't just
need financial
support, they need
time for themselves,"
said the Archbishop of
Katowice, Wiktor
Skworc." -Source
just got word from a
brother in the faith
that lives in Poland
that they
plan to enforce the
ban starting January
1, 2018.
And no, this is not
yet the enforcement of
mark of the beast.
But it is a major
stepping stone in that
direction. As we just
saw in a video I just
made and then posted
on YouTube yesterday
titled, "1
Million to pray
Rosary on Polish
as prophesied, Rome is
doing all they can to
normalize Paganism
in the minds of
billions of people so
as to make Catholicism
to appear as moral when
in fact it is not.
Having millions openly
pray using Pagan
prayer beads
in public to having
the entire nation of
Poland to close their
businesses on the
ancient day of worship
for the Pagan Sun god
Baal is nothing more
than a show of force
on Satan's part. He
knows his time is
short and at the same
time he knows he has
most souls in his
camp. So just as in
Noah's day, most will
believe the lies over
the truth. And for
those of you that
think you would never
agree to embrace Pagan
rituals as the norm,
you need to double
check your current
holiday activities a
bit more. Not only has
Rome moved all
Christian churches to
keep Sunday holy, they
also take part in
Pagan rituals most now
call Christmas
and Easter.
of us that study
prophecy know, Sunday
laws will be
enforced in the
United States first.
But what many fail to
realize is how the
powers that be must
first normalize that
act of open rebellion
against the Christian
God by declaring a day
of worship He never
sanctified, and they
must do so worldwide.
Yes, I am very aware
most Christian have no
idea how they are
already in bed with
Rome on this one. And
so our work is cut out
for us as we proclaim
that loud
prophecy speaks of.
But for those of you
that are Christian who
keep Sunday holy, I
implore you to read
your Bibles and you
will see the Lord
declared in both the
Old and New Testament
that the seventh day
Sabbath has been the
"Lord's holy day" of
worship ever since He
created Angels who
kept His law in Heaven
long before mankind
was ever created. But
as we all know,
prophecy must be
fulfilled and so this
will still happen and
the overwhelming
majority of Christians
will ignore all this
and receive the mark
just as easily as they
agree to dress up
their Christmas trees
and Easter eggs.
for those that think I
need to sit for a
fitting for a tinfoil
bonnet on this one,
check out my Sabbath
attack page
wherein I have well
over a thousand
videos, articles and
doc files proving the
Roman Catholic Popes
are doing everything
they can to push for
Sunday Laws globally
just as the prophecy
said they would. In
fact, they have even
gone so far as to
declare Nazi
war criminal Pope
John Paul II
a "saint" so as to
have him supposedly
"speak from heaven"
via his
Dios Domini
wherein he declared,
and I quote,
"Christians will
naturally strive to
ensure that civil
legislation respects
their duty to keep
Sunday holy." And so
yes, Sunday Laws are
in fact prophesied!
And according to the
Roman Catholic Church,
they admit in writing
that Sunday Sabbath is
their MARK just as the
Bible said they would.
See the quotes and doc
files confirming that
on my mark
of the beast
if you still think
this is all a
prophetic pipedream of
crazed students of
prophecy seeking an
audience, besides the
fact the majority of
all Christian churches
already keep Sunday
holy without
a single Bible verse
to back up their
Roman invention of
Sunday Sabbath,
were you aware that
the Jews already
agreed to keep
Sunday holy for the
Pope as well as
desecrate the true
Sabbath as of April
21 of this year?
And were you also
aware that Seventh
Day Adventists have
dozens of Sunday
keeping churches
and their Conference
leaders declare "it's
no big deal"
for them to do so?
Christian prophecy
will be fulfilled no
matter if you're ready
for it or not. But it
is the prayer of this
ministry that you do
in fact get ready to
meet the Lord Jesus
Christ very soon.
Hurricanes (Harvey
& Irma) are
God's wrath for
voting in Trump
"Oscar-winning actress
Jennifer Lawrence
suggested the
devastating hurricanes
in Texas and
approaching Florida
were signs of "Mother
Nature's rage and
wrath" at America for
electing Donald Trump
and not believing in
man-made climate
change. ...It's
scary," the actress
responded to the
assertion that there
was "an end-of-days
feeling" across the
world and especially
in the U.S."- Source
and foremost, Jennifer
Lawrence is a very
well paid professional
liar. And no, I am not
being sarcastic. It's
the basic definition
of what an actor is.
Every actor in
Hollywood literally
makes their living by
lying to people on
camera. And as we
also know, Hollywood
has been pushing the
Vatican's leftist view
for years. The fact
the most popular film
making entity is named
"Universal" should
tell you something.
The Latin term
"Catholic" is
translated as
"Universal" in
English. But enough
about that.
The movie
makers of
Hollywood have
promoted all that is
evil in the world and
like Roman Catholic
Theologians who
promote Paganism
and its evil rituals
as if it is all
Bible sanctioned
What I mean is, the
producers have
somehow convinced the
masses that all of
their extremely
violent and flesh
filled movies that
promote everything
from murder to
rape is somehow
to be considered
entertainment by all.
And the fact they have
gone political in
their many strange
messages and plots for
as far back as I can
recall even from my
teen years shows they
do indeed have a long
term agenda that
is write now coming to
fruition. And seeing
how there isn't a
human alive today that
has not been born
after the
end times started in
1844 which was the
exact years Daniel's
2300 year prophecy
none of us can afford
to be swayed by
Hollywood, politics,
or worse yet the confirmed
man of sin in Rome.
Lawrence, like many of
her cohorts in
Hollywood that have
sold their souls for
riches and fame, they
know all too well that
unless they tow the
line presented them
and use their
celebrity to bend the
ears of the fans that
worship them, they
will lose their jobs,
money, fame and
pretended political
powers splashed upon
them that they playact
a scripted part for a
set fee that is
designed to sway
the minds of their
fans. And so when the
powers that be demand
they speak for the
Pope's climate
change agenda,
they will do it! They
have no choice. And at
present, the Pope can
use the
current disasters
piling up to shore up
support on his climate
docket towards
enforcing his
admitted mark.
We are right now
cleaning up from
hurricane Harvey, Los
Angeles is
experiencing the
worst fires in US
Irma, a Cat 5 like
no other in history
is continuing to
destroy and kill, and
just had a quake
that was so bad it
moved the fault 32
literal feet!
And so yes, as
prophesied the
calamities are
increasing. But not
for the reasons the
Pope claims!
for the obvious next
step. Will it happen
directly after Irma
wipes out large
portions of Florida,
or will they let this
all fester in the
minds of the sheeple
so as to have the
prophesied compilation
of additional
disasters nicely
stacked up so as the
people ready to hear
them declare, "the
disasters are only
here because all you
Christians refuse to
go to church on
Sunday!" Time will
tell. But do
you remember this
Vatican approved
who declared the
Tsunami of 2005 was
the end result of
people refusing to go
to church on Sundays?
Sure, it went over a
like a led balloon
because they only had
the one disaster. But
pile a few up, and
they will have what
they need to push the
agenda forward.
for Lawrence to claim
God's wrath is upon us
because Trump, who has
also been in bed with
Rome since he had his
mandated CEO meeting
with him years ago, is
ludicrous at best.
It's merely a way to
increase the
expectation in the
minds of many that
there must be a reason
for the disasters
increasing and seeing
how next to no one
reads Bibles anymore,
any idiotic claim will
most assuredly be used
as the proverbial lump
of mud that sticks in
the minds of many that
Rome can use to
eventually grant them
their "aha" moment
when Satan steps up
claiming to be Jesus
who then claims
everyone needs to keep
Sunday holy to stop
the calamities. The
majority that have
bathed in his lies all
their lives will be
primed and ready to
declare this final lie
to make perfect sense
for all the disasters
and so they will agree
and receive the mark
as the right thing to
VIDEO: Al Gore
Says God Told Him to
Fight Global Warming
As expected, religious
banter has begun in
politics to allow for
the soon to come
Sunday laws. Just over
one month ago Trump
made it possible for
the lobbying of
religious laws by the
Government approved
501c3 pastors. As
expected politicians
will also speak of God
more freely to that
end since the freedom
to do s was signed,
sealed and delivered
by the second beast of
Revelation. (click
to watch on YouTube)
knew this was next
after what Trump did
on May 4th. But very
few knew just how
quickly this would
begin. And as students
of prophecy have known
for many years, the
lie about global
warning and climatic
disasters will be how
they get the ball
rolling towards
religious laws! And
now Al Gore just
stepped up to do as
the man of sin in Rome
commanded! ARE YOU
I share an outline of
all that in the video.
U.S. government
threatens to take
all your cash
"In the name of
fighting terrorism
financing, a new U.S.
Senate bill threatens
to force private
corporations to
monitor your financial
activity and empowers
government to seize
all your assets if you
fail to comply with
the new law. Even
failure to fill out
one form is license
for the federal
government to take
everything you have.
...If the bill becomes
law, Americans would
be subject to a whole
host of government
intrusions. One little
slip-up would open a
Pandora's box of
governmental inquiry
into your financial
life," says Peter
Reagan, a
strategist at Birch
Gold Group. "For
example, failing to
complete a single
reporting form would
result in the
government being
granted abilities to
freeze and seize not
just a portion, but
the entirety, of your
assets. The bill even
goes so far as to
include the contents
of safety-deposit
like Satan is getting
a little worried and
hurried in his final
agenda because he
knows that if the
people have access to
cash they can avoid
the mark
of his beast
that his
man of sin
in Rome is about to
enforce. As one of
many students of
prophecy, this is why
I created a page
titled "the
expected cashless
on the site many years
ago about the Pope's
plan to make sure all
cash is removed from
society or at the very
least digitized so as
to control every dime.
I stated all along,
you cannot remove the
ability to "buy and
sell" from the people
as prophecy says they
will do if the people
still have access to
their cash. You must
make all transactions
digital or at the very
least make cash
illegal without a
digital counterpart
attached in some way
so as to be able to
control each and every
transaction using
globally networked
supercomputers. Seeing
how his time is short,
Satan has opted to
track all cash now by
forcing this Bill upon
the people via his
many obedient puppets
in Congress. Will it
pass? No clue, no
care. But even if it
doesn't pass as
written, it will be
rewritten and prophecy
will be fulfilled
anyway. Truth is, the
suggestion of the Bill
may just be Satan's
way of lighting a fire
under his Senatorial
pawns that lick the
Papal boots so as to
get them busy pushing
his final agenda. He's
getting antsy and
that's a good thing
because Jesus is
coming a lot sooner
than most care to
invention of the
credit card sparked
many sermons and
tracts decades ago
warning the people
that this was the
Vatican's long
prophesied end result
when it comes to the
cashless society they
need to have in place
in order to be able to
enforce the
Yes, many scoffed back
then as expected and I
am sure some still
scoff to this day
because unless
you are obedient to
the God of all
creation, you will
not be able to
understand the
prophecies He has
And yes, this is why
so many so called
"prophets" and SDA
leaders keep missing
these political
movements in the USA.
They have no clue as
to what it's all
about. But praise the
name above all names
that some have stopped
scoffing now that we
actually do have
credit cards, debit
cards, auto-pay, lcd
cards, direct deposit,
online banking, and
cell phone banking. It
is now painfully clear
are doing exactly as
prophecy predicted
they would do.
the way, Remember the
Card" video I made 4
years ago?
As I expected it
didn't have all the
features needed and so
now there
is a new and
improved "smart
card" that can do
exactly as the Lord
revealed back then!
I am sure that if this
Bill passes they will
make it possible for
people to "think" they
can keep their cash by
telling them to get it
out from under their
mattress or out of
their home safe and
place it in their
local bank. That way
they still "have"
their cash seeing how
their "smart cards"
allow them access to
every dime anyway.
What they won't tell
them is that the very
second they refuse to
bow to the
soon to come Papal
mandate of Sunday
all their cash will be
"turned off" in their
cards just as prophecy
Gore Says God Told
Him to Fight Global
In his comments,
Gore equated the
fight against global
warming to a
religious-based, moral
crusade similar to the
civil rights fight,
women's suffrage, and
the abolitionist
movement during the
Civil War era. Gore
insisted that it is a
moral imperative to
fight against climate
change. ... And if you
are a believer, as I
am, I think God
intends for us to open
our eyes and take
responsibility for the
moral consequences of
our actions." -Source
many students of
prophecy know, the
prophecy regarding the
mark of the beast
predicts the need for
a religious law and so
the powers that be
need to do all they
can to assure
religious laws become
part of society as
soon as possible. They
need to rush ahead
with their plans
because their dying
god knows his time is
short and so this is
why Trump did what he
did a few weeks ago to
help the government
approved 501c3 pastors
have the legal ability
to lobby for religious
laws. See my May
4th video
on this.
we also know,
according to the
Christian Bible the
mark of the beast is Sunday
In fact, the Vatican
has admitted more
than once in writing
that their unbiblical
Sunday Sabbath
is their mark of
authority over all
churches and even the
Bible itself. And so
this is why we have
seen tens of thousands
of articles the world
over the last few
decades wherein the
Popes of Rome and
their political pawns
have pushed for
religious laws and
specifically a legally
mandated Sunday
Sabbath. See my Sabbath
attack page
for over 1000 of these
articles and videos
from the last 12 years
you recall, back in
December of 2004 we
all witnessed the
devastating Tsunami
that killed over
300,000 people. But
were you also aware
that within a few
weeks of that
devastating disaster
the Vatican friend and
cooperatvive in this
long prophesied agenda
by the name of John
MacLeod declared the
reason people died in
that Tsunami was
because they weren't
going to church on
Sundays. So the
prophecy regarding
their need for Sunday
laws to prevent
disasters finally
became a reality in
the minds of many
scoffers that doubted
the prophecy that very
day. See my Feb
2005 Newsletter
on this.
so now we see Al Gore,
who was approached by
Paul II
to push the global
warming agenda decades
ago; and I have a few
videos on my climate
change page
on the website if
you're interested.
This man (Al Gore) was
caught lying by every
single living person
on the planet
regarding his Vatican
contrived prediction
that global warming
was to come to a
frightening conclusion
in 2016 that never
actually did. In fact,
his predictions about
the polar ice cap
being gone by 2016 was
not only proven a lie,
the ice cap has
actually been
documented as growing
in size. You might
want to check
out this website
when you get time.
Oh.. and when you go
to that website you
may notice that
firefox and other
browsers have a built
in device declaring
that website site to
be dangerous so as to
help the powers that
be hide what's on that
website. So, expect a
huge read page popup
warning when you go
why are they doing
this? The current
calamities we see all
over the world are
prophesied to increase
due to the sins of
mankind coming to a
festering and putrid
head just as they did
in Noah's day when
they legalized
homosexual marriage,
of which caused the
Lord to move Noah
to build the ark
due to the global
flood he was sending.
Satan knew this then
and he knows this now.
And so he must react
to this prophesied
reality accordingly.
Only this time he has
come up with a way to
use these already
increasing global
disasters to his
advantage to try and
get every soul on
earth in his camp
ready for hellfire.
Using his man
of sin in Rome
he has devised a plan
to convince all the
nations on earth to
gather as one so as to
try and do something
about the global
disasters by using the
excuse that we are all
in this together
seeing how we are all
on the same planet.
now that religious
law is to be a legal
reality soon,
and yes this is why we
see talk
of Shariah law in
the USA
as well lately; Al
Gore now has received
the go ahead from Rome
to start mentioning
God in his global
warming fiasco so as
to open the door for
the enforcement of the
religious laws Rome
plans to enforce, or
the mark of the beast
as we know it. And
according to prophecy,
this is what will
happen next.
calamities will
increase, the media
will concentrate on
making sure everyone
on earth knows they
have increased, so
much so they will even
fabricate calamities
to bolder the panic in
less frequent regions.
The Pope will then
step forward under
direction of the
physical Antichrist
who by now is
literally standing on
the planet in bodily
form claiming to be
Jesus Christ
incarnate. After this
demon masquerading as
Jesus goes about
healing a few people
and speaking in
melodious tones to
garner many souls into
his camp, he then
demands everyone on
earth must keep Sunday
holy so as to appease
God who will then stop
the calamities once
they all obey. And to
assure everyone does
as he commands from
Rome, the leaders
under his control will
then prevent the
buying and selling of
everyone on earth that
refuse to bow in
worship to the
mandate, or "receive
his mark" as prophecy
calls it. Now do you
see why every CEO and
every political leader
on earth have had
those closed door
meetings with the Pope
since all that Satan
spews is based on
lies, the disasters
will increase anyway
because it has nothing
to do with people
breaking the Roman
Sabbath. Those
calamities, like in
Noah's day, are
nothing more than the
end result of all the
sins Satan has moved
billions to embrace
all along. And so to
get around that,
Satan, who most think
at this time is really
Jesus Christ, will
then declare all the
real Christians still
keeping the
Seventh Day Sabbath
are blaspheming his
name and so they must
now die to stop the
calamities. And so he
will move all those
that worship him to
step up to surround
the people of God as
the prophecy regarding
Armageddon has
do you see why we
already have blasphemy
laws in Islam and
Shariah Law is right
now being pushed in
American courts? Since
the people are already
used to people dying
under blasphemy laws,
this will be accepted
worldwide and so all
the people of the
world who have been conditioned
the last few decades
to kill
thanks to watching
violent Hollywood
movies, playing
violent video games,
listening to violent
Rock music and even
participating and
gambling on violent
sports; all of them
declare their loyalty
to the Pope and his
Antichrist to go forth
and kill the Sabbath
keepers by surrounding
them on a specific
date set forth by
Rome. Problem is, this
action seals the fate
of all those that obey
the Pope and his dying
god claiming to be
Jesus. The
then begin, and as
prophesied in Psalms
119:126 we see that,
"It is time for thee,
LORD, to work: for
they have made void
thy law."
Sabbath keepers still
alive at this time are
counted in that
prophesied number
known as the Gideon
band that stand firm
in obedience to God's
due to the Holy Spirit
inside them that
promised to help them
to do so, and the obedient
people of God
never even get so much
as a
or heat
from the 7 last
plagues falling upon
all the wicked that
have bowed to the Pope
and his antichrist.
eastern sky then
splits, the dead in
Christ rise up, and we
all go home together
to leave behind all
those that worshiped
the Pope
and his
dying god.
The pulverized dead
bodies of the lost
souls are now all over
the planet as rotting
dung due to plague #7;
which by the way is
the 125lb
chunks of hail
falling from the sky
killing them as
prophesied. And it is
now that Beelzebub
truly rules his
subjects as his given
name predicted he
would thousands of
years ago. For the
name Beelzebub
translated into
English is, the god of
the dung.
last thing. I already
made the video for
this blog entry. All I
need to do is fine
tune it a bit and I
will be uploading
Rage 2017: The
Complete List of
Jihadist Attacks
"The estimated 950
deaths and 1,021
injuries from the
estimated 70 attacks
that have taken place
across about 20
countries during the
first 13 days (as of
June 8) of this year's
holy Muslim month of
Ramadan have already
the bloodiest
Ramadan in recent
years. In just one day
(June 08), the death
toll increased by 84
and injuries by 42.
believe martyrdom
is doubly rewarded in
paradise during
Ramadan. Jihadist
groups encourage martyrdom
among their
sympathizers and
followers, promoting
the belief that they
will be doubly
rewarded if they
fatally castigate
infidels during
Ramadan." -Source
is overwhelming
evidence that the
Islamic religion is an
exact duplicate to the
Roman Catholic
torturous and
murderous fruits of
their inquisition
during the
prophesied 1260 year
rampage of the Popes.
Yes, it was prophesied
that the "great
that saw hundreds
of millions of
Christians killed
for their faith
would end in the exact
year 1798ad. But it
was also prophesied
the Vatican church
would regain its
church and State
as well as begin its
horrific killings
again. Sadly today,
most look at the 165,000+
martyred Christians
each year
as a normal fact of
life in today's
society when it's not
normal at all for the
human race to do this
to each other. But it
is normal in the
last days
as everyone alive
knows is happening
right now.
long after Mussolini
and Cardinal Gaspari
signed their long
prophesied pact in
that we saw the
Vatican create,
cultivate and place in
power Roman
Catholic Emperor
Adolph Hitler
and the killing seen
during the
Inquisitions began
again using the same
torturous techniques
of the Vatican
priests. They had to
use Hitler this time
instead of openly
killing Christians as
they did all over
Europe in the dark
ages because they knew
everyone on the planet
knew about the Pope's
bloodthirsty desires.
Especially since the
man of sin was
via the work of the
prophesied 9th hour
And so Hitler Rome's
stealthy way to kill
again without being
noticed. But even here
they were outed as
Hitler was a declared
Roman Catholic and so
after he failed to
help them kill off all
the Christians and the
Jews, they regrouped
to build up a pawn
they had already been
cultivating for
centuries. You see,
even the Popes of Rome
has not the long-term
livability as does
their dying god
Beelzebub; and so he
used them centuries
earlier to set the
stage he needed to
build up Islam long
so as to use them
during the very last
plan was so well built
that some
poor souls even to
this day believe
Islam to be the king
of the north
so as to help hide
Rome's bloody actions
by using Islam to kill
once again. Their
disobedience the Lord
in whatever realm the
enemy souls was able
to lure them into
afforded him the
perfect pawns to build
up his last ditch
effort to rid the
planet of Christians.
And now that we
are very near the
his zeal for spilling
blood has gone far
beyond the Vatican
rituals we see every
Easter wherein
Catholics and
Muslims whip
themselves bloody
on camera. But no one
dies during this
bloodletting and so
Satan now needs to
spill the blood of
dying victims so as to
cultivate more pawns
as well as generate
more fear so as to
have many Christians
failing in the faith.
now have the testimony
of ex-Muslims as
well as dogmatic
proof that the Popes
of Rome actually
wrote the Koran.
There was even an exPriest
that outed them on
who was murdered by
the Pope for doing so.
This is why both the
Catholics and the
Muslims display the
same fruits in their
walks and many strange
religious rituals. (See
a list here)
And so when you see
the killings of the
Christians escalate
during "holy days" of
Muslims you have to
know it's due to their
obedience to the words
penned by Vatican
prelates in their
Christians who trust
the Bible we know that
the Vatican is not the
home to a Christian
religion. It has
been outed more than
once in their own
documentation, pics,
and even on video to
be a Satanic Church
hell-bent on destroying
Christianity from
in the exact same way
a spy would want to
infiltrate an enemy
nation masquerading as
a citizen of that
nation. But Rome can
only be successful after
they openly ridicule
the Bible that
exposes them.
This is why they get
very angry whenever
someone declares "Sola
out loud. And so, when
their flock blindly
trusts them as Jesus
predicted they would
in Matthew 15:14, they
too will put down the
Bible as a "dead and
speechless book"
(Catholic Question Box
page 67) In so doing
it allows the Popes
and prelates to have
absolute control. But
had their people
opened a Bible, as
many did in the
Reformation, they
would have discovered
that as
prophesied, nearly
90% of the Vatican
dogma (doctrine) is
of Pagan
(Satanic) origin and
this would move them
to leave such
churches. But over one
billion people have
succumbed to the Roman
Catholic lie because
that too was
prophesied. (See
Matthew 7:13,14)
worse, Muslims leaders
have already declared
their loyalty to the
Popes of Rome. You can
see this in how they
con their underlings
into saluting
the Popes in the
exact same way
Hitler taught his
Nazis to salute the
In fact, I have well
over a dozen videos
exposing the Vatican
love affair with
Islam posted here
if you would like to
share this with any
Catholics the Lord
leads your way.
the wound of the beast
in Rome was to be
healed so as to grant
the Pope power to kill
again. I actually
confirmed this as a
prophetic fulfillment
back in January of
2014 in yet
another video
posted here.
And no, the
apostate SDA church
never caught that or
even declared it as a
fulfilled prophecy
even to this day; even
though the structure
of the prophecy is
quite clear in how it
was to be fulfilled.
And why did they miss
this prophesied fact along
with every other
church in agreement
with Rome?
has to do with
obedience that is
key in understanding
In fact, this is also
why you see all
the churches
proclaim Allah s god
and all the nations
allow the so
called Muslim
to enter their nations
by the millions so as
to assure Rome has the
bloodthirsty troops
needed to generate the
fear and terror in the
hearts of every nation
they place under their
thumb so as to assure
the enforcement of her
is a soon to be
reality worldwide. And
yes, this is also why
recent pick for FBI
director is tied to
As prophesied, religious
laws are coming to
and they're coming
much sooner than most
Christians are aware.
And so, it's time to
trim those lamps
brothers and sisters.
We have some amazing
work to do and we will
need all the Holy
Spirit inspired help
to do so!
Zinke: It's not
about climate
change, it's about a
bad deal
"On 'America's
Newsroom,' the
secretary of the
interior defends
President Trump's
decision to exit Paris
accord..." -Source
I said in
and blog
Trump caved long ago
on this but not as
many can tell as of
yet it seems. He
has been saying
since day one in his
campaign that
climate change is a
But almost immediately
after being elected
president his daughter
is granted the lead
position in the
White House climate
change department.
If it's a hoax and he
plans to walk away
laughing; why is his
daughter doing as he
denies? Why is he
allowing US tax
dollars to be spent on
what he called a hoax?
as I've been saying
since day one of his
campaign when he first
declared the truth
that it was a hoax,
prophecy confirms they
will use the climate
change agenda to get
all the nations in bed
with Rome so as to
have a global reason
to enforce "certain
laws." And these laws
will be used to police
every single citizen
on the planet. Never
before in the history
of mankind has there
been such a suggestion
(outside of Christian
prophecy that is)
wherein the
overwhelming majority
of nations on earth
agree with as we see
175 nations doing
right now. According
to the Bible it is
only prophesied to be
as such when the
mark of the Vatican
is enforced and this
is why students of
prophecy can easily
declare Trump is going
to play along on this
just as much as
everyone else is
because you cannot
change that which was
written by a God who
sees the end from the
fact the secretary of
the interior in the
Trump administration
is right now (on this
video) speaking about
the "bad deal" behind
the Paris accord
confirms this as fact.
The man has stated on
record all along that
he believes climate
change is a fact. And,
what about the
statement made by
Gary Gohn
a week ago, who
happens to be Trump's
economic advisor that
"President Trump's
views on climate
change are "evolving"
following discussions
with European leaders
who are pushing for
him to stay in the
Paris climate accord."
So as usual, the
campaign promise is
only declared as such
to gain the office.
It's happened with
every US president
before Trump, it has
happened with Trump
and if the Lord
tarries much longer,
it will happen again.
his enemies, his
friends, and the
wildly corrupted main
stream media can make
all sorts of claims
that Trump pulled out
of the Paris accord
all they want. But as
I said before, Trump
is a deal maker who
clamors after anything
he can that will
remove Obama's
illegitimate legacy.
Trump is also about
making decisions as
president that will
offer him all sorts of
fame and long term
benefits to himself
and his family even
after he's gone. And
so as soon as a better
deal is struck so as
to make Trump appear
the "champion
of the people,"
as he has been
promoted himself to be
lately, we will see
the United States of
America join the Paris
accord so as to assure
both the mark is
enforced and the US
Constitution is
rewritten. (as
also prophesied)
Because the basic
reality is, there is a
big difference between
a treaty and an accord
and so this is yet
another reason Trump
refused to sign and
Obama did. But I won't
get into that here.
reality is this; If
Trump really believes
it's all a hoax and he
wasn't just saying
that after his
campaign manager
revealed the
demographic research
showed his voting bloc
leaned in that
direction, then why
would he bother
suggesting a new deal
is struck at all? If
it's a hoax, it's a
hoax and so that would
mean no deal would
make it viable no
matter how much it
would benefit him and
his legacy. There is
no getting around the
prophesied reality
that Vatican bought
and paid for scientists
will declare natural
disasters are the
end result of
climate change.
Once the majority
falls for the lies,
(as the Paris accord
proves they did) Rome
will jump on this to
pass Sunday laws
in every nation on
earth. Once Trump and
his cronies rewrite
the deal the Pope will
have the legal ability
to demand every
citizen comply with
Sunday Laws, but only
after the loud cry
exposes their
true Pagan dogmatic
as per Bible facts
backed by both prophecy,
jurisprudence and
simple historic
That exposure will not
be tolerated and so
the laws will be
passed to try shut us
up. But as also
prophesied they will
fail just as miserable
as the Jews failed
2000 years ago when
they demanded the
Apostles shut up about
Jesus Christ. And so
contrary to popular
belief, Christian
prophecy WILL BE
point, it's only a
matter of WHEN.
Calls for Government
to Give Everybody
'Universal Basic
"Thursday during his
commencement speech at
Harvard, Facebook CEO
Mark Zuckerberg called
for a "new social
contract" with a
"universal basic
income." Zuckerberg
said, "Every
generation expands its
definition of
equality. Previous
generations fought for
the vote and civil
rights, they had
the New Deal and
the Great Society. And
now it's time for our
generation to define a
new social contract.
We should have a
society that measures
progress not by
economic metrics like
GDP but by how many of
us have a role we find
meaningful." -Source
other words, since
we have followed the
lead of the Vatican
in promoting a
Socialist format in
America by offering
welfare to tens of
millions of people
that don't need it
at all but gladly
receive over getting
a real job, and
since most in
America like the
idea of allowing the
Government to
control every aspect
of their lives
thanks to the
dumbing down
brought on by the
government schools
why not force the
American people to
accept a mandatory
income so as to
teach them to rely
100% on the
corrupted Government
so that when new and
more insane laws are
passed removing
freedoms and
promoting insanities
like the mandatory
they keep pushing.
That way when the
people refuse to do
as their government
commands they can
just threaten to
take away their
"mandatory incomes"
so as to force them
into compliance just
as we saw the
government do with
the so called
Preachers and
pastors who bowed in
worship to the
filthy lucre handed
them under the
long prophesied
501c contract.
Now granted the
restriction on
political sermons
was lifted on May
4th a few weeks ago,
but that is where
they hung their hat
for 63 years!
But then that's how
big government
works. They push the
unjust laws for as
long as it grants
them additional
control of the
people and only lift
it when it benefits
them. And getting
the one world church
members (ALL
to chime in to help
the Pope
in his push for
Sunday Laws,
that's a prophetic
no-brainer. And yes,
this includes the
SDA church as an
admitted member. See
their own doc
files here.
brainchild "Facebook"
now sports over 2
billion users (no
doubt with hundreds
of millions of fake
subs to help fudge
the numbers on their
"viable voting
bloc") he can speak
in a political arena
now knowing he has
the ears of hundreds
of millions of
voters. But that's
nowhere near as
important to him as
that large bloc
makes all the movers
and shakers see a
political cash cow
and so when can see
how they will join
in to push this. And
the fact he is
echoing the
Vatican's agenda in
all this under the
watchful eye of the
Agency most know
as the CIA,
he has just outed
himself as a
political shill. The
fact he declared
just a few days ago
that "We
Need a 'Global
Superstructure to
Advance Humanity'"
suggests he's all in
on this one.
also stated in the
article that "We
should explore ideas
like universal basic
income to make sure
everyone has a
cushion to try new
ideas." Like what
Mark? Whether or not
filet mignon goes
well with Pepsi or
would Mountain Dew
suffice? Seriously,
we've all seen
people in the
grocery stores
buying prime rib,
lobster tail and
even stuffed clams
using the
government's Link
card. The welfare
system has literally
become their bread
and butter, or
should I say grey
poupon and marbel
all being said, have
you see my Vatican
Socialist Agenda
page on the website?
I have well over 100
articles and video
showing how Rome's
Socialist agenda is
deigned to work.
This is a sad state
of affairs
especially for those
living in Venezuela
right now. The only
way the Vatican will
be able to enforce the
is to have power
over the people in
every nation on an
individual basis.
Yes, they already
have the tools they
need to enforce the
mark right now. But
that's only viable
for the USA. They
will enforce the
mark here
in the USA first
so as to show the
other nations how
well it will work in
their regions as
well, and so
this is why some
third world methods
like offering
financial assistance
the other nations
clamor after when in
fact none is needed
here in the States.
Satan is one for
covering every base
and so to prevent
any one soul from
slipping through his
talons, he is going
to do all he can to
cover ever base. And
because our
political leaders
are grossly corrupt,
he is having a field
day setting up shop
here in America (the
second beast)
just as prophecy
predicted he would.
some of you may
already know, I just
posted a quote in my
most recent video
from Thomas
Jefferson that bears
repeating. And this
is especially the
case after seeing
what Mark Zuckerberg
just said. Jefferson
stated; "A
government big
enough to give you
everything you want,
is strong enough to
take everything you
Trump's Ambitious
First Foreign Trip
Features Three of
World's Biggest
"President Donald
Trump leaves for his
first foreign trip of
his presidency Friday,
highlighting three of
the world's biggest
religions with visits
to Saudi Arabia,
Israel, and the
Vatican City. "I'll
meet scores of leader,
and honor the holiest
sites of these three
great religions,"
Trump said during a
speech on Wednesday,
previewing his trip to
Coast Guard graduates.
.No president has ever
visited the homelands
of three of the of the
world's great faiths
in the same trip
before, faiths which
are professed by
millions of
Americans," a White
House official told
Breitbart News,
pointing out that the
president was "very
excited" to make the
trip." -Source
you seen my new page
titled "Religious
Laws are coming as
yet? Perhaps you need
to if you're not aware
of what's prophesied
to happen in the
coming days. As I have
stated for literally
decades, before and
after finding the truth
about God's Law
wherein I finally
became an
obedient Christian
that truly understands
what it means to say
Jesus is "Lord" of my
life; the office of
president has seen one
wicked president after
another all my life.
If you look into a few
of the presidents
before you were born
to see how long this
was happening, it's
amazing how the timing
of it all coincides
with the
start of the
prophesied end times.
the Lord revealed to
me and many other
students of prophecy
over the years was
that the presidents
will become worse and
worse to the point the
American sheeple will
become so fed up they
will eventually demand
a man in office that
claims to have
religious values
comparable to their
own. And because of
the timing of it all,
the values of the
American people will
be so corrupted that
anyone that echoes
their skewed vision of
a Christian will be
their chosen candidate
and it won't even
matter what party he
stands in as the
people themselves will
leave their present
parties just to end
the insanity of big
government corruption.
When that eventually
happens, and it just
did with Trump, that
president will
showboat as a man for
the people and their
churches because by
then the foundation
needed to enforce the
will be well built by
Rome making that so
called "religious"
president a major cog
in the wheel that will
help Rome bring about
their long prophesied
law of mandatory
Sunday Sabbath.
15 days ago Trump was
"moved" to go ahead on
his campaign promise
of helping the 501c3
preachers lobby for
religious law. (See
a short video on
that here)
Bur as we saw, the
pastors were still
fearful (as is
expected with those
that have no faith) of
the possibility that
the Roman
Catholic controlled
will harass them if
they lobbied for those
laws from their
pulpits. And since
they worship money as
prophesied, they won't
step up until that
danger is removed. And
so two weeks ago Trump
signed an executive
order protecting those
pastors from IRS
harassment. (See
a short video on
that here)
What this means is
that all the
preachers, pastors,
ministers and priests
in America can easily
speak of the need for
religious laws from
their pulpits just as
prophecy predicted
they would. And now we
see Trump meeting with
the three most corrupt
religious governments
on earth. That's
right! I called them
governments because
all three so called
religious churches he
is meeting with are
not only considered
legit churches by the
deceived souls they
lead, they are also
globally known to be
governing bodies at
the same time!
students of the Bible
and its prophetic
voice we knew all
along how things would
speed up very near the
end. And so they have
in a big way. That
being said, we as the
long prophesied
obedient bride of
Christ need to share
present truth with as
many as the Lord will
send our way each and
every day. There is
precious little time
left and I would not
want to be among that
many that have buried
their talents in the
world they love when
Jesus finally gets
here to see that they
have done with that
which He has revealed
to them.
501c3 Govt Preachers
and Sunday Laws!
"An executive order
(EO) signed by
President Donald J.
Trump this morning
could welcome more
overt political
activity by charities
and churches. It also
appears to open the
door for more
litigation against his
administration. ...The
EO was released this
and what it actually
does could be up for
debate. The EO states
that it will be the
policy of the
executive branch to
"vigorously enforce
federal law's robust
protections of
religious freedom,"
and will honor and
enforce those
protections. It goes
on to state that the
Treasury Secretary
will ensure that the
department does not
take adverse action
against any
organization for
"speaking about moral
or political issues
from a religious
perspective, where
speech of similar
character has not
ordinarily been
treated as
participation or
intervention in a
political campaign on
behalf or opposition
to a candidate for
office." -Source
was revealed and then
shared back in July
of 2016 in a video I
Trump will never
remove the
prophesied 501c3
even though many
preachers and pastors
hoped and declared
otherwise. Prophecy
must be fulfilled and
to remove that
government contract
now will prevent it
from fulfillment. What
he will do (as we saw
yesterday) is change
how that contract is
written, or as the
headline of the
article I link out at
the start of this blog
entry said, Trump's "Executive
Order Relaxes
Johnson Amendment
Since prophecy cannot
be changed by the
wicked desires of
mankind, that contract
had to stay intact,
but as I stated last
year, it must be
rewritten so as to
allow the preachers to
keep their tax free
status as well as
preach political
sermons. The truth as
it was revealed in the
prophetic Scripture of
our Lord is rock hard
fact and no matter how
many false shepherds
and wolves proclaim
otherwise, it will
prophecy clearly
states the ecumenical
churches in bed with
Rome will have the
ability to legislate
and pass religious
laws against anyone
refusing to worship the
man of sin in Rome
to the point they will
lose the ability to
buy and sell and then
eventually pass laws
to have them killed if
they refuse to keep his
man-made Sabbath
holy over and above the
never changing and
eternal Sabbath of
the Creator God.
And the
Bible clearly says
it's not Sunday.
13:15 literally says,
"And he had power to
give life unto the
image of the beast,
that the image of the
beast should both
speak, and cause that
as many as would not
worship the image of
the beast should be
killed." And just so
you know, the "speak
and cause" reference
in the prophecy here
is defined as
legislation and
enforcement. See my Symbols
Revelation defined
on the website to
double check that
prophetic definition
when you get time.
many scoffed and
insisted for years
that the 501c3 was not
an image
of the beast
even though the only
way to get the 501c3
contract was to join
your church with the
State so as to make an
exact copy of the
beast in Rome which is
both Vatican city (A
STATE) as well as the
Roman Catholic CHURCH.
here to see if your
church is a
Government agent)
But they yelled,
screamed, ridiculed
and even stomped their
feet proclaiming
students of prophecy
were lying when they
said the 501c3 would
eventually find the
money worshipping
preachers becoming
viable agents of the
State. And then as was
revealed and then
posted in that video
I made in 2004
which was a summary of
my image of the beast
page on my
website I made
years prior regarding
how all this will go
down as Scripture
predicts, is in fact
proof that it is
happening just as the
Lord reveals in His
written Word.
yes, some assume the
image was never given
life as of yet. But I
beg to differ as it
was obviously given
its life in 2006 when
Bush signed that law
making all the pastors
official government
agents (his words not
mine) with the ability
to lobby religious
law. But because of
rampant disobedience
across the board in
all the churches, nary
a preacher caught that
because the
only way to
understand bible
prophecy is to be
And even after Trump
said what he said
during his campaign 9
months ago that moved
me to make that video
back in July of 2016,
the truth as it was
written in the
prophetic Word of God
was ignored for the
most part by all those
pastors. They actually
had the ability to
lobby law since 2006
as President Bush's
signature confirmed.
But, their fear of
losing their golden
tax exempt carrot
blinded their eyes and
their fear of losing
the money they worship
forced them to sit on
their hands. But no
longer. Trump signed
that executive order
yesterday and now they
have the government
they trust above the
God they supposedly
preach for protecting
them on that pulpit.
the Loud Cry goes
forth much louder, it
will show all with
eyes that see that the
Government approved
preachers sold out to
keep their money
growing and are now
working hand in hand
with the dying god of
this world who has
been running things
from the Vatican for
who declares the
Ten Commandments
have been abolished
at the cross,
the truth
we preach about the
Law of God
will empty their pews
because some of their
flock will open their
Bibles as did the
Bereans of old. That
means the
hirelings standing
at the pulpit will
be moved by satan to
fabricate a need to
pass a law demanding
all people attend
church on Sunday
so as to stop the
prophesied increased
Of course that will
only be the excuse
they use when in fact
as prophecy dictates
is their way of
combatting the truth
about the Sabbath of
the Creator God that
is causing their pews
to empty. Their people
actually opened their
Bibles and found
students of prophecy
were telling the
real truth is they
pass that law because
the love of the money
that is in the pockets
of those leaving their
church is far greater
than their love of the
Lord or even the
people they were
ordained to shepherd.
That law will cause
many to run back into
their churches for
fear of losing their
lives. And so, as
prophecy also
predicted, the main
issue in the last days
that divides the
disobedient from the
obedient or as
prophecy puts it, will
point out who gets the
of the beast
and who gets the seal
of God will come to
fulfillment with an
exactness only a
Creator God can
literally now have the
ability to enforce the
mark of the beast and
if you are a Christian
who is riding the
fence on this long
prophesied fact, you
need to get off that
fence and obey the
Lord that wrote that
Law with His own
finger in stone so as
to declare it
unchangeable. For if
you refuse to accept
Jesus as Lord and stop
offering Him lip
service as prophecy
proclaims most will
today, you will be
those very Christians
that the prophet
Jeremiah declared will
shout, "The
harvest is past, the
summer is ended, and
we are not saved."
-Jeremiah 8:20
pray you make the
right decision and
join the people of God
who declare on that
great and dreadful
day, "And it shall be
said in that day, Lo,
this is our God; we
have waited for him,
and he will save us:
this is the LORD; we
have waited for him,
we will be glad and
rejoice in his
salvation." -Isaiah
judge backs firing
squads, guillotine
for executions
"A controversial
federal judge thinks
firing squads and
guillotines should
come back in style as
the debate over
executions in Arkansas
rages on. Ninth
Circuit Appeals Judge
Alex Kozinski, in an
interview with CBS
News' "60 Minutes" set
to air Sunday, said
conducting lethal
injections is a sham
that masks that fact
that people are
getting killed.
...When interviewer
Lesley Stahl mentions
that Kozinski favors
death by firing squad,
the longtime justice
quips: "Never fails."
Then she brings up his
support of the
guillotine - a
late-18th century
device that chops off
the head. "Well, you
know, it's 100%
effective," Kozinski
said of the device
made famous for
beheading aristocrats
during the French
Revolution. "And it
leaves no doubt that
what we are doing is a
violent thing. If we
as a society are
willing to take away
human life, we should
be willing to watch
it." -Source
my site I have a page
that goes into detail
about the 30,000+
guillotines in
American storage.
I also did a radio
on this years ago when
I had a show on a
Network Radio station
that had a few AM, FM,
Shortwave and Internet
radio outlets that
somehow ended up on
YouTube after some
people made videos on
it. I actually posted
all the info I had on
this early on when I
first started the
website and a friend
alerted me it appeared
to be bogus and so I
pulled the info but
never deleted it so as
to verify my sources.
I eventually found my
friend was wrong. So
years later I reposted
the info about how the
State of Georgia
legalized the use of
guillotines for death
row inmates. There was
a deceptive twist in
the reasoning behind
the passage of the
Bill that later became
law that was never
mentioned in the law
itself. They lied to
the public on two
counts to gain public
approval for the use
of the guillotine so
as to (in my opinion)
hide the Bible
prophecy about
Christians being
beheaded for refusing
the mark
of the beast.
the lies were?
They stated in the
public draft of the
Bill (and I show the
Bill on the
aforementioned page)
that inmates wanting
to donate organs could
be killed by
guillotine so as to
prevent lethal
injection or
electrocution from
destroying organs. Yet
not a single prisoner
has ever requested the
guillotine since. (The
Bill was presented in
Somehow a video of a
man being electrocuted
was released to the
public so as to
cultivate a public
uproar and make it
possible to begin
talking points on the
use of the guillotine
in the public sector.
First and foremost,
they never videotaped
executions in Georgia
before that date and
secondly, it was made
apparent the man being
executed was allowed
to be tortured on
camera to make his
death appear much more
violent. They
purposely failed to
add water to the
sponge that would make
the electrical
connection to his
head. The end result
was a very violent
death that lasted
quite long and the
man's head literally
ignited. And no I
never posted that
video on the site for
obvious reasons.
if you recall I did a
video back in December
of 2014 wherein it was
broadcast live on
prime time TV the
suggestion that "pay-per
view executions"
could be money makers.
And I only mention
that video now because
of what the judge in
this article said
about allowing the
public to "watch"
executions. But I
don't think that would
ever have been allowed
to air had it not been
for the government
usage of guillotines
being written into the
affordable care act
(Obamacare) of Obama
almost exactly 12
months earlier. And
yes, I
did a video about
that as well.
now we have a sex
crazed judge, who
has a problem with
offering his
approval for the use
of the guillotine. And
the only reason I can
see for him to bring
up the use of a firing
squad as well was to
pull the onus off the
guillotine. Had he
only mentioned the
guillotine on its own
he would come off to
many Christians as a
prophetic fulfillment
in regards to the
beheading connected to
the mark of the beast.
(See Revelation
20:4) So adding a
firing squad to the
mix allows him to hide
the real reason for
the guillotine by
making it appear like
any other means of
execution that has
been used in the past
as a viable option for
all being said, I have
to wonder how many
Christians out there
are still riding the
fence on all this.
Sunday laws are being
pushed all over the
planet (see
proof here)
to the point the Jews
are now keeping Sunday
holy, (see
proof here)
and the Popes of Rome
have admitted more
than once in writing
that their MARK is in
fact the Sunday
Sabbath, (see
proof here)
and now we see more
and more talk about
televised executions (see
proof here)
to keep the people
fearful of big
government and the use
of guillotines. So why
on earth do some
Christians still think
it's ok to continue
waiting on getting
your house ready to
meet the coming Lord
Jesus Christ? It's
because they are those
that will eventually
receive the mark of
the beast who are
those that will weep
and gnash their teeth
when the Lord does His
"strange act" (see
Isaiah 28:21) at the
end of the 1000 years.
here for the real
truth about those
1000 years)
Court rules Tel Aviv
stores can open
"Israel's High Court
of Justice today ruled
that supermarkets,
entertainment centers,
and pharmacies would
be allowed to operate
in Tel Aviv on the
Sabbath (Friday sunset
to Saturday sunset).
The Court had to rule
on the issue, after
three years during
which Ministers of the
Interior Gideon Sa'ar,
Silvan Shalom, and
Aryeh Deri refrained
from making a
decision. .he special
and separate
arrangement for the
Sabbath day reflects
national Jewish
culture, together with
the important social
values of democracy.
At the same time, the
arrangement includes
an important
democratic element at
the local level making
it possible to give
more precise
expression to the
characteristics of the
population in every
town and community." -Source
other words, as
expected, the Jews
have bowed to the
Roman man of sin
just as students
of prophecy
declared they would
for many years. And
I am not just saying
that to toot a horn
or seek recognition
because we all know
that the prophecy of
mark of the beast
entails a
global law
and no matter what
day you call Sabbath,
unless you give it
up and bow to Rome's
Sunday laws
you will have some
very difficult times
ahead of you when it
comes to having the
ability to buy and
sell and then those
in power will see
your life. Hence the
reason for 30,000+
already on US soil.
years ago when I
started to declare
the present truth on
the streets people
laughed out loud and
suggested I sit for
a fitting of a
tinfoil bonnet. It
was mostly because I
stated the Jews will
eventually keep
Sunday holy and when
they decided to do
that, Rome will know
they have the upper
hand and then go for
the jugular of their
theology. That being
the Sabbath day of
course. And then
back in June
of 2007 I shared
in my Newsletter
that the Jewish
people were
considering via a
majority vote at 56%
to support a Bill
that would actually
make Sunday a day of
rest! If they were
to go with that
Bill, Rome would
know they had them.
But the truth is, we
as obedient
that are blessed
with the
understanding of
prophecy knew that
and preached that
all along because of
the prophetic facts
surrounding why they
denied Jesus as Lord
and Messiah 2000
years ago.
though they claim
otherwise, as do the
Muslims; their "god"
is the not the God
of the Bible. That
being the case, they
have no power behind
their faith and so
any threat to their
well-being would be
too much for them to
bear as a nation.
This is why Rome did
as they did knowing
they would
eventually bow to
any pressure Rome
politically. And as
I declared many
years ago, when they
finally go for such
a Bill that uplifts
the Roman Sabbath
above the Sabbath of
the Bible, they will
become pawns in the
hands of Rome.
did finally pass
that Bill 6 years
later on February
23, 2013
and it was then Rome
knew they got them
right where they
wanted them! As of
that date the Jews
now declare Sunday
to be a "work free
day" in Jerusalem
just as Rome has
been demanding
everyone do for
decades. And as we
expected it became
obvious the Jews had
no real faith in the
God of the Bible to
protect them from
Rome. They bowed
in worship of the
just as prophecy
predicted. And so as
we also expected,
Rome decided to take
it a step further
wherein they could
use craft to rewrite
their laws so as to
make working on the
real Sabbath
acceptable to
further lock down
their rebellion
against the God of
the Bible. And why
go for the throat on
this one? Satan
that much! He knows
all about the power
behind real
Christians who not
only declare Jesus
is Lord, but also
declare His Law
valid throughout
eternity. In fact,
as per Revelation
14:12 that is the
main reason those
real Christians
never receive the
mark of the beast.
And what is that
mark you ask? I will
let the Vatican
answer that one.
is our MARK of
authority. . .the
church is above
the Bible, and
this transference
of Sabbath
observance is
proof of that
fact" Catholic
Record of London,
Ontario Sept
course the
Catholic Church
claims that the
change (Saturday
Sabbath to Sunday)
was her act... And
the act is a MARK
of her
authority in
religious things."
H.F. Thomas,
Chancellor of
Cardinal Gibbons.
do it now? As the
prophet Daniel
prophesied, the
Vatican, or "king
of the north"
as prophecy calls
it, has
plans to make
Jerusalem the
capital of the
And no Sabbath
keeping nation is
going to stop or
even slow their
forward push om this
agenda. Rome
has wanted that
land to mock Jesus
Christ for eons.
And soon, under her
long prophesied
new world order
she will have it.
But only for a very
short time!
is it the
SDA church
ONE TOO? See this
for a Biblical
explanation as to
why they cannot see
fulfillments TODAY:
Parliament Passes
Islamophobia Motion
"The Canadian
House of Commons has
passed motion M103
which singles out the
criticism of Islam as
a form of
Critics condemn it as
an attack on free
speech. Motion M103
was tabled by Iqra
Khalid, a Muslim
member of Prime
Minister Justin
Trudeau's Liberal
Party. It states
the government must
"condemn Islamophobia
and all forms of
systemic racism and
discrimination", was
taken to vote on
Thursday evening where
a total of 201 MPs
voted for it and only
91 voted against,
Canadian broadcaster
Global News reports.
The text of
the motion does not
clarify what
"Islamophobia" and has
led many to speculate
what that may mean in
the future, with some
critics fearing it
could lead to Shariah
law courts." -Source
would be hard pressed
to find one student of
prophecy that wouldn't
know what this means.
Satan knows his time
is short and he knows
the Loud Cry has
already started. Yes,
it's somewhat of a
whisper in most
circles but it has
begun. And for those
praying for the latter
rain, we know it will
get extremely loud
wherein every country
on the planet will
hear this message.
That is the main
reason Satan focused
on free speech and
this is why I created
the page on my site
years ago titled "Rome's
WAR against FREE
Just as Solomon said
long ago on
Ecclesiastes 1:9, "The
thing that hath been,
it is that which shall
be; and that which is
done is that which
shall be done: and
there is no new thing
under the sun." And so
just as we saw Satan
try to prevent the
Gospel message from
going forth 2000 years
ago by passing laws to
remove free speech, he
tries the exact same
folderol today.
may miss is how Rome
planned this all along
so as to keep the Pope's
true identity hidden
from the masses.
There are literally
billions of Christians
all over this world
that know all about the
man of sin in Rome
just as prophecy
predicted for today.
(See 2 Thessalonians
2:3) But as we know,
most of them are
lukewarm and fearful
to say anything that
threatens their
comfort zone. But the
truth is out there and
Rome knows it. That
being the case, to
push for the removal
of free speech from
the Vatican itself
would not work
politically. In fact
they tried and failed
back in May of 2007
wherein the "Vatican
called a verbal
attack on Pope
to try and quench the
truth being broadcast
via the radio in his
area. They received
absolutely no public
support and so they
killed the man that
spoke out against them
on his front lawn in
front of his family.
And within less than 2
years of coming to
realize the prophecy
of 2 Thessalonians 2:3
was fulfilled, the
Vatican announced they
planned to "teach
Islam in all their
so as to better
indoctrinate the
Muslims to do their
bidding en masse. And
now, just ten years
after beginning their
love affair with
Christian killers and
rapists, we see
Muslims running
rampant all over the
world killing
Christians to tune of
200,000+ a year and
torturing another
150,000 for mother
Rome. And how do the
so called elected
officials combat all
this so as to protect
the people that
supposedly elected
confirms Canada and
all the nations of the
world will do whatever
Rome demands of them
to assure their plans
to enforce the
mark of the beast
go forward
unencumbered. And so
before they can
enforce it they have
to make sure they
force as many students
of prophecy as they
can to clam up. Well..
the weak ones anyway.
And since they cannot
pass laws directly
from the Vatican that
demand people stop
exposing the Pope, as
this would make him
look guilty in the
global arena, they
play the "protect
peaceful Islam" card
by removing free
speech that exposes
them because as I have
said for many years,
in so doing will allow
those very same laws
to apply to the Pope's
religion so as to make
it illegal to use
the Bible to expose
Roman Catholicism
in coming days. In
fact, this article now
confirms I was right
as we see it also says
this new law in Canada
will "condemn
Islamophobia and all
forms of systemic
racism and religious
prophet Daniel wasn't
kidding when he said
the beast in Rome
would be very crafty.
Remember my "Hating
the Christian"
page that was actually
first a Newsletter in
March of 2007 titled "Synchronized
The Lord revealed back
then that the main
reason they merged
crimes against
"religion" with
"racist" crimes is
because there were
next to no crimes
against religion back
then. But the Pope's
plan to enforce
religious laws made it
very important to make
sure religious laws
could be legislated
and enforced. Or as
Revelation 13:15 said
long ago, the Pope had
to be able to "speak
and cause" the deaths
of those that refused
to worship his image.
more on that here)
And since racist
crimes were very high
as usual, they simply
merged the two
statistics to make
crimes against
religion to appear off
the chart and that is
why BOTH "religion and
race" was written into
the fabric of the law
that was just passed
in Canada! The
Canadian government
has been played as
fools by the Pope and
as we saw with their
homosexual laws many
years ago that made
the Bible illegal in
Canada, as I stated in
my September
2003 Newsletter,
that law will
eventually became law
in the US. And it did
on June 26, 2016,
which was THE
major sign
of the mark is soon to
be enforced and the we
are very near the
And now these laws
protecting Christian
killers and rapists
(Islam) in Canada will
soon be enforced in
the USA.
all being said, and
this comment is
directed towards the
nay sayers. Do you
still think I need a
tinfoil bonnet because
I've been stating for
well over 10 years
that Shariah Law has
to become the norm so
as to better enforce
the Vatican mark? As
we see for most people
and especially for the
Christians, most
cannot see what
students of prophecy
see. But, the Lord
still prefers you do
see because He loves
you that much! in
fact, that is why He
stated in John 14:29
the following... "And
now I have told you
before it come to
pass, that, when it is
come to pass, ye might
late than never.
Sadly, most will never
see what we see.
Still, I declare in
unison with my
brethren in Christ,
Complains of Pope
Francis' 'Daily' Use
of Anti-Jewish
"As one example, the
rabbi referenced the
Pope's preaching on
the law of "an eye for
an eye," which, he
said, the pontiff
recently evoked
"carelessly and
mistakenly," leading
to a misrepresentation
of the meaning of the
law for Judaism.
...The rabbi also
underscored the
Church's "embracing of
Islam, which is all
the stronger as the
Christian side is more
critical toward
Judaism, now including
even the Bible and
biblical theology." He
also identified an
undercurrent "of
intolerance, and
annoyance on the
Christian side toward
Judaism. ...Francis
consistently pits 'the
Law' against 'the
Gospel,'" Stravinskas
writes, and his
"allergic reactions to
law make him see stark
differences where
complementarity is
more in order." -Source
the Rabbi keeps
missing is what
students of prophecy
keep preaching. Had
the Jews embraced Jesus
as the prophesied
perhaps they would
understand why the
Pope hates Jews, and
the Vatican's build
up and support
(underground) of
Hitler proved
that hands down to
anyone with even a
smattering of historic
record on
this. If the Jews
embraced Jesus as many
of them did 2000 years
ago they would see
it's not so much about
them being Jewish as
it is about them
keeping the true
Biblical Sabbath.
And the
Bible repeatedly
proves it is not
Sunday. Satan's
"mark" of
authority has already
been declared publicly
via his man
of sin in Rome
when they declared the
following in 1923...
is our MARK of
authority. . .the
church is above the
Bible, and this
transference of
Sabbath observance is
proof of that fact"
-Catholic Record of
London, Ontario Sept
1,1923. (See
more quotes like
this here)
hates all those that
keep Sabbath and
especially if they are
Christian because it
is here were prophecy
declared long ago will
be his end time focus.
It is his MARK! And so
he does all he can to
eliminate the Jews
first so as to make it
that much easier to
eliminate the
Christian Sabbath
keepers. This is why
over 6 million Jews
died in the Holocaust
and no one knows how
many millions of
Sabbath keeping
Christians died with
them. Notice the
historic facts
regarding Rome's
hatred of ALL Sabbath
keepers in the
following quotes.
king of Aragon,
etc., to all
bishops, and to all
others...We command
you that heretics,
to wit, the
Waldeneses and
Insabbathi (those
who keep the
Sabbath), should
be expelled away
from the face of God
and from all
Catholics and
ordered to depart
from our kingdom." -
Marianae Praefatio
in Lucam Tudensem
and quoted in Macima
Bibliotheca Veterum
Patrum Vol 25 p
Moscow, 1503 : "The
were summoned; they
openly acknowledged
the new faith, and
defended the same.
The most prominent
of them,...were
condemned to death,
and burned publicly
in cages, at Moscow,
Dec 17.1503- H.
Geschichte der
for Saturday-keeping continued
for a long time:
even little things
which might
strengthen the
of keeping
Saturday were
punished." - Bishop
Anjou, Svenska
Kirkans Historia
after Motet i
have suffered
torture because
they would not rest
when others kept
Sunday, for they
declared it to be
the holiday and law
of Antichrist." -
Sebastian Frank, AD
1536. By this time
in history the
Seventh day Sabbath
was severely under
Ethiopia, 1604 AD,
the Jesuits
influenced King
Zadenghel to propose
to submit to the
Papacy " Prohibiting
all his subjects,
upon severe
to not observe
Saturday any
longer."- Gedde's
Church History of
Eithiopia p 311 and
also in Gibbon's
Decline and Fall
chapter 47 (Click
here for more
quotes like this)
blunt and easy to see
as that is, here's the
clincher for those
that may not have
looked into this as of
yet. In Revelation 14
6:11 it speaks of
those who get the mark
of the beast and why.
But look at what verse
12 says. It actually
shows why some will
not get the mark and
why. It says this in
Revelation 14:12,
"Here is the patience
of the saints: here
are they that keep the
commandments of God,
and the faith of
do you see why I
mentioned Satan will
go after the Jews
first as he did in
Hitler's day? With
them out of the
picture it would be
that much easier to
confuse the Christians
who are headed towards
keeping God's
What I mean is, Satan
doesn't care if you
keep God's law. Jews
all over the world
claim to do that. And
he doesn't even care
if you claim Jesus as
Lord. Billions of
people claiming to be
Christians do that.
What really upsets his
plans when it comes to
enforcing the mark is
when you keep Gods law
AND claim Jesus as
Lord! You are then a
MAJOR issue to him.
And that is why it
says in Revelation
12:17 that he makes
war against the
"remnant" because we
do as God commands and
we are a small
(remnant) people
because Jesus said it
would be as it was in
the days of Noah when
He returns. Most
people wonder after
the beast, but only a
remnant shall be
saved. And so Satan
will do all he can to
lure you away from
Everything from
sending a "friend" or
loved one to confuse
you regarding God's
Word to tempting you
to break God's law to
get that cushy job
that insists you break
God's law each week to
get the job. He has
many weapons in his
bag of darts and most
of them are wielded by
using those people
that obey him rather
than God.
so.. keep the faith
brothers and sisters,
for it is also written
in Isaiah 54:17, "No
weapon that is formed
against thee shall
prosper; and every
tongue that shall rise
against thee in
judgment thou shalt
condemn. This is the
heritage of the
servants of the LORD,
and their
righteousness is of
me, saith the
Senate Votes Down
Blue Laws Repeal
"The bill - HB1163
introduced by Rep.
Pamela Anderson
(D-Fargo) - failed on
a 22-25 vote though it
was hardly a
party-line affair. As
you can see from a
roll call rintout a
friendly SAB reader at
the capitol sent me,
there were plenty of
Republicans and
Democrats on each side
of this issue. From
the opposition, there
was a lot of talk
about religion. ...He
went on to call the
desire for Sunday
sales "selfish
...Senator David
Clemens (R-West Fargo)
said North Dakotans
should "use that time
to go to worship" or
be with their
families." -Source
this is not Sunday
Laws being enforced;
but, as I stated
during the last
presidential campaign
and again after Trump
came into office,
religious banter will
be the norm in
politics soon so as to
pave the way for
Sunday laws being
discussed in
legislative halls.
This is however a bit
of an escalation to
that end seeing how
Trump has only been in
office for 3 months,
but it's only one
State talking on this
at present. However,
if you recall with
Roe-v-Wade and the
most recent homosexual
marriage laws, it
always starts with one
State talking on this.
And pass or fail, if
it's prophesied to
happen, it will.
it is just a blue law,
but with a bit of a
twist. It was actually
written to be enforced
with fines and jail
time if you're caught
breaking the law. Yes,
it's no doubt a small
citation and the max
in jail is only 24
hours, but it's a
start as well as a
foundation to build
on. The main thing I
want to touch on was
how the one Senator
spoke on the normality
of it all by doing as
this ministry warned
for the last 2+
decades they will do
when it comes to the prophesied
Sunday laws coming
to America and the
what's that you ask?
Senator goes into a
summarized "history
lesson" on the law
wherein he brings up
reasons for its
passage way back in
the 1800's. He starts
talking on point at
3:35 in the video if
you're interested. As
students of prophecy
expected that Senator
stated the following
before the House and
on camera that, "We
had a long history
with Sunday closing
... even before we
were a State there
were "Sabbath breaking
laws" ... so we've had
as a State this issue
around us for a long
you see what I see?
right, this is exactly
how Rome always works.
Just as they slowly
introduced Pagan
into their statement
of faith wherein they
add it to the church
books in a stealthy
manner and wait for
the people to be ready
to accept it. But if
the people appear to
reject it, they then
wait for there
powers to grow so that
the people cannot
refuse it. In other
words, it will
eventually be enforced
no matter what. That
being the case, we
have to expect
politics to work
in the exact same way
when unpopular laws
are introduced to any
given nation because
the mother of politics
(Rome) taught them
well. They get the
laws passed without
much if any public
awareness, and this
Sunday law of the
1880's in North Dakota
is no exception. In
fact, it was easy to
get passed as the
1800's weren't known
for instant public
opinion on any given
I mean is, they didn't
have the means to take
a national poll
or even alert the
people of such laws
until after they
passed. And that could
be many months later
due to the snail pace
society of those days.
Still, even if they
did have the ability
to "rock the vote" as
we see today, many
unpopular laws can
still be added as
riders hidden in the
popular Bills that are
a shoe in for passage.
Once passed they can
let the law lay there
without public
awareness for years or
even decades before
enforcement becomes an
issue. Rome actually
had some dogmatic laws
wait for centuries
before enforcing upon
their people.
reason they do this is
2 fold. #1, they can
weaken opposition by
claiming the law was
"around for a long
time," and so most
uneducated sheeple
will say, oh well;
since it was already
there, no big deal.
And #2, if opposition
does arise when
finally enforced
they can just say it
was passed long ago
and those that penned
it are dead and gone
and they trust the
forefathers and refuse
to repeal their
decision by playing
the patriot card by
glorying the
forefathers as if they
were saints or
trustworthy. I mean
come on already, if
the law grants them
even the slightest
amount of new power
over the people, I
have to ask what
politician would give
that up? It will be
enforced! (Remember
how the 501c3
came to enforcement
after sitting "on the
books" for 52 years?
Same principle!)
is how Roman Catholic
president John F
Kennedy's "Blue Laws"
will eventually be
argued towards very
strict enforcement
when the Pope's dying
god demands Sunday
laws in the USA. But
they need to test the
waters first and this
is why we see what's
happening in North
Dakota. They need to
fine tune this attack
on God's law and His
sanctified Sabbath
before going national.
They already have the
churches bowing to
Rome on this Pagan
Sabbath wherein all of
them keep Sunday holy
already as a binding
doctrine, and so now
they need to make it
"legally" binding in
the States as well.
And we have to know
when they are ready to
do this EVERY Sunday
keeping pastor, and
this includes the SDA
church that has been
keeping Sunday holy
for years. In short,
all of them will step
up for the man of sin
to "rock the vote"
coast to coast on that
Day for a Work-Free
Sunday: Call for
"Sunday is special and
an essential pillar of
the European social
model. However, the
latest European
Working Condition
Survey indicates that
more and more EU
citizens have to work
on this day. The
European Sunday
Alliance therefore
launched today, on the
European day of
work-free Sunday, a
call to action to show
the need for a common
EU-wide regulation.
This year the members
and supporters from
all over Europe are
invited to issue
statements and
pictures why a
work-free Sunday is
special. Members of
the European
Parliament, the
National Sunday
Alliances as well as
representatives of
labour unions, the
Churches and youth
organisations reacted
already to the call
and sent their
statements. Together
they agreed that
Sunday is of great
importance because it
allows families to
spend time together,
employees to rest from
their daily work life
and citizens to engage
in community. The
European Sunday
Alliance aims to
promote and
re-integrate the
Sunday as the common
weekly day of rest in
the EU working-time
directive. The network
believes that in
particular in times of
digitalisation, all
citizens of the
European Union are
entitled to benefit
from decent working
hours and that only
essential services
should operate on a
Sunday." -Source
we not seen this type
of article hundreds of
times the last few
years? Yes we have. I
usually only comment
on the first one or
two and when the
Vatican echoes this prophesied
repeatedly I just
place the articles in
a stack and store them
offline till the pile
grows large and I post
it. You can see such
stacks on my Sabbath
Attack page.
If you scroll down to
08-31-15 you will see
the most recent one.
why am I posting this
may appear they are
using the exact same
reasons for pushing
Sunday, and they
actually are. It may
appear they also claim
it to be a "day of
rest" for the family
as they have always
done. And yes, they
even use the same
ecumenical discourse
in making sure
"religion" and
"Christianity" is not
mentioned at all so as
to prevent Muslims,
Buddhists and even
Atheists from getting
upset about the
thought of a legally
enforced day of
"rest." But, I must
say that this is the
first time I have seen
a literal "call for
action" from the
political monster in
Rome like this. The
Pope usually sidesteps
such harsh statements,
and as we see in this
article, he always
lets his cohorts speak
for him.
how the Pope has his
foot well jammed in
the White House door,
and yes he does have
it in there in a very
bold way ever since
Reagan bowed in
worship to the Pope,
but as usual, he lets
his cohorts do his
dirty work. So for now
we see men like Kenneth
Copeland who
recently bowed in
worship to this Pope
being the one that
will claim "God told
him" to speak to Trump
about moving ahead on
"certain things" His
real god in Rome
commanded) (See
him claim this
"power" on camera)
And yes, for those of
you with eyes that
see, the timing is a
bit obvious in that
now that the
in DC has left the
Oval Office, (for
the most part)
they are now taking
advantage of the
reformation" (for lack
of a better term) that
Trump and his cohorts
are seeking to create.
with that all said and
the fact that
Christian prophecy
predicted all this,
just to name a few of
the many prophecies
that have been
fulfilled regarding
setting up the
foundation for the
enforcement of the
mark, compile all this
with the Bibles
that have been
to hide the truth
about Vatican dogma,
the sermons
that have been
censored and watered
to keep the people
confused, or the fact
that all churches have
been keeping
Sunday holy
for centuries to
belittle the Law of
God, many Vatican
contrived false
have been preached and
accepted to keep the
confusion well fueled,
the Bible
truths regarding
blatant sin have
become illegal
in the hopes of
gagging the weak
Christians, free
speech is
systematically being
to slow the truth we
preach, and because
many are refused such
truths, good has
become evil and evil
good in the eyes of
most. And worse yet is
the fact that the
Christian people
have become lukewarm
and sinful
so as to be unready
for Heaven.
Then there's homosexual
marriage being
and accepted by
all churches
as prophesied so to
bring on God's wrath just
as they did in
Noah's day,
all the fallen
churches are regulated
by Government so
as to create the
image of the beast,
the Vatican's
Socialist agenda
is now in full swing,
man of sin
has been revealed to
billions, false
gods have become
synonymous with the
Christian God,
the long
calamities have
the climate
change message has
been delivered,
a canonized Pope
has declared Sunday
laws are needed day
after day,
and 171
nations have
recently signed unto
the Vatican's
climate change
agreement so as to
assure Rome has
global power in this
with all that going on
RIGHT NOW, I have to
ask, why are there so
many Christians out
there thinking it's
all just a coincidence
when 100% of what I
just listed has been
confirmed prophesied
FIRST in the Christian
Bible and is now a
reality in our
generation. So, why is
it so many Christians
ignore it? It's
because that too was
by the way, no Sunday
Laws will not be
"enforced" in the EU
first. They may pass
laws as Roman Catholic
President John F
Kennedy did in 1962
with the blue laws,
but the actual
prophesied enforcement
will happen in the USA
first. The EU has and
always will be a
testing ground for the
global agenda of the
Pope. Click
for a breakdown on how
this will play out
thinks it just might
just happen in a way
where they may pass
legislation in the EU
regarding a Vatican
Sabbath wherein the
businesses will be
closed like the car
dealers and government
agencies in the USA
have done. But they
won't force the people
under penalty to obey.
That action will
however spark a fire
under the Vatican
operatives in the US
Government to kick it
up a notch so as to be
the "moral"
trailblazer on this. I
can see them using the
Vatican rhetoric in
the EU as an
"inspired" reason to
be the first nation to
enforce the Vatican
mandate so as to "look
good" to God in the
hopes of appeasing His
"anger" regarding the
increased calamities
here in the homeland.
In any event, things
are indeed escalating.
That being said.. Are
you ready? Are you
vows to repeal
political limits on
"Warning that
religious freedom is
"under threat,"
President Donald Trump
vowed Thursday to
repeal the Johnson
Amendment, an IRS rule
barring pastors from
endorsing candidates
from the pulpit." "I
will get rid of and
totally destroy the
Johnson Amendment and
allow our
representatives of
faith to speak freely
and without fear of
retribution," Trump
said during remarks at
the National Prayer
Breakfast, a
high-profile event
bringing together
faith leaders,
politicians and
dignitaries." -Source
(also see this
as Christians cannot
join with the State so
as to do Church
business because we
have already joined
with the Lord and are
then citizens of New
Jerusalem ordained to
do the work He
ordained. And so, as
the prophet Amos said
in 3:3, "Can two walk
together, except they
be agreed?" And since
students of prophecy
know for a fact that the
United States
Government is evil
to the core,
would not 2
Corinthians 6:14 also
apply when it says,
"Be ye not unequally
yoked together with
unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath
righteousness with
unrighteousness? and
what communion hath
light with darkness?"
Yes, we are to obey
the laws of the land
as long as they don't
demand we break God's
law, (See Romans
13:1-7) but to join
with such wicked
leaders would be
it was also prophesied
that the preachers of
today would be more
interested in the cash
in the pockets than
the souls in the pews,
all the churches have
opted to join with the
State so as to make
money on tax exempt
benefits. To dissolve
this Church &
State contract so
close to the end when
it is needed the most
by the dying god of
this world would be
spiritually insane. In
so doing it would
cause his wife's (The
Whore of Babylon)
plans to use the
religious right to
bring about Sunday
laws to fail. And
again.. that just
won't happen.
for the nay sayers out
there. Even if there
wasn't a prophecy
regarding religious
laws coming to the USA
on the books of
Heaven; (which there
is) the fact the
government approved
(and paid for) pastors
will soon have the
right to speak on
political topics from
their pulpits without
danger means they will
most assuredly mix
their doctrinal stand
into their political
agenda which we all
know is well seeded
with Vatican dogma as
of June 26, 2000 when
the one world church
began. Seriously, if
the pastor has the
ability to influence
the laws of the land
legally, what money
worshipping preacher
would pass that option
up? Truth is, they
already sold their
souls to the dollar,
that means their
hearts are no longer
after God's heart and
so they will do
whatever pleases the
flesh. And since all
the churches have
already officially
joined with the
man of sin
in Rome just
as prophecy
predicted they would,
they are all in
agreement to do as the
Pope commands. This
one world church will
do whatever it can to
increase its power
over the people
because they were
prophesied to do just
that. And so, whether
you believe in
Christian prophecy or
not, there will be
Sunday laws!
line is this.. Trump's
actions to rewrite the
501c3 will actually
help the preachers
bring on the Sunday
Laws, BUT they cannot
do so without a valid
voice in legislative
halls and as of March
07, 2006 they have had
that voice forever
written into the
fabric of the 501c3
contract by President
George W Bush. I
believe and have
stated more than a few
times that the stroke
of the pen that day
actually gave life
unto the image of the
beast. But most of the
pastors missed it
because none
of them understand
Truth be known, just
emulating the Vatican
image as the churches
have been doing since
1954 was bad enough,
yes. But all along
they had no political
power and so they were
politically dead in
the water. But thanks
to Bush's signature,
they now have that
power. And Trump is
obviously being used
by Beelzebub to make
those pastors are very
aware they have and
can now use that
power. Hence the
reason I did that
video back in July. We
are THAT close now!
Are you ready? ARE YOU
face bombshell: Law
censoring Christian
"The U.S. Supreme
Court has been handed
a bombshell: An appeal
of a lower-court
ruling that banned
Christian counselors
from talking with
teens about the
biblical standard for
sexuality. ...The law
originated with
homosexual interests
who want the state to
require licensed
counselors to promote
homosexuality but be
banned from explaining
its negative
consequences. It
began in the
state's schools, where
a previous law
allowed promotion of
homosexuality but
forbade educators from
explaining the
problems. "If the
Supreme Court grants
our petition for
certiorari, this will
be the most important
freedom of religion
case for this year and
will impact the rights
of counseling
ministries across the
country, potentially
for generations to
come," said Brad
Dacus, president of
PJI. He said since the
passing of SB 1172,
which bars licensed
counselors from
assisting youth who
want to change or
reduce same-sex
attractions, PJI has
worked to defend
counseling that takes
place within church
walls. The law also
prohibits counseling
that would steer youth
away from gender
confusion." -Source
You shouldn't be. This
was all planned by
those in power decades
ago. And if you're a
student of prophecy,
you know it was
predicted eons ago in
your very own Bibles.
The American people
have been played like
a fiddle and no one
seems notice and most
wouldn't even care if
you showed them.
Everything from
prayers being outlawed
in schools by Roman
Catholic president
John F. Kennedy to all
that Obama did the
last eight years
against Christians in
the USA will now
become a grab bag of
political toys the
Vatican controlled
politicians can pull
from to act as if they
are undoing the damage
of the wicked ones
before them by
creating all sorts of
new supposedly
pro-Christian laws
which are nothing more
than pavement for the
man of sin
to tread towards normalizing
the amalgamation of
Church & State
just as their favored
"saint" and ex-Nazi
war crime criminal
John Paul II
commanded when he was
alive. That way after
a few years or maybe
even months of one
religious bill, newly
enforced law or mere
talking points in the
well-oil media, the
American people will
be so used to the new
religiosity of
American politics so
that when Sunday
are suggested to slow
or even stop the now growing
most in America won't
care in the slightest
bit about such laws,
even if they are
religious. Especially
after a few years of
economic plenty thanks
to the manufactured
boon in the stock
market has made their
bottom line that much
larger. And to think..
not only does Bible
prophecy warn about
all this, so did
recent historical
events and statements
make it easy to see as
the end result of
complacency in the
Christian churches.
the fourth and fifth
centuries, Sunday
shows and Sunday
theaters, it was
complained, hindered
the "devotion of the
faithful," because
many of the members
attended them in
preference to the
church services. The
church, therefore,
demanded that the
state interfere, and
promote Sunday
observance by law.
"In this way, " Says
Neander "the church
received help from
the state for the
furtherance of her
ends." This union of
church and state
served to establish
the Papacy in power.
A similar course
pursued now will
produce the same
results. -AUGUSTUS
NEANDER, General
History of the
Christian Religion
and the Church,
Torey translation
(3rd American ed.),
vol. 2, pp. 300,301
John Paul was
criticized by
liberal and moderate
politicians and
newspapers for
transgressing the
boundary between
church and state."
TIME June 1, 1981
article "Not Yet
Hale, but Hearty" By
George Russell
sermons based on the
Ten Commandments,
John Paul denounced
contraception and
the separation of
church and state,
TIME June 17, 1991
"The Gift Of Life"
p. 47 Sermons from A
Native Son
statements by the
Polish Episcopate
have fueled
apprehension. In
late April the
bishops urged that
the new constitution
exclude any
provision for the
separation of church
and state. Instead,
they suggested,
emphasis should be
laid on the need for
cooperation between
the state and the
Catholic Church."
TIME May 20, 1991
"Five Who Could Be
Vice President" Pg
40 "Power to The
students of prophecy
have seen our entire
lives; the American
sheeple are as easy to
corral as any herd
when it comes to using
fear or cheer on the
masses. In America all
our leaders need to do
is slow the market,
shut down a few
manufacturing plants
and raise a few prices
in the grocery stores
to get the people
fearful so as to get
them to vote in one
direction. To further
play them to assure
their next agenda's
success they then
bolster the market,
lower the prices back
down and open a few
plants to get them
enough to vote in
another direction.
have you noticed? Most
in America do not vote
in a Christian manner
at all. It's all about
the flesh and whatever
is in the pockets that
moves the
vote. The last
election proved that
hands down. Yes, many
will claim they did
vote as Christ would
have them vote; but
that's only because
they were corralled
long ago into the
global herd that
thinks the Vatican's
version of Jesus
Christ is in fact the
same one of the Bible;
when in fact as
prophesied, they are
following "another
Jesus" straight into
the pits of Hell. Even
so, come Lord Jesus!
DeLay calls for
'revolution for the
"What I want to see
from the Trump
administration is a
focus on God and the
Constitution," DeLay
told WND. "It's pretty
simple. The
implementation is very
difficult, but what I
want to see is a bold
understanding that
faith is the core of
this country and the
Constitution is the
core of our
government." The
former majority leader
calls for a revolution
that will transform
the very core of
America in his brand
new book "Revival!
Revolution! Rebirth!"
He assures Americans
he does not want a
violent revolution but
a spiritual one,
similar to the First
Great Awakening of the
1730s and 1740s." -Source
DeLay wants really
doesn't matter. Civil
war is coming to the
no matter what. And it
will be violent. So as
I've said many times
before, it
is a good time to
get out of the
Still, his other
points will come to
fruition as he hopes.
His "Revival,
Revolution and
Rebirth" will happen
but only as the
Vatican's version of
Christianity seasons
it. No getting around
that as prophecy
will be fulfilled.
For Trump or any
politician in the
Pope's hip pocket to
do anything other than
a Roman Catholic
version of
Christianity would be
political if not
physical suicide. (need
I mention JFK?)
What we will soon see
is as I stated before;
the left will adopt a
politically seasoned
religious tone so as
to promote "another
Jesus" to all the
people. Thing is,
nearly no one in
America will have a
problem with it
because every single
Protestant faith in
the USA is already in
bed with Rome and this
includes the Seventh
Day Adventist church
in a huge pile of
well documented
just so you know,
DeLay's desire for
"Revival, Revolution
and Rebirth" is a
loaded statement. As
we already see them
peppering the once
antiChristian media
with new found "faith"
wherein loads of
pro-Christian talking
points are flooding
in, the so called
revival and rebirth is
a done deal as far as
they're concerned. All
they need to do is
make a few well-placed
statements on the air
and most of the
sheeple will buy it
hook, line and sinker.
It's the "revolution"
that DeLay and his
cohorts really want.
Sure, they would love
to do so without
firing a shot. But
watching how the left
still display abject
hatred for Christians,
a Constitutional
rewrite is soon to be
advertised so as to
please both sides.
Will it be before or
after the coming civil
war? Or will it be the
reason for the war?
Only time will tell.
Satan has planned and
prophecy has confirmed
is a worldly version
of Christianity across
the board. And thanks
to the
of which every church
has already bowed to
in a cash slurping
obedient frenzy since
1954, the prophesied
Church & State
image of the beast in
Rome will become so
visible that even
those SDA's currently
laughing at the
true remnant of her
for exposing their
prophesied snafu, will
eventually let out an
ecumenical gasp and
realize they messed up
big time. Religious
laws will be lobbied
from all the
government approved
pastors - aka
"wolves"; and an
atmosphere of hell
spawn "Revival,
Revolution and
Rebirth" will come
forth as DeLay hopes
and every lukewarm
Christian the world
over will embrace it
as if it is send from
God Himself. And when
that day comes, the
true remnant of God
will be the only ones
that have a problem
with it and THAT is
the main crux of the
matter and goal to
their agenda.
do I mean by that?
all the so called
religious laws come to
fruition which are
nothing more than
Vatican dogma
legalized; the remnant
people will not
embrace it. But
everyone else in all
the apostate churches
will and we will be
hated, ridiculed,
declared fanatics and
even cults for
refusing to join their
group hug. This is all
besides the fact every
one of our doctrines
are backed up by
actual Scripture and
their doctrines can
only be backed by
doctrines of demons
and traditions of men.
Still, as prophesied
we will be in their
sights and as soon as
everyone in America is
happy and joyful in
their Vatican
contrived "Revival,
Revolution and
Rebirth", the other
Papal shoe will drop
with a resounding
blood stained thud and
laws will be
Are you ready for all
that? ARE YOU
Noon for the
Religious Left
conservatives are
now inextricably
tied to an incoming
president with a
long, public history
of exploiting the
weak, and no
documented history
of charity, faith or
Christian communion
or witness. They
have endorsed a
First Lady whose
modeling career
included a
pornographic photo
shoot described by
the Trump-friendly
New York Post as
"----------." Even
among the plaster
saints of the
right, Trump is
a heavy burden to
bear." -Source
but true, but then
this is what's to be
expected when the
American Christian
thinks it's ok to
vote for the lesser
of two evils.
Seriously, when you
look at what the
majority of the
Christians in
America did by
voting in Trump, and
yes some may think
it was a better
option than Hillary,
and on some issues
it was; one has to
wonder what were
they thinking?
Abstaining from the
vote would have been
the much better
choice as I see it.
At least there they
wouldn't be due a
chastisement from on
High for going
against the Lord's
written will on such
things. For
see Amos 3:3, 1
Corinthians 15:33, 2
Corinthians 6:14,17,
2 Thessalonians
3:6,14 and James
4:4. The cold
reality here is,
someone evil was
going to gain office
no matter if the
Christians voted or
not. So why vote at
all? At least by
abstaining, the
Christian would
never have soiled
the image of the
Lord as they all
did they do that?
the world knows the
citizens in America
claim to be Bible
Christians, right?
And they also know
Trump was voted into
office by a
landslide thanks to
Christian voters.
That means, the
entire world has now
witnessed how
American Christians
voted in a
womanizer who is
bringing into the
White House with him
a very successful
and globally known
very immoral nude
model as his first
lady. Satan is most
assuredly laughing
horn to horn on that
one! Christians are
no doubt the
laughing stock the
world over.
that reality has
finally set in, what
do you think will
happen next? Well,
seeing how Rome
watched all this
happen, they no
doubt smile along
with their dying god
Beelzebub knowing
how well their
infiltration has
worked across the
board in the
churches as well as
politics so as to
slam dunk the morals
of the Christian
majority right into
the basement of
decadence. Worse
yet, they now have
concrete evidence
the American
Christian populace
is an easy mark that
will vote for anyone
who claims to be a
Christian as long as
he says a few bible
verses and has some
TV prosperity
preachers praying
over him. That being
said, the prelates
in Rome can now sit
back and just play
the tepid Christians
like the
they just declared
themselves to be.
Hillary or Trump won
without a single
Christian vote, Rome
would have been
shaking in their
cassocks wondering
how they will ever
be able to corral
the Christians
seeing how they are
still obeying the
Lord to keep out of
politics and let the
wicked of the world
play their games in
government as they
always have. But now
that the Christians
jumped into the
political playground
in a massive and
historic show of
hands, the left can
now use this new
found hot button to
manipulate them into
just about any
direction they want.
And that is exactly
what prophecy says
they will do. The
Vatican's New
World Order
will no longer be
just on paper; it
will be part of our
day to day lives in
reality a lot sooner
than most care to
ponder. In fact, what
we are about to
witness was not
only prophesied,
it was boasted by
the prelates of Rome
as their NWO agenda
for decades.
The old
Protestant culture
is about at the
end of its rope.
Why can't we make
the U.S. Catholic
in legislation,
Catholic in
justice, aims and
ideals?" -Father
F. X. Talbot,
editor of America,
official Jesuit
magazine for the
U.S. statement in
New York Globe
Dec. 14, 1930
liberty is merely
endured until the
opposite can be
carried into
effect without
peril to the
Catholic Church."
-Bishop O'Conner
of Pittsburgh.
Catholics ever
gain sufficient
numerical majority
in this country,
religious freedom
is at an end. So
our enemies say;
so we believe"
-The Shephard of
the Valley,
journal of the
late bishop of St.
can be changed,
and non-Catholic
sects may decline
to such a point
that the political
proscription [ban]
of them may become
feasible and
expedient. What
protection would
they have against
a Catholic state?"
-The State and the
Church, pp.38,39,
by Miller and
Ryan, imprimatur
of Cardinal Hayes.
Catholic Church in
this nation must
live on to
accomplish her
work, even though
our Republican
form of government
disappears." -The
Catholic World,
April, 1935, p.12.
"They [Catholics]
must penetrate
wherever possible
in the
administration of
civil affairs. all
Catholics should
do all in their
power to cause the
constitution of
states, and
legislation to be
modeled on the
principles of the
true Church."
-Encyclical of Leo
even if the
heralds in
religious laws
yet stops short of the
prophesied Sunday
the well-educated
left can now do for
Rome what they
always wanted to do
with the Christians.
The fact Trump
has already stated
on camera that he
plans to grant the
Christians more
(even though it's
based on Vatican
dogma) and the fact
the media is already
religious banter
nationwide about
the UN being
confirms, Christian
prophecy is that
accurate! They will
pass Sunday Laws as
prophesied so as to
grant Rome the power
they have always
wanted. But before
doing so they know
they must gain their
trust (and votes) by
playing the moral
card a tad bit more
vocally. And so one
can expect in the
coming years a slow
but sure move
towards a religious
format on the left
so as to make their
campaign promises
appear much more
appealing to the
"Christian" voter.
In any event, as
prophesied, Roman
Catholicism just got
a massive inroad and
or invasion into
American politics
thanks to all the
Christians that
voted for the
"lesser of two
evils" while at the
same time soiling
the image of Jesus
Christ on a global
God have mercy on
the American people!
Pope: STOP preaching
Christ and START
preaching Climate
Change! (Sunday Laws
coming soon)
may not believe what
the Pope just
demanded of ALL new
priests to the Roman
Catholic church!
However, all
students of prophecy
will not be the
least bit surprised!
Christian prophecy
is THAT accurate! (click
for YouTube and
click here for
Vatican Calls on
Priests to Be
'Highly Sensitive'
to Climate Crisis
in Catholicism:
is not a Christian
to Pope Francis:
'Leave science to
the scientists'
10 Global Warming
Lies That May Shock
You Should Know
About Trump's
Cabinet &
Change will lead to
the Mark
Laws will be
Uncle Sam Mandate
Church Attendance?
"A recent study
has found that women
who attended a
religious service more
than once per week
had with a 33%
lower risk of
death compared
with women who had
never attended
religious services.
That's huge.
According to
Obamacare logic, we
should seriously
consider mandating
that every American
attend church every
week. .But if forcing
people to have
coverage to save lives
makes sense, then why
not force them to go
to church? Think about
it: Obamacare forces
every American to have
health insurance and
then tries to soften
the blow of that
mandate by heavily
subsidizing coverage
for those with the
lowest incomes. In
2016, CBO estimates
the federal government
will spend $5,000 in
subsidies for each
uninsured person who
gains coverage. Even
if we believed the
figures from the
Massachusetts health
reform-i.e., that
expanded coverage
reduced mortality risk
by 30%- mandatory
church attendance
still would produce
slightly greater
mortality gains
without requiring
any taxpayer
. In short, we could
have all of the
purported health
benefits of Obamacare
without incurring any
of its costs!" -Source
the man writing the
article is being quite
sarcastic as well as
having a little fun
with the strange logic
that runs through the
political mind, but he
does have a point here
that most (himself
included) my miss.
First off it's clear,
the numbers don't lie.
So if they were to
mandate church
attendance as he
jokingly suggests; and
seeing how money rules
the government AND the
churches, it is a
plausible outcome no
matter how ridiculous
it may seem to some.
Still, even if he
doesn't realize it, it
will happen. But not
so much in the way he
be known, it's not
like the idea of a
mandatory church
service was never
considered before. In
fact, in the infancy
of this nation we saw
that it was in fact
mandatory in the early
colonies and anyone
failing to attend
would be punished.
First offense would be
the loss of allowance
for that one week.
Seeing how they relied
heavily on that
allowance to survive,
that wasn't an easy
thing to do without.
The second offense
would be the loss of
allowance as well as a
rather violent public
whipping. The third
offense was death. And
no, I am not just
whistling Dixie here.
Well, at least not for
another 251 years.
Check out this excerpt
from a colonial
document back then.
man and woman shall
repair in the
morning to the
divine service and
sermons preached
upon the Sabbath
(Sunday), and in the
afternoon to divine
service, and
catechizing, upon
pain for the first
fault to lose their
provision and the
allowance for the
whole week
following; for the
second, to lose the
said allowance and
also be whipped; and
for the third to
suffer death!"
(-Laws, and Orders,
Divine, Politique,
& Martial For
the Colony in
established by Sir
Gates, Knight,
Lieutenant -
General, the 24th of
May, 1610)
did this back then
thanks to Roman
influence still
festering upon their
version of
Christianity, and
students of prophecy
know all too well that
they will reenact this
law soon as we see
Roman influence on ALL
religions today
including politicians.
In fact, Trump has
placed more Roman
Catholics on his
cabinet than any other
president in recent
memory. Don't quote me
on that as the jury is
still out. But he is
piling them on in
heaps as we speak.
such an idea, as
sarcastic and
spiritually idiotic as
it may seem at first
glance, one can see is
never without the
proverbial possibility
that someone in power
may see it as a viable
option that would
generate even more
cash into his already
silk lined pockets.
The fact the early
settlers of this
American nation saw
fit to do so back then
suggests they will do
so in the very near
future as well. After
all, prophecy does
declare religious laws
are headed our way and
the ultimate religious
law is in fact Sunday
The fact this author
moves the numbers to
prove the government
as well as tax payers
can save a ton of
money by mandating
church attendance
using the statistics
that suggest church
attendees live longer
(be they fudged or
not) can be repeated
often as a viable
talking point in the
coming days when more
dialog on Sunday laws
scatter forth. And
once again I must say
to all those scoffers
reading this post that
can't help but to
chuckle as you prepare
to ship me a tinfoil
bonnet, laugh it up
all you like. It's not
like this would be the
first time that which
students of prophecy
have shared that
brought peals of
laughter. But I am
positive this will be
the last.
just so you know, as
something like this
has to be said. No, I
don't see this going
down word for word or
even stat by stat as
per the article's
author quips. But I
can see how the
hundreds of corrupt
politicians presently
chomping at the bit
for a way to build yet
another cash cow that
can replace Obama's
extremely unaffordable
care act that's dying
as we speak. In fact,
were you aware
that only
four of 24 Obamacare
co-ops remain open?
It's the worst money
sucking failure to
date for this nation.
And so, as crazed as
the thought of a
mandated church
service appears for
some; just as we saw
in 1610, it's not
impossible. I mean
seriously, we all just
saw how insane it was
to even try pushing
through Congress this
mess called Obamacare
did we not? What would
stop them from
continuing the
insanity by doing as
the article suggests,
be it sarcastic or
line is this. Truth
is, for most with
Bible in hand and
faith in heart, we
know Sunday Laws are
prophesied. That means
VIDEO: Amazon's
'Pandora's box' an
attack on personal
(Enforcing the MARK)
"For some, it's a
dream come true: The
ability to walk into a
grocery store, grab
anything you want off
the shelves, and
simply walk out.
There's no need to
wait in line at a busy
cash register. Your
bank account will be
automatically debited
when you leave the
store. It's magical.
...So the day is
coming when people
will be able to pull
up to cashier-less
stores in their
driverless car,
leaving their cashless
wallet at home. All
they will need is
their smartphone and
Amazon's new app,
called Amazon
Go. The first
Amazon Go pilot store
is already open to the
company's employees in
Seattle and it will
open to the public in
January. ...While
super convenient, Wood
and others are
cautioning to let the
buyer beware. What you
gain in convenience,
you will lose in
privacy." -Source
think a cashless
is impossible? With
this new app and
literal storefront,
you don't even need to
have your credit card
on hand. Your cell
phone is all you need!
You just walk into the
store with the phone
and it tracks your
every move and
everything you
literally pick up off
the shelf so that when
you walk out of the
store your bank
account can be
instantly debited with
whatever you
yes, one can see the
amazing convenience of
it all, but the
convenience is the
actual con here.
Seriously, everywhere
we look we see how
Satan has allowed
convenience to appear
to make things better
when in fact it makes
things much worse. And
in this case
spiritually deadly
when it comes to those
that will opt to
continue purchasing
items when the
is enforced. But I'll
get back to that in a
it comes to
convenience, most
Americans are dumping
all sorts of cancer
causing processed
foods into their
bodies. Another
convenience is how the
operates. They know
all about how powerful
natural methods can be
to heal our bodies,
but because natural
methods can take
months and even years
to heal the body of
any disease
permanently, they bank
on the fact that most
people choose rather
just to pop a few
pills that will hide
the symptoms of the
disease, that will
eventually shorten
their lives by years
and sometimes decades,
and they do so just
for the convenience of
it all. And now that
most Americans are so
used to convenience
thanks to all that as
well as fast food
restaurants to the
actual convenience
stores on every
corner, the credit
cards that students of
prophecy saw on day
one as an easy way to
remove cash from
society so as to
better enforce the
mark have literally
become the norm for
every soul on earth.
So much so now the
thought of carrying
cash in your pocket is
considered old
fashioned. And just
think, the ultimate
convenience will be to
receive the mark so as
to avoid the hassle of
doing without. People
have become that blind
created a page on the
site years ago called
ID" that was
actually about the
Real ID card first
introduced by
President Bush back in
2005. Yes, we saw many
States refusing to
comply with the Feds
on this to the point
they tried to
re-insert it into
Congress three times
but then ultimately
failed to the point it
simply fizzled out and
died. But did it? Well
for most people, yes.
The card was dropped
and life moved on. But
for those of us with
eyes that see, not at
all! They just
redesigned it.
I mean is, with
technology wherein we
not only have smart
phones that are
actually hand help
computers that blow
the doors off the home
PC's of the 1990's, we
also have smart cards
that are as thin as a
credit card that can
hold programmable
data. Remember my
video from back in
December of 2013
about the coin card?
Judging by the low
hits I can see most
ignored the video
thinking it was all a
pipe dream. But then
this isn't the first
time I was ignored
only later to be
vindicated in the
prophesied truth as
the Word of God
proclaims it. But now
it's all coming true
just as the Lord
revealed and thanks to
the convenient mindset
settling into their
complacent couches, no
one seems to care.
we won't even need to
carry any credit cards
with inventions like
the coin card which I
believe is just a
stepping stone to apps
like "Amazon go."
Reason being is, ALL
your credit cards can
be stored in the coin
card as well as all
your personal info,
which includes your
religiosity, health
records, insurance
data, marital status,
tax base, sex
educational records
and even your favorite
candy bar will be
recorded on that card.
Now.. jump ahead just
a few years and now we
see apps for the cell
phone that does that
and much more!
powers that be know
many people forget to
grab their driver's
license, cash and even
credit cards when
rushing out of the
house. But they also
know next to no one
leaves without their
cell phones in hand.
And so, as students of
prophecy expected and
warned about, that is
where they targeted
the technology. And
thanks to miniaturization
in manufacturing and flexible
LCD screens,
what's stopping them
from making a cell
phone that's as thin
as a credit card that
has absolutely
everything about you
intact. That way, all
the stores will be
like Amazon Go and you
can simply walk in,
grab what you need,
and walk out. Some
companies are even
researching making
cell phones so small
they can be implanted
under your skin and CNN
even did an article
where they predict
the cell phone will
soon be implanted
into the brain
wherein they can
broadcast all the info
you have on screen now
to your eyeball! One
can only imagine how
far technology will go
as we await the return
of our Lord, King and
Saviour. But needless
to say, His timing
will be perfect!
day will come when
this convenient way of
shopping will either
stop you from buying
anything in that
store, or it will stop
you from leaving that
store when the mark is
enforced. All they
need to do is flick a
switch and every
Christian refusing the
mark will be easily
tracked thanks to the
GPS device in every
cell phone. Now do you
see why the newer
phones don't have
removable batteries?
You can't truly or
"completely" shut the
phones off anymore. We
already know they
can turn the camera
and microphones
on remotely,
why not GPS? So, to
prevent them from
losing track, they
make it impossible to
get the battery out.
And so, when that day
comes, they know
exactly where you're
standing when you
"break the law" of the
man of sin in Rome
so as to shuffle you
off to the nearest
well-oiled guillotine
for martyrdom.
yes, I know what
you're thinking. If
that day comes soon
you can just toss the
phone in the trash and
head for the hills.
But if the Lord
tarries just a few
more years, what if
you are one to buy
into the idea to
implant your cell
phone inside your
body? How easy will
you be able to get it
out of there?
Remember? You can't
buy or sell anything
at this time. That
includes a doctor,
antibiotics or even a
scalpel to do the
removal if you try to
do it on your own. In
any event, as
expected, we are most
assuredly heading
towards a cashless
society! Are you
ready? ARE YOU SURE?
A time of political
and spiritual
"I'm hopeful he's
going to do his best
to "make America great
again." But it will
take more than better
governance in
Washington to heal our
land. That's why I
wrote a very
optimistic new book -
my first new title in
six years. It's called
Restitution of All
The title comes from
something the Apostle
Peter said in Acts 3:
.Peter mentions -
something all the
prophets of old spoke
about? It's the fact
that Jesus is
returning to rule and
reign with His
faithful friends -
true believers like
you and me - for a
thousand years on
Earth." -Source
and foremost, Joseph
Farah of World Net
Daily fame is a false
prophet. He's not only
declared and preached
some very strange
Vatican dogmas over
the years, he's also
one to promote Rome as
a moral house by
promoting the book,
"Islamic Antichrist"
on his News site of
which I
expose on my site
by simply using some
easy to research
historical facts that
match perfectly with
Bible prophecies that
speak of certain
activities the
real Antichrist
will do that Islam
could not possibly do.
One of the main
reasons is, many
of the prophesied
acts were fulfilled
long before the so
called "prophet" Mohammed,
who was also a
Vatican invention,
was born. The fact the
Pope sits on a throne
that has carved upon
it the following words
should be alarming
enough for most.
speaking of the
throne of Peter or
the throne the Pope
sits on, it says
"when the French
soldiers under
General Bonaparte
took possession of
Rome, they found on
the back of it, in
Arabic, this
well-known sentence
from the Koran,
"There is no God but
Allah, and Mahomet
is His Prophet" -The
Two Babylons, you
will find the
following on Page
213 in Chapter 6,
Religious Orders,
Section L.
for Joseph Farah to
declare the
"restitution of all
things" has to do with
Jesus Christ standing
on planet earth at the
second coming to reign
on earth 1000 years
lets the proverbial
Catholic theology out
of the bag. And I say
Catholic theology
because the same demon
that moved the
Pharisees of old to
fall for this bold
faced lie about the
Messiah ending Roman
rule to begin ruling
on earth 2000 years
ago is the exact same
lie promoted by Vatican
for centuries. And now
we have Joseph Farrah
a well-respected
"prophet" many
claiming that day is
about to arrive
because Trump of all
people is about to sit
in the White House.
my site I have a page
titled "The
1000 Years EXPLAINED"
that I didn't have to
make many comments on
because the Bible
verses that speak of
the prophesied signs
regarding what
happened before,
during and after the
1000 are that
numerous. Why comment
when the Bible says it
all? If Joseph Farah
or any Vatican prelate
was to open their
Bibles they would see
that the lie Satan
used 2000 years ago to
get the Jews to
believe Messiah would
come to destroy Roman
rule so as to bring
about a millennium of
peace is the exact
same lie the Vatican
and other false
prophets like Farah
are preaching and
teaching today. The
fact the Bible clearly
says Jesus will NOT
touch the earth at the
second coming confirms
an open Bible is
nowhere near such
pulpits. I mean come
on already, this is
basic prophecy 101
people! It literally
says in 1
Thessalonians 4:17,
"Then we which are
alive and remain shall
be caught up together
with them in the
clouds, to meet the
Lord in the air: and
so shall we ever be
with the Lord." But
because most people
don't read Bibles
anymore, most fall for
this hook, line and
are you sitting down?
right, it actually
gets worse! Farah also
share a list in his
article wherein he
says, and I quote,
"Here are just some of
the questions I
address, using almost
exclusively the Word
of God for the
answers." Obviously,
he is either lying
about looking into the
Word of God for those
answers, or he is
purposely using a Bogus
wherein certain verses
have been deleted to
shore up his Vatican
In any event, notice
three things on his
list that he believes
it ripe for addressing
in modern society.
Did Jesus
or the Apostles
ever do away with
the Sabbath,
dietary laws or
God's feast days?
Why do we
worship on Sunday?
And do Christians
observe it like
the Sabbath?
Are the
Ten Commandments
still for today?
If so, what about
the Fourth and
longest of them?
speaking, Farah's
"restitution of
things" is nothing
more than a precursor
to the prophecy of 1
Thessalonians 5:3 that
says, "For when they
shall say, Peace and
safety; then sudden
destruction cometh
upon them, as travail
upon a woman with
child; and they shall
not escape." While
Farah, the Pope and
all those following
their lead are basking
in their long
prophesied "peace and
safety" due to their
man-made "restitution
of things" their
destruction will come
upon them in a way
that will catch all of
them 100% off guard!
so, I have to ask..
more important to you
right now? Getting
prepared for the
return of our King,
Saviour and Creator
Jesus Christ by
declaring the
loud cry
so as to alert the
people about these
false prophets? Or is
it partying with your
friends, smoking
enough dope to bring
on tunnel vision, or
sewing discord among
brethren so as to
lower the way people
view the strong
Christians so as to
vindicate yourself in
the sin you know you
embrace? Seriously,
it's always made me
wonder why Satan and
his people are making
plans for his arrival
with such zealousness,
yet the ones who claim
Jesus is Lord are so
sidetracked they have
no idea Christ is
about to return and
their lamps are
running dry as we
speak? It's because
only five of the Ten
Virgins will remain
foolish. The rest will
be ready to proclaim,
"Lo, this is our God;
we have waited for
him, and he will save
us: this is the LORD;
we have waited for
him, we will be glad
and rejoice in his
salvation." -Isaiah
to join the "remnant
of her seed" that are
doing all they can to
strive unto the
perfection in Christ
so as to be ready for
the Latter Rain? If
so, click
here to join us
on the
real Sabbath day
as we gather to
worship the God of all
creation in an online
church service. - hope
to e-see you soon. :)
Jesuit Transition
"Three sources from
different conservative
groups said that
Heritage employees
have been soliciting,
stockpiling and
for months with an eye
on stacking Trump's
administration with
appointees across the
government. One source
described the efforts
as a "shadow
transition team" and
"an effort to have the
right kind of people
in there. .Ultimately,
Trump won 81 percent
of the evangelical
vote, a higher
percentage than even
George W. Bush -
himself a devout
born-again Christian
earned in 2004. Part
of the reason the list
made such a splash was
because Heritage and
DeMint are hugely
influential in deeply
conservative circles,
often appearing at the
nexus of conservative
power structures. .It
will be as exciting as
the 1930s, greater
than the Reagan
revolution -
conservatives, plus
populists, in an
economic nationalist
movement. And daylight
between traditionally
conservative policy
prescriptions and some
of Trump's campaign
rhetoric is especially
apparent on the issue
of foreign
policy." -Source
As many are
aware, Trump attended
Jesuit owned and
operated Fordham
University in the
Bronx in his early
days. So he has
already been
well-trained on
Vatican politics from
day one, and this is
besides the fact that
most see him as only a
businessman. But look
around.. how many
people are allowed to
multibillionaires in
this world without
first being approached
by Rome or at the very
least born into a
family that is already
"on the books?" None
that I know of. And so
one can expect that
after decades of
making money hand over
fist as well as making
deals with all sorts
of people the world
over, be they
trustworthy or not.
After seeing how well
ecumenical compromise
has paid off for him
so far, would he at
this stage in the game
decide not to continue
to play ball after
seeing how well the
game has been? What I
mean is, after hearing
Pope emeritus Benedict
XIV aka Ratzinger proclaim
a vote
for Democrat
means you're
hell-bound, suggests
their long groomed man
made it into the Oval
Office after all. (Click
for the Pope's letter
penned back in 2004
that was pushed into
the media the week of
the election.)
it gets worse
we know Trump is
building his cabinet
as we speak. Assuming
Clinton's attempt to
steal the election via
Jill Stein's efforts
fail, who is in the
running to continue
this Jesuit run game
in the White House
alongside Trump? Are
you sitting down? I
hope so because the
list I am about to
present may shock even
the greatest of
scoffers. And
especially those that
don't believe me when
I say Roman
Catholic politicians
will be playing a
major role
in the coming days
wherein Sunday
Laws are their long
prophesied goal and
they are on the very
near horizon.
The list presented
below is not going to
please the scoffer,
nor will it sit well
with the lukewarm
Christian or even the
hardnosed Atheist.
It's for those that do
understand, believe
and trust Christian
prophecy. It appears
the ducks are finding
their way towards
their long expected
row. Below is a list
of possible cabinet
members as well as
candidates for Trump's
advisory board. All of
them listed below are
Roman Catholics.
Pence, self-described
- Tom Monaghan,
Founder, Ave Maria
University/Ave Maria
School of Law - Chris
Christie, Roman
Catholic - Rick
Santorum, Roman
Catholic - Newt
Gingrich, Roman
Catholic, Council
on Foreign Relations
- Michael T. Flynn,
Roman Catholic - Rudy
Giuliani, Roman
Catholic, 9/11
coadjutor, alleged
Knight of Malta -
Jared Kushner, fan
of the Count of
Monte Cristo ("Count
of the Mount of
Christ;" story about
the Jesuit General
getting revenge on
all of the Order's
enemies during its
- Steve Bannon, chief
strategist and
Senior Counselor for
the Presidency of
Donald Trump, former
executive chair of
Breitbart News,
Jesuit-trained from
- Lou Barletta, Roman
Catholic - Chris
Collins, - Roman
Catholic Ambassador
Francis Rooney, Former
US Ambassador to the
Holy See - Tom Marino,
Roman Catholic - Devin
Nunes, Roman Catholic
- Chuck Mifsud,
President, Catholics
for Ohio - Anthony
Scaramucci, Roman
Catholic, Council
on Foreign Relations
- Eric Trump, Jesuit-trained
from Georgetown
and serves as board
member of
- Business,
Society, and Public
Policy Initiative
- Frank Pavone,
National Director,
Priests for Life - Sam
Brownback, Roman
Catholic Kansas
Governor and former
Kansas US Senator -
Ivanka Trump, attended
Jesuit Georgetown
for two years -
David Malpass, Jesuit-trained
from Georgetown,
Vice President of the
Council for National
Policy, leading
appointment selections
for positions
involving economic
issues - Keith
Kellogg, trained
by Jesuit at Santa
Clara University,
leading appointment
selections for
positions involving
national defense
issues. - Matt Smith,
President, Catholic
Advocate, Board
Member, American
Conservative Union -
John Klink, President
International Catholic
Migration Commission -
The Honorable R. James
Nicholson, Former
Secretary of Veterans
Affairs and Ambassador
to the Holy See -
Michael Catanzaro, trained
by Jesuits at
Fordham University
and St. Ignatius
High School,
leading the policy
implementation team
for energy
independence - Joseph
Cella, Founder,
National Catholic
Prayer Breakfast -
Andrew Bremberg, graduate
of Catholic
University of
Executive Legal Action
Lead - James Carafano,
from Georgetown
, reported to be the
primary aide to the
State Department of
Trump administration
transition team - The
Honorable Frank
Keating, Roman
Catholic Former
Governor of Oklahoma -
Ed Feulner, Roman
Catholic former
President and
founder of Heritage
Jesuit-trained from
Regis and Georgetown
Universities -
Ken Blackwell, Jesuit-trained
from Xavier
leading appointment
selections for
positions involving
domestic issues. -
Boris Epshteyn, Trump's
foremost spokesman;
Jesuit-trained from
do have many more
names on the list of
course, but I did not
have time to research
them all so as to post
them today. Due to the
attack on the ministry
last week that
prevented me from
doing updates to the
blog for a week, I am
still a tad behind in
my work. Still, as I
have done before I do
now and so we move
ahead as the Lord
allows. That being
said, I do have over a
dozen more names to
look into and may
present them if need
be. But only if they
are installed as
official members of
Trump's Vatican
inspired cabinet.
Still, the list
already compiled is
big enough to confirm
Rome will in fact be
running the White
House under a Trump
think about this basic
reality of how Rome
works behind the
scenes. Even if Trump
only appoints half of
the people on the
aforementioned list.
How long do you think
it will be before we
see talk of religious
laws in the United
States of America? And
once that begins, how
long after that will
we see the
mark of the Roman
enforced upon the
world? Basic reality
is, what's really
important here is, if
it takes 1 year or 5
years, what are YOU
doing to help proclaim
the loud cry that
brings in the souls
that not only need to
hear the truth you
embrace, they are
ready to join in this
final work for the
Lord? We
have all the
evidence we need to
know that Sunday
laws are on the near
Everything from the
Pope and everyone
under his thumb
promoting it the last
few decades to Trump's
comments before the
election even began
wherein he confirmed
what students of
prophecy have been
saying for decades.
Now that the government
approved pastors
have the power to
lobby for Sunday Laws
as prophecy predicted,
and now that Trump has
promised to help them
organize better so as
to work as a team to
assure religious laws
are passed, what is
keeping you on that
"Someone" is paying
to bus in violent
protesters city by
"Now, courtesy of a
Zero Hedge reader, we
have visual
confirmation of how a
substantial portion of
these professional,
paid protesters arrive
at the site of the
protest, in this case
Chicago. As our reader
notes, "I have a video
of 5 city blocks on
the West side of
Chicago lined with
busses from Wisconsin
(Badger Bus Lines)
bringing in
protestors. The Sears
tower is visible in
the background."" -Source
It's amazing
how long that line of
busses appeared to be.
Literally 5 city
blocks and they were
lined up on both
sides. So in essence,
10 city blocks of paid
for professional
protesters to start
riots in each city?!
They are doing all
they can to disrupt
America and further
divide the people.
They even claim (in
this video)
that the powers that
be can deny Trump the
office of the
president. But with a
Republican house,
Senate, and President
elect, that's not very
likely. And if you
notice in that video,
the media is once
again hiding truth and
isn't saying anything
about the fact that
the protests are
bought, paid for and
staged in those
And it gets
As we know,
Trump is no saint. In
fact he's quite a
problem for Christians
who keep Sabbath as his
on camera comments
regarding the 501c3
and how he plans to
help the Christians
come to power as "the
most powerful lobbying
group" in America is
something students of
prophecy have been
warning everyone about
for decades. In short,
that does mean Sunday
Laws are that much
So again, Trump is no
saint. But then
Hillary is no better.
In fact, in many ways
she is far worse. The
fact her cohorts are
paying for
protesters to riot in
our cities show how
little she cares for
the people and how
much she craves power
over them. They even
claim she deserves the
presidency because she
won the popular vote.
If that's the case,
why wasn't Gore made
president in 2000 when
he won the popular
vote? What no one in
the media seems to be
showing is that online
confirmation is flying
everywhere that
millions of illegals
voted for Hillary and
so the reality is she
didn't win the popular
vote anyway.
In any
Some look at
these protests as a
way to bend the ears
of the electoral
college in the hopes
Trump is voted out and
Hillary voted in on
December 19 when they
vote. But something
far worse will happen
if it gets out of hand
as many seem to
suggest that is their
present and obvious
agenda. In fact it
was prophesied long
ago that civil war
was to come to
fruition in America.
Is that about to
happen now? Time will
tell rather quickly on
this one, as we're
only 9 weeks from the
Violence is
always the end result
when the wicked can't
get their way. Need I
remind you of the
Inquisitions of the
Roman Catholic
If these paid for
protesters are kept
hidden in the media,
as the aforementioned
video confirms already
are, most of the
people will think it's
a legit protest and
some may even join
their ranks seeding
the mindset of war.
Obama can
then use the
media promoted lies
and well hidden facts
as an excuse for martial
and then all election
procedures cease at
that very hour, and
that means he remains
in office. Even though
we have already seen
him stand as Dictator
for the last 8 years,
it would become
official on that very
day if and when he
pushes that proverbial
button and Rome's
Socialist agenda
will come to
whoever stands in the
White House when this
is all said and done
matters little. This
is why I never
registered to vote and
never will vote for
democrats, republicans
or even independents.
For it is the Lord
Himself that sets up
kings and paupers and
so His hand will move
as He pleases. My vote
doesn't matter one
bit. But what most
Americans fail to
realize is this. The
lackadaisical morals
of most Americans
today, and this
includes tens of
millions of lukewarm
Christians, the
decadence of this
nation confirms
whoever stands in the
Oval Office on January
20th 2017 is exactly
who the people
deserve! Keep in mind
that just as Israel
saw Nebuchadnezzar
come to power so as to
chastise them for
their sinful ways, the
American Christians
are about to witnesses
the same just
judgment! So be it!
It's not like they
were never warned!
promotes Trump!
Sunday Laws coming
"Plenty of people on
both sides of the
political aisle have
described the stakes
of the upcoming
presidential election
in biblical terms. But
at least one person in
a San Diego Catholic
church took things a
step further in recent
weeks. In an insert to
the Immaculate
Conception Catholic
Church's weekly
bulletin on Oct. 16, a
flier told
parishioners that "it
is a mortal sin to
vote Democrat," according
to NBC 7 ...The
church's publications
didn't just offend
parishioners, who
called them a
"disgrace" and a
"shame," but they also
potentially violated
tax law. Specifically,
the "Johnson
Amendment," proposed
by Lyndon B. Johnson
as a senator,
prohibits tax-exempt
charities, or section
organizations, from
participating in any
political campaign for
an elective office, according
to The Washington
" -Source
yes, I know, this is
old news. And I was
planning on posting
this a week ago, but
articles that were
more pressing came up
and I was called away
from home for a day as
well. So it stayed on
the back burner for a
while. But I still
can't ignore what's
happening here and so
I must share what the
Lord showed me on
this. Especially since
I made the video "Trump
and the Prophesied
back in July.
we know by that video
I posted, Trump opened
the eyes of quite a
few "pastors" about
their political powers
when he made those
remarks on camera in
July. And I place the
"pastors" between
quotation marks for a
reason. Truth is,
according to biblical
jurisprudence, they
are wolves first and
pastors second, but
only for the financial
benefits of being as
such. That is why they
got the
They are as
prophesied; they are
the preachers of
filthy lucre. (money)
how does this
statement from Rome
about voting for
Democrats fit in to
all this? Well,
actually in two ways.
#1, they are actively
and openly breaking
federal law by making
such a statement in
the public arena. The
501c3 contract they
signed (and invented
via Jesuit
of Lyndon
clearly dictates they
cannot make political
statements from the
pulpit. Doing so is a
criminal act. But Rome
has never been one to
obey biblical
jurisprudence as
outlined in Romans
13:1-7, and so the
laws of the land are
nothing but hurdles to
circumvent. Need I
remind you of John
Paul II's hurdle
jumping? It was stated
back in 1981 the
John Paul was
criticized by
liberal and moderate
politicians and
newspapers for
transgressing the
boundary between
church and state."
TIME June 1, 1981
article "Not Yet
Hale, but Hearty" By
George Russell (click
here for more)
now this
man, who was a Nazi
war criminal
is considered a Saint
by over 1.2 billion
Catholics? So is it
any wonder they ignore
laws of the sovereign
countries they stand
in? The fact the
smaller churches get
shut down and fined
for making the exact
same statements the
Popes do and Rome
skates merrily along
on their ice rink of
deception confirms
this hands down.
for #2, what have I
been saying for
decades? Check out
some of my old Newsletters,
my sermons
and even some old WTPR
and you will see I
have stated many times
that America will see
a crop of very evil
presidents and unjust
laws passed by these
wicked leaders over
the decades so as to
generate an atmosphere
among the population
of being fed up (no
pun intended) with the
federal government!
After it goes
overboard, as we have
seen lately, Rome will
make sure a man comes
to DC that they can
use to supposedly
clean up American
politics and make it
more palatable for the
"Christians." And by
Christians I mean
watered down lukewarm
sinful souls that as
Isaiah 4:1 predicted
will only claim the
name Christian to take
away their shame. We
are in the last days
and so the majority
will be subject to be
in that number. Trump
looks to either be
that man, or at the
very least the
catalyst that will
bring in that type of
format of governing
into the U. Or as
prophecy calls it, a
church and state
format in America.
Don't believe me?
Check out what the
Vatican has been
demanding for decades.
is one, and only
one, sure democracy,
the Catholicism of
the Popes" -The
Catholic World, Oct,
old Protestant
culture is about at
the end of its
rope... Why can't we
make the U.S.
Catholic in
Catholic in justice,
aims and ideals?"
-Father F. X.
Talbot, editor of
America, official
Jesuit magazine for
the U.S. statement
in New York Globe
Dec. 14, 1930
Constitutions can be
changed, and
non-Catholic sects
may decline to such
a point that the
proscription [ban]
of them may become
feasible and
expedient. What
protection would
they have against a
Catholic state?"
-The State and the
Church, pp.38,39, by
Miller and Ryan,
imprimatur of
Cardinal Hayes.
Catholic Church in
this nation must
live on to
accomplish her work,
-even though our
Republican form of
disappears" April,
1935, p.12. "The
Catholic World,."
the book Confusion
Twice Confounded,
Monsignor Joseph H.
Brady states that
the U.S. Supreme
Court is wrong in
decisions regarding
"separation of
Church and State."
He says: "A sound
view of the
Constitution in its
relation to religion
probably awaits a
change in personnel
in our highest
tribunal." -The
Register, Jan. 23,
[Catholics] must
penetrate wherever
possible in the
administration of
civil affairs... all
Catholics should do
all in their power
to cause the
constitution of
states, and
legislation to be
modeled on the
principles of the
true Church."
-Encyclical of Leo
Constitutions can be
changed, and
non-Catholic sects
may decline to such
a point that the
proscription [ban]
of them may become
feasible and
expedient. What
protection would
they have against a
Catholic state?"
-The State and the
Church, pp.38,39, by
Miller and Ryan,
imprimatur of
Cardinal Hayes. (click
here for more)
knew for a fact that
making such a
political statement
towards the evils of
Democratic politicians
will open the flood
gates in the
conservative mindset
that will help them
bring to fruition they
have been working
towards since
1929 when their
prophesied wound
began to heal.
And so it appears the
long expected fix is
stated in that video
that the Christians
are the "most powerful
lobbyist" in American
politics. This is why
I don't see him
scrapping the 501c3
any time soon. All I
see him doing is
scrapping the gag
order towards
religious free speech
in it so as to keep
the ability to lobby
intact. Prophecy will
be fulfilled and there
will be Sunday laws.
Prophecy also says they
will come in America
And they will come via
a church and state
conglomeration that
emulates the Roman
Catholic Beast. That
all being said.. are
you ready? ARE YOU
Pope now pushes
Climate Justice
"On the surface,
this seems like such a
not! After digging and
finding the TRUE
agenda on the climate
change scam, it's very
clear that this entire
thing is an effort to
redistribute wealth
around the world.
Don't believe us? Just
check out the comments
from the people
attending the Paris
Climate Summit:" -Source
speaking of the
man of sin in Rome,
the prophet Daniel
said long ago the
following truths. "And
through his policy
also he shall cause
craft to prosper in
his hand; and he shall
magnify himself in his
heart, and by peace
shall destroy many: he
shall also stand up
against the Prince of
princes; but he shall
be broken without
hand." -Daniel 8:25
are only three ways to
understand what the
Popes in Rome are up
to. #1, you must be a
prelate in Rome privy
to their wicked agenda
when it comes to
global rule. #2, you
must be one familiar
with political science
and in a position of
power wherein you are
used by the Pope to
further that same
agenda. Or #3, you are
a student of prophecy
who understands the
prophetic Word of God.
a student, I can see
why the Pope in Rome
is pushing global
warming as a way to
get all political
leaders in the same
camp. On the surface,
as the author of this
article intimates, it
allows for a
redistribution of
wealth which is also
something students
of prophecy knew
about long ago.
That appeals on two
political plains. #1,
the died in the wool
Socialist that seeks
to gain the upper hand
over those he rules,
and #2, the uneducated
masses who are dirt
poor and actually
believe a
redistribution of
wealth will mean they
somehow benefit by the
political promises by
getting more rice in
their bellies. Yes, as
they have done so
often before, a few
token families will be
paraded before the
cameras to make it
appear they are
helping the needy when
the other shoe drops;
but as Poland saw when
Catholic emperor
Adolph Hitler
finally gained power
over their people, his
campaign promises were
all a farce so as to
bring about a
Socialist rule wherein
the rich get richer
and the poor get
what most miss, and
this includes the
elite who are chomping
at the bit trying to
get at that golden
carrot Rome is
dangling; the
Socialist format is
the only way Rome can
enforce her
globally. And it must
be a globalist version
of socialism to boot.
The elite only see the
golden carrot that
will fill their silk
lined pockets, the
poor see a smaller
version of the same
carrot that looks to
fill their aching
bellies, and the rest
see a way to bring
peace on earth when
all national borders
are removed. But none
of them seem to
realize they too will
be forced to receive the
And to assure the
select few that may
actually jump off
their couches to
revolt, they have them
hornswoggeled as well
by using men like Jesuit
coadjutors Alex
who cons them into
thinking someone is in
their corner fighting
for them so they can
continue to sit back
watching TV.
Daniel prophesied, the
craftiness of the
Popes in Rome is
of demonic
inspiration. No man or
group of men can come
up with a way to cover
all bases without the
enemy of their own
souls CONvincing them
it's all for the
better. Even the Pope
himself will end up
burning in hellfire as
well for it is plainly
stated in Proverbs
14:12, "There is a way
which seemeth right
unto a man, but the
end thereof are the
ways of death."
uses that written
truth to his advantage
on many souls all over
this world. From the
drunkard in the gutter
to the elite drunk
with power. He uses
the prelates of Rome
as his favored tool to
get his hellish agenda
met. And next to no
one seems to realize
that the promises of
riches and world-wide
peace is nothing more
than a smoke screen
that will eventually
get them all standing
in line willing, ready
and able to receive
the mark of the Roman
Catholic beast. What's
worse? 100% of every
soul on earth that
stand sin that line
will have been warned
by the Lord that made
them in ways they
cannot doubt or
refute. But all of
them will receive the
mark anyway for a
multitude of reasons.
It was prophesied, it
will happen and it
will happen soon.
Climate Agreement to
enter into force on
4 November
"The historic Paris
Agreement to address
climate change will
enter into force on 4
November, the United
Nations announced
today. ...Now we must
move from words to
deeds and put Paris
into action. We need
all hands on deck -
every part of society
must be mobilized to
reduce emissions and
help communities adapt
to inevitable climate
impacts. ...The Paris
Agreement, adopted on
12 December 2015 in
Paris, marks a
watershed moment in
global efforts to
address climate
change. Adopted by 196
parties to the UN
Framework Convention
on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) last December
in Paris, the Paris
Agreement's central
aim is to strengthen
the global response to
the threat of climate
change by keeping the
global temperature
rise this century well
below 2 degrees
Celsius above
pre-industrial levels
and to pursue efforts
to limit it to 1.5
degrees Celsius." -Source
other words, the means
by which the
mark of the beast
will be enforced
will become
politically viable on
November 04, 2016. No,
the mark will not be
enforced at that time,
but the means by which
they can (and will)
demand "every part of
society" to comply
will be forever (that
is until Jesus gets
here) etched in stone
via the Vatican's
agenda wherein every
nation in the UN have
already signed unto.
And yes, even though
we have 31,487
American Scientists,
which includes 9,029
with PhDs
who have stated in
writing, on camera, or
in any other way they
possible that global
warming is a
scientifically proven
bold faced lie, this
global law that was
passed last year and
will be enforced on
November 04, 2016
still declares this
long prophesied law is
needed to
keep "the global
temperature rise this
century well below 2
degrees Celsius."
Which means, even
though they changes
the name of it from
"global warming" to
"climate change" to
hide the fact their
bad science was
exposed, they will
still base this law on
a proven lie. But
then, when the Vatican
is involved, the lie
becomes the political
truth. After all, the
Vatican's finally
exposed dying god
is in fact the father
of lies according to
our ever living
Creator, Saviour, King
and God who stated as
such in John 8:44.
those unaware of how
this will work:
out three videos I
recently made on this
topic. Namely, "Global
Warming to Bring
Global Government!",
the Pope calls it
Climate Change"
and "Pope:
Global Warming is
SIN - Homosexuality
is NOT."
And for those that
want a quick summary
as to how this will go
down, all I can say is
that Rome has been
moved by Satan to hide
all that's happening
in the world today so
as to make it appear
it's all our fault,
and therefore we as
humans can and must do
something to curb the
natural disasters,
when in fact nothing
can be done to stop
it. It's all a lie,
it's all smoke and
mirrors. In fact, the
levels they claim
are the reason for
all the disasters is
at the exact same
level it was back in
before all the train,
cars, planes and
factories we see
belching out smoke
Were you also
aware the US
Government just
awarded $1Billion to
all 50 States to
prepare for climate
We all know it's a
farce, right? No money
will stop it because
it was prophesied. In
fact, if Obama gave
each State $1Trillion
dollars it wouldn't
stop what Christ
penned in His Word.
So, what's the $1
Billion going to be
used for? Enforcement
of the mark! Nothing
more, nothing less.
Common sense dictates
since they cannot use
the money to stop what
was prophesied to
happen, they will only
be using it so as to
do as prophecy said
they will do to God's
The Pope
knows exactly what
he's looking at here
and he knows he cannot
stop what's already
begun. Seeing how it
shows he and his dying
god have little time
left to lure many into
hellfire with them,
they have come up with
the scheme that makes
many think we can
actually do something
about this to stop it
and so the money flows
in that perverted
circle of reasoning to
get everyone to follow
their lead. Well.. for
the people that don't
read Bibles that is.
Of course they know
they cannot force real
Christians to
believe them
because Jesus said the
elect can NOT be
deceived. But
since Beelzebub also
knows about the
Loud Cry
that's already begun,
he needs to set up his
foundation before the
present truth we are
called to preach goes
forth in global peals
of heaven sent
thunder. He must have
his "climate change"
fiasco set up as
believable" and
embraced by all
political leaders so
as to declare we all
need to keep Sunday
holy to try and stop
the calamities. After
all, do we not already
have thousands
of articles and
videos compiled
proving they have been
trying to find a way
to push Sunday Laws
all along?
is, Satan will declare
this only because the
Loud Cry puts forth
the present truth in a
way he, or anyone that
preaches for him
cannot refute; and so
as usual he will use
his lies as well as
force to demand anyone
keeping the
true Sabbath
holy and not the
Roman Sabbath
will be punished.
First with the loss of
the ability to buy and
sell, and then, when
the weak ones have
been weeded out, that
being the ones that
"say" they believe in
keeping the Sabbath
but never really love
and obey the Lord as
they should, he then
goes after the strong
ones with the
prophesied death
Satan (and his
recently exposed
cohorts in Rome)
believe demanding
Sunday laws will
target the
remnant people,
which it will. And he
believes it will stop
the message we preach,
which it won't. Truth
is, when they legally
make God's
void, the
will actually get much
worse. Satan knows
this and so he
uses the
increase to
declare all Sabbath
keepers are worthy of
death because we
refuse to keep Sunday
holy and therefore are
the reasons the
disasters got worse.
It gives him the
perfect reason to
legalize our deaths
globally and since most
people are
conditioned via
their TV's, video
games, music and
sports to see
nothing wrong with
such violence,
he will demand we must
die because the
natural disasters HAVE
gotten worse due to
his making God's law
void. He knows Psalms
119:126 says, "It is
time for thee, LORD,
to work: for they have
made void thy law."
Prophecy WILL be
Yes, most of
the world will believe
him and his man
of sin in Rome
because lies are now
their comfort zone and
so we the remnant
people will be hated
and hunted. All the
world will believe the
calamities are our
fault because we
refuse to keep Sunday
holy which the Pope
and his false Christ,
who is now physically
standing before
the eyes of mankind,
claim as the reason
for the disasters. But
prophecy will be
fulfilled and those
calamities will
only get far
worse, and then those
that receive the mark
of the beast will have
to deal with God's
wrath just as He
warned. The
will then begin!
Yes, we may
see warmer Winters and
somewhat colder
Summers, but the
Word of our
God is plain. It
will NEVER change
completely as the Pope
and his lying
scientists claim their
efforts will bring
about for it is
written in Genesis
8:22, "While the earth
remaineth, seedtime
and harvest, and cold
and heat, and summer
and winter, and day
and night shall not
the way. Are you SDA?
If so, this is just
one more of those
modern day prophetic
events that the
11th hour "remnant
of her seed"
have been warning the
people of the last few
decades. But nary an
SDA pastor, preacher
or Conference leader
caught it. There are a
few more "missed"
prophetic fulfillments
that have come to
fruition that the SDA
church has recently
that I plan to post in
a video and on a page
when I get some extra
time. But suffice it
to say, why I ask do
some SDA people still
believe sitting in an
apostate church
is safe when you have
all the evidence you
need from the Word and
Spirit of Prophecy
that doing so is
considered spiritual
suicide. If you refuse
to obey the Word of
the Lord regarding
"come out of her" then
you will echo Jeremiah
8:20 which says, "The
harvest is past, the
summer is ended, and
we are not saved." But
if you obey the Lord
and "follow the Lamb
withersoever He goeth"
then you will echo
Isaiah 25:9 which
says, "...Lo, this is
our God; we have
waited for him, and he
will save us: this is
the LORD; we have
waited for him, we
will be glad and
rejoice in his
Climate Change and a
green Sabbath day
"Green Sabbath is a
and non-profit
campaign which aims to
raise awareness and to
encourage people to
help slow climate
change, preserve
precious natural
resources and improve
planet health by
observing at least one
carbon footprint-free
day each week--on any
day of the week. We
call it
symbolically A
Green Sabbath day." -Source
brother in the faith
found this page on the
wayback machine
and so the source
links will be sloooow.
For those unaware, the
wayback machine is an
Internet archiver
created by the
creators of Alexa that
keep on file
screenshots of old
archived versions of
websites. The reason
this website's data
(Green Sabbath) is
being displayed via
that archive is
because the site is no
longer up and active.
However, the agenda is
very much alive as I
prove on my Sabbath
Attack page.
And I do believe the
main reason the site
is down is because it
was making students of
prophecy and our
message look way too
good and believable
for them to leave them
up for all those
being is, we have been
saying for decades
what the original
students started
saying for well over
100 years ago. And so,
to have a
page would declare our
message CONFIRMED in
the eyes, minds, ears
and hearts of many
people. And so.. they
pulled the site.
.. Notice this!
you type in
into any browser, it
does not come up 100%
dead. What I mean is,
if you type in a bogus
website address that
has died off years
ago, you get a "404
error" or a "This site
can't be reached"
error depending on
whatever browser you
use. But the site
comes up 100% blank!
Worse yet, if you go
to to
search out if the page
is owned by someone
you will get they are
still owned and paid
for by someone. But,
they paid for a
"privacy" service to
keep their name hidden
and so that means the
blank page is actually
an index page to a
normal site. Only
difference is, unlike
my or any other
website that is
public, they have the
entire page blanked
further confirm
GreenSabbath is still
owned by "someone"
type in any bogue site
name into and see
what I mean. I typed
in ""
and it comes up
" is
available!" Which
means no one owns
"" But
then who would? But if
you type in
"" all
sorts of data comes up
about the privacy
service that was paid
to keep the site's
info hidden.
they purposely stated
on paragraph one of
the summary of their
site that I posted
above that "Green
Sabbath is a
and non-profit
campaign." Yet every
student of prophecy
knows it is prophesied
to be a
movement of the
Vatican. Therefore,
they are actually
lying when they say it
is not religious or
political. Truth is,
they also lie when
they say they are
non-profit because the
only thing that does
move the powers that
be to enforce these
long prophesied laws
is in fact money. So..
they can lie all they
like. We have well
over a century of
truth from the Word of
God and historic
documentation showing
people it is a
religious and
political agenda that
will be used to bring
about the
mark of the beast!
just wonder how long
it will be before the
site goes back online.
Reason I believe they
will return is
twofold. #1, if they
had no intention of
coming back into the
public eye, why keep
the domain active? And
#2, the prophecy
clearly states the
Pope in Rome will use
as a way to get all
nations in bed with
her. Truth is, we saw
that come to fruition
last year. SO as some
author stated back in
the 1980's, the "green
Nazis" of Rome will
soon use their power
to force everyone
everywhere to do as
they command so as to
"save the planet" and
a "Green Sabbath" or
"Sunday Laws" is what
the Lord that wrote
the Bible says they
will do.
Francis to address
gathering of world's
wealthiest and most
Global Forum 2016
announced that Pope
Francis will give an
address to their
inaugural gathering
of the world's top
500 CEOs and Time
magazine's 100 most
influential people.
The unprecedented
meeting will take
place in Rome and
the Vatican on
December 2-3. The
two-day conference
will be capped by an
address from the
Holy Father, Time
announced Tuesday.
.With the motto "The
21st Century
Challenge: Forging a
New Social Compact,"
CEOs from companies
including IBM,
Johnson &
Johnson, McKinsey,
PepsiCo, and Siemens
as well as
including the
Rockefeller and Ford
foundations will
lead discussions
aimed toward finding
concrete solutions
for problems of
global health, food
and water, energy,
the environment, and
financial inclusion
to combat poverty on
an international
scale. The
Rockefeller and Ford
foundations have
deep ties to Planned
Parenthood and have
supported efforts to
spread abortion in
other countries. It
is not the first
time the world's
rich and famous have
been afforded
Vatican access. Forbes
magazine revealed
that the
Sistine Chapel was
rented out in 2014
to the Porsche
company for a
$10,000 a plate
dinner and concert
fundraiser. Last
May, "The Edge,"
guitar player for
the Irish rock band
U2, was invited to
stage the first-ever
rock concert in the
Vatican's Sistine
Chapel. The concert
was embedded in the
framework of the
Cellular Horizons
Conference to combat
cancer." -Source
and foremost, why is
it Roman Catholics
can't see how this
Pope and Pope's
of the past
keep entertaining
the most evil people
in the world? They
seem to enjoying
rubbing shoulders
with everyone from
corrupt billionaires
to Satanic Rock
musicians like U2,
Aerosmith, Ricky
Martin and even
Brittney Spears back
in 2005 to name a
few? Why is it this
of sin
and every
Pope before him
can protect the
priests that
molest their
and lie
to them from
pulpits about
and still the
Catholic people
remain seated? It's
because of what was
penned in Isaiah
30:9-10, "That this
is a rebellious
people, lying
children, children
that will not hear
the law of the LORD:
Which say to the
seers, See not; and
to the prophets,
Prophesy not unto us
right things, speak
unto us smooth
things, prophesy
that's not the
reason I posted this
entry. Back in June
of 1999 I posted a
that also became a radio
(I don't recall the
date.. sorry)
regarding the Pope
of the day having a
meeting with all the
CEOs and politicians
of the world on two
separate occasions.
To summarize, it was
for the same reason
he's doing it now,
but only now he's
more prepared to
drop the other shoe
now that smart
phones, cards and
digital cash is
making his
agenda towards a
cashless society
a reality. The fact
climate change
was able to get most
nations in bed with
him proves he has
all bases covered
now. And as
Christian prophecy
tells us clearly,
the Pope must have
control over all the
major corporations
and nations of the
world wherein cash
is illegal so as to
effectively enforce
the mark.
from the man of sin
to the corporate
moguls are being put
forth as we speak in
how they will be
expected to help the
Pope when it comes
to preventing the
masses from "buying
and selling"
anything on earth
without first bowing
in obedience to the
long prophesied
Papal mandate
regarding Sunday
Only now, after a
few years of
corporate mergers
and scores of banker
and CEO suicides
and supposed
"unsolved" murders
to get rid of the
nay sayers slowing
the Vatican's
progress, it appears
that just as we saw
the major TV and
Radio stations go
from thousands of
separate companies
to just SIX today
so as to have better
control, the long
list of attendees at
that CEO meeting in
1999 has now been
whittled down to
just the main movers
and shakers that
will do whatever the
Pope commands so as
to assure their
money continues grow
and flow so as to
help Satan keep his
trophy case well
stocked! It won't be
long now that the
Pope is openly
meeting with the
very people that
will be used to
prevent the buy and
selling that the
next shoe drops. Are
you ready? ARE YOU
Francis: Capitalism
Is 'Terrorism
Against All of
"The remarks followed
similar comments made
Wednesday, when Pope
Francis argued that
the current Middle
East conflicts are
wars over economic and
interests-not religion
or so-called "Islamic
terrorism." "There is
war for money," he
said Wednesday,
according to The Wall
Street Journal. "There
is war for natural
resources. There is
war for the domination
of peoples. Some might
think I am speaking of
religious war. No. All
religions want peace;
it is other people who
want war." -Source
the Pope has a
spiritually lethal
mental defect making
it impossible for him
to see the
truth on Islam,
or as I and many other
students of prophecy
have been saying for
decades, the Popes of
Rome have one agenda
and one agenda only. Uplift
his agenda to destroy
as many lives as
possible and since the
work is nearly done
wherein most people
trust the lies over
the truth staring them
in the face, the
Pope's of Rome will
gleefully spout as
many lies as possible
so as to push forth
the lie that Islam is
a peaceful religion so
as to push the other lie
that Sunday is the
and all must bow to
Satan so as to have
the peace they are
craving in their
it is true that some
poor people will
choose crime as a way
to pay the bills and
fill their stomachs.
But for the Pope to
claim the terrorists
of Islam are doing it
for the money and not
for the Vatican
contrived dogma found
in the Koran that
demands hey must kill
any and all that
refuse to bow to the
false god "Allah" is
laughable at best.
With every single
killing be it the
individual or en masse
we here the deluded
Muslim declare "Allah
Akbar" which roughly
translated means
"Allah is greater." I
assume they mean
greater than the
Christian God because
more than a few Iman
have declared on
camera recently that
the word "Allah"
cannot be used by
Christians much to the
dismay of the Pope and
his many false
teachers inside the
SDA and other
churches claiming
Allah is the
Christian God.
The fact they started
shouting Allah Akbar
first when killing
Christians also
exposes the Pope. But
then, it's
not like he's hard
to expose the Popes
that have been
exposed first in
Christian prophecy
eons ago.
unfortunate souls that
have bought into the Vatican
contrived "72
virgin" lie
are not blowing
themselves and others
up for the money or
even creature comforts
as this Pope claims
here. They praise
their false and
quickly dying god with
every killing! And
yes, he is
dying. The fact their
religion is all about
death speaks volumes
to the soon coming
demise of their false
god. The Pope is
nothing more than a
pawn of Satan who will
spout any lie he can
that will uplift Islam
and promote
as the end all fix
all. If the Muslims
were killing 165,000
people each year for
the money they lack as
the Pope claims, then
why do they only chose
to kill poor unarmed
Christians and not the
wealthy people all
around them so as to
gain what Capitalism
supposedly took away
from them? It's that
easy to see the lie,
yes. But we as
obedient Christians
have eyes that see the
truth as it is. But
the Pope knows our
numbers are small and
everyone today can see
that most people on
earth do believe the
lies of the Pope
because as was also
prophesied, all
the world truly does
wonder after this
beast in Rome.
Trump would 'unleash
Christian activists
to fight for
presidential nominee
Donald Trump would
"unleash Christian
activists to fight for
their beliefs" if he
is elected this fall,
according to Dr. James
Dobson, founder of Family
Talk radio
and an adviser to
presidents. In a commentary
published on WND,
Dobson, who earned his
Ph.D. at the
University of Southern
California and is the
author of more than 30
books, wrote about a
meeting he attended
between Christian
leaders and Trump
several weeks ago. He
previously was
quoted after that
saying he believed
Trump had come "to
accept a relationship
with Christ," repented
of his sins and been
"born again." Dobson,
who previously had
supported Sen. Ted
Cruz's candidacy, endorsed
Trump during the
Republican National
what's not being said
here? James Dobson is
more a politician than
he is a Christian. At
least that is what his
fruits have
illustrated the last
few decades. And yes,
he too is a government
agent who became as
such by signing onto
the long
prophesied 501c3
with the second
beast of Revelation.
Being that this is bad
enough wherein I don't
even have to touch on
Dobson's Vatican
inspired doctrines and
strange theology which
entails everything
from Sunday
to the Pagan
holidays of Rome,
the fact remains
however that he is
touching on something
that Satan is very
interested in today.
I mean is, Dobson is a
multimillionaire who
is very involved in
national politics for
profit and he has been
repeatedly interviewed
over the years by the
main-stream media. His
followers are in the
millions and all of
them embrace the same
Vatican dogma he does
and seeing how Dobson
is one who prefers the
limelight, his claims
that a Trump win would
'unleash Christian
activists to fight for
beliefs' is very
telling as to what we
students of prophecy
have been speaking on
for decades.
know Sunday
laws are coming.
And we know a "so
called" religious
leader will herald the
need for those laws
once their limelight
begins to dim en masse
and their pews start
to empty which in turn
causes their pockets
to gather dust instead
of the coins they
worship. Yes, at
present Dobson has no
clue how much control
Satan has over him on
this 6000 year old
agenda and so his main
concern is to have his
candidate in the White
House so as to further
his own career. If
Trump wins, his
position as a moral
authority will balloon
to some extent.
Borrowing on Trumps
recent televised
regarding the need for
501c3 government
funded agents/pastors
and Christians with
government approved
ministries to step up
and tow the line is
nothing more than age
old boot licking of a
possible up and coming
leader that has
an agenda long
expected by students
of prophecy to be
expedited by the
actions of the
prophetically blind
"religious leaders" in
our nation. No, I
don't expect Dobson or
Trump have any clue as
to how they will be
used by Rome to assure
that agenda is met,
but one thing is
absolute. Christian
prophecy will be
basic facts are these
already admitted on
camera that if she
wins she will continue
on with Obama's Socialist
Vatican agenda.
That will only happen
if she somehow evades
prosecution or at the
very least indictment.
And Trump has already
started to push the
buttons on the pulpits
of all the 501c3
government approved
preachers to assure
they do their part as
well when it comes to
lobbying for religious
laws. So.. in either
scenario it's a win
win for Rome. If
Hillary wins, the
Socialist format will
be solidified and
better structured so
as to enforce the
and if Trump wins the
mindset needed to push
the pastors towards
using their
governmental powers to
lobby Sunday laws will
also be solidified.
Truth is, both their
campaigns are
presently working
together for Rome as
we speak. It's all a
matter of waiting a
few months to see
which agenda is in
need of the bigger
boost for Rome. And
that will be
understood clearly by
who is inaugurated and
sitting in 1600
Pennsylvania on
January 20, 2017.
Administration and
UN Announce Global
Police Force to
Fight 'Extremism' In
"On Wednesday,
Attorney General
Loretta Lynch
announced at the
United Nations that
her office would be
working in several
American cities to
form what she called
the Strong Cities
Network (SCN), a law
enforcement initiative
that would encompass
the globe. This
amounts to nothing
less than the
overriding of American
laws, up to and
including the United
States Constitution,
in favor of United
Nations laws that
would henceforth be
implemented in the
United States itself -
without any
consultation of
Congress at all. The
United Nations is a
sharia-compliant world
body, and Obama,
speaking there just
days ago, insisted
that "violent
extremism" is not
exclusive to Islam
(which it is). Obama
is redefining jihad
terror to include
everyone but the
jihadists. So will the
UN, driven largely by
the sharia-enforcing
Organization of
Islamic Cooperation
(OIC) and the
President Obama, use a
"global police force"
to crush counter-jihad
forces?" -Source
still some think
students of prophecy
are absolutely insane
when we say that Sharia
Law will become part
of the American
Court system
so as to benefit
Rome's plans to
enforce their mark
first in the United
the facts:
you study prophecy,
you know that the Roman
Catholic church is
in fact home to the
As was also
prophesied, this awful
beast will hate
Christians in a very
graphic manner.
We also know the
Vatican wrote the
Koran hundreds of
years ago,
and quite recently it
was discovered the
Koran was dated to
have been penned 2
years before
Mohammed was even
proving it is a work
of fiction written
only to benefit the
Vatican agenda. We
also know the Koran is
packed with all sorts
of hatred for
Christians (click
for a list of verses)
which actually echoes
the hatred of
Christians by the
Vatican. (click
for many quotes) We
also know Muslims are
killing Christians as
per command from their
Vatican inspired Koran
to the tune of around
100,000 to 165,000 a
year. (Some now say 100K
and others 165K)
And yes, as also
prophesied, most of
those Christians are
beheaded for their
faith in Jesus Christ.
Strangely enough,
doing the math one can
see the amount of dead
Christians per year
today matches almost
exactly how many were
killed each year
during the
prophesied Inquisitions.
also know Islam has
been exposed recently
using the
official Roman
salute that Roman
Catholic Emperor
Adolph Hitler used,
and quite recently
they were exposed
using the Vatican 666
hand sign as a show of
loyalty. (See this collection
of videos
and this
stack as well)
We also know the
Vatican was infamous
for its use of
and now the News is
filled with reports of
using torture.
I can literally go on
and on. (as
I do on this page)
But I believe you get
my point. Islam and
the Vatican are one in
the same just as
Hitler and the Vatican
were working together
in his day.
mark of the beast is
to be enforced first
by removing the
ability to buy and
sell for all
Christians that keep
the never chasing Biblical
holy, and it's NOT
Most will crumble and
bow to the pressure
and gladly receive the
mark as expected. This
is why we saw Rome
infiltrating the SDA
church as it did
decades ago. Most in
that church will
gladly keep Sunday
holy when that day
comes just as easily
as did the Jews in February
of 2013.
After all the SDA
church has scores
of Sunday keeping
already and they
recently declared in
writing that Sunday
keeping is "no big
there are some strong
Christians in the SDA
church just as there
are in all the other
churches and soon they
too will "come out of
her." And then the
mark will be
with a death penalty
to go after the
faithful and
obedient Christians
that refuse to obey
man over God and this
is why the Obama
administration and the
United Nations (which
happens to be
headquartered in the
USA) have decided to
form an international
police force just as I
reported they had to
if they wanted to be
successful for Rome
back in
September of 2000
and then again in January
of 2008 in my Truth
Provided Newsletter.
And it's no mistake
that this is being
done at this time when
the newly
drafted "on
paper" agreements
between America and
the International
Interests, or New
World Order of the
have been quietly
ratified behind closed
doors wherein the
United States
Constitution can be
sidestepped and even
nullified as
see these videos)
can go into much more
detail outlining other
specifics, but me
thinks my point is
clear here, and
besides, I'm running
late today. Prophecy
does say the
Christians will be
beheaded and we all
know Sharia Law
demands the beheading
of Christians, and the
term "extremist" in
this article is penned
for the Christian and
not for the Muslim. In
fact, this was why I
did a quick News alert
back in June of 2003
when the powers that
be started to use the
term "Christian
Terrorist" when they
claimed a Christian
bombed two abortion
clinics, a homosexual
nightclub and an
Olympic celebration
event in Atlanta.
Prophecy WILL be
fulfilled. What amazes
me is how few
preachers will even
touch on this obvious
fulfillment of same.
Even the SDA church
who at one time was
known for their
prophetic understating
is as silent as a tomb
on such things. But
then.. it
is a sister to
Babylon just as
prophecy predicted
and the
Lord does not bless
disobedience with
short.. the final
prophecies are
fulfilling right
before our eyes and as
also prophesied, it
has been sped up
considerably lately.
That being said.. are
you ready? ARE YOU
politicians who
ignore climate
science: Suzuki
"David Suzuki has
called for political
leaders to be thrown
in jail for ignoring
the science behind
climate change. At a
Montreal conference
last Thursday, the
prominent scientist,
broadcaster and Order
of Canada recipient
exhorted a packed
house of 600 to hold
politicians legally
accountable for what
he called an
crime." -Source
though most don't see
this as a literal
threat or even a
serious suggestion by
Suzuki; those in power
with the agenda well
ensconced deep within
do see it as a ploy
towards generating
talking points. And
even if most are blind
to that reality, it's
still very disturbing
how far the
Vatican controlled
Scientists will go to
protect their easily
exposed image. They
know all about the 31,487
Scientists of which
9,029 actually hold
PhDs in their field
of science that have
proven hands down
that global warming
is a lie.
They also know
everyone with the
ability to add 2+2
know this is nothing
more than a political
engine run by Rome. I
mean seriously, even the
cooling of the
planet proves they
Anyone living in the
Midwest with a working
thermometer knows
global warming is a
lie. Worse yet, leaked
confirmed this is all
a political farce! And
so in order to save
face they are
suggesting jailing any
political leaders that
deny their crazy
So.. why do
Let me ask
you this. Let's say
you're an adulterer or
fornicator with an
attitude problem. One
day someone in your
circle of friends
finds out about your
shenanigans and
threatens to out you
which will no doubt
cause you problems
with your spouse
as well as family wide
embarrassment. So, in
order to save face,
you proceed to beat
the living daylights
out of the person with
the evidence against
you so as to shut them
up. What Suzuki is
doing here is a more
political version of
that punch in the
Win win for
The basic
reality here is this.
If global warming was
true and all the
scientists were on
board, it would not be
an issue in the
slightest sense. Just
as gravity once
discovered was not
considered an issue,
global warming would
be an easy to prove
problem and you would
be hard pressed to
find a dozen let alone
nearly 32,000
scientists saying
otherwise. But the
reality is, it's all a
lie and they know it.
So, like the adulterer
or fornicator they are
doing all they can to
prevent others from
talking about their
lies because they also
know the truth will
spread like wildfire.
Therefore, the only
viable option at hand
is to make speaking
the truth illegal so
as to protect their
political agenda.
There's your win win
for Rome. If (and
when) laws are passed
making free speech
illegal, they win once
by stopping all
opposition to their
well funded lie. And
the second win on this
one is, once free
speech becomes
illegal, they actually
believe the remnant
people will have a
rough time preaching
present truth that
outs them as the house
of Antichrist with
more power. Yes, this
will curtail the
lukewarm Christians
that fear the lion in
the streets will
destroy them as
Proverbs 22:13
predicts. But the
elect that not only
seek to warn the lost,
but strive to be in that
number Rome fears
the most,
cannot be stopped.
They can't even be
That all
being said; this is
the only viable
reasons Suzuki made
the statement in the
first place. He knows
that he, nor any of
his well oiled cronies
can possibly refute
the good science for
his fabricated
science; and so
suggesting to those
ears that love to
listen to the mountain
of deceptive quips
that offer them a
deluge of ideas on
where to move next is
his only option. Truth
cannot be put down and
so the lie has to be
glorified and built up
even higher.
Will it stop
No.. not at
all. Prophecy will be
fulfilled and the
Vatican bought and
paid for 'scientists'
will continue to lie
about the climate so
as to have the long
prophesied reason to
enforce Sunday Laws
when their evil
actions literally
cause the
to go so far off the
chart that it forces
the other shoe to drop
wherein they will see
the globally
enforceable means
presented on a silver
platter by Satan
making it actually
possible to pass the
Sunday laws.
Obama on TTP: 'Other
countries should
play by rules set by
US & partners
"President Barack
Obama says the world
should play by
America's rules. Words
he used to explain how
the Trans-Pacific
partnership would keep
the U.S. as the
world's global trade
leader." -Source
is intimated in the
video, if the people
involved in the
partnership were made
aware of all the items
in the treaty they
would trash it as the
rag it really is. But,